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Evidence Based


Manel Guerris
Evidence Base Management


Videos finales\0. Cant stop the feeling.mp4

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Applying EBM…

Videos finales\1.El Juego de la Fortuna - Trailer Oficial - Subtitulado.webm

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Applying EBM…

Videos finales\2. Economia En Colors Tallat-subtitulat vf.mp4

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Explain main EBM parts

Explain BigData as a part of EBM

Explore EBM applications

Address how to apply it in an organization

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Remember, EBM looks for

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EBM framework

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Scientific evidence

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1- Incompetent people benefit more from feddback than

highly competent people
2- Task conflict improves work group performance while
relational conflict harms it
3- Encouraging employess to participate in decision making is
more effective for improving organizational performance
than setting performance goals

Manel Guerris 9

1- Incompetent people benefit more from feddback than

highly competent people
2- Task conflict improves work group performance while
relational conflict harms it
3- Encouraging employess to participate in decision making is
more effective for improving organizational performance
than setting performance goals

Manel Guerris 10

Manel Guerris 11
Organizational and experiencial evidence

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Organizacional and experiencial evidence

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Evidence validity

Internal External

++ --



Internal External

-- ¿?

Manel Guerris 14
Big data as a source of evidence

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Even veracity has its own BigData…

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Big Data framework

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Videos finales\9.

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Examples and applications

The company collects huge data,

which is the key to achieving the
industry status Netflix boosts.

If you are a subscriber, you are

familiar to how they send you
suggestions of the next movie you
should watch.

Basically, this is done using your past

search and watch data.

This data is used to give them

insights on what interests the
subscriber most.
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Examples and applications

12. Tennis-and-

Manel Guerris 21
Examples and applications

The hyper contextualisation of messages helps to fully

customise communication and segment communities and the
narrative used.

FT has a team of over 30 people dedicated to data

management in order to increase the circulation of the
American newspaper and, at the same time,
make paper advertising more competitive.

The FT started collecting data in 2007, asking users to register

to read eight free articles each month, supplying their email
address, zip code, sector, profession and position.

This information was very useful for the newspaper, allowing it

to offer more targeted advertisements and also to define the
behavioural patterns of its readers, helping to convert them into
full-time subscribers.

The Financial Times has now over 5 million registered use

Manel Guerris 22
Examples and applications

Data journalism

The Sun analyzed more than 2.9 million hospital billing records,
which revealed more than 3600 preventable injuries, infections
and surgical mistakes.

They obtained data through a public records request and

identified more than 300 cases in which patients died because
of mistakes that could have been prevented. I

t contains different elements, including: an interactive graphic

which allows the reader to see by hospital, where surgical
injuries happened more often than would be expected; a map
with a timeline that shows infections spreading hospital by
hospital; and an interactive graphic that allows users to sort data
by preventable injuries or by hospital to see where people are
getting hurt.

Also it had a real impact: the Nevada legislature responded with

six pieces of legislation
Manel Guerris 23
Examples and applications

Data journalism

Jonathan Stray and Julian Burgess’ work on Iraq War Logs

is an inspiring foray into text analysis and visualization
using experimental techniques to gain insight into themes
worth exploring further within a large textual dataset

By means of text-analytics techniques and algorithms,

Jonathan and Julian created a method that showed clusters
of keywords contained in thousands of US-government
reports on the Iraq war leaked by Wikileaks in visual form.

With increasing amounts of data — both textual (emails,

reports, etc.) and numeric — coming into the public domain,
finding ways to pinpoint key areas of interest will become
more and more important — it is an exciting sub-field of data

Manel Guerris 24
Examples and applications

Trump and the Media: A sentiment analysis of news articles

before and after his inauguration

Part of this project was training a Naive Bayes Classifier on a

manually tagged set of articles about a political figure. In our
case, we chose Trump because of the immense media attention
given to him.

We collected around 2000 articles about Trump, one month

before and after his inauguration from the following news sites:
Chicago Tribune, CNN, FOX, LA Times, New York Times, Slate,
Washington Post and Washington Times. We randomly selected
20% of our corpus and manually tagged the articles as Positive,
Negative or Neutral.

