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This book is dedicated to my beautiful and wonderful
son Christopher. It is working
with him and his autism that has opened my
mind to the way the mind works. And to
my family for understanding the things that
I tell them from the experiences that I have.
There is no froth in the writing of this book.


Table of Contents

Page #
1: Introduction 5
2: Experiences that Developed my Knowledge 7
Of the Detached Shadow Body
3: Important Issues with Human Relationships 89
4: How This All Fits Together 90
5: These Bodies in Ancient Works 93
6: The Grays 96
7: Book of Revelations 98
8: Nephplim 101
9: How the Earth Was Formed 102
10: The Ark of the Covenant 105
11: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 109
12: Dates of Events 110
13: King Solomon and Sheba 111
14: Lilith 113
15: Tartarus 116
16: Cloning 118
17: How to Take Something Out or Put 119
Something in the Body
18: Rods 120
19: Christ and the Cross 122
20: Sleep Paralysis 123
21: Spirit Bodies in Mythology 124
22: Knight Templar Treasure 126
23: Atlantis, Mu and Mayan 127
24: Plato 129
25: Dogon and Siruis 130

26: References in the Bible 132
27: How Tartarus Works 145
28: The Rainbow 148
29: Effects of Zero Gravity 149
30: The Lighthouse and Library of Alexandria 151
31: Nubiru 153
32: The Grays Eye Lens 154
33: Schizophrenia 155
34: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 158
35: The Ancient Battle Helmet 159
36: Space Travel 161
37: The Past and the Future 162
38: Artificial Intelligence 163
39: When We Become Detached 164
40: The Spinal Cord as an Antenna 165
41: The Caduceus 168
42: Jason and the Argonauts 169
43: The Mind of the Body 170
44: How to Best Help an Autistic Child 172
45: Bacterial Infections in the Body 175
References Used 177


I am really sorry but I am going to have to revise my first

book. I was not totally correct on what the true cause of
autism is. It was only after thinking about my experiences that
I have had and the experiences that I have observed from
observing children and adults. I believe that I can up with the
real reasoning of what is occurring when there is an autistic
experience. When an adult is interacting with a person and
you can not understand what they are saying we call it autism.
I noticed that when my children were around 1 years old they
would verbally interact with other children.
I could not understand what these children were saying but
these children seemed to be able to understand each other.
I believe this would be what I would call baby speech or
etheric speech or Neanderthal speech. But for a baby to
understand baby talk from another baby that baby would need
to have baby talk hearing. So as you grow towards adult you
hearing changes as your speech changes.
Latter on I would listen to a tape of an autistic child in
reverse and I could understand what this autistic child was
saying. I also used this reverse tape recorder when working
with my own son who is autistic. My first assumption was
there was a forward and reverse speech issue. But I believe
now that I was incorrect in that assumption. Assuming that
my son was talking backwards helped his speech become
better. But other things would happen that now make me
believe something else is happening. I found that when I
listened to words being played backwards on the tape recorder
I would start to hear people say things that did not fit into a

I would ask this person to repeat what they said. They
would say a sentence that was different but appropriate to the
conversation. I now realize that there is baby speech or what
you would refer to as etheric speech and adult speech or what
would be referred to as spirit speech or shadow speech. I was
hearing what people were saying ethericly with my normal
hearing. So not only is there different speech but there is also
different hearing that goes along with the change in speech.
So if I am a normal cognitive adult, I would be listening to
someone using shadow hearing or spirit hearing. With a baby
I would hear baby talk or etheric talk. As the baby grows and
you start to understand the young adult you would realize this
person is developing shadow speech or spirit speech as well as
developing shadow hearing or spirit hearing. So there really is
no forward or reverse speech. So an adult designs a recorder
to accommodate the way a normal adult hears. This way of
the mind is because of the grays from heaven that caused
early Neanderthal humans to have a detached shadow body or
spirit body creating modern humans. This spirit body becomes
detached from the body completely by 6 years of age.
Let me put it to you this way. I recorded a spirit or shadow
person EVP. I played this voice both forwards and backwards
and got a different sentence in both directions. This makes me
question if human speech is generated in these detached
bodies outside of the physical body. The physical body uses
itself to project this spirit voice and etheric voice. My best
guess is the blood system is the shadow body or spirit body
and the central nervous system is the etheric body.

Experiences That Developed my Knowledge
of the Detached Shadow Body.

One morning around 5:00 am I had to go to the bathroom.
As I was walking into the bathroom I glanced to my left at a
mirror on the wall. I was startled to see a face in the mirror.
This face was staring out of the mirror into the bathroom. It
was a face that was completely covered with hair. The
medical condition for this hairy face is known as
hypertrichosis. The teeth of this smiling being looked normal
to me. I do not remember seeing if its eyes followed my
movements. Its head seemed to be fixed in one position unlike
my reflection which would have moved with me across the
front of the mirror. It was looking into this world from its own
reality. I did not see my reflection in the mirror. I finished
going to the bathroom and I did not look at the mirror as I
went back to bed. To this day I still get nervous when
approaching a mirror. I approach the mirror from the side as I
carefully look into the mirror.

Now that I look back at it I had this experience with my
grandfather just before he passed away. Just before he passed
away he came over to our house to visit. We were all sitting at
the dining room table. I was sitting at one end of the table. My
grandfather was sitting at the other end of the table. For some
unknown reason I was really afraid of him. My grandfather
asked me why I was hiding under the table. I told him that I
was not hiding under the table. Again he asked me why I was
hiding the table. Again I told him that I was not hiding under
the table. Now that I understand about the detached shadow

body or spirit body. It makes sense that he was seeing both
my physical body at the table and my shadow body at the
same time under the table. My shadow body or my mind was
trying to hide from him because of my fear of him.

I was staying with my relatives in the country. My mother
was staying with my father. He was in a rest home dying from
cancer. I woke up one morning in where it was really bright
outside. I thought that I had slept till noon. I noticed it was a
strange kind of light shinning through the window. Just like a
giant search light was turned on the outside of the house. One
that would project a straight beam of light into the house
through the window. I then noticed a being about 30 feet away
from me. He was looking at me from behind a wall. I could
only see his body from the chest on up. His body was
completely covered with hair. When he realized that I was
looking at him he smiled at me. I could clearly see his white
teeth. I got scared and hid under the covers. I wished to
myself that he would go away. The next thing I remember was
waking up around 6:00 am in the morning. This looked like
the being from the mirror incident in 1968. This is also about
the same time that my father passed away.

My wife’s brother was dying from cancer. He would ring a
bell for help if he needed something. This bell was located on
a table next to his bed. One night my mother in law called my
wife and me. She said that my wife’s brother had passed
away. We went over to their place. My wife and her mother
prepared the body so the Neptune Society could pick him up
and take him away. We were all waiting in the kitchen for the
Neptune Society to show up. When all of the sudden we all

heard his bell in his room ring. I ran to the bedroom expecting
to see him sitting up in bed. As I turned to leave the bedroom
my in laws were opening the door for the Neptune Society to
come in. I guess he rang the bell as a final way of saying
goodbye. He always wanted the light in his room left on. He
claimed that he could see an old man standing in the doorway
looking at him.

We were watching my wife’s niece and nephew. We were
all waiting for my brother in law to come and pick up his
children. My wife saw a shadow figure walk up to the front
door. She told me not to open the door until the person tied to
the shadow body showed up. That way we could see who the
shadow body belonged to. Her brother showed up about 10
minutes later to pick up his kids.

It was around 10:00 pm at night. My oldest daughter and I
were outside. We were looking up at the stars. I just happened
to be focused on one spot in the sky. It was as if someone had
opened a window in space. It looked like an open window
with a bright light shinning through it. Then the light turned
off as if someone had flipped a switch off. I did not see
anything that could have caused the light. I did not see
anything that could have reflected a light source. This event
lasted less than a second.

Earlier in the week I was told about a radio program. I set
my alarm for 12:50 am to listen to it. I shut my radio off
around 1:00 am in the morning. I was lying in bed thinking
about the future events in my life. All of the sudden it became

very cold in the room. I covered my chest and face with a
pillow. Then I heard the kitchen door to the garage open and
close. I thought that my wife was still up doing laundry.
Then I heard our cats running down the hallway. Then I
saw someone walking into the bedroom. I realized that it was
the shadow of a male being. He was three dimensional in
shape and well formed. He walked at ground level. He
appeared light grey as the hallway light passed through his
body. He appeared pitch black in the darkness of the room. He
walked in front of the bed then around to my side of the bed. I
was not afraid of him. As I faded off to sleep I had a dream
about some future events in my life. All of which events came
true. Because of this event I wanted in my mind to know the
truth about the shadow body and how the shadow body works.

I was talking to my wife about my shadow person
encounter on 10/5/97. That is when our 11 year old daughter
entered the room. We asked her if she had seen anything. She
described seeing the same shadow person. Our cat kept her
kittens hidden under the bed for one month.

While I was sleeping one night I was woken up to this
wide awake state. I found myself lying on my back and I was
staring into a computer monitor. I could not read what the
monitor had displayed on it. It appeared to be a strange
mixture of numbers and letters and characters. I looked down
to my feet. I was wearing my red sweat pants and my white
tee shirt and socks. I was wearing everything on my body that
I wore to bed. I looked towards my left arm. I found that I was
lying on a twin sized table. This table was covered with a
white sheet. You could tell that someone had pushed me

across the top of the table because of the ripple effect on the
sheet underneath me. I was 6 feet tall at the time and weighed
260 pounds at the time.
I looked out in to what appeared to be a grayish red void. It
had a white cloudy look to it. Even though there was no light
source everything around me seemed to be lit. I noticed that
my head felt like it was still resting on a pillow. I thought that
I might be dead. But then I got this feeling that there was a
wall about 20 feet away from me. I was about 5 seconds into
this experience when someone grabbed me around the calves.
They pulled me forward causing my head to be tossed back
and my back to arch up. I could not move my upper body. My
eyelids were still closed but I could see light coming through
my eyelids. I was able to pull my right leg free. I kicked this
entity twice. It felt as if my leg passed through a jello type
This creature screamed as it let go of my legs. This
creature turned around and continued screaming as it moved
away from me. All of the sudden the sound went dead and the
light shinning through my eyelids went dark. It was as if
someone had flipped off a switch. There was absolutely no
sound to be heard. I straightened my head and slowly opened
my eyes. I was not sure of what I was going to see. I found
myself all nice and neatly tucked into bed. I find it strange
that my covers were still flat after such a struggle.
My legs and calves were all sore and bruised. The time
was about 3:30 am in the morning. I was so tired that I fell
back to sleep. My wife came into the bedroom around 6:00
am in the morning. She said she had a hard time sleeping that
night. She said the cat was acting funny. I told my wife about
what happened to me that night. Later that morning while my
wife and I were making breakfast for our children. My wife
asked me about my right elbow. There were four red colored

circular rings about 1 inch in diameter on my right elbow.
These four red rings were on the inside of my right elbow.
There appeared to be some sort of suction applied to my skin.
It looked like someone had touched me to keep me paralyzed.
It looked like they had 4 fingers and no thumb. Two of their
fingers were longer than the other two fingers. If I had only
looked toward my right side.

It was around 1:00 am in the morning. Since I was afraid to
sleep in my own bed because of my past experiences. I
decided to sleep in my 7 year old daughter’s bed. She will not
sleep in her own bed. She says the little grey man who looks
like a bullfrog has turned her over and told her to go back to
sleep. I wanted to see what I would experience if I was to
sleep in her bed. I do not know how long I was asleep. But I
was woken up by someone who was shaking the bed. A solid
black shadow of a woman had both of her hands on both sides
of my shoulders. Her hands did not shake or touch me. I lifted
my head up to get a better look at this solid shadow of a
woman. She was sitting on the bed next to me. You could feel
her body weight on the bed. She was looking straight into my
eyes. I noticed as I looked at her face. She tried to change her
facial features. It looked like this woman was trying to look
like my wife. Then I instantly fell backwards and had an out
of body experience.
The next thing I knew I was standing in the bedroom
doorway. I was looking towards the hallway closet. It felt like
I was awake with no physical body. There was a woman
standing in the hallway. She was wearing a long white robe
that went all the way to the floor. She pointed her right arm
towards our oldest daughter’s bedroom. In my mind I heard
her say,” We healed her back”. In my mind I asked,” Who are

you”? Then I got sucked back into my body. I woke up to a
sitting position in bed. I got up out of bed to check the
hallway. But there was no one standing there. The interesting
thing about the shadow being and the robed being. They had
the same shape and facial features. I noticed that when she
shook the bed to wake me up. She did not physically touch
I came up with this interesting theory. There must be
something missing in me that she is made of. Plus the fact that
my wife can see the shadow body of someone before they
come over. It is that the shadow body or spirit body is
permanently detached from the physical body. This shadow
world is a whole separate reality in itself. Since she had to
look directly into my eyes. She must have been trying to make
contact with my central nervous system or make contact with
my blood system and my brain. It is possible that she is a
different dimensional being who also has a detached shadow
body. These beings might use the grays to move through
different dimensions.
Latter I would realize what this woman was talking about.
My first daughter was born hydrocephalic. Hydrocephalus is
secondary to spinal bifida. When my daughter was on the
operating table for her surgery I prayed to take her place. My
daughter had hydrocephalus but did not have spinal bifida. I
want to thank these beings for helping my daughter.

About two weeks prior to this date. Our son who is 5 years
old drew a picture on a chalkboard. It was a map of the state
of Florida. There was a tornado on one side of the map and at
least 15 sad faces on the other side of the map. My wife and I
recognized what the picture could mean. But who would we
talk to. On 2/22/1998 there was a report on the news where a

tornado struck a trailer park in central Florida. Over 40 people
in this park were killed. Florida had some 60 tornados in 20
days. This picture was drawn by our autistic son.

This was about the same time we were watching the movie
“Galaxy Quest”. They were at the part in the movie where
they are going to retrieve a beryllium sphere. This beryllium
sphere is located on a mining planet. It showed the features of
the planet on television. Our son looked at the television and
said, “That’s just like the other side of the moon”. He has
mentioned in the past how cold the moon is. Because of our
son’s autism we have never discussed these incidents for his
protection. These skills have faded as his cognitive ability has
increased. Since it does not matter anymore I am going to
document what my son has experienced.

It was around 10:00 am in the morning. I was taking a nap.
I had this experience were I floated around the front of the bed
towards the bathroom. I noticed the room was incomplete in
construction. It seems the lights were on even though the
lights were really off. As I approached the bathroom door I
noticed the black mesh that covered the door to the garage
was covering the front of the bathroom door.
The bathroom door was open about 8 inches. As I reached
for the door knob with my hand. An invisible force pulled me
into the bathroom. It turned me so I faced the wall. It felt like
someone had tied a rope around my chest. Something started
to pull me up to the ceiling. I tried to grab this force but
nothing was there. A rope then appeared in front of me. I
grabbed this rope with my hands. As I started to pull myself
up I snapped up to a sitting position in bed. I could still feel

the sensation on my body from being grabbed. There was a
white line going around my ribcage. It looked like someone
had wrapped a rope around my chest.

I was having what I thought was a dream. I was flying low
over a river of mud. There were bones and skulls floating in
the mud. I was thinking about how stupid this experience was.
I then found myself standing by the side of the bed. I was
looking towards the bedroom window. All the objects in the
room were as they should be. I could see light coming from
the direction of the bathroom. I noticed that there was
someone standing on the other side of the bed. His face was
looking down but his eyes were looking at me. The area
around his upper body was dark. It was almost as if he was
trying to hide from me. He was wearing dark blue gym
clothes similar to what I wore in junior high school. I could
see my physical body lying in bed. I wondered what he was
doing to my body. I remember charging towards him. It was
like going into warp drive. I woke up to a sitting position in
bed. It was around 1:00 am in the morning.

I had this experience while I was asleep. I was flying in a
helicopter through a town. There were large numbers on the
front of the houses. It was dark outside. I could feel gravity
pulling down on my body. I felt myself drop as the helicopter
dropped. It felt so real that I reached my hand under myself to
feel for a chair. I woke up around 12:30 am in the morning.

While I was sleeping I had a vision of my wife’s face. I
heard her call out my name. I woke up and got up to check on

her. I asked her how she was doing. She said that she was
thinking of me. It was around 11:30 pm in the evening.