The final tag assigned to each article in the training set was the
majority sentiment that was tagged by us. For example, if an
article was tagged: Positive, Positive, Negative by the three of
us individually, the final tag of that article was Positive. If we
encountered a tie we would sit and revisit the article together
and come to a consensus about the final tag.

Manel Guerris 25
Examples and applications

Panama papers

Involving 2.6 TB of data and 11.5 million documents, The

Panama Papers was the biggest leak and the largest cross-
border investigation in journalism history.

For one year, more than 370 reporters in about 80 countries

dived into this massive trove of documents that exposed like
never before how the offshore economy works. Inside the
leaked files lay the secrets of the high-level clients of one of the
world’s leading firms in the creation of offshore companies,
Panama-headquartered Mossack Fonseca.

The data was as recent as December 2015. But first, the ICIJ
data unit had to reconstruct Mossack Fonseca’s internal
database using reverse engineering techniques. Every name
was also associated with a country through a semi-automatic
process that extracted these identifications from addresses or
tagged them using geolocation.
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Examples and applications

Big Data analytics can help in various ways, from tweaking training
plans to determining patterns about competitors. “If we know, for
instance, that in certain circumstances, a particular coach on the
opposition team tends to make a particular decision, then we can be
ready for it,”

“Another example - we can place sensors all over a car while it is in

training for a race, and use the sensor data to help a driver learn how
to race better.”

The ever-growing world of Big Data has already permeated the

sporting arena in surprising ways. Player health and safety, for
instance, is one increasingly attractive use case. “Particularly in high
injury sports, you think about the health of player, how we can use
data and analytics to look after their bodies,” Martin Houghton,
managing partner from HP’s analytics and data management division
in EMEA.

The popularity of data driven decision-making in sports has trickled

down to the fans, which are consuming more analytical content than
ever. There are now entire websites dedicated to the research and
analysis of sports statistics and how they relate to a prediction in
Manel Guerris 27
Examples and applications

Cloud computing leads to Big Data

By the early 2010s, cloud translation tools started to

gain prominence and user communities grew. Unlike
their predecessors, cloud tools had central storage
and aggregated data from many organizations and
individual translators. They offered the same standard
metrics to everyone, solving the problem of data

Major European platforms currently have tens of

thousands or even hundreds of thousands of
registered users. Memsource exceeded 100,000
accounts by 2017. SmartCAT boasts 70,000
translators available via the platform. The
crowdsourcing platform Crowdin claims to have
900,000 registered users.

Each of these platforms has the capability to collect

the data from all their users under one roof,
eventually arriving at billions of translated words,
thousands of working hours done – the Big Data.
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Examples and applications

Trump entendió que el votante es un consumidor de un

producto, y ese producto es el candidato y su mensaje.
El logro de Trump fue adecuar el producto a las
características y necesidades del consumidor.
Analizando los likes, comentarios y grupos, fue posible
crear un perfil bastante preciso de la persona“.

“De una única idea, este candidato fue capaz de

segmentar a millones de usuarios de Facebook y enviar
más de 175.000 mensajes diferentes, según las
característica de cada uno”.

“Hacer propaganda más segmentada te ayuda a afinar y

ajustar más el presupuesto. Hillary Clinton tenía
disponibles 1,3 billones de dólares, mientras que Trump
“sólo” 675 millones. Y sin embargo ganó”.

Manel Guerris 30
Examples and applications

Un equipo de Investigadores de la Universidad

de Indiana ha creado un método para predecir
los cambios en la Bolsa de Estados Unidos.

El Perfil de Estados de Ánimo (GPOMS) y

OpinionFinder, analizaron 9 millones de tweets
publicados entre el mes de marzo y diciembre de
2008 y descubrieron que la correlación entre el
índice de tranquilidad, uno de los 6 estados de
animo que el cuestionario medía, podía utilizarse
para predecir si el índice bursátil Dow Jones bajaría
o subiría en los próximos seis días.

Según la prestigiosa revista Technology Review del

MIT, Johan Bollen y su equipo, las predicciones son
un 87, 9 % fiables.
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Examples and applications

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Examples and applications

EVO Assistant,

Un asistente bancario con una interfaz de voz basado en un

sistema de Inteligencia Artificial que permite ofrecer a sus
clientes un servicio integral e individualizado.

Para ello se sirve de un proceso por el que analiza los datos

bancarios de cada usuario, extrae conclusiones de los mismos y
aprende de sus pasos a medida que crece la relación con el

Su desarrollo permite ya ejecutar operaciones cotidianas, pero la

idea es avanzar hacia el asesoramiento y terminar integrándolo
en la vida del cliente. "Que no sólo responda a sus preguntas,
sino que tome una posición más proactiva y, si en algún
momento considera que hay que hacer algo desde el punto de
vista financiero, se lo recomiende", explica Tellado.

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Examples and applications

Sentiment analysis

BBVA uses social media to determine how customers feel about

their brand and their products.

This information is used to adjust marketing tactics in order to

increase positive feedback and customer satisfaction. BBVA can
then report the success of its media messaging and the causes
for positive and negative sentiment can be identified.

Nedbank Ltd, analysing various social media platforms in almost

real-time provides Nedbank’s marketing department information
about the marketing campaign, customer preferences and

This technology implementation has decreased social media

monitoring costs significantly while enhancing marketing success.

Manel Guerris 34
Examples and applications

Examine customer feedback to improve products and


Barclays was able to derive actionable insights from real-time

social media analytics after they launched their new mobile
banking app.

The app did not allow young consumers under 18 to

transfer or receive money. This created negative comments
from teenagers as well as from their parents as they could not
transfer any money to their kids.

After the data revealed this problem, Barclays improved their

app promptly, adding access for 16 and 17 year olds.

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Examples and applications

Identify the customer profile

HDFC Bank uses customer lifecycle events to boost

credit card activations.

This is achieved by targeting promotions with

personalized messages to each of the lifecycle
segments that HDFC had identified.

The result of this is a significant increase in the number of

credit card activations and a reduction in cost per
acquisition of each customer.

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Examples and applications

Understanding the product engagement

of the customer

Bank Austria makes use of understanding

the product lifecycle to retain their

When a customer shows specific behaviour

connected with cancelation of a product,
the banking staff detects this and takes
according actions for a renewal.

Manel Guerris 37
Examples and applications

Optimize pricing-strategy

Fifth Third Bank uses analytics-based product

pricing engine to help acquire new customers.

Using data analytics the bank can run scenarios on

how various price points will influence its customer
acquisition and deposit levels.

For example, the bank can make price

predictions when interest rates will rise in the
future and make scenarios where it wants to be
with rates in the market to be aggressive in
attracting customers.
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Examples and applications

Measuring product prospensity

Westpac, a bank operating in Australia and New

Zealand with 812,000 customers, are successfully
making use of next best offer to drive their
cross sales.

Westpac measures each customers product

propensity across their range of products and

From this information, Westpac is able to subscribe

extra banking products to 37% of its customers
through its branch staff and 60% to this customers
who communicate through its call centre staff.
Manel Guerris 39
Examples and applications

Cómo el 'big data' ayuda a luchar contra el fraude fiscal

En el sistema actual, la Agencia Tributaria tiene una enorme cantidad de datos

sobre los asalariados, lo que le permite por un lado facilitar la contribución (con
los ya clásicos borradores) y también detectar posibles irregularidades.
“Sabemos casi todo, pues cruzamos la información del empleado, del empleador,
de los notarios, de los registros, de los bancos…” Su situación no es tan
ventajosa con las empresas, y ese el actual campo de batalla de la Agencia,
según Tomé.

Para obtener la máxima información posible, Hacienda ha puesto en marcha el

Suministro Inmediato de Información (SII), un proyecto que tras dos años de
preparativos arrancó el pasado julio. Con esta plataforma, Hacienda obliga a la
mayor parte de las empresas a remitir en un máximo de ocho días todas las
facturas remitidas y recibidas.