I had woken up around 10:20 pm to go to work. I had to be
at work by 11:00 pm. I got dressed and went to the kitchen to
make my lunch. The microwave clock read 10:40 pm. The
clock in the car read 10:46 pm as I left for work. When I
arrived at work the clock read 11:53 pm when I shut the radio
off. I realized that it took me over one hour to travel 10

I was lying awake in bed with my eyes closed. I felt
someone kneel on the bed behind me. I opened my eyes as
this person started to lean over me. I could see a dark shadow
out of the corner of my eye. I thought that it might be my
wife. As I turned around to say hi to this person no one was
there. The time was around 11:00 pm.
Since I was still up from the previous incident and I was
having problems sleeping. I decided to listen to the radio.
When I lost reception to the station I was listening to which
was around 11:30 pm. I switched the dial to another station.
The reception was not very good either. I dozed off to sleep
while still listening to the radio. My next recollection was that
I was lying on my left side. My eyes were closed and I was
still listening to the radio. The reception was not that good.
With my eyes closed I reached over and spun the dial selector
towards my regular station. I noticed that the radio station
signal was not changing. I started to think the dial was broken.
So I picked my head up to look at the station indicator. I
realized that I could no longer hear the radio and that the
bathroom light had gone out.

What I did not realize at the time. I did not have to let my
eyes adjust to seeing in the darkness. It was a moon lit type of
light. My first thought was that the grays were here. Because
of the power losses that usually occur when they show up. So
I decided to get up and check on my children. I sat up and
swung my feet to the floor. I could feel my socks on the floor.
I remember hearing myself yawn. I got up and started walking
towards the bedroom door. My eyes were still closed from
yawning. As I walked about 3 feet towards the door. I felt
something hit my chest as if I had walked into something. The
next thing I did was spring up to a sitting position in bed. The
radio and bathroom light was on as it should be. I do not
remember if I took any breaths of air during this incident.

I was woken up by someone that was pushing up and down
on the side of the bed. I thought the covers were over my head
because I could not see anything. I decided to reach out from
under the covers and grab this person. But when I shot my
hand out and lifted my body. It was as if I was not under the
covers. And the movement of the bed shaking stopped. I could
see light now and I could hear the radio playing. I do not
remember being able to hear the radio before this. It was
around 12:30 am in the morning. I believe that I am waking
up in some sort of detached energy body. The reason I can not
see is because my physical eyes are still closed. It is like
having a body within a body.

I remember waking up facedown. My head was turned to
the right and my body was completely paralyzed. All my
muscles were contracting. It was as if I was being
electrocuted. My body felt like it was getting real heavy. It

felt like I was sinking through the mattress. This lasted for a
few minutes. It was starting to hurt a lot. Then all of the
sudden I was overhead looking down on my body. There was
a thick yellow cloudy appearance. I could see a person lying
in the bed. He was lying in the same position that I was in.
There was also someone standing next to the bed. I could no
longer feel any pain. This person standing next to the bed had
me paralyzed. The next thing I knew I was back in my body. I
was once again paralyzed and in pain. I thought that if I could
reach out and touch this person.
I would feedback into this person what this person was
doing to me. I was also under the impression that this person
might be trying to kill me. Even though I could not feel my
right hand I concentrated on shoving my right hand out at this
being. I felt my right hand hit this being. At that exact
moment that I touched this being I was no longer paralyzed.
Being facedown as I opened my eyes. I could only see this
being from its mid thighs up to its neck. Its skin was a brown
color with no clothes on. It had very large thighs with a really
small chest and very long arms. This being showed no signs
of any exterior sex organs.
These beings are either all female or they are wearing suits.
Its skin felt like the skin of a dolphin. Only its skin did not
feel wet. This beings skin felt cold to the touch. I would put
the temperature at about 45 degrees fahrenheit.
This being took a step back and hurried away. I tried to get
up and go after this being. But a force grabbed me and pushed
me down on my back. I ended up doing 8 super fast sit ups.
When I was on my back it was dark. When I was sitting up it
was light. I woke up to a sitting position in bed. I was still in
my room and the bathroom light was on. Everything was as it
should be. It was around 2:00 am in the morning. This event
was no dream. I was aware of this event from start to finish.

Right after this event happened there was an internal tissue
explosion in my butt cheek. The outer skin of my butt cheek
was not broken. The injury swelled up with puss. I had to pop
the wound to get the puss out. There is a small hole that goes
about 2 inches into my body. The strange thing is this wound
will not heal or it will not spread into a larger area. I suspect
this is some sort of shadow body or spirit body wound. It
appears these grays were trying to stick a needle into my
body. When I shifted my awareness back to my physical
body. The wound must have transferred from my shadow
body to my physical body. The one thing that I have learned
from this incident is that they may be able to get at you
through your shadow body. But you can also get back at them.
Just make sure that you touch them when you first meet them.
That way you can protect yourself from anything they might
do to you. I believe that I got fecal matter in my leg from this
incident causing the pseudomonas infection in 2010.

It felt like I was having an out of body experience. It is
where you only seem to be using your eyes. I floated over to
the bedroom door and opened it. Beyond the door opening
appeared to be a dark void. There were electrical charges
going across the door opening. It was like I was being held
captive in my room. I tried to push through this electrical
barrier. I threw myself at the door opening a few times. I
could feel the electrical charges on my shoulder. I broke
through the barrier on the third try. That is when I woke up. It
was around 1:00 am in the morning. I could still feel the
sensation of the electrical charge on my shoulder even after I
woke up.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed. It was around 10:30
pm in the evening. I was getting ready for bed. That’s when
someone touched my shoulder from behind. I turned around to
look for someone. But no one was there.

During the day I pulled a muscle in my back. I had a hard
time falling asleep that night because of the pain. Eventually I
fell asleep around 1:40 am in the morning. I was woken up by
someone pushing down on my back. I was lying facedown on
the bed. I opened my eyes but it was dark as if my eyelids
were still closed. I pushed my body up with my arms until my
arms were fully extended. I was totally aware of what was
happening. As well as feeling the muscle and touch senses of
my body. This experience lasted about 10 seconds. I felt my
eyes open again. This time I could see my surroundings. I
woke up lying facedown and without thinking a thought. My
bodies muscular system responded by pushing me up into the
same position that my shadow body was in. The force that
was pushing down on my back vanished. My back no longer
hurt after this incident. It appears that I was healed by this
force. I believe this experience shows that our physical bodies
move after our shadow bodies move. These movements are
created by thought.

I picked my daughters up from school around 2:55 pm in
the afternoon. I stopped at the market to buy some food. I
arrived home around 3:30 pm. This is when my wife told
about an experience she had with our son while we were gone.
She said our 8 year old son was in the living room watching
television. My wife was in the kitchen making dinner. She

heard the front door open and close. Then she heard the sound
of someone setting bags of food on the floor. Our son came to
the kitchen. He pointed to the front door and said “Daddy’s
home”. My wife told him to go help us. He pointed at the
front door again and said “Daddy’s home, but its not daddy”.
Our son went back to the living room.
My wife wanted to see what was going on. As my wife
turned the corner to go to the living room. She heard the front
door close. Our son looked out the front window and said,
“No car”. The girls and I arrived home about 10 minutes after
this happened. As I went into the house the cats were spooked
by my presence. Back in 1992 my brother in law’s shadow
arrived 10 minutes before he did. Wouldn’t it be interesting to
see what our son really saw enter the house. Unfortunately I
will never know because of his autism. It is good that he was
able to realize that something was wrong.

This reminds me of a time around 1994 when our son was
around 2 years old. We lost him in the house and could not
find him anywhere. We searched the house, the front yard and
the fenced in back yard. We searched the house again. Would
you believe that he turned up in his bedroom closet which had
already been searched?

This also reminds me of another incident that occurred
around 1987. When our oldest daughter was around 18
months old. My wife and my daughter and I were shopping. I
was watching my daughter. We were walking down an aisle
when this very large person stepped in front of me. This
blocked my path from following my daughter. My small
daughter got by this woman. My daughter went around the

end of the aisle. This woman would not let me pass to get to
my daughter.
I went around the other end of the aisle to where my
daughter should have been. I got scared because she was not
there. I covered a large area of the store in a matter of
seconds. There is no way this slow moving child could have
gotten away from me. It was as if she disappeared off the face
of the earth. She was found later in the toy section of the store
looking at toys.

This reminds me of another experience that I had. I was
taking our oldest daughter to school. This was around 1995.
She was around 9 years old. I looked in the rear view mirror
and saw that she was upset. I asked her why she was so upset.
She told me that she had left a school paper at home. I asked
her if she wanted to go home and get her paper. In the mirror I
saw her shake her head no. So I kept driving her to school.
She looked even more upset. Again I asked her if she wanted
to go back home and get her paper. She said “Yes” to me. I
asked her if she shook her head no. She told me that she shook
her head yes. In the mirror I saw my daughter shake her head
no. We went home and picked up her paper. Then I took her
to school. The point I am getting to is this. What we see and
hear may not be real. Maybe an image created for the mind to
see. Sometimes what is real may not be seen and heard.
Because it is being blocked from the minds view.

I woke up in what appeared to be the middle of the night. I
was sitting on the edge of the bed. I looked at the clock sitting
on the dresser. I saw 6:40 am displayed briefly on the clock.
Then I saw the display change to 1:27 am by itself. Not being

sure of the time. I got up to check the clock in the bathroom. It
was 1:30 am in the morning. I was really tired so I went back
to sleep.

It was around 9:00 pm in the evening. I was getting ready
for bed. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I was totally tired
and fatigued. Our cat was at the head of the bed. For some
unknown reason she jumped on my back. Her claws dug into
my shoulder and lower back. Was there something on me that
only my cat could see?

I was in my bedroom putting my clothes away. My wife
was in the dining room. My daughter was in the living room. I
heard a woman call my name. I went to the kitchen because I
thought it was my wife. My wife and my daughter and I all
met in the kitchen. We all heard the female voice call my
name. My wife and daughter said it was neither of them. This
was in the afternoon around 3:00 pm. Everyone in the family
has heard their name called at one time or another.

I was taking a nap. It was around 8:00 pm in the evening. I
was thinking of trying to call this radio program. This
program would be about researching the measurement of
EMF fields. I wanted to ask if they could measure astral
projections. During my sleep I had this experience where I
was looking out a window at a baseball game. I turned around
and there was someone standing next to me. I then saw this
cloud coming down towards me. The cloud engulfed me so I
could not see. This force grabbed a jacket that I seemed to be

It lifted me up by pulling on this jacket. I could feel the
jacket pressing against my face. The jacket was supporting my
body under the arms. I could feel the pull of gravity on my
body. The force lifted me up about 6 feet into the air. I
thought that this force might drop me. At that moment I woke
up around 9:00 pm in the evening. That night I was able to
call in. I asked if they could measure someone astral
projecting. They said “No, because the strings would get all
tangled “. At least this person understood something about
etheric strings.

Our autistic son had an experience which he told my wife
about. He said the blue aliens with white hands came. Did he
mean that light had come out of their finger tips? He said they
took him to a star that was on the other side of the moon. I
have heard stories of blue aliens who give off light from their

I was lying in bed trying to take a nap. It was around 9:00
pm in the evening when I heard someone walking on the roof.
It sounded like heavy footsteps from a person. It definitely
was not a cat. I went outside to check the roof of the house.
There was absolutely no one on top of the roof.

I went to bed around 10:00 am in the morning. I had an out
of body experience. I was looking at the world with just my
eyes. Everything had a grey fuzzy look to it. I had complete
full cognitive thought. I was standing by my bed looking at
the bathroom door. The door was half open with the light on
even though the light was really off. I saw a shadow move on

the floor behind the door. I was in the process of taking my
shirt off. I started to panic because I could not pull the sleeves
off my arms. I thought that I might have to confront this
entity. Then all of the sudden I was pulled away from this
image at lightning speed. To the sides of me was darkness. I
also heard a buzzing sound like a group of bees. That is when
I woke up to a sitting position in bed.

I was lying on the couch watching a movie. One of our cats
was lying on the floor next to me. They were at a part in the
movie where my heart starts to flutter. Because this person in
the movie was going to come face to face with a stone statue
of a giant reptilian face. When the reptilian face appeared my
heart jumped with anticipation at that exact moment. Our cat
jumped from the floor up on to my chest. He put his front
paws over my heart. It looked like he was trying to push
something back into my heart. He did this even though I made
no movements with my body. I wonder what the cat saw
leaving my body?

I had what felt like a dream. Everything in this dream had a
grey look to it. I opened this door and there was a shadow of a
man on the other side of the door. He came straight at me with
the intent to hurt me. I went towards this shadow person. I
could feel myself make contact with him. This caused me to
wake up. It was around 3:00 am in the morning. This room
looked like the dining room of my old home that I use to live
in. I wonder if I knew this person?

I woke up with my awareness shifted to my shadow body
or spirit body. Everything was dark and my physical eyes
were still closed. I felt someone grab my wrists. They pulled
me towards them and down. I reached forward with my mouth
and tried to bite this entity. This thing let go of my wrists. I
did not wake up like I usually do. I was able to remember this
event till after I woke up in the morning.

I had to make a trip to the store. When I arrived home
around 8:00 pm it was dark outside. As I got out of the car a
cat came running by the car. It was jumping and playing by
itself. It looked like one of our cats. Only this cat had a black
and white look to it. The kind you would see on an old black
and white television. I called to this cat but he ignored me. I
went inside the house. Yet sitting on the kitchen floor was this
same cat. He was waiting for me to show up. I checked with
everyone in the house. But no one had let him in. I went back
outside to look for this cat. But there was no cat outside. I
wonder if cats have detached shadow bodies.

I do not know if this is an out of body experience. You
have the sensation of floating in the air. Your primary
awareness is the use of your eyes. But you can still see the
other parts of your body such as your hands and feet. You
have the sensation of being able to touch things. Everything is
lit whether it is light or dark. I was floating from our
bathroom into our bedroom. When something grabbed the top
of my head. They bent me over and tried to push me into the
floor. The left side of my head hit the door frame in which I
felt the impact on my head. I pushed my way towards this

thing which just happened to be invisible. I pushed up with
my body. As I pushed it into the corner of the bed I woke up
to a sitting position in bed. I could still feel the bump to my
head from hitting the door jam. It was around 2:30 am in the
morning. It took awhile for me to fall back to sleep.

I was in the middle of a dream. I was in some sort of
prairie type setting. There was lightning in the sky. Then an
angel of fire appeared in the sky. While I was attempting to
hide behind a building someone grabbed me from behind. I
woke up to a semi conscious state. I was sideways on my
belly. I picked my head up and looked around. The bathroom
light was on just enough for me to see. Even though I could
not see anyone. Someone had me pinned down to the bed.
They had my left arm held down. They were lying on top of
me from behind. This person was trying to assault me. I
pulled my left arm free and swung it around. As my arm
passed through this being. The feeling of their weight and
touch disappeared. This occurred around 9:30 pm in the

I was taking a nap in which I had this dream. I was
walking along this stream with other people. We had to go
across this stream. The person in front of me turned around
and they were facing towards me. I picked them up to carry
them across the water. I could feel their body heat against my
chest. That is when I woke up.

I woke up shifted to my shadow body. That is when I can
open the eyes of my shadow body. But my physical eyelids

are still closed. I could hear the radio playing. Then I shifted
back to my physical body as my physical eyes opened. It was
around 12:30 in the morning. There are some interesting
things about these two realities. That the spine is usually in
the same position for both bodies. The direction that the
bodies are facing may be different. The physical body
responds to the position of the shadow body when I shift. All
the sound disappears when I lift my shadow body out of my
physical body. Most objects are in their same positions. All
objects and people are solid to the touch in both dimensions.
And sometimes there is no light when there should be light.
You are unable to move things in the spirit realm.

I fell asleep with the radio on. I woke up shifted into my
shadow body. I could not see because my physical eyelids
were still closed. I immediately knew that someone was
standing over me. I knew they were looking down at me. I
think they tried to talk to me but I could not understand what
they were saying. It sounded like someone fast forwarding a
tape. I tensed up my shadow body and made a quick jerking
motion with it. This caused me to shift to my physical body. I
opened my physical eyes and I discovered my physical body
was in the same position as my shadow body. It was around
11:30 pm in the evening.

I had a really interesting experience. I dreamt that I was
swinging a belt in a circle. Then a baby stuck out its finger.
The dream happened so fast that I could not stop from hitting
the baby’s finger with the belt. The baby started to cry. I felt
so bad because I did not want to hit the baby’s finger. I felt
that I should be punished for what I did. Someone approached

me from the side. I knelt down and put my head against a
post. I was expecting to be punished. Then I felt a really light
tap to the side of my head. That is when I woke up. It was
around 1:00 am in the morning. I could still feel the sensation
of the tap on the side of my head.