Más información, más poder, ahora también sobre las empresas tentadas de
mirar hacia otro lado cuando hay que pagar impuestos. Por ejemplo, con el SII es
mucho más fácil detectar prácticas fraudulentas, como el ‘software’ de doble uso,
es decir, programas informáticos cuya razón de ser es la ocultación de ventas..
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Examples and applications

The Revenant and big data

Big data has also become Hollywood’s new star, helping the industry to understand
viewers and make movies in line with their preferences. Alejandro González Iñárritu’s
award-winning movie, The Revenant, is a good example of the use of big data in
films. In the movie, Leonardo DiCaprio faces extraordinarily adverse environmental
conditions. Fox Studios made the pioneering move of hiring a bioanalytics and
software company to determine how the audience would react to the movie.

Lightwave, the company in question, carried out a study that falls somewhere in the
spectrum between neuroscience and big data. It analyzed how 100 moviegoers in
four different U.S. cities, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington D.C.,
responded to a private viewing of The Revenant. Users were wearing smart
wristbands that were specially designed to measure their physical reactions,
including their heart rate, body temperature, the viewer’s movements and skin

While the sector as a whole still relies on traditional audience reviews and
questionnaires, data analysis is actually generating much more specific and reliable
results. Lightwave’s work helped Fox Studios to understand much better how the
audience could respond to The Revenant and how to develop the best marketing
strategies. Producers used this information to make several relevant changes to the
movie, avoiding a complete failure at the box office and adapting the movie to
consumers’ preferences.
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Examples and applications


The first one is insight. Where we are making the first inroads is
really allowing ourselves to acquire more consumer data–
primary and secondary–and do it in a more cost efficient way.
Also, we’re in the early days of then having a way of providing a
digested presentation of the data to our publishing colleagues so
that they can incorporate that information in the way they run the

The other is a little more sensitive, but I can tell you just in general
it’s the area of digital sales and pricing. Again, because of digital,
much more data is available so you can start inferring and
analyzing impact and demand elasticity. That team doesn’t report
directly to me, but it is a part of my job, as a part of looking for
what works in the digital space and what best practices we can

Manel Guerris 42
Examples and applications


Ben Blatt, que en su último libro trata de desentrañar los secretos de algunos de los
grandes clásicos literarios aprovechando las virtudes del big data.

Entre los libros analizados hay un poco de todo: desde verdaderos clásicos de la literatura
escritos por Jane Austen o Charles Dickens hasta superventas firmados por Danielle
Steel, Stephen King o J. K. Rowling.

Las frases de apertura de las novelas suelen ser cortas, que Jane Austen recurre a 115
clichés por cada 100.000 palabras y que Nabokov escribió el término “malva” 44 veces
más que el promedio de los escritores de los últimos doscientos años

Uso de los adverbios acabados en “-mente” (en “-ly”, en inglés). Muchos autores
(Stephen King, sin ir más lejos, en su manual de escritura ‘On Writing’) desaconsejan su
uso. Pero los datos no son tajantes al respecto: mientras el americano que popularizó las
fiestas de San Fermín en todo el mundo usó un total de 80 de estos adverbios en sus 10
novelas, J. K. Rowling recurrió a 140 en las 7 entregas de la saga de Harry Potter y el
propio King utilizó más de 100 en 50 de sus obras, algo que no les ha impedido alcanzar al
éxito, como le ocurrió a Dickens, con más de 100 de estos adverbios en 20 novelas, o Jane
Austen, que se atrevió a utilizar cerca de 130 en tan solo media docena de libros

Manel Guerris 43
Examples and applications

Cómo el big data está resolviendo las mayores broncas de la crítica literaria

Los expertos han utilizado y aplicado técnicas de Big Data para concluir que
algunas de las que se creían que eran sus obras no lo son.

Es cierto que sobre la obra Henry VI siempre ha habido dudas sobre si en

determinadas partes había intervenido más de un autor, especialmente Christopher

Ahora, se han aplicado herramientas tecnológicas para hacer un análisis del texto y
determinar si, por la manera de utilizar el lenguaje (como el uso frecuente de ciertos
artículos y ciertas palabras) se podría concluir que estábamos ante letras escritas por
nombres como Marlowe.

Es así como se ha deducido que Marlowe parece haber escrito la mayor parte de
“Enrique VI, Parte 1”, mientras que correspondería a Shakespeare la mayoría de la
Parte 3. La autoría principal en la Parte 2 es más difícil de identificar. Al menos por

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Examples and applications

This luxury retailer has mastered harnessing big data to

fuse online and offline shopping experiences.

Nordstom’s marketing team tracks Pinterest pins in

order to identify which products are trending, and then
employs this data to promote the right products in its
physical stores.

Over 30% of Nordstrom’s budget is spent on

technology, having established the ‘Nordstrom
Innovation Lab’ based in Seattle for product
development and testing.

On top of this, Nordstrom hosts interactive

touchscreens in changing rooms to allow customers to
order products and view stock online.

Manel Guerris 48
Examples and applications

Semantic search is the process of searching in natural

language terms instead of in the short burst of keywords
that we're more used to.

Big data and machine learning make it easier for search

engines to fully understand what a user is searching for,
and smart marketers are beginning to incorporate this into
their site search functionality to improve the user
experience for their visitors.

One example of this comes to us via Walmart, which uses

text analysis, machine learning and synonym mining to
improve the accuracy of their site search.

According to Walmart, adding semantic search to their

website has increased the conversion rate by 10-15%.
For a company like Walmart, that adds up to millions (if
not billions) of dollars.
Manel Guerris 49
Examples and applications

Recent innovations – wearable technology, event

mobile apps, beacons and more – generate a wealth of
data that new real-time analytics tools can capture and
analyze. For the first time, marketers now have the
unprecedented ability to prove event value and ROI
based on empirical evidence.

Increased Registration, Engagement

In the lead-up to your event, real-time activity
dashboards can show at a glance where you are
surpassing your goals and where you are falling short.
With real-time insights at your fingertips, you can
reallocate resources in real-time as needed to drive
registration and meet commitments to sponsors.

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Examples and applications

Real-Time Insights

During events, apps, wearables, and beacons give

attendee engagement a giant boost. Monitoring
engagement data on real-time activity dashboards, you
can now see how things are shaping up across your
event. Instant visualizations display: traffic flow;
sponsors who are hitting their targets (or not); lines
building up at registration; sessions that are resonating
most/least with attendees; offers delivering the highest
onsite conversion; most influential delegates;
sentiments about exhibits, keynotes, food and more.

Armed with real-time insights, you can now address

issues swiftly as they arise, rather than learning about
problems through post-event surveys, when analytics
can only inform future programs.

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Examples and applications

Customized messages

Customized communications put data to use with

innovative sponsorship twists by offering in-app
promotions and push notifications to specific attendee
subsets. Sponsors can also create customized display ads
that change automatically to fit demographics and interests
of attendees passing by. This kind of personalization
allows a new level of engagement that can have a big
impact on event value.

Attendees want technology that surprises and delights.

Wearable technology can do just that. Powered by two-
way beacons, sleek new smart badges and wristbands
enable attendees to exchange content and contact
information virtually in less than an instant. Integrated with
the right app, this new generation of wearables helps
attendees identify their best prospects immediately in a
crowd and transform the way they network at events.
Manel Guerris 52
Examples and applications

Measurable Outcomes

With technology providing a giant window to event activity,

you can optimize value post-event with quantitative ROI
reports for sponsors. Share data, such as statistics on
booth traffic and attendee interests along with a detailed
list of booth visitors.

Using a data-driven approach, you can measure event

success any number of ways based on the key
performance indicators you choose.

For example, was the event financially viable? Did it enjoy

higher attendance than last year and draw the right
audience for your sponsors? Were attendees engaged and
satisfied? How did leads captured, ticket sales and booth
traffic compare to previous years, etc.

Manel Guerris 53
Examples and applications

Crowdshaping is a revolutionary approach to managing
crowds, and it directly affects event management.
Crowdshaping utilizes a variety of technologies and data
sources to give planners the ability to adjust their event and
customize it in real time. It differs from crowdsourcing in that
the participants are relatively passive (unlike crowdsourcing,
where participants are inherently active).