This felt like an out of body experience. I was looking at
my son who was sleeping in bed. I could hear him speak but
his lips were not moving. It sounded like he said, “I need
some help”. Then I found myself in my shadow body. I was
lying in bed with my eyes closed. I was holding a pillow in
front of my face. It felt like someone walked up to the bed and
they were standing by my feet. I reached out with my right
leg. I wanted to see if I could touch them. That is when I woke
up in the same position as my physical body. It was around
2:30 am in the morning.

I woke up with my awareness shifted to my shadow body.
Someone had put their hand over my mouth. I could not see
who it was because my physical eyes were still closed. I
pushed my shadow body up and out of my physical body. I
could see the hand of this shadow person as it went behind my
head. This person was standing behind me. My awareness
shifted back to my physical body. This caused my physical
body to immediately react to the same movement as my
shadow body. By pushing my physical body up by my arms.
This woke me up around 12:30 am in the morning. I knew
that I was in my shadow body. Because even though the
bathroom light was on there was no light coming from the
bathroom. And I did not have to adjust my eyes to the

I woke up with my awareness shifted to my shadow body.
I opened my eyes but I could not see. My physical eyelids
were still closed. I was lying on my left side. My left arm was
hanging over the side of the bed. I felt someone’s head resting
on my arm. They were holding themselves up by hanging
their arms over my arm. Judging from the height and
closeness of this person to the side of the bed. I thought they
might be a small child. I knew that if I did not lift my shadow
body out of my physical body. I would not see what this
person looked like. I was curious so I took my left hand and
put it on the back of this person’s head. This person had a
crew cut haircut.
Something that an adult male might have. I jerked my body
causing me to shift back. The clock read 1:08 am in the
morning. I went back to sleep. Again I woke up shifted to my
shadow body. This person was hanging on my arm again. This
time I was upset so I swung my right arm towards this person.
This caused me to shift back to my physical body. The clock
said 2:08 am in the morning. It was then I realized that I had
left the radio on behind my head. The radio may be
contributing to my experiencing these things. The show I
listen to uses trigger tones for commercials. These trigger
tones turn computers on and off during commercials.

I fell asleep on the living room floor. My head was
propped up against the couch. I woke up shifted to my shadow
body with my physical eyelids still closed. I could see a
source of light through my eyelids. It was moving around the
corner of the couch. This light was coming towards me. I
could hear the sound of something dragging on the carpet. As
the light got closer to me I could feel this static energy charge

against my body. This light was really getting brighter. I knew
someone was right there staring at me. Since I did not want to
see what this person looked like. I stuck my arm out to try and
touch this person. The light and static energy feeling
disappeared. I opened my eyes slowly. I must have been
shifted back because I did not see anyone.
But I heard the sound of someone dragging themselves on
the floor. The sound was moving down the hallway back
towards my bedroom. When I picked my head up the sound
disappeared. I wonder if this person is building up a static
charge by dragging themselves on the floor. That might
explain the bright light. I wonder if I discharged this energy
by touching this person. This person clearly does not have use
of their legs. This might be the same person who was hanging
on my arm near the bed on 4/4/2004. This explains why they
were so close to the bed. This happened around 12:30 am in
the morning. I shifted without the use of a radio.

I woke up shifted into my shadow body. I was lying face
down with that feeling of paralysis. I could feel that force
holding down my body. Someone grabbed my ankles and
tried to move my legs. This person tried to assault me from
behind. I thought in my mind about being assaulted by a dead
person. All of the sudden this entity stopped what it was
doing. That paralysis force lifted and disappeared. I opened
my eyes and looked around. I saw no one and it was dead
silent. I tried not to disturb my wife. I put my head down and
was thinking to myself. About 5 seconds latter my wife
jumped out of bed and left the room.
I thought that this might be interesting. She came back
about 3 minutes later. I asked her about what had happened.
She said she heard a man walking down the hallway. She said

that he was moaning. I told her about what had happened to
me. I guess this person did not know that they were dead until
I mentioned it in my thoughts. The shadow or spirit body is
always detached from the physical body with both bodies
existing in their own separate dimensions.

I went to bed around 8:00 pm. I had this dream where I
saw a co worker lying in a casket. Something was said about
this person drinking too much.

Latter that night around 4:00 am in the morning. I was
talking with a co worker. When all of the sudden this co
worker walked out of the shop. He comes back into the shop
and asked me if I had seen someone walk into the shop. He
saw the same co worker from my dream. He said this co
worker walked into the shop and stood in the doorway. Then
turned around and walked out. My co worker rubbed his eyes
and joked about being too tired.

I woke up shifted into my shadow body. That paralysis
force was holding me down. I was lying on my left side and I
was holding someone’s finger in my left hand. My left hand
was against my chest. Someone had a hand or knee in my
back. I was unable to pull my right hand from under the
blanket. I shifted back to my physical body. This caused my
physical eyes to open. That paralysis force that was holding
me down disappeared. My physical body was in the exact
same position as my shadow body. It was around 1:30 am in
the morning.

I woke up lying on my back. I was shifted into my shadow
body. My physical eyelids were still closed so I could not see
anything. Something was holding my body down. They had
me pinned at the elbows. I could only move my arms below
the elbows. I could feel that paralysis force on my chest. Then
the pressure on my body started getting heavier. Then I could
feel the paralysis force on my face. This force started pushing
down on my mouth. I could feel my lips start to seal shut. The
fear of death started to hit me. I wondered if this force was
trying to suffocate me in my sleep. Maybe this fear I had was
unwarranted. Because I do not recall if I took any breaths
while in my shadow body. I tried to swing my arm and hit my
wife. But I could not reach her.
So I tried to call her name. Latter she would say that she
heard a voice call her name. But she thought it was our son
talking in his sleep. I started to move my head from side to
side. My mouth broke free from the force that was holding it.
As this being that was applying that paralysis force backed
away from me. I jumped out of bed and took a swing at it. By
that time I had shifted back to my physical body. My wife had
woken up in time to see me jumping out of bed. I told her
about what had happened to me while I was sleeping. It was
2:07 am in the morning. I am hoping my shadow body punch
made contact with this thing. Maybe this is how a lot of
people die in their sleep. Maybe this is the cause of sleep

It was sometime in the middle of the night. I was in the
middle of this dream. I was holding a pencil in my right hand.
From this dream I shifted to my shadow body. This time I was
lying on my left side holding a pillow to my chest. My

shadow eyes were open but my physical eyes were closed. I
felt someone lay down on top of me. They blended into the
exact same position that I was in. At this point I shifted back
to my physical body. Maybe someone else was trying to
possess my body. Maybe it was another form of me. This was
a weird experience.

One night while I was taking a nap I woke up to someone
pulling down on the bed sheets. I was facing towards the
bathroom. The room had a lit look to it. Everything looked as
it should have. There was no force holding me down. I
reached out with my arm to try and push whatever it was
away. This is when I completely woke up. The presence was
no longer there. The room went back to being dark. It was
around 9:00 pm in the evening. It appears that one can be
physically awake yet shifted to their shadow body.

I was having what felt like a dream to me. I was hitting an
entity who was lying on the floor beside the bed. Even though
the room was dark in this physical world. Everything was lit
and felt real to the touch in this dream. I woke up from this
dream around 12:30 am in the middle of the night. Since I was
still tired I went back to sleep. Again I found myself back in
this same dream state. The room was lit like before. Only I
felt this weight or force holding me down. I noticed there was
an image of a lightning bolt next to the bed where a person
normally would be standing. I fought till this force backed off.
I jumped up and started swinging at this thing. That is when I
woke up. The time was around 1:30 am in the morning.

I had a dream in which I met this woman. She kicked a rat
at me. This rat hit me in the chest. I used my hand to knock
the rat off of my chest. My physical hands moved just like in
the dream. This caused me to hit my wife and wake us both
up. Even though it was a dream I felt the impact on my chest
even after I woke up.

It was around 1:30 am in the morning. I was woken up by
what felt like a cat walking across the foot of the bed. I looked
for a cat but did not see one. Someone must have walked
between the bed and the dresser. Maybe putting their hands on
the bed for balance. After that I fell back to sleep. Even
though I do not recall waking up I was awake with my eyes
open. I was lying on my left side.
My back was facing the edge of the bed. I could see my
wife sleeping next to me. My body was paralyzed so I could
not move. I felt someone place their right hand on my right
cheek of my face. Their touch extended back to my right
shoulder blade. While still looking at my wife and my
physical hands which I could both see. I reached around with
my shadow hands and grabbed this person’s forearm. Using
my shadow body’s right hand I grabbed their wrist. Then I
pinched their skin with the fingers from my left hand.
Realizing that this pinch did not hurt this person. I twisted
their forearm with both my hands. Their skin felt like a loose
outer covering. Human skin does not give that way. Its skin
had no hair and felt like rubber. I shoved this arm away from
me. This caused me to shift back to my physical body. I got
up and looked at the clock which read 3:00 am in the
morning. It was still early so I went back to sleep. Then the
same thing happened again. I found my self awake with my

eyes open. I was on my left side facing my wife. I was
paralyzed and unable to move. Then I felt someone fall across
my midsection. It felt like someone had passed out or was
killed. I reached over with my shadow hands and I touched
the back of this thing. The skin felt like rubber to the touch.
This being was not wearing any clothes.
This being was around the size of a 12 year old child.
While still looking at my wife I tried to call her name to wake
her up. I pushed this entity off of me. This caused me to shift
back to my physical body. I sat up and looked at the clock
which read 5:00 am in the morning. I shut the radio off that
was behind my head. While sitting on the side of the bed. I
heard the doors in the house open and close. I got up and
checked the doors in the house. They were all closed and
locked so I went back to sleep. I woke up to a stiff neck where
this thing had touched me. You could see the imprint of its
hand on my neck the next day. It had fingers that were around
10 inches long. It is possible that this thing was killed by a
ghost or a shadow person.

Later during the week after the 2/27/2005 incident. My
wife told me about an incident that happened while she was
sleeping. She woke up to what we call the UFO hum. She told
me she could hear people screaming. There screams sounded
like they were far off in the distance. I wonder if these beings
took the ghosts away that protected us from them.

I woke up shifted into my shadow body. This paralyzing
force was holding me down. I was lying on my right side. I
felt one hand push down on my left shoulder. The other hand
pushed down on my rib cage. This person tried to assault me

from behind. I tried to move my arms but I could not. I have
noticed that stress makes it harder to move. So I did not panic.
I knew this person would not be able to do anything to hurt
me. I tried to use thought to stop this being. I imagined a wave
of water pushing this entity off of me. The entity seemed to be
pushed off the top of me. I was no longer paralyzed by this
force. I shifted back to my physical body. I looked at the clock
which read 2:00 am in the morning. I was really tired so I
went back to sleep

I was having a hard time sleeping because of a toothache.
It was around 2:00 am in the morning. I got up to get some
pain medication. While I was walking down the hallway
towards the kitchen. I heard something jump out of our son’s
chair which was located in the living room. I saw his chair
rocking back and forth as I entered the living room. I looked
for a cat but there were no cats in the house. I got my
medicine and went back to bed. I went to get more medicine
around 5:00 am in the morning. My wife was sleeping in the
living room. She said she saw our son’s chair rocking back
and forth as if someone had gotten out of his chair. I checked
for cats but they were all outside. She told me she could also
smell cookies. There might be a young spirit person in the

I woke up paralyzed with my eyes open. I could see my
wife sleeping next to me. My back was facing the edge of the
bed. Somebody was sitting on the edge of the bed. They were
leaning up against my back. They were holding my right hand
with both of their hands. I felt no fear or hostility from this
person. I gave their hand a slight squeeze with my right hand.

I let them know it was okay that they were there. I patted their
forearm with my left hand. This was a child around 10 years
old. I forced myself to shift back to my physical body. I
looked at the clock which read 2:40 am in the morning. This
time I fell asleep facing the edge of the bed. This time I woke
up shifted to my shadow body. My physical eyes were still
closed. Even though I could not see anything I knew that
someone was standing next to the bed looking at me.
Since I was not paralyzed I reached out with my right hand
and felt cloths. I raised my arm up to where I could touch this
person. I could tell it was a young girl about 10 years old. I
pulled my hand back. I raise my adrenaline level when I want
to shift back to my physical body. I shifted back to my
physical body and opened my eyes. I did not look at the time.
I shut the radio off and went back to sleep. This may be the
same person from the 5/8/2005 incident. The being that was
rocking the chair and the one with the smell of cookies.

I fell asleep with the radio on. The neighbors were playing
their music real loud. Their music had a heart beat sound to it.
I woke up shifted with that paralysis force holding me down. I
was face down on my side. A person was trying to assault me
from behind. I raised my adrenaline level so I could shift back
to my physical body. I woke up and the experience stopped. It
was around 2:00 am in the morning. I know that physical
objects cannot be moved in that dimension. So I covered my
lower body with a blanket and then I fell back to sleep. Again
I woke up paralyzed in my shadow body. I felt this person at
my feet tugging at the blanket. They were getting frustrated
because they could not move the blanket. In my mind I told
him to get a life. He may not realize that he is dead. I shifted

back to my physical body by waking up. It was 4:45 am in the

I woke up on my left side. I was facing the edge of the bed
and I was shifted into my shadow body. My physical eyes
were still closed and I was somewhat paralyzed. I have found
that when this happens. I usually can not pick my arms up.
But I can move them from side to side. For some unknown
reason I swung my right arm over my body. Even though I
was not able to see anything I was able to grab someone’s
wrist. Their hand was on my thigh. They were crawling up my
body from the front of the bed. I could feel this person’s
shredded skin.
Their skin was hanging off of their bones. I could even feel
their bones. I twisted this person’s arm. Then my physical
eyes opened and I was able to see the room. The room was
very dark. But in a few seconds it changed to a lighter color.
The paralysis force went away the moment it got light. So did
the feeling of my shadow hand which was holding this
person’s wrist. It was around 2:00 am in the morning. It
makes me wonder that when someone dies. Does your shadow
body keep the same image as at the moment of death? Or does
it decompose along with the physical body?

I was having this dream where I was looking for my tool
pouch. The tool pouch that I use at work. I looked for it at
home and I looked for it at work and school. I had this thought
in my dream about making it appear. I concentrated in my
dream to try and make my tool pouch appear. My tool pouch
appeared right in front of my eyes. That’s when I woke up. It
was around 3:00 pm in the afternoon.

I was standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes. It was
around 7:00 pm in the evening. I caught out of the corner of
my eye that someone had come around the corner of the
hallway wall. They stopped and looked at us. Then they
turned around and went back down the hallway. They were
wearing a white shirt and green gym shorts. I thought it might
be our son. He probably wanted to take his shower. I called
out to see who it was but no one answered. I went to the
hallway and looked but no one was there. I went back to
washing the dishes. Our daughter came around the corner a
few minutes later. She was wearing a white shirt and green
gym shorts. I asked her if she had come around the corner
earlier. She told me it was not her.

I had fallen asleep around 11:00 pm in the evening. I had
what felt like a dream. In this dream I was trying to get out of
bed. I was going to go and check on my wife. The room
looked normal to me. As I tried to get up out of bed I could
see and feel what appeared to be a mattress. That someone
had wrapped around my head and body. I tried to get up. But I
became fatigued and fell back on the bed. I tried to get up a
second time. But I fell back on the bed. I was them woken up
by my wife. She said the way I was sleeping looked strange.
My arms were pulled up against my body and I was moaning.
It was around 11:30 pm at night.

It was around 10:00 pm in the evening. I was in bed
watching television. My wife came into the room to talk to
me. She was standing by the bed. I was looking at my wife’s
reflection in the mirror. I could see behind my wife into the
hallway. I saw this female entity come from our oldest
daughter’s bedroom. This entity looked at us as it moved past
the door opening. It turned around the corner and went down
the hallway. The hallway was dark so the entity had a gray
look to it. It was a female about 5 feet tall. This being had
shoulder length curly hair, a white colored top and gym
shorts. I thought that this being might be one of our daughters.
So I went to the living room to check on our children. I found
our children all sitting on the living room couch. They said
they had been in the living room the whole time. This person
looked like the same person I saw come around the corner of
the hallway on 8/21/2005.

I woke up and opened my eyes. Even though I had left the
bathroom light on the room was dark but was not pitch black.
I could see the outline of the dresser. The room turned to a
lighter color after 2 seconds. The clock read 2:30 am in the
morning. I had an experience where I opened my physical
eyes but I looked at the world with my shadow eyes or spirit
eyes. I went back to sleep. I had what appeared to be a dream.
I was lying on the living room couch watching television. I
believe that I was in the shadow world because of the
darkness around me. I went from seeing myself to becoming
part of myself.
I felt someone pull a pillow from behind my head. I turned
around and saw someone standing in the dark. They were
holding my pillow in their hands. I held out my hand and I

told them to give my pillow back to me. I put the pillow
behind my head. Again I opened my physical eyes and there
was no light. Then everything lit up after 2 seconds. I get the
impression that light blocks out this world of darkness. I
wonder if this is where the concept of going to the light comes
from. That we come to this physical reality for the purpose of
finding light to get away from this dark sheol.

I was in my room changing my clothes. I heard the
bedroom door shake. I opened the door to see if someone was
there. There was no one at the door. I went to the kitchen and
I asked my wife if she heard the door shake. She heard the
door shake but she said that she did not do it.

I woke up shifted into my detached shadow body. I was
lying on my left side. I could feel a small child sitting on my
midsection. He was around 4 to 5 years of age. I grabbed the
child’s left ankle with my left hand. I tried to lift my right
hand up. But that paralysis force was pushing down on it.
During the struggle to move I shifted back to my physical
body. The paralysis force and the feeling of the child
dissipated. It was around 2:30 am in the morning.

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
shifted to my shadow body and with my physical eyes still
closed. I heard the bedroom door open. I heard somebody go
in to the bathroom. I was lying on my left side with my back
facing the bathroom. I felt someone get on top of the bed.
They crawled towards my back. I thought it might be my
wife. Then I heard a strange woman’s voice say “We’ve lost

power it’s completely dark”. I opened my physical eyes. It
was dark but not pitch black. Then I blinked my physical
eyelids. When my eyelids opened it was light. I looked at the
clock which read 8:43 pm in the evening. It is hard to fall
back to sleep when something like this happens. If I had been
facing the bathroom when I opened my eyelids. I would have
seen this woman’s shadow body or spirit body. I felt bad
because this woman does not realize that she is dead. I believe
this woman was following my wife’s detached shadow body
while trying to get her attention.

I woke up shifted into my shadow body. I was lying on my
left side. I could not see anyone because my physical eyes
were still closed. I knew that someone was standing next to
me. There was a slight feeling of paralysis on my body. What
this entity was doing was very interesting. He was putting a
paralysis force on the pillow next to my head. There was a
light buzzing sound as he pushed down. The buzzing sound
got louder as he pushed down harder. Then the buzzing sound
got lighter as he let up on this force. He pushed down harder
and again the buzzing sound got louder. I tried not to think a
deep thought. That way he would not know that I was aware
of his presence.
They do not seem to pick up on sporadic thought. I got the
impression he was trying to teach himself how to apply this
paralysis force. I thought that I would surprise him and shove
my hand out and grab him. The problem with this is I could
not get my hand from under the blanket. The blanket appeared
to be an immovable object. I finally got my hand out and
grabbed his hip. I grabbed his shorts and pulled on them. He
stopped what he was doing and bent over me. He tried to say
something to me. But I could not understand what he said.

The next thing that happened to me is. I shifted back to my
physical body and opened my eyes. It was 1:28 am in the

I woke up with my awareness shifted into my shadow
body. My physical eyes had opened too. The bathroom light
was on and I could hear the heater running. Someone was
trying to roll me over on to my back. They were pushing
down on my left arm. My left arm was behind my back. This
person did not know that I was aware of what they were
doing. I kept to light thought instead of deep thought. This
way they would not know what I was thinking. I wanted to
see what they were going to do. I wanted to try and grab this
person. Then I heard my wife shutting off the heater.
I was hoping she would not come into the bedroom. But as
she entered into the bedroom this entity stopped pushing
down on my arm. I think this is the same entity from
4/9/2006. I snapped out of this state of awareness. The time
was 11:38 am in the evening. Normally I like to sleep on my
side. But I find myself waking up on my back. I believe this
entity tried to access the energy and heat given off by my
heart. I believe the purpose of a human being is to create
blood energy for this shadow realm or what some people like
to refer to as god.

It was around 2:30 pm in the afternoon. I woke up shifted
into my shadow body. I could not see anything because my
physical eyelids were closed. I could feel my body with my
hands. I could feel two tubes running up my legs into the area
of my chest. There were two bumps sticking out of the tubes. I
pushed these bumps into my belly. That’s when I woke my

physical body up. Someone was doing something to my
shadow body while I was asleep.

I arrived home around 7:45 am in the morning. I met my
wife and son at the front door. My son went to go brush his
teeth. My wife went to the bedroom. I was waiting in the
living room for both of them to return. I could see down the
hallway towards both rooms. As my wife turned the corner to
walk towards me. I could see a shadow person about 4 foot
tall pass behind her. It walked from the bedroom over to the
bathroom where my son was at. It looked like it was wearing
a robe. I went down the hallway to look for these entity. In
deep thought I let this being know that I saw it. When I told
my wife what I had seen. She told me that someone was
bumping the bed last night. And they were tugging on the
blankets while she was trying to sleep.

I arrived home around 8:00 am in the morning. My wife
told me of an event that happened that morning. Our son had
gotten up around 7:00 am. He was in the living room
watching television. My wife was in the bedroom. She said
that while looking in the dresser mirror. She saw a shadow
person come out of our son’s room. It appeared to be looking
for our son. This shadow person had a blanket wrapped
around itself. It went towards the living room were our son
was at. My wife went to check on our son. She wanted to
make sure he was okay. I think this might be the same entity
from the 8/28/2006 incident. This entity looked like he was
wearing a robe. I wonder if this is a detached shadow body of
our autistic son. That our son’s mind or his shadow body
being held captive by God.

I was sleeping on my left side. My right hand was resting
on my right hip. Someone shoved my hand off of my hip. It
was around 1:30 am in the morning. I made sure to cover
myself with a blanket. Nothing happened the rest of the night.

My wife and I were resting in bed. She was asleep and I
was watching television. It was around 11:00 am in the
morning. It felt and sounded like her body bounced off the
bed. This caused her to wake up. She told me that she was
dreaming. That she was floating in midair then she fell
backwards on top of the bed.

It was around 9:00 pm in the evening. I woke up and
opened my eyes. It was pitch black in the room. I thought that
we had lost power. I decided to get up and check on my
family. It was then that I realized that I could not pick my
body up off the bed. So I tried to roll myself off the side of the
bed. As my two arms extended out over the edge of the bed.
They bumped the side of someone standing next to the bed.
As my hands touched this person my physical eyes opened.
The bathroom light was on and everything in the room was
normal. The sensation of touching this person was gone. My
physical body was in the same position as my shadow body. I
actually thought that I was wide awake. It was a very
interesting experience.

I was lying there with my eyes closed. I do not know if I
was physically awake. I was lying on my left side. I wanted to
stretch my right arm upwards. I had a muscle strain in my

right arm. I could feel the soreness in my arm and the brace on
my forearm that I was wearing. As I stretched my arm
upwards I felt my arm enter into that paralysis field.
I knew that I was shifted into my shadow body and that
someone was standing by the bed. I reached out with my right
hand and touched this person’s chest. I reached out with my
left hand and wrapped it around this person’s legs. It was a
male being. He was wearing very thin clothes. I believe this
was the same person practicing paralysis on my pillow on
4/9/2006. They were wearing the same kind of pants. I
reached over with my right hand to hit my wife. At this point I
shifted back to my physical body.
I would like to point out that this person is standing where
a chair should be. I looked at the clock which read 2:40 am in
the morning. I told my wife about this experience in the
morning after we both woke up. She told me she was woken
up last night by someone hitting her in the back. She turned
and looked at me. But I was facing away from her and that I
was sleeping. That is when I told her that I had reached over
and hit her using my shadow body’s right hand to try and
wake her up.

I was taking a nap when I woke up shifted into my shadow
body. I was lying on my back. It was then that I realized that
someone had their head resting on my stomach. I am not
going to lift my shadow head out of my physical body. This
way I do not have to see this person. I have been curious
about something. Since there is no light or sound in the
shadow world. I believe the shadow body lacks the
mechanical aspects of this physical world. Such as
functioning eyeballs and ear drums. I took this as a good
opportunity to answer my questions. I grabbed the back of this

person’s neck with my left hand. Then I grabbed the top of
this persons head with my right hand. This was a male being
with short hair.
I turned this person’s face toward me. I ran my right hand
across this persons face. Focusing my right thumb on their eye
socket. This person appeared to have an eyelid. But when I
moved the eyelid. I felt a jelly like substance came out of the
eye socket. At this point I shifted back to my physical body by
opening my physical eyes. The time was 8:50 pm. I think this
person is angry I touched their eyeball. I have been waking up
with this feeling that someone has poked me in the eye.

While taking a nap I started to dream. In this dream
someone came up behind me. Their chest hit my back. They
wrapped their left arm around my chest. Their right hand
grabbed my right forearm. I immediately knew the orientation
of my body on the bed. I was lying on my right side with my
right arm over my head. When I woke up and opened my
eyes. I could no longer feel the presence of this person. But I
found myself lying on my right side. My right arm was above
my head. I looked at the clock which read 8:40 pm in the
evening. I noticed that after this happened. I had a numb
inflammation feeling on my back.

I woke up lying on my right side. I felt a waving motion
moving from my thigh down to my ankle. As I looked down
to see what it might be. One of our cats jumped on the bed. He
landed by my feet. He stepped across my ankles and perched
himself in a sphinx type position. He just stared at the wall. I
looked at the clock which read 2:40 am in the morning. I
believe cats make excellent protectors against the paranormal.

This cat must have been looking at something because he
made no attempt to fall asleep. I had no problems falling back
to sleep.

I was taking a nap before work. I woke up in the middle of
a dream. I was lying on this floor in this dream. I sat up
because of a faint beeping sound that I was hearing. The
sound I was hearing was very far away. I started looking
around for this sound. But I noticed that I was sitting on the
floor of a train. I was sitting between two rows of seats. The
train’s interior looked like something from the old west. The
train felt like it was moving. There were no other people on
this train. The windows were pitch black so you could not see
out of them. Then I woke up to the sound of my alarm going
off. The time was 10:30 pm in the evening. My alarm was the
beeping sound that I heard in this dream. My physical alarm
was louder than the sound in my dream. My alarm was set to
go off at 10:15pm. Several times in the past my wife has had
to wake me up. When I have overslept through my alarm by
as much as a half hour.

I was taking a nap before work. I woke up shifted into my
shadow body. I found myself in the bathroom with a towel
over my head. I was trying to hide from something but I do
not know what it was. I was trying to push my wife’s touch
lamp to make it light. Her lamp would not light when I
touched it. The bathroom was dark even though the bathroom
light was on. I woke up out of this experience by shifting to
my physical body. The time was around 9:00 pm in the
evening. I went back to sleep till 10:20 pm.

I woke up shifted into my shadow body. I could not see
anything because my physical eyes were still closed. Would
you believe that someone was squeezing my nose with their
right hand. I grabbed this person’s right arm with my left
hand. Then I grabbed their right wrist with my right hand.
Then I grabbed their shirt with my left hand. I pulled them
down to me. I attempted to grab this person’s upper body with
both my hands. Only to find out this person had no head or
neck. They were wearing something like a tee shirt. I tried to
bend this person’s wrist. Their wrist bent over in half like it
was made of rubber. I tried to call my wife’s name. But I
shifted back to my physical body.
My physical body was in the same position as my shadow
body. It was around 1:00 am in the morning. My wife came
into the bedroom right after this happened. She said she heard
someone call her name. But it sounded far off in the distance.
I told her that it was me who called her using my shadow
body. I went back to sleep. I was woken up around 3:00 am in
the morning by one of our cats. I got up to let him outside. As
I followed him down the hallway he stopped at the entrance to
the kitchen. He looked like he was staring at something. As I
rounded the corner to the kitchen I could see a purple light
behind the dining room table. This purple light passed through
the dining room wall. The cat then continued on his way to
the back door where I let him go outside.

I woke up shifted into my shadow body. I opened my eyes
but I could not see anything. My physical eyes were still
closed. I was lying on my back. My body was covered with a
blanket. There was someone on top of me. He was trying to
do something bad to me. His paralysis force was very weak. I

was able to reach up with both my hands and grab this
person’s head. This was a small male entity. My first
impression is that he might have died from cancer because his
head was bald. I shifted back to my physical body because my
physical eyes opened. The presence of this person
disappeared. I went back to sleep because it was only 9:00 pm
in the evening.

I woke up around 2:30 am in the morning to use the
bathroom. But I needed to wait till my wife was done so that I
could use it. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. She came out
and said to me, “Now it is your turn”. I went back to bed after
I was done. I left the bathroom light on and shut off the
television. I went back to sleep. Then I woke up shifted to my
shadow body. But I was outside of my physical body. I found
myself leaving the bathroom. Someone passed me as they
were going into the bathroom. I thought it was my wife
because I heard them say “Now it is your turn”. They closed
the bathroom door. So there was very little light in the
bedroom. In fact it was pitch black a foot in front of my face. I
decided to reach over and flip on the light switch.
I flipped the light switch on. The light switch felt real to
the touch. But the light switch did not flip or turn on. I
immediately knew that I was in my shadow body. I started
walking into the bedroom. I was waving my right arm into the
darkness. My right arm hit somebody’s left arm. I grabbed
their wrist and started struggling with this person. I was
standing in front of my calendar. After a five second struggle
with this person I shifted back to my physical body by waking
up. It was around 3:30 am in the morning. I turned around to
check on my wife. But she was no longer sleeping in the bed.
I found my wife in the living room. She was making the

couch into a bed. I asked her what was wrong. She described
seeing a shadow person standing in front of my calendar. This
entity was bent over looking at her. It looked like a five foot
tall old woman. She was probably in her seventies. I went
back to bed around 4:30 am in the morning.

While taking a nap I was woken up by someone grabbing
my wrists and trying to restrain me. They had me pinned on
my back. I did not open my eyes fully. I had this feeling that I
would not like what I would see. So I squinted with my eyes. I
could see a dark form on top of me. I had a hard time
struggling with this person. I could feel that paralysis force on
my body. This made me realize that I was shifted to my
shadow body. I suspect that this person is from the 2/25/2007
incident. The old woman who was about five feet tall. Her
skin had a dehydrated feel to it. The bedroom light appeared
to be on even though it was off.
I closed my eyes and continued to struggle with her. I
decided to try and yell at her. But I could not because of that
paralysis force. After 10 seconds of struggling with her. I was
able to let out a scream. This stopped the experience and I was
able to shift back to my physical body. I found my physical
body in the exact same position as my shadow body. I looked
at the clock which read 9:20 pm in the evening. I asked latter
if anybody heard me scream. Everyone responded with a no
answer. I have two theories as to why this person appeared to
be a solid dark red color. The first theory is that she died in a
fire. The second theory is that you are looking at a person who
has no outer layer of skin. You are seeing the deep red dark
blood that a person has in their body.

I arrived home at 9:20 am in the morning. I had just
dropped the kids off at school. My wife told me of an
experience she had while I was gone. She was looking into
her bedroom mirror. She saw a shadow person run from the
hallway into our son’s room. The shadow looked to be about 8
years old. He stopped for a moment to look at her. She noticed
that this shadow cast a shadow on the wall. She saw this
shadow in the reflection of the mirror.

I was taking a nap. I woke up to find myself on the
bedroom floor. My back was up against the bed. It felt like I
was shifted into my shadow body. I could not see because my
physical eyelids were still closed. Even though I could not see
anyone I knew someone was coming at me. I reached out with
my right hand to push them away. As my hand made contact
with this person. I then found myself lying on my bed. I knew
that I was shifted into my shadow body. It was then that I
realized there was someone lying on the bed next to me. Their
head was resting on my arm. I panicked as I tried to pull my
arm from under this person. That’s when I shifted back to my
physical body. It was around 9:00 pm in the evening. I went
back to sleep.

It was around 9:00 am in the morning. As I was walking
into my bedroom I saw a small one inch red orb by our phone.
The orb disappeared after one second.

While I was taking a nap I was woken up by what felt like
an earthquake. I was lying on my right side. Even though my

physical body did not move it felt like my weight shifted
towards my head. Then it moved down towards my feet. This
happened three times in a row. It felt like the shadow of the
planet moved. It was like being caught in a wave going back
and forth. It felt like gravity was going back and forth. I rolled
over to my right side. This caused the experience to stop. I
looked at the clock which read 10:02 pm in the evening. I was
facing in a western direction. My head was north and my feet
were south. The wave movement was north to south. There
was a full moon that night.