Real-Time Modifications
What used to take event planners a year to accomplish (after
perusing surveys and then making fixes to an upcoming event),
can now take place within minutes.
For example, let’s say you notice that a booth or a specific area
is getting less traffic than you anticipated. You can utilize real-
time data to understand what is appealing to your attendees
and why. Then, by making an adjustment through digital
signage and your event app, you can alter signage, rewrite
calls to action, and even shift around your schedule.
Manel Guerris 54
Examples and applications

Construct Customized Event Experiences

Thanks to wearable tech, geolocation software, proximity sensors, radio

frequency identification (RFID), etc., attendees can have an event
experience that is uniquely their own. Depending on a person’s location, he
or she could be notified of a talk that’s about to start, a contest deadline
that’s rapidly approaching, a special event that’s about to occur, or a special
offer from a nearby vendor.

They could even have relevant material that’s tailored to their profile and
relates to a nearby vendor, booth, or area pop up on their mobile device.
Gamification elements can also be adapted to each consumer, again based
on his or her profile.

This can be especially useful for experiential marketing activations.

Experiential marketing is a campaign that tries to forge an emotional
relationship between the customers and a brand by positioning a product or
service in a memorable way. When executed correctly, this type of marketing
delivers an experience to consumers that makes them want to participate
instead of feeling like they are being pitched to. It has been described as
advertising that is difficult to ignore but less intrusive than traditional efforts.
Crowdshaping can further personalize these experiential marketing efforts.
Manel Guerris 55
Examples and applications

Improved Crowd Control

In countries where people drive on the right side of the road, like
America, pedestrians are more likely to turn right at the first
opportunity. It’s ingrained as part of the natural flow of traffic. (The
opposite is true in countries that drive on the left side of the road.)

There are also natural dead zones in any event layout because
attendees tend to head from the entrance to the back of the
exhibit and back in a triangular pattern that skips the front

These are not-so-secret secrets of the trade that event planners

and industry pros have known about for years. Yet, through
crowdshaping, event planners can monitor foot traffic in real time
and watch for dead areas and bottlenecks then adjust
immediately. Gathering this data will likely impact the design and
layout for future events.

Manel Guerris 56
Examples and applications

SXSW Pepsi's Bioreactive Concert

At the 2014 South by Southwest, Pepsi delivered one of the earliest

crowdshaping events. Attendees of a dance party were given
wristbands that measured their response to the stimulus around

The wristbands had four sensors: an accelerometer to measure

movement, a microphone to detect how loud someone was being,
a device to determine both body and ambient temperature, and
the ability to sense sweat and gauge physiological and psychological

The event was overseen by a DJ who could literally see the

feedback for what songs were working and which ones weren’t.
The revelers were also converted into avatars that mirrored their
moves. There was even a gamification element because the
crowd’s movement and enthusiasm would control lighting,
smoke machines, CO2 cannons, and bubble machines.
Manel Guerris 57
Examples and applications

North American International Auto Show

Nissan’s showcase at the North American International

Auto Show allowed guests to personalize their
experience by utilizing RFID technology and iBeacons.

Attendees would receive specific information

about vehicles as they approached them and were
given the option to download even more info.
There was also the possibility for them to interact
through games.

In addition, Nissan was able to use the data they

gathered to react in real time to cars that weren’t
attracting a crowd by playing around with the call to
action and digital signage.

Manel Guerris 58
Examples and applications

Cisco Global Sales Experience

Cisco utilized several different crowdshaping techniques to ensure its Global
Sales Experience in Las Vegas went smoothly. This event is a massive show
with more than 18,000 people in attendance. As you can imagine, it’s a bit
of a logistical nightmare.

With that many people, just getting from place to place can be
overwhelming. Because breakout sessions took place at both the MGM
Grand Garden Arena and the Mandalay Bay Convention Center, a fleet of
buses was employed to shuttle attendees back and forth.

Each bus contained sensors so it could be monitored for location and

rate of travel. If more busses were needed, it was known immediately, and
new vehicles were sent into the field. Attendees were also given access to
this information so they would know in real time when their ride would arrive.

Cameras were also placed in the actual breakout rooms, so event managers
were able to adjust the schedule and seating to ensure there was
enough room at high-demand sessions.
Lines at all food areas were also closely watched, and when they appeared
to be getting too long, new lanes were opened.
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Examples and applications

C2 Montréal

The business conference C2 Montréal also

utilized crowdshaping tech to monitor food areas
(no one likes waiting in line when they are

Attendees wore badges equipped with RIFD

technology so organizers could instantly spot
when large numbers of people were gathering
in line.