I woke up real tired out of a deep sleep. I felt someone put
their foot on the bed. I reached over with my left foot and hit
their foot. I was lying on my back. I had a pillow between my
face and this person. The room appeared lighter than it should
have been. As I moved the pillow away from my face. The
touch of this foot disappeared and the color of the room got
darker. It was around 12:30 am in the evening.

I was woken up by three shoves to the side of the bed. I
looked around the room but I did not see anyone. It was
around 3:30 am in the morning. I went back to sleep because I
was still very tired.

My wife and I were asleep in bed. I was woken up by
something jumping on the bed. I thought it was one of our
cats. I looked down by my feet but there was nothing there. It
was around 2:30 am in the morning. Just as I was falling back
to sleep. It felt like a cat jumped on the bed again. I looked
towards my feet but there was no cat there. I also noticed that

my wife’s breathing sounds were changing. I was thinking
that someone might be covering her mouth. While I was
trying to fall back to sleep something jumped on the bed
again. This happened six times that night. My wife and I both
woke up very tired the next day. My sleep has been starting to
be real bad. My sleep periods are becoming an hour long.

My wife decided to sleep on the couch. I decided to sleep
on the bed. We were both hoping for a goods night sleep. I
went to bed and slept well that night. After I got up in the
morning I asked my wife how well she slept. She told me
about an experience she had that night. She had woken up to
see a small girl. Who had curly hair, a robe and slippers. She
went from the kitchen down to the bedroom. The child
skipped like a normal three year old child would. My wife
then went back to sleep. My wife came to the conclusion that
this child was the one that was jumping on the bed. And the
child that was possibly putting her hand over my wife’s mouth
while trying to get my wife’s attention on 9/3/2007.

I was taking a nap when I was woken up by this cold
feeling. I pulled my blanket over my body. I was lying there
half awake when I felt this force push down on the blanket.
This force felt like a glove over my body. I snapped myself to
full awake. This made the paralysis force on my body go
away. It was around 7:30 pm in the evening. I fell back to
sleep till 8:30 pm.

I went to sleep around 7:30 pm in the evening. I was
woken up by a blanket of pressure. A feeling of weight being
applied to my body. I tried to wish it away but nothing
happened. The second time I wished it away this force
dissipated. That’s when I completely woke up. I looked at the
clock which read 9:45 pm in the evening. I went back to sleep
till 10:20 pm.

I went to bed around 7:30 pm in the evening. I woke up
shifted into my detached shadow body. My physical eyes
were still closed so I was unable to see anything. I was lying
on my right side. I could feel the bed and pillows. I sensed the
presence of someone standing next to the bed. I reached out
with my left leg and touched their thigh. I pulled my left leg
back onto the bed. This person tried to lie down on top of the
bed next to me. Then they put their right leg over my left leg.
I laid there for a moment somewhat scared. I did not lift my
head up out of my physical body. This way my physical shell
would protect me from seeing this person. All of the sudden
my physical eyes opened. My eyes immediately processed the
presence of light. My awareness shifted to my physical body.
This caused me not to see this person. It made the presence of
this beings touch go away. I looked at the clock which read
8:50 pm in the evening. I went back to sleep till 10:20 pm.

I got up at 2:30 pm in the afternoon to pick my son up
from school. I was in the bathroom getting ready. I could see
sunlight coming from under the bedroom door. I saw
something pass by the door. It blocked out the sunlight under

the door. I thought it might be my wife. But when I left at
2:40 pm she was asleep on the couch. When I got home I
asked her if she was up at the time. She said she was not up at
that time. It is interesting that ghosts can block out sunlight.

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
shifted into my shadow body. I was lying there with my eyes
closed. But this time there was an appearance of a gray raster.
The kind you see on an old analog television when there is no
signal being broadcast. This experience could be dealing with
noise. I knew this was no dream because I had full thought
and reason. I could physically feel my surroundings. That’s
when I realized that someone was lying on the bed next to me.
I reached over and grabbed them. I pulled them on top of
me. I stayed on my back so I would not see anyone. It was a
child about six years old. He had hair about one inch in
length. I grabbed him by the shoulders and dropped him off
the side of the bed. My physical eyes opened at the same time
as I shifted back to my physical body. The lighting in the
room was normal. The time on the clock was around 8:30 pm
in the evening. I went back to sleep till 10:20 pm.

It was around 5:00 pm in the afternoon. While walking into
my bedroom I saw a red orb about one inch in diameter. It
looked like a reflection in the mirror. It disappeared after one

It was around 4:30 pm in the afternoon. While walking into
my bedroom I saw this same one inch round red orb. It

appeared as a reflection in the mirror. It disappeared as it
moved off the face of the mirror.

I was telling my family about how the shadow body
worked. After that I went to bed around 2:30 pm in the
afternoon. I was going to sleep till around 10:20 pm in the
evening. I left the bathroom light on as usual. I woke up
picking my head up. I was facing towards the bathroom. I
thought the light in the bathroom had burnt out because it was
really dark in the room. I got up to check the lights to see if
we had lost power. I turned around to look at the clock. But
my alarm clock was not lit. I started getting scared because I
thought that I might be dead and that I was in my shadow
body. Then I woke up facing the bathroom. The bathroom
light was on as it should be. I looked at the clock which read
3:58 pm in the afternoon. I might have induced this
experience by talking about the shadow body with my family
earlier in the day. I went back to sleep. When looking with the
shadow body eyes. It’s darker when the sun is out and lighter
when the moon is out.

I went to bed around 12:00 pm in the afternoon. I was
woken up by what felt like many pins being shoved into the
side of my left heel. My left heel was facing down towards the
bed. I was lying on my left side. The time was around 3:30
pm in the afternoon. I went back to sleep.

I went to bed around 3:00 pm in the afternoon. I was
woken up by what felt like many pins being shoved into the
side of my right heel. My right heel was facing the bed. I was

lying on my right side. The clock said 8:30 pm in the evening.
I went back to sleep. The pins seem to be coming up through
the bed.

This experience is very graphic. I went to sleep around
9:00 pm in the evening. I woke up at 11:00 pm and watched
television till 1:00 am because I could not sleep. Then I finally
fell back to sleep. I was woken up by someone trying to shove
something up my butt. I was lying on my right side facing my
wife. I looked behind me to see what it was. It was a small girl
trying to shove her left hand up my butt. I could only move
my upper body. I reached back with my left hand. Then I
grabbed the top of this girl’s head and pushed her away. I
tried to fall back to sleep.
I could instantly feel that same force pushing on my butt
again. This time I decided to use thought to wake up my
physical body and make her go away. The paralysis on my
body went away. So did the presence of this girl. I was able to
open my physical eyes. I looked at the clock which read 3:40
am in the middle of the night. This girl was about three feet
tall. She looked to be about 6 years old. She was white
skinned with one inch long straight black hair. She was
wearing a white gown. The type of gown you see on a person
who is in a mental institution. Her facial expression looked
demonic. The room appeared exactly as it should have. The
room was lighter than it should have been during this
experience. My physical body and my shadow body were both
in the exact same positions. This girl is stuck in her state of
mind. I believe that her life was ended by someone assaulting
her. This is the last thing she remembers at the time of her

I was taking a nap. I felt like I was awake and that I was
thinking to myself. I might have been shifted into my shadow
body. I was lying on my right side. It felt like many pins went
into the side of my right heel. My right heel was touching the
bed. It felt like blood came from my heel. Now it felt like my
heel was resting in a pool of blood. For a moment it felt wet
than it instantly dried up. I opened my eyes and looked at the
clock. The time was 9:30 pm in the evening. I fell back to
sleep till 10:20 pm. I believe the wetness was the blood of my
shadow body. In the morning I told my wife what happened.
She said that while I was sleeping. She noticed the cats were
looking at something in the kitchen. She saw the shadow of a
short man standing in the kitchen disappear.

I went to bed at 6:00 pm in the evening. I was woken up to
what felt like a bunch of pins that were being stuck into my
right heel. I was lying on my right side. My right heel was
touching the bed. The time was 7:30 pm. I went back to sleep.
I noticed that my right hip is starting to hurt a lot. My left hip
hurt from pins being stuck into my left heel. My hips stopped
hurting when the pin incidents stopped.

I went to bed around 10:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
paralyzed. I opened my eyes to what looked like a dark void.
Someone was sitting on the side of the bed. Their body was
leaning against my back. I was lying on my right side and
facing my wife. I forced my left arm up to grab this entity. It
felt like I grabbed a sweatshirt. It was a very small person.
They put their hand on my midsection. I grabbed their left
hand with my left hand. I folded this person’s wrist over in

half using both my hands. It felt like their bones were made of
rubber. I started to struggle with this entity.
I wanted to try and control this situation. I would try to use
my mind to see if I could change my form. I imagined myself
becoming a monster. Where I growl and leap out at this
person. This person immediately backed away from me. I told
myself that I needed to wake up. I could feel myself shift to
my physical body. As I opened my eyes I could still feel this
person leaning against my back. As I waved my left hand
through this person. The touch of this person dissipated. It
was 4:11 am in the morning. I went back to sleep. Sometimes
when I go to bed I imagine that the room is dark. That I can
manipulate this darkness. I visualize my shadow body
standing by me to protect me. I realize that my shadow body
is my guardian angel. Our shadow bodies act out reality
before our physical bodies manifest that act. A person’s
detached shadow body is your guardian angel.

I went to sleep around 12:30 pm in the afternoon. I was
woken up by what felt like a bunch of pins being pushed into
my right heel. My right heel was facing the bed. This
happened twice to me. I woke up at 5:30 pm in the afternoon.

I went to sleep at 12:30 pm in the afternoon. I was woken
up by what felt like a bunch of pins being shoved into my
right heel. My right heel was facing the bed. I went back to

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
around 10:00 pm that night. I was lying on my left side and I
was facing the edge of the bed. My physical eyes were still
closed. I might have fallen back to sleep. All of the sudden I
found myself clutching a pillow to my chest and a pillow
between my legs. I tried to move the pillow in front of my
legs but I could not move it. Even though my physical body
was not moving. I could feel a force pulling on my whole
body. It felt like I was being pulled off the bed. I swung my
right leg through this force. This caused the force to dissipate.
Then it felt like I woke up. It was 10:20 pm in the evening.

I stayed home from work that night with a bad case of
retinitis. I fell asleep around 11:00 pm in the evening. I was
woken up by someone scratching the right side of my right
heel. My right foot was hanging over the side of the bed. Two
cats were sleeping on the bed with me. They jumped off the
bed and ran away. It was 4:23 am in the morning. I went back
to sleep.

I went to sleep around 10:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
and opened my eyes in a lit room. While lying on my back
and looking up I could see and hear a beam of light. It passed
over my head going east to west. It gave off a buzzing sound
that I could hear. When I picked my head up the beam of light
disappeared. When I put my head back down it reappeared. I
thought it might be a lay line. All of the sudden I shifted to
my shadow body. The room turned dark and I could not get
up. I looked to the side of the bed. On the floor was a 16 to 20
year old male. He was lying on his belly.

This male being was propped up on his arms. He reached
out with his left arm towards me. I got mad because I could
not get up. I reached down with my left hand and grabbed his
hair. I could feel his hair in my hand. I raised my adrenaline
level to wake up my physical body. I opened my eyes. The
clock read 4:00 am in the morning. One of our cats sleeping at
my feet was scared. So I let the cat outside. I went back to
sleep. I feel that when your body becomes paralyzed. Your
body is magnetized to the earth.

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I woke up on
my right side facing the bathroom. The room was pitch black.
Since I know that I was in my shadow body looking at the
world with my shadow eyes. I closed my eyes so I would not
see anyone. I felt someone sitting on the bed next to my body.
This person was leaning over my midsection. I tried to reach
up with my shadow hands. I wanted to grab this person but it
was hard to raise my arms. Eventually I was able to grab their
left shoulder with my right hand. I opened my eyes a second
time. This time the room was lit and the presence of this
person dissipated. The time was 9:38 pm in the evening. I
could not fall back asleep. I got up at 10:20 pm. When you are
paralyzed it feels like gravity is pulling on your body.

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I was woken
up by someone pulling on the sheets. I was lying on my right
side facing the bathroom. I felt a humping motion close to me.
I tried to raise my arms but I could not. I realized that I was
shifted to my shadow body. My physical eyes were closed and
I could feel that paralysis force. I was able to get my left arm
up and over towards my left hip. My left hand touched the top

of a bald head. I wanted to smack this person on the head. But
my awareness shifted me back to my physical body and I
opened my physical eyes. The clock read 9:15 pm in the
evening. I went back to sleep till 10:20 pm. This entity was
not even on top of me. They may not even know they are

I went to sleep around 8:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
shifted into my shadow body. I felt like I could open my eyes.
But something told me not to. Someone was standing by the
bed. I could feel that static force on my body. I stuck my right
hand out and I grabbed the hand of a small child. These hands
were holding on to the bed. The child pulled its hand away.
Then all of the sudden I found myself being projected to the
bathroom door. The bathroom door was open and the light
was on. The light had no color to it. The bedroom light was
off in the physical reality. The appearance of the room looked
normal. I did not see anyone standing by the bed. I tried to flip
the bedroom light switch on.
Even though I could feel the light switch. The light switch
did not move. I tried to flip the light switch on again. Still the
light switch did not move. And the bedroom light did not turn
on. I panicked thinking that I might be dead. I grabbed the
bedroom doorknob with my hand. Even though I tried to turn
the knob it would not turn. In my mind I screamed for
someone to wake me up. I threw my body into the door. Then
the eyes to my physical body opened. The time on the clock
was 10:13 pm in the evening.

I went to sleep around 7:30 pm in the evening. I woke up
around 9:30 pm. Then I fell back to sleep. I woke up with my

eyes closed and that paralysis feeling. I heard a buzzing sound
twice. Each buzzing sound lasted for one second. I was lying
on my left side. I was finally able to lift my left arm and grab
the arm of this child. He was a docile child about 3 feet tall. I
pulled him closer to the bed. He appeared to have no shirt on.
The paralysis force coming from him dissipated. I felt the top
of his head with my right hand. I could not tell if this was a
boy or a girl. They had short stubby hair. I think this child
may have died from cancer. This child was very skinny.
I imagined myself pushing this child out the front door. My
physical body woke up at 10:07 pm in the evening. I got up
and left for work at 10:40 pm. While I was saying goodnight
to my wife before I went to work. She said she was surprised I
was going to work. She said she heard me throw up twice in
the bedroom. I told her it was not me who threw up twice. It
must have been the small child who was in the bedroom who
threw up. The buzzing sound I heard must have been the child
throwing up. She heard the sounds of someone throwing up
around 10:00 pm at night.

I went to sleep at some unknown time. I was lying on my
right side with my eyes closed. I was just thinking to myself. I
heard my wife say something to me so I opened my eyes to
look at her. She was facing me with her eyes open. She
pointed her finger at me and said, “No”. I blinked my eyes.
When I opened my eyes she was lying there asleep. It was if
she had never been awake. I must have been shifted to my
shadow body. I had a face to face encounter with my wife’s
shadow body. Her shadow body was awake while her physical
body was still sleeping. I went back to sleep. I am always
thinking of making love to her. The time of this event was
sometime in the middle of the night.

I went to sleep around 11:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
sleepy and was facing the television. I heard a voice say,
“Hey”. It came from my wife’s side of the bed. I felt that
shadow force pushing on my back. I turned to my right and
swung my right arm over my wife. The energy pushing on my
back dissipated. Her snoring was muffled during this
experience. I looked at the clock which read 4:00 am in the
morning. I smelt smoke like from a fire. I got out of bed to
search the house. Everything in the house checked out fine. I
went back to sleep.
My wife and I both woke up around 5:30 am. After telling
my wife what happened. We both searched the house for
something. We followed one of our cats around the house.
This cat was smelling everything in the house. She was
tracing someone’s footsteps. This cat loves to play with
people’s shadows. We both went back to bed. The next day I
was telling my daughter what happened. She told me about
what happened to her that night. Just before 4:00 am she heard
breathing and smelt smoke. Two days earlier she heard
someone say, “Hey” to her.

I went to sleep and had a really strange experience. I do not
know if it was a dream. But everything was real to the touch.
It was as if I was awake but I was submerged under water. So
I grabbed the body of what I thought was a whale. I pulled it
up against my body. I wanted to protect myself from what I
thought was a shark. I pushed the whale away from me
because I wanted to swim to the surface. The body of the
whale looked like shredded coconut compressed together. I
felt two sets of thuds against the body of the whale. I looked
up towards the surface. The surrounding fluid looked thick

and clear. There were small bubbles in it. It did not look like
ocean water. I woke up and the time was 7:30 am in the
morning. Later that day I told my wife about that experience.
She told me about an experience she had that night. She woke
up and the room was really dark. She said she felt two
earthquakes. Then it turned lighter in the room.

I went to sleep around 8:15 pm in the evening. I was
woken up by my wife. She was reaching for a can of air spray
that was on a shelf above my head. I went back to sleep. I
woke up at 10:00 pm to use the bathroom. Then I went back
to bed. Then I was woken up by the alarm. When I opened my
eyes I was standing next to the bed. It was dark in the room.
There was no light coming from the bathroom. I was reaching
up to the exact same spot where my wife had grabbed a can of
air spray. I grabbed what felt like a clock that I owned. I could
feel the clock vibrate as I heard each ring. It was really dark
so I was not able to see well. At the same moment that I
turned the alarm on the clock off I woke up in bed to my
alarm clock ringing. The time was 10:27 pm. The alarm was
set for 10:17 pm in the evening.

I went to sleep around 9:30 pm in the evening. I woke up
around 2:00 am and was lying in bed. The bedroom window
was open. I heard what sounded like someone walking by the
window around 2:30 am in the morning. I could tell it was a
person by the sound of the leaves being crushed. It sounded
like it was a very heavy person. About 2 minutes latter I heard
the sliding glass door in our dining room open and close. I got
up to check the door. The door turned out to be locked. I

checked around the house and found nothing wrong so I went
back to bed.

I went to bed around 7:30 pm in the evening. I woke up at
9:30 pm. I was lying there half asleep. When I felt the bed
sink in by my knee. I thought it might be a cat but nobody was
there. The time was 10:10 pm. I got up to go to work.

I feel asleep on the couch that evening. I woke up on my
right side. My back was facing out. I felt that paralysis force
on my back. That paralysis force prevented me from moving.
Somebody was touching my left hip. I could not swing my left
arm around. It felt like I was shifted into my shadow body. I
was able to snap out of it and shift back to my physical body.
That paralysis force was now gone. I woke up in the same
position as my shadow body. The time was 5:35 am in the
morning. I noticed that one of our cats was sitting in a chair.
He was staring at me. I got up to check the house then I went
back to sleep. I could not rest on my left hip. My left hip was
now in pain. I woke up at 7:30 am. The chair that the cat was
lying in was now turned around. The cat was still there but the
cat could not see me.

I went to bed around 10:30 pm in the evening. I was woken
up in a very sleepy state with that feeling of paralysis.
Someone was standing by the bed. I squinted with my eyes. I
could see a tall dark shadow standing next to the bed. He was
standing next to me. I closed my eyes. I did not use deep
thought so he would not know what I was aware of him. I
finished waking up my body. As I opened my eyes I could

feel him pat the bed twice. It was as if I had disappeared and
he could not find me. I could feel his hands hit the blanket. I
could feel his hands hit the bed. But his hands did not hit my
body. Even though my body was under the blanket I was no
longer under the blanket in their reality. The time was 12:30
am in the middle of the night. I went back to sleep. The
physical world hides the shadow world when you are awake.

I fell asleep on my daughter’s bed. It was around 9:00 pm
in the evening. Her room was dark and quiet. I was woken up
by this feeling of total fear. I felt something press down across
the back of my spine. I was on my left side facing the wall. In
my left ear which was touching the bed. I heard a voice which
sounded like what you would hear between a tower and an
airplane.” Can you help (noise) 337 (noise)”. This message
repeated itself two more times. I snapped myself to full
awake. It was 10:30 pm. The pressure that was on my back
disappeared. I got up and went on the internet. I wanted to
find any reference to number 337. I found reference to the
number 337 in the aviation industry. An airplane mechanic
fills out form 337 to do maintenance on an airplane. All
changes are kept in a maintenance log. I suspect that someone
forged maintenance repair work. This may have caused an
airplane accident that cost someone there life.

I went to sleep around 10:30 pm in the evening. I woke up
and found out that my wife was no longer in bed. I found her
asleep on the living room couch. So I went back to bed
without waking her. It was around 1:30 am in the morning. I
turned the television off so I would sleep better. But I
immediately felt the corner of the bed compress. One of our

cats was sitting by my midsection. He was looking at that
corner of the bed. This static energy started at my feet and
moved up my body to my chest. I tried to use thought to
attack and repel this entity. The static energy feeling went
away. I was able to sleep the rest of the night.

I went to sleep around 11:30 pm in the evening. I woke up
on the right side of my body. I felt someone on the bed behind
me. Their right hand was on my left hip. Their left hand was
on my left knee cap. I grabbed their right hand with my left
hand. I bent their right hand back. Their wrist bent over like it
was made of rubber. They backed away surprised that I was
able to grab them. I tried to stop myself from waking up. But I
felt a thump on the pillow by my head. This woke up my
physical body. There was a cat facing in the direction behind
me. This cat had a scared look on her face. The touch from
this entity faded away. The cat tried to crawl into a cubby hole
behind my head. The time was 4:00 am in the morning. I went
back to sleep.

My wife and I went to bed around 2:30 pm in the
afternoon. We both heard something fall and hit the bathroom
floor. Neither of us got up to take a look. We both went back
to sleep. I was woken up when my wife got up to use the
bathroom. I felt someone lie down on the bed next to me. I
assumed that it was my wife and fell back to sleep. I woke up
latter and saw this deformed woman lying there. She was
sleeping on the bed next to me. So I covered my head and I
went back to sleep. I woke up again.
This same woman was still asleep on the bed. I covered my
head and tried to push her off the bed. I fell back to sleep. I

was woken up again because someone had hit the table by the
bed. I heard things on the table fall all over the place. I was
really tired so I went back to sleep. When my wife woke me
up she told me she found nothing on the bathroom floor. And
when my wife came into the bedroom. Things from the table
were scattered on the floor. The time was 5:30 pm in the

I went to sleep around 7:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
in my detached shadow body. My physical eyes were still
closed. I was lying on my right side facing the bathroom. I
could sense an entity standing next to the bed. I reached out to
grab this entity. This entity got up on the bed. They moved
next to my hip. I touched the top of their head. I realized that I
was touching the head of a dog. I heard the dog bark at me.
Then I heard someone come into the bedroom to use the
bathroom. The dog followed this person out of the bedroom. I
opened my physical eyes. This caused me to shift to my
physical body. The time was 9:30 pm in the evening. I went
back to sleep till 10:30 pm. When your shadow body and your
physical body are in the same positions. Your shadow body
can hear the sounds from the physical world and the shadow
world when they are aligned in the same position. We do not
have a dog.

I went to sleep around 7:30 pm in the evening. I was
woken up by a sound in the room. I propped myself up on my
left arm. A dog came around to my side of the bed. The dog
was jumping and wagging its tail. I touched the top of this
dogs head. The room was so dark that it was hard to see. I
thought my wife had let the neighbor’s dog into the house.

The dog left the room so I went back to sleep. I got up at
10:20 pm to go to work. When I left for work I asked my wife
if she had let the neighbor’s dog into the house. She told me
no. I realized that because of how dark the room was. It must
have been the shadow realm. I believe this was the neighbor’s
dog that used to live next door. My wife use to let the dog into
our house. This dog may have passed away.

I went to bed around 7:30 pm in the evening. I woke up
shifted to my shadow body. I was standing by the bed.
Someone had wrapped something over my eyes and ears. I
could not see or hear anything. I could sense where this
person was standing. I moved toward them swinging my arm.
When I hit them with my hand it caused my physical body to
wake up. I went back to sleep till 10:20 pm.

I got sick on 5/21/2010. It stated with getting the chills
then it turned into a fever. My lower left leg swelled up to
three times the size. I got a urinary tract infection from a
bacterial infection. This bacteria is known as pseudomonas
aeruginosa. It is probably something I caught at work. My
kidneys took a hit. I was in the hospital for 6 days straight on
antibiotics. I was on antibiotics for 21 days straight after all
was said and done. This all started from a wound received on
7/2/2000 from an encounter with the grays. My wound finally
started to heal about three months after 6/26/2010. My wound
was on the leg that had the infection that was filled with puss.
I am throwing this out there for anyone with medical
knowledge. Can you make a connection with this bacterial
infection and the grays? On 7/2/2000 when grays tried to do a
rectal exam on my shadow body they got fecal matter in my

leg from my digestive tract into my leg. This happened when
they cut my shadow body. This is how I got pseudomonas or
poop in my leg.

I went to bed around 9:30 pm in the evening. I woke up
while I was in the middle of a dream. The time was 1:50 am
in the middle of the night. I dreamt that I was in a large group
of people. I was standing behind my grandmother. She had
recently passed away. I mentally asked someone standing next
to me if she was dead. They told me not to worry about it. My
grandmother gave me a hug. Then she started to hug the other
people who were in the group. I started looking around and
saw a large fireplace. It had a large mirror over it. A small
child about 3 years old climbed on a stack of boxes to look
into the mirror. I wondered if the child would have a
reflection. This child did not have a reflection of himself in
the mirror. I was very cognitive during this experience. I
stayed home on 8/5/2010 because I was sick. My grandma
passed away on 8/6/2010. I stayed home sick on 8/9/2010.
She was laid to rest on 8/10/2010. I was not aware that she
had passed away at this time.

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
shifted into my detached shadow body. My physical eyes
were still closed. I was lying on my left side facing the
dresser. I reached down with my right hand and I grabbed a
small set of hands. They belonged to a 2 to 3 year old child.
This child was on the bed behind me and leaning over my
back. Their hands were resting on my right thigh. I squeezed
this child’s fingers together. These fingers felt like rubber
squeezing together. The grays and ghosts have bones that feel

like rubber. The bones of an astronaut who is in zero gravity
start to turn to rubber. I tried to grab this child’s upper body.
But he tried to move away from me. I made my physical body
wake up. The child’s touch dissipated as I woke up. The time
was 9:10 pm. I went back to sleep till 10:20 pm.

I went to sleep around 1:00 am in the morning. I was
woken up by my wife calling out. I am not sure what my wife
said to me. I could not see anything because I was shifted to
my shadow body. My physical body was still asleep. I was
lying on my left side. My back was facing my wife. I reached
over with my right hand to grab this entity. This entity was
lying on my wife’s chest. I pulled this entity off of her. Then I
threw this entity off of the bed onto the floor. It did not feel
like a human being. It felt like a really big frog. At that
moment I physically woke up. The time was 2:50 am in the
morning. I could not sleep the rest of the night. My wife made
a comment the next day. She said she felt like she was being
choked that night. I did not tell her about the experience that I
had that night.

I went to bed around 9:00 pm in the evening. My wife
came to bed around 12:30 am. I got up around 3:30 am to use
the bathroom. I was still wearing my earplugs. While coming
back to bed I heard what sounded like a loud moan. I looked
at my wife but she was still asleep. I went around the house to
investigate. My wife got up and asked what I was doing. I told
her about what had happened. She told me that when I got up
earlier. I had turned the bathroom light off. She told me that
she saw an entity standing in the dark bathroom doorway.

When it realized that my wife was looking at it. The entity
backed into the bathroom and dissipated. The time was 3:50
am in the morning. We both went back to bed. I could not
sleep the rest of the night. I asked my oldest daughter the next
day if she heard anything that night. She said she heard a loud
moan around 4:00 am in the morning. It might have been a
moan from an entity that has recently passed away.

I went to bed around 10:30 pm in the evening. I woke up
around 2:00 am in the morning. I found that my wife had gone
to the couch to sleep. So I went back to sleep. I was woken up
by this force pushing down on a pillow that I had in front of
my chest. Mentally I pushed back at this force till this force
moved away from me. It was coming from my wife’s side of
the bed. The time was 4:15 am. I got up around 4:30 am to
check the house. While I was looking into the living room my
wife woke up. I told her that I was looking for someone. We
both went back to sleep. About 10 minutes later my wife came
back to bed. She said she saw someone standing in the
hallway. She thought it was me but it was not me. We both
went back to sleep.

I went to bed around 5:00 pm in the afternoon. My wife
came to lie down on the bed too. I was lying there with my
eyes closed. Somebody came and stood in the doorway. They
blocked the air going into the furnace vent. I looked in the
bedroom mirror and saw a shadow standing in the doorway.
This shadow backed up and turned around then walked away.
I got up to check on the kids. The children were all doing fine.
The time was 6:24 pm. I went back to sleep till 10:20 pm.

I went to sleep around 8:00 pm in the evening. I took some
medication for a sore arm. I had an experience while I was
sleeping. I felt the ground shake for about 10 seconds. It felt
like an earthquake had just taken place. I was thinking that I
had to get outside. I opened the front door in my dream. There
was a line of refuges at the door. They wanted to come into
the house so I let them into the house. I went outside and
looked at the roof of the house. The roof was separated from
the house. I went back into the house. There was no internal
damage inside the house. This woke me up out of the dream.
The time was 12:06 am in the middle of the night. I went back
to sleep. The next day there was a 7.4 quake in Japan.

I went to bed around 6:30 pm in the evening. I was in the
middle of a dream when someone interfered with my dream. I
shifted my awareness to my shadow body. My physical eyes
were still closed. I could tell that someone was standing over
my shadow body. I reached up with my right hand and
grabbed their neck. I imagined electrocuting them. I was
woken up by my alarm. The time was 10:15 pm. I was lying
in the same position in both realities.

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I was woken
up by the presence of an entity. When I opened my eyes I
could see the side of his head. He was hiding behind the
bedpost. We do not have a bedpost on this bed in this reality.
There was a cat sleeping by my feet. I felt something sit on
top of my left hip. I thought that it might be the cat. I had a
hard time moving my arm to my left hip. Then I felt someone
put a rod or pole in my arm. I swung my arm towards this

person behind the bedpost. Then I heard this person let out a
scream. That is when I fully woke up. The time was 2:30 am
in the morning. I was still tired so I went back to sleep.

I went to bed around 6:30 pm in the evening. I was in the
middle of a dream. I was being chased by a giant creature. It
was bending down to grab me. I woke up to a semi conscious
state. There was a force pushing down on top of me. I could
feel the bed sink in by my feet. This entity was bent over
looking at me. That is when I completely woke myself up.
The weight of this force that was applied by this entity
dissipated. The time was 8:33 pm in the evening. I went back
to sleep till 10:20 pm.

I went to bed around 5:00 pm in the evening. I had a
strange experience while I was sleeping. I woke up in the dark
and could not see. Yet I knew I was standing in front of my
children’s bedroom doors. The air felt very cold. I was hit by
a freezing force of cold air. This made me physically wake up.
The time was 7:30 pm. I went back to sleep till 10:20 pm.

I went to bed around 9:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
with my physical eyelids closed. It felt like my arms were
wrapped around a baby. As I opened my eyes the touch of it
being a baby changed into a pillow. The time was 11:00 pm
so I went back to sleep.

I went to sleep around 7:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
to the sound of someone shutting the bathroom light off. It

was pitch black in the room. I tried to get out of bed but
someone was there. I felt that paralysis force on my body. I
woke myself up and shifted back to my physical body. Both
of my bodies were in the same position. The time was around
8:30 pm. I went back to bed till 10:20 pm in the evening.

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I was woken
up by the sound of someone shutting the bathroom light off. It
was pitch black in the room. Someone tried to cover my face
with a pillow. I pushed back against this pillow. This made
me physically wake up. Both of my bodies were in the same
position. The bathroom light was still on. The time was 9:40
pm. I went back to sleep till 10:20 pm in the evening.

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
paralyzed in pitch black darkness. I closed my eyes and
wiggled my body. This caused me to open my eyes. The
bathroom light was on and everything was okay. The time
was 9:40 pm. I went back to sleep till 10:20 pm in the

I went to bed around 9:00 pm in the evening. I was woken
up by someone yelling, “Hello”. The time was around 3:00
am in the morning. I went back to sleep for the rest of the

I went to sleep around 9:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
to pitch black darkness in the room. I could not see the clock
display on my dresser. I closed my eyes and swung my right

arm around thinking that I might hit someone. I did not hit
anything. I opened my eyes again. It was now light in the
room and I could see my clock display. The time was 7:50 am
in the morning.

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I woke up to
pitch black darkness. I closed my eyes and opened them
again. The bathroom light was on and everything was okay.
The time was around 10:00 pm. I got up to go to work. This is
interesting because I am seeing sheol with my physical eyes

I went to bed around 1:30 pm in the afternoon. I woke up
very tired. I was facing in the direction of my alarm clock. I
saw a flash of light on the wall. I felt someone come up
behind me and lean against my back. I felt paralyzed and
could not move my body. I waited a few moments until it was
quiet. I was able to look behind me but no one was there. The
clock read 7:38 pm. I went back to sleep. I woke up at 10:20
pm in the evening to go to work. I asked everyone if they had
come into the bedroom. Everyone told me no. I had hurt my
back during the day. But now my back felt great after this.