When that occurred, more staffers were sent to

the area, and new food locations were opened.

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Examples and applications

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Examples and applications

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Examples and applications

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Examples and applications

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Examples and applications

TopShop has been experimenting with new technologies to

implement augmented reality into its shopping experience since

Flagship stores have virtual fitting rooms where customers can

select clothes to see how they would look wearing them on a
screen. This saves the customer the time and effort of trying on
clothes themselves.

In 2015, TopShop partnered with Twitter to analyze real time data

on the social network, and identified trends as they happened
during the five day London Fashion week event. T

These trends were grouped together on billboards using Twitter

hashtags, so customers walking by would be encouraged to tweet a
hashtag to their TopShop account indicating their favorite products.
The fashion retailer then responded with a curated collection of the
top picks.

This novel use of big data ensured that TopShop knew exactly what
its customers were looking to buy following London Fashion Week.

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Examples and applications

13. how-politicians-can-use-big-data-to-

Manel Guerris 66
Examples and applications

14. can-big-data-analysis-swing-

Manel Guerris 67
Examples and applications

HHRR: Increase Retention Rate

The algorithms created by big data consultants

nominate individuals by studying the employees’
online activity, profile updates, employment
history, job performance and payroll data.

If the computer red-flags a valued employee, it is

time for a raise, a more challenging role or some
more training in order to keep them from leaving.

Major companies, including Xerox, Wal-Mart and

Credit Suisse already do this with impressive results,
most noteworthy, increasing retention up to 20%.

Keeping skilled employees is a long-term goal, but

avoiding toxic ones should also be on the list.

Manel Guerris 68
Examples and applications

HHRR: Predict performance

What is the best profile of a candidate considering the job’s

requirements and existing top performers? HR analytics models use
existing records of successful candidates to create profiles of high

The aim is to design a targeted head-hunting tool able to send

personalized messages to the right talent.

Some freelancing platforms already use this approach to recommend

candidates by combining past success rates at similar jobs and current job

Predictions are necessary to evaluate future job openings, promotions,

and even layoffs in a company. Consequently, by aligning models to the
company’s business strategy, big data could help save time and money on

Manel Guerris 69
Examples and applications

HHRR: Predict promotions

For HR purposes, Google, a data-driven company,

has developed a model that predicted
promotions with a 90% accuracy.


Manel Guerris 70
Examples and applications

Zynga: Ads
Zynga’s games and the hundreds of others that work on the same principle – for
example the hugely popular Candy Crush Saga – use a business model which
has become known as “freemium”.

Players do not have to hand over cash up front to play them, although they often
charge small amounts (micro-transactions) for enhancements that will give them
an advantage over other players, or make the game more fun.
For example, in FarmVille, which simulates running a farm, you can buy extra
livestock for your virtual agricultural enterprise.

Arrangements are also in place with a range of “partners” ranging from credit card
companies to on-demand movie services, allowing players to earn credits to
spend in the game by taking up their offers. This ties into Zynga’s second revenue
stream: advertising.

While playing, you’ll periodically see adverts just like while watching TV or reading
a magazine. Here, the data that they pull from Facebook is used to offer
marketers a precise demographic target for their segmented online campaigns.

Manel Guerris 71
Examples and applications

Zynga: Designing the game

Big Data also plays a part in designing the games. Zynga’s smartest Big Data insight was
to realize the importance of giving their users what they wanted, and, to this end, they
monitored and recorded how their games were being played, using the data gained to
tweak gameplay according to what was working well.

For example, animals, which played mostly a background role in early versions, were
made a more prominent part of later games when the data revealed how popular they
were with gamers. In short, Zynga use data to understand what gamers like and don’t like
about their games.

Game developers are more aware than ever of the huge amount of data that can be
gained, when every joystick twitch can be analysed to provide feedback on how gamers
play games and what they enjoy.