I was lying in bed. It was around 2:00 pm in the afternoon.
I heard the front door to the house open. After that I fell
asleep. I woke up around 5:00 pm and got out of bed. My wife
told me about an event that happened earlier in the day. She
was in the dining room when she heard the front door open
around 2:00 pm in the afternoon. She went to look but no one
was there. The front door was closed and locked. Our

daughter came home about 20 minutes later. That was around
2:20 pm in the afternoon.

I went to bed around 10:00 pm in the evening. It was really
cold outside so I was sleeping under a blanket. I woke up but I
was unable to see. I was shifted to my shadow body. My
physical eyelids were still closed. I could not get my hand out
from under the blanket. I finally got my hand out and hit
someone who was standing by the bed. My awareness shifted
to my physical body. I woke up around 2:25 am in the
morning. I was really tired so I went back to sleep.

I went to bed around 9:00 pm in the evening. I was woken
up in my detached shadow body. My physical body was still
asleep so my eyelids were still closed. I realized that someone
was holding my right arm. My body was paralyzed and I
could not move. This person started to touch my thigh. Then
this person tried to talk to me. They said that they needed
help. I tried to scream out to my wife. She said that she heard
me mumble in my sleep so she woke me up. The time was
4:05 am in the morning. We both went back to sleep after that.

I went to bed around 9:00 pm in the evening. I was woken
up to a pitch black room. Someone was crawling up my body.
I reached down with both hands and grabbed a small head. I
crushed this small head in my hands. Then I went into this
dream state. I was looking at chunks of clear looking body
parts. They were lying on the ground. I heard a voice say that
those body parts were water. I opened my physical eyes. I
found my shadow body and my physical body were in the

same position. The time was around 3:30 am in the morning. I
went back to sleep after this.

I went to bed around 9:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
shifted to my detached shadow body. I felt someone lying in
bed next to me. They were putting pressure on my back. They
started mumbling something about falling back and treasure. I
thought my wife had come to bed. I opened my eyes and
turned around slowly to look. But no one was there. The time
was 3:49 am in the morning. I turned on the television and
went back to sleep.

I went to bed around 1:00 am in the morning. I was woken
up abruptly. My shadow eyes opened but my physical eyes
were still closed. I was shifted to my detached shadow body. I
was lying on my left side. Someone fell across my midsection
and right arm. I was paralyzed and I could not move my right
arm. I heard this person let out a growl. I could hear my wife
snoring and our dog barking. I woke up by opening my
physical eyes. This person’s presence dissipated. The time
was 4:57 am in the morning. I was so tired that I went back to

I fell asleep around 2:30 am in the morning. I was woken
up when my wife decided to sleep on the couch. It was around
3:30 am. I fell back to sleep. I woke up and opened my eyes
but it was pitch black in the room. I blinked my eyes. When I
opened my eyes again it was light in the room. The time was
around 4:20 am. I fell back to sleep. I woke up again and I
was lying on my left side. The room was very dark. I sat up on

the side of the bed. I was looking towards the bathroom.
When I saw something come jumping across the bed. It
jumped down to the floor. Then it jumped across in front of
me. Then it jumped to my right side on the floor. I tried to
grab it but it moved to fast. It looked like a white rabbit. Then
my physical eyes opened. I was lying on my left side. The
room was lighter looking. The time was around 6:50 am in the
morning. I went back to sleep. Since I was shifted to my
shadow body and I did not see my physical body. There must
be two separate realities. I believe this shows me that the
physical body conceals the shadow body.

The date and time of this experience is forgotten. I went to
sleep one night. I had what felt like an out of body experience.
I was floating down the middle of a hallway. This is where I
only had the use of my eyes. Everything looked of the color
gray. I knew that I was looking for my autistic son. And I
knew that I was in a laboratory on the moon. The hallway was
lined with clear see through rooms. They looked like
laboratories. There were strange looking creatures in the
rooms. I knew this experience was real. Because as I floated
down the hallway people would stop and look at me. Then I
woke up in bed. I do not know how I forgot about this
experience. A talk about a base on the moon triggered the
remembrance of this past event. I think my son was about 8
years old at the time. So the date would be around the year

I do not know how I forgot about this event. I thought that
I had written it down. But this is what happened. I went to bed
one night. I woke up in the middle of the night and I was lying

in bed. The room was very dark. Some light was coming from
the bathroom. I was looking at the ceiling. I saw a white ball
of light with a worm in it. It came down through the ceiling.
This orb was about 3 inches in diameter. It floated around for
2 seconds. Then it went back up through the ceiling. So I went
back to sleep. This happened around October of 2010. Around
the time my grandmother passed away.

I went to bed around 10:30 pm in the evening. I woke up
and I was just lying in bed. I heard someone say hello to me.
It was a very loud voice. The kind of voice an actor would
have. The only light was coming from the bathroom. I looked
at the clock which read 3:47 am. I got up to check the house.
Our dog started barking at me. He usually just looks at me and
wags his tail. Then he goes back to sleep. My daughter made
him stop barking. I went back to bed. My wife came into the
bedroom around 5 minutes later. She told me she had let the
dog outside. She said she saw a pair of shadow legs by the
fence. She said the dog ran toward the fence and jumped at
the shadow legs. Then she brought the dog back into the
house. We all went to bed.

I went to bed around 1:30 am in the morning. I left the
bathroom light on. I was woken up to pitch black darkness.
My right hand was hanging over the side of the bed. I put my
hand on the back of someone’s head. I pulled them toward the
bed. I tried to scream but I could not. I was finally able to let
out a small yelp. This physically woke me up out of this
experience. The head that my hand was holding turned out to
be a pillow. The bathroom light was on. I looked at the clock
which read 3:17 am in the morning. I went back to sleep.

I went to bed around 11:30 pm in the evening. I got up
around 2:00 am to use the bathroom. When I laid my head
back down on the pillow so I could go back to sleep. I could
hear a loud beeping sound in my ear that was touching the
pillow. Each beep was about one second apart. When I tried to
concentrate my mind on the beeps. The sound of the beeps in
my ear stopped. I wonder if that sound is coming from the
shadow realm. Or that I might have an object attached to my
shadow body. It could be influencing my thoughts. I have had
no sounds in my ears for many years.

My views on autism are this. Around the year 2000 when
our son was 7 years old. He had trouble with his speech. It
would sound like gibberish. Or he would repeat what people
would say to him. I was helping him with his homework. I
was taping his answers with a tape recorder. I asked him 2
questions. On his first answer he repeated what I said. On his
second answer I could not understand what he said. So I
played his answers backwards. He answered both of my
questions correctly.
His first answer backwards was, “Yes”. His second answer
backwards was, “Show mommy homework”. I had
commented to him that he had a lot of homework. After this
my son’s speech was forward all the time. He is now high
functioning autistic. Children with special needs need to be
with children of their own age. They understand each other.
Being with children of his own age helped him use emotions
to develop his speech. He used to talk to the bathroom mirror
as if he was talking to someone.
It is too bad that Sony Corporation no longer makes tape
recording machines that will play a tape backwards. That

backwards playing tape recorder is a good tool that will help
you. When working with children that are autistic.

I went to bed around 1:30 am in the morning. The
television was on when I fell asleep. I woke up later and the
room was pitch black. I thought that my wife had shut the
television off. I was lying on my back. Then it felt like
someone fell across my stomach. It felt like they fell on top of
a pillow. Then I heard this strange sound. I really can not
associate it with anything. Then I physically woke up on my
left side. I opened my physical eyes. It must have been my
shadow eyes that I first opened. The touch of this person and
the sound went away. The time on the clock was 6:39 am. I
went back to sleep till 8:30 am in the morning.

I went to bed around 11:30 am in the morning. I was just
dozing off when I heard this loud moan. I got up to check on
my wife and son. My wife was in the dining room wearing
earphones on her head so she did not hear anything. I told her
about the moaning sound that I heard. She told me she heard
the same moaning sound when she was sleeping. I went back
to bed. I had a hard time sleeping that day.

I went to bed around 1:00 pm in the afternoon. I woke up
on my left side. The room was pitch black. I felt like I was
lying on a top bunk bed. I heard someone get out of the
bottom bunk. There is no bottom bunk in our room. I turned
around to my right side. I saw light coming from under the
bedroom door. I turned back to my left side. The light in the
room was normal now. I could see my clock light now which

I could not see earlier. I went back to sleep. The time was
7:30 pm in the evening.

I went to bed around 7:00 pm in the evening. I woke up in
my detached shadow body. My physical eyes were still
closed. I was lying on the edge of the bed. Someone was
standing there pressed up next to me. They were trying to
push me off the bed. They were pushing up and down on me.
About 3 seconds later. I physically woke up in the same
position. The time was 10:00 pm. So I got up.

I went to bed around 1:30 am in the morning. It felt like I
never fell asleep that night. I opened my eyes. There was a
shadow being looking into my face. I blinked my eyes a few
times and it dissipated. It was around 3:30 am. Again it felt
like I was lying there all night with my eyes closed. I opened
my eyes again and saw this shadow being standing there. I
blinked my eyes a few times until this face dissipated. It was
around 5:30 am in the morning. I closed my eyes. Then I
opened my eyes. It was around 8:00 am in the morning. The
previous day my body was hurting. The next day I was really
tired but my body no longer hurt.

I went to bed around 1:30 am in the morning. I woke up
shifted to my shadow body. I was lying on my left side. My
shadow eyes were open but my physical eyes were closed. I
felt someone lay down on top of me. Then I felt our dog jump
on the bed and press his nose against my back. I heard my
wife tell me about the dog. When I reached my right arm up
through this person their pressure on my body dissipated. I

touched the dog behind me. At this point I opened my eyes.
The time was 5:14 am in the morning. I went back to sleep. I
woke up around 11:30 am. I had a really good sleep. I then
told my wife why the dog did what he did. She told me the
dog had put his nose into my back.

I fell asleep around 10:00 pm in the evening. I do not know
if I woke up with my eyes closed or if I woke up in my
detached shadow body. But I was lying there with my eyes
closed. My back was facing the bedroom door. I heard
someone walk into the bedroom and walk up to the side of the
bed. I could feel their presence or energy against my back. I
waited a few minutes before I turned around and opened my
eyes. I could no longer feel the energy from this entity. After
waiting a few minutes I could hear our dog growl. He was
growling at something in the living room. A few minutes after
that the dog stopped growling and every thing was quiet. I got
up to check the living room and everything was okay. It was
around 5:00 am in the morning. I was still tired so I feel back
to sleep.

I went to bed around 1:00 am in the morning. I got up to
use the bathroom then I went back to bed. I was trying to fall
back asleep. Someone started screaming, “Hey” into my ear. I
could hear the sound of their voice when I exhaled a breath of
air. I then proceeded to fully wake myself up. The sound of
this voice went away. The time was 3:30 am. I went back to
sleep. By now my sleep habits were very bad. I was getting no
more than an hour of sleep at a time.

I went to bed around 1:00 am in the morning. I got up to
use the bathroom then I went back to bed. While trying to fall
asleep someone started to say, “Hey” into my ear. I could hear
this voice every time I exhaled a breath of air. Again I had to
fully wake myself up. This voice went away after I
completely woke up. The time was 3:00 am in the morning.

I went to bed around 11:00 pm in the evening. I woke up
around 3:30 am in the morning. I heard my wife and the dog
who were both still up. I was lying on my back as I dozed off
to sleep. Then I realized there was someone standing by the
bed because they tried to put their hands under the blanket.
They then bent over and leaned over my body. They tried to
say something to me but I could not understand them. I told
myself that I needed to wake up. The being and their touch
dissipated. I went back to sleep. I believe these beings need
our body heat because they do not produce any body heat.

I am not going to relate anymore events to you because

most of the events are the same. I have had one more
significant event that I am going to tell you about. I was
woken out of a deep sleep by a shadow being. This being was
performing pulmonary resuscitation on my heart. I grabbed
this person’s arms with my hands. As I woke up his arms
vaporized out of my hands. Did I die in my sleep and did
these beings bring me back to life? This happened in 2015.

Important Issues with Human Relationships

Making an agreement with someone before you are born.

We all know who our partners are going to be in this life.
Meeting this person at the abyss before we are born.
Is this why our hearts flutter when we meet that person.
After we develop emotional relationships with someone.
Our thoughts are what keep a relationship going.
You need to remember why you feel in love with someone.
You need to maintain your love for that person.
If you are thinking bad thoughts about someone.
Then they pick up on your bad thoughts.
Then they think bad thoughts about you.
Then you pick up bad thoughts from them.
Then these bad thoughts magnify themselves.
This happens on the unconscious or shadow level.
These thoughts go from shadow body to shadow body.
Remember the good times in your life.
Work to overcome the hard things in life.
Only people who have been hurt by someone.
Can forgive the person that hurt them.
A religious person can not forgive anyone of their wrongs.
Everything in this world is a manifestation of thought.

How This All Fits Together

The physical body is composed of two body parts. Each

body part is controlled by each half of the brain. Both of these
bodies are joined at the corpus callosum that is in the middle
of the brain. Both of these bodies are attached to the central
nervous system and the peripheral nervous system of the
body. This includes the spleen or spinal cord that is in the
spinal column. Your spinal column and your two brain halves
work together as an antenna to send signals to your shadow
body and your etheric body and to the shadow body and
etheric body of other people.

Corpus Callosum

The first body is your shadow body. This body makes up a
persons mind. This body is associated with God or Tartarus.
All the thoughts and emotions that make up you as a person
are redeemed back to God after you die. The blood in your
body feeds the brain and the central nervous system during
your life span. This part of the body is where cerebrospinal
fluid is produced to help support and protect the brain and
both nervous systems in the body. This shadow body feeds
off your physical body during your life span. There is a
problem with the shadow body after you die. It is that you are
unable to move anything. Everything feels real to the touch.
You may not even realize that you have passed away when
you die. You are also unable to reproduce another human
being when you are in your shadow body. You will also be
unable to have any sexual relationships. The final thing is you
may not be able to travel through walls. You end up feeling
like you are trapped.
Your shadow body forms your memory or what you
would call your phantom body. This is where people have
sensations in places where they have lost a physical limb. An
example of this would be a leaf where you have lost a part of
the leaf. Where you can see the missing section of leaf using
kirlian photography. The missing part of your body would be
known as a phantom limb.
The second body is your etheric body. This body is tied to
the nervous systems in your body and the outer layer of skin
on your body. This body lets you travel outside your physical
body or it allows you to have what people call an out of body
experience. You can see the world with just your eyes.
Sometimes you are able to see colors. You can see your other
body parts such as your hands and feet. You are able to move
at instantaneous speeds and float in the air. Both of these
bodies are active after you die. I believe the primary purpose

of the etheric body is the ability to create and project thought
from your mind. I believe you are able to use both of these
bodies at the same time. I believe the body that is dominant is
your shadow body. This is the body that has to deal with
karma or judgement. This judgement is dealt with in the land
of Tartarus or God after you die. So it pays to be a good
person. The ones who dish out punishment in heaven are these
gray creatures who work for the human angels who have
never taken human form.

These Bodies in Ancient Works

These bodies appear in ancient Samarian religious tablets.

The first figure is of a man standing in a bird suit. He
represents the etheric body of a human. He represents a
human’s ability to astral project. He is never acknowledged of
or referred to by any person. His presence to all people is
unknown. His existence is tied to your outer layer of skin. As
I have already said that I believe the purpose of the etheric
body is thought. This is my interpretation as to who the bird
man is.
The second figure is of a man standing in a fish suit. He is
generally acknowledged to be the god Dagon by most people.
Dagon is represented as the top half of a human and the
bottom half of a fish. He represents the shadow body or your
connection to Tartarus or God. He represents the mind of God
or this concept of a half human and a half fish being. This is
what goes into our ancient tale of mermaids. The mermaids in
ancient tales as we understand them do not exist in real life.
Mermaids represent a physical body and a shadow body
working together. I believe the shadow part of the body is
where a person retains their memory.
The third figure is represented by a snake in a fire. The
snake represents the body’s spinal system. This allows
communication with the brain and central nervous system and
the blood system. Which carry brain signals to the DNA in the
body. The fire represents the spark of life or the being known
as Lilith. These images are all represented in Southwest
Native American Indian or ancient Mayan images. They show
the snake and the bird and the fish together. The fish is on the
bottom of the picture. The bird is on top of the fish. And the

snake is on top of the bird. The fire aspect is the body burning
food for survival.