Once a game has been released, this feedback can be analysed to find out if, for
example, players are getting frustrated at a certain point, and a live update can be
deployed to make it slightly easier. The idea is to provide the player with a challenge
that remains entertaining without becoming annoying. Their ultimate aim is always to get
players gaming for as long as possible – either to feel like they are getting value for
money if it was a game they paid for or so that they can be served plenty of ads if it’s a
free game.
Manel Guerris 72
Examples and applications


Manel Guerris 73
Information presentation

Manel Guerris 74
Information presentation

Manel Guerris 75
Information presentation

Manel Guerris 76
Information presentation

Manel Guerris 77
Data visualization




Manel Guerris 78
Data Visualization



Objetivos: aprender, simplificar Objetivos: afirmar, crear contexto

Datos: procesos, marcos Datos: simples, bajo volumen
Características: convenciones, metáforas Características: puntos claros, narrativa simple


Objetivos: descubrimiento, simplificación,

Objetivos: encontrar patrones y tendencias
Datos: big data, complejidad
Datos: no definidos, complejos
Características: interactivo, auto-dinámico
Características: convenciones, metáforas


Manel Guerris 79
Visualizacion construction

Manel Guerris 80
Visualization refinements

Manel Guerris 81
Visualization example

Manel Guerris 82
Visualization example

Manel Guerris 83
Visualization example

Manel Guerris 84
Visualization example

Manel Guerris 85
Visualization example

Manel Guerris 86
Chart chooser

Manel Guerris 87
Chart chooser

Manel Guerris 88
Chart chooser

Manel Guerris 89
Making decisions

Manel Guerris 90
What do you see?

Manel Guerris 91
And here?

Manel Guerris 92
Which colours should follow?

Manel Guerris 93
Be careful…

Pattern Recognition Bias

Manel Guerris 94
Be careful

Confirmation bias

Videos finales\10. Los_21_cambios(

Manel Guerris 95
Be careful

Frequency illusion

Manel Guerris 96
A question

Time forecasting of your last job task or homework?

Manel Guerris 97
A question

Did you do it in less or more time than the estimated one?

Manel Guerris 98
Because …

You might suffer optimism bias

Manel Guerris 99
Be careful

With group thinking

Videos finales\11. Will People Follow The Crowd Final.mp4

Videos finales\12. Todos_somos_unos_borregos.mp4

Manel Guerris 100

Be careful

Would you trust

him your life?

Manel Guerris 101

Be careful because …

You might suffer halo effect

Manel Guerris 102

Change management

Is there a need to change, a problem to solve, an


resolver, una urgencia?

Manel Guerris 103

Change management

Have we defined the new situation?

Manel Guerris 104

Change management

Who is willing to change?

Manel Guerris 105

Change management

How are we going to sell this change?

Manel Guerris 106

Change management

Who is gonna be our team?

Manel Guerris 107

Change management

Which roles and skills should we need if we apply Big

Data techniques?

Manel Guerris 108

Change management

How could we align them with the organization?

Manel Guerris 109

Change management

Do they have authority and resources?

Manel Guerris 110

Change management

Is there a defined change process?

Manel Guerris 111

Change management

Is it planned?

Manel Guerris 112

Change management

Could we look for quick wins?

Manel Guerris 113

Change management

Could we standarize the process?

Manel Guerris 114

Change management

Has it been internalized?

Manel Guerris 115

Wrapping up…

Manel Guerris 116


Process to take better decisions

Differentiator element in your curriculum

Opportunity creator in several disciplines

Manel Guerris 117

Some references …
Zentner, M. & Eerola, T. (2010) Rhythmic engagement with music in infancy. PNAS; 107(13): 5768-5773.
Birks, M. et. Al. (2007) The benefits of salsa classes for people with depression. Nursing Times; 103(10): 32-33.
Lesté, A. & Rust, J. (1984) Effects of dance on anxiety. Percept Mot Skills; 58(3): 767-772.
Nisbett, Richard E.; Timothy D. Wilson (1977). «The halo effect: Evidence for unconscious alteration of judgments».
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (American Psychological Association) 35 (4): 250-256

Manel Guerris 118


How could you apply Evidence Based Management in your job?

How could you apply Big Data in your job or market?

Manel Guerris 119


Let’s vote one of the Big Data projects and let’s develop
it from a functional point of view:
Formulate a business question

Which data should we acquire? From which sources?

Which outputs would you like to obtain? How could we visualize them?

Which processes should we follow to obtain these outputs?

Manel Guerris 120

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