The etheric body, the shadow body and the spinal cord as
they appear in ancient Samarian pictures.

A Dr. Olaf Blanke, a neurologist at the Ecole

Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne performed experiments
on two women. These two women were being evaluated for
epilepsy surgery at the University Hospital in Geneva
Switzerland. Both women received mild shocks of current to
the angular gyrus area in the brain. The woman who received
a mild shock to the left angular gyrus reported a shadow
person lurking behind her. The left sided brain lobe would be
associated with the shadow body or memory. The left handed

side of the body is associated with the word sinister. The
woman who received a mild shock to the right angular gyrus
reported floating from the ceiling and then looking down at
her physical body which was lying on the table. The left side
of the body or the right brain half would be associated with
goodness. The right sided brain or the left side of the body
would be associated with the etheric body or where we create
Back when they wrote the bible. They probably thought
that the left side of the brain controlled the left side of the
body and the right side of the brain controlled the right side of
the body. They may have already known that each brain half
controlled the opposite sides of your body. Which I believe is
the correct assumption. If they knew that the left brain half
controlled the shadow body and the right side of the body.
Then they were correct when they said that Christ rests at the
right hand of god because the right hand is associated with the
left side of the brain. God would be your blood body or
This only goes to show that a human being has two
external body parts using laboratory experimentation at a
professional facility. It also shows that these two spirit bodies
work in your body at the same time when you are alive and
even after you die.

The Grays

The grays to me appear to be an interdimensional being.

They are not time travelers from our future. They are not alien
creatures from another planets future. They are not aliens
visiting us from another planet. They come from the
dimension of Tartarus or God. They assist in the placement of
Lilith’s worms in a human woman. These worms from Lilith
provide the spark of life for humans. Take a look at a thermo
image of a living person. The amount of thermo heat that is
given off by a person’s body. This is where the fire breathing
serpent stories come from in our old dragon stories. This is
where light comes from when there is no light source. This
light source is created by the heat produced in the body. This
heat is the same as the heat produced at the earth’s core. This
helps provide a light source when you are someplace where
there is no light source such as in a UFO. Or what appears to
be the inside of a spaceship. Any beings that reside in Tartarus
need the grays to help them move through the different
When the grays speak of coming from our future they are
saying that we humans will need to adapt to a body structure
like they have. That way we will be able to move around this
Tartarus or God dimension. I believe that based on one of my
experiences that we may be already roaming around Tartarus
in a shadow form. God gave Adam and Eve or humans skin to
get out of Tartarus. This allowed the shadow creatures of
Tartarus to get to the light or to this dimension. The grays
removed this outer human skin to free themselves and control
Tartarus. There is an old creation story from Africa and

The story is about dolphins bringing worms from the sea to
create life. The dolphins that they are talking about are the
gray beings. A gray’s skin feels just like a dolphin when you
touch their skin. They even have the same body temperature
like real dolphins have when you touch a dolphin’s skin. The
body temperature of a gray’s skin is around 50 degrees
fahrenheit. The cloudy appearance that I see when I have my
experiences may be caused by the temperature of the grays.
The cold environment of their skin interacting with the warm
environment of my physical body and creating steam in their
The sea that the grays live in is the abyss or the dimension
of Tartarus. There is supposed to be a gray that works at area
51 in Nevada. It says that its name is J-Rod or J-Rod is the
name that we call it. It makes sense because the J would
correlate with the name of Jah or Jehovah. The rod part would
correlate with the grays managing the worms used in human
reproduction. So this gray that is working at Area 51 is a
creature that is from Tartarus. Who is working on the
placement of the spirit energy in a human being. In fact I
believe that animal mutilations are a process where the grays
are trying to find working organs to use on shadow people. To
me shadow people do not have the organs needed for the
processing of light and sound.
There is an Assyrian myth of the Philistine or Babylonian
god named Dagon bringing life from the sea. The god Dagon
is half man and half fish. He is said to come from the
Erythraean Sea. This sea is also known as the Red Sea. I
would associate the name Red Sea with Tartarus or the blood
dimension. The grays come from our blood dimension. The
Erythrean Sea is named after the country of Eritrea. The
country of Eritrea is known as God’s Land. This is also the
location where the Queen of Sheba is supposed to have come

from. The Queen of Sheba is supposed to have goat legs with
hooves for feet. This to me is a connection to the satyrs in the
bible or what we would call the grays.

Book of Revelations

The Book of Revelations was written by who knows who

and who knows when. To push this story on people where
people have a very vague understanding of what this book
means. Anyone can put any meaning to the references in it.
Even my references may not be 100 percent correct.
The Book of Revelation starts with the moon turning red
with blood. This leads to the moon having a red color. This
red coloring always occurs during a lunar eclipse when the
earth passes between the sun and the moon. According to the
Book of Revelations the end of time starts with a beast
coming from the sea. The sea would be a watery abyss or the
realm of Tartarus. This would be the energy that goes into
making your shadow body. The beast meets the dragon at the
shoreline. This occurs when the shadow body energy joins
with a fertilized egg of a woman. The beast aligns itself with
the false profit. The false profit would be the physical body
with which you are born. The physical body is created by the
false profit and the beast. That physical body would be from
the woman with the baby who is standing on the moon. The
false profit is the birth of a human being into this dimension.
The reference in the bible or in other religious tales of a
brother against brother is a reference to a balance between
your shadow body and your etheric body. This same reference
applies to sister against sister or a person against a person.
This all boils down to how you want to live your life.
The moon is the element that controls this planet.
Controlling the planet helps sustain human life on the planet. I
believe that the moon may be an artificial satellite. There is a
bulge in the middle of the earth that leads the moon as the
moon moves around the planet. I believe the moon is pushing

the earth around at a certain speed. The beast is where a
person’s personality comes from. That is where the good and
evil comes from that lies within a person. The beast would be
the bodies shadow matter.
The false profit would be a person’s physical body because
a person can tell a lie and mislead people. Your shadow body
will always tell the truth to someone. The wound to the head
is a problem the grays created when they started putting these
worms into the earthly humans. There is mention in the Book
of Revelation of an angel reaping the earth. The Book of
Revelations talks of another angel reaping the vine of the
earth which is the winepress of God. With human blood
coming out of the winepress of God. This is referencing to the
fact that your blood energy is absorbed by God or Tartarus.
The bible talks of the Hebrew people walking the earth
with earthly humans. I suspect that modern humans walked
the earth with Neanderthal people. I believe that a
Neanderthal woman was artificially inseminated with modern
human DNA. This produced the first modern human with the
name of Christ. The word Kristos means to be under the
influence of something such as when a human being is under
the influence of their shadow body.
The Neanderthal person was hairier and had thicker skin
compared to the modern human. And Neanderthal must have
had the ability to speak to the modern human. The
Neanderthal race must have been absorbed into the modern
human race. The Neanderthal is the race of humans where the
stories of the Old Testament come from. I had an old book
that had a cave painting in France showing a gray using
forceps to pull a baby from a Neanderthal woman. This gray
was using forceps on the baby’s head to extract the baby’s
body. But unfortunately I can no longer find the book to
submit the picture to this book


Normally a Nephilim is associated as a being or angel that

has fallen from Heaven. Someone who has done something
bad in the view of God. But for a person to fall from
something you need to detach and let go first. So I believe that
the term Nephilim means to be detached such as with a
detached shadow body. Most written works of the bible come
from old oral stories handed down from person to person.
These oral stories were written down with someone’s
interpretation of these events. These are my interpretations of
these stories. In fact the Book of Moses or the first five books
of the bible. Sound like they came from a stack of papers
found setting in the corner of a room. These works of Moses
are referred to much later in the books talking of David and
So when the story in the bible talks of someone dying and
then being resurrected. Such as in the bible when it talks of
the first born dying or even if someone is being resurrected in
the bible. It is talking of beings that have or had detached
shadow bodies. The human beings that work with the grays
may be a race of beings who have created the grays to help
them in Tartarus. These supposed aliens on this planet may be
a race of beings who were the first beings born who died on
this planet. One of the major problems with information out
there is that most information is fabricated by people.

How the Earth Was Formed

In the bible it is said there were no mountains before the

flood. The highest hill was only 30 feet tall in height. On top
of that there was very little water on the planet to drink. The
red sea that Moses walks through is the water associated as
being the dimension of Tartarus. That is the water or blood
barrier where Moses comes from. So with that being said that
means that Moses came from Tartarus. The earth was
probably a lot smaller than it is now with no oceans on it. The
planet temperature was probably colder than it is now. There
was probably more ice on the surface of the planet. The
Neanderthal person was already here and their bodies were
covered with more hair and the Neanderthal person had
thicker skin. The Neanderthal buried their dead with their
personal things. This shows that the Neanderthal had a greater
understanding of the afterlife. Probably more than what we
give them credit for understanding. The grays have a colder
skin temperature. So they probably were accustomed to the
surface of the planet at that time. They may have lived on the
surface of the planet. The grays were probably visible to the
Neanderthal person.
The dinosaurs were probably still roaming the planet along
with the Neanderthal people. The dinosaurs probably died out
around 60,000 B.C. when modern man first appeared. If you
realize that cats live seven years compared to each human
year. Carbon dating may not be that accurate when it comes to
dating different species. And just because you find different
bones on this planet. It does not mean that these creature’s
bones come from the same dimension. The beings that came
from the moon did something that caused the inner part of the

earth to expand. This caused the mostly rocky planet to push
The planet tore apart were the oceans are located now.
Lava flowed up through the cracks causing the planet
temperature to rise. The ice that covered the planet started to
melt. This caused clouds to form causing the earth to have
long periods of rain. The rain water flowed into the ocean
crevasses cooling off the lava. This is where the story of
Noah’s flood comes from. This is also where the story of the
flood in the tale of Gilgamesh comes from. There was no
continent of Mu or Atlantis that sank into the abyss. The land
of the planet was just expanded and separated by a largely
induced magnetic event.
I believe that the part of the planet that did not push out
was the continent of Iceland. The surface of Iceland is similar
to the floor of the ocean. Iceland at the time was probably the
North Pole and covered with a thick layer of ice. The place
where the planet pushed out the most was in the Pacific Ocean
region. This is where most of the major volcanic islands are
located. In fact most of the world’s rivers flow in a way
relative to their reference to Iceland. Especially the rivers
located in the continent of North America.
Anytime a story speaks of a stone or abyss it is referring to
Tartarus. People back then lived longer because the earth went
around the sun at a faster orbit. Just look at the thickness of
the walls surrounding the old towns. It must have been very
windy back then. Or they were protected by this cold shield
around the planet. I believe that the solid black shadows that
are seen by people may be the people that we call the
Pleiadians in the bible. They may have destroyed the earth to
try and free up the dimension of Tartarus. They were the first
born humans who died. The earth had expanded because of
these pleiadians. This may be what the destruction of the

dome of the rock is all about in the bible. The destruction of
the rock in the bible may also be a reference to destroying the
outer layer of skin that guides the shadow body and the
etheric body or the brain halves.
Evan the modern human skull could be used as a tool to
support this theory. It is a fact that when the human body is
exposed to a much colder temperature. The blood in the
human body will not flow as far away from the heart as it
normally would. This is why we get frostbitten fingers and
toes or why you get a real bad headache in cold weather.
Since the weather is a lot warmer today than what it was back
in the days of the Neanderthal. This would explain why the
modern human skull is bigger than the Neanderthal skull. The
Neanderthal skull size was only limited by the cold weather.

The Ark of the Covenant

The bible talks of a box that was made to hold two tablets
so that a person could talk to God. It is said that the army that
carries the ark before it is invincible. The two tablets that the
bible is talking about are your two brain halves. These two
tablets or brain halves that the bible is talking about contain
the commandments between you and God. The human body is
the box that holds the two brain halves. The box or Ark was
carried with two poles located at the bottom of the box. This
would have made the Ark very hard to carry if it was a real
The four rings at the bottom of the box for sticking the
poles through. Are the four openings in your body where your
nerves pass through to your arms and legs. You are also not
supposed to be able to remove the poles from the box. The
two cherubs on the box are probably your solar plexus. The
gold that is wrapped around the wood is probably referring to
the cerebral spinal fluid that surrounds the brain and the
body’s two nervous systems. The cerebral spinal fluid protects
your brain and nerves from getting damaged. It is your
nervous system and brain that give you the ability to fight.
That is what makes a human being invincible.

The Ark of the Covenant as it generally is accepted.

A story similar to this story involves tales from Norse

Mythology. The story concerns the Norse god Odin. Odin is
the father of the Norse god Thor. Odin carries two ravens on
his shoulders in this story. These ravens rest on his shoulders
at night when he sleeps. Then during the day, the
ravens roam the earth. To me it sounds like these two ravens
represent the tablets inside the Ark of the Covenant.
These two ravens and tablets represent the two brain halves in
your head.
The name of the first raven is Huginn. The name Huginn
translates to mean thought. This would be your etheric body.
The second raven is named Muninn. The name Muninn
translates to mean memory. Memory would be your shadow
body. There is a reference to Odin having a cart that the
ravens would fly over. It sounds like Odin’s cart is a reference
to the Ark of the Covenant.

Odin also had a hammer that he could strike the ground
and create thunder and lightning. The Ark of the Covenant
could also create lightning. Odin eventually passes this
hammer down to Thor. Thor also has a half brother named
Loki. Loki is known for being a trickster. In one of the Norse
stories, Thor bounds Loki to a snake using his hammer. One
brother represents the etheric body and one brother represents
the shadow body. I am not sure which brother is which spirit
body. I have a feeling that since Loki is the one being bound.
Loki probably represents the shadow body.

The Greek god Odin with the two ravens perched on

his shoulders.

The two tablets or ravens as they appear in the human
Body. These veins also represent the Hanging gardens
of Babylon.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

This is the story of a man who was named

Nebuchadnezzar. He built a structure that carried water to the
top of this structure type palace. This watered the vegetation
located on the surface of this building. This building
supposedly had hanging vines on its terraced walls. What this
story is referring to is either the blood system or your body’s
two nervous systems. Since both of these systems provide
nourishment to the operation of the body. There were never
any ruins found for this building that was built by
Nebuchadnezzar. Plus no one has ever seen this finished
building. There were never any pictures found for this
structure. This is from an old story found in the Old

Dates of Events

One of the things with human beings is that we like to

organize things. We like to put names and events and dates to
things that had happened or maybe did not happen. One might
say that humans have obsessive compulsive disorders. We
sometimes go to the point of creating a historical timeline for
things. You will find that most things and events do not have
dates on them. This causes people to give a person a date of
existence. Then when we find that name of someone
associated with an object or event. We date that object by this
person’s date of existence. Someone may have taken an old
book and given it a finished date. Then they work back
through the book to give a date to everything in the book. In
fact the oldest dated coin only goes back to 1234 A.D.
Another way to look at things is that a word from thousands
of years ago. May have a totally different meaning after
thousands of years of translating that word.

King Solomon and Sheba

King Solomon was said to have been a king in the Hebrew

history. He was reported to be romantically involved with the
Queen of Sheba. She is also known as the Queen of Makeda.
This word Makeda sounds a lot like the word Megiddo. The
place in the bible where Armageddon is supposed to take
place when the end of the world happens. The word Solomon
comes from the word shalom. The word shalom means the
archway between two pillars. One of the stories of Solomon
starts with deciding the fate of a living baby. One baby is
alive and the other baby is dead. The mothers of the babies
both want the living baby. Both women claim to be the birth
mother of the infant. He gives the baby to the woman who
would give up the baby so that the baby can live. He does not
give the baby to the woman who does not care if the baby
The truth behind the story is that the living baby is your
physical body. Which is where Lilith’s worm goes for the
right to life. The dead baby is your shadow body which is
trapped in Tartarus with God after you die. This shows the
physical bodies rule or dominion over the planet. There is also
a story where Sheba gives Solomon one half of a cross which
floats to the surface of a well. The well being Tartarus and the
cross being the physical body. The other half of the cross is
trapped in Tartarus or sinks to the bottom of the well. The
archway represents the connection between these two bodies.
There is also a story in the bible where the Queen of Sheba
goes to meet King Solomon. Solomon is aware of the story
that Sheba has hairy legs with goat hooves for feet. So he
places mirrors on the floor to make it look like the floor is
covered with water. When the Queen of Sheba goes to walk

on the mirrors she lifts her skirt to reveal her hairy legs and
goat feet. The mirrors on the floor in this story represent your
mirror image body or what would be called your shadow
body. We have a detached shadow body because of the grays
or as they are called in the bible, satyrs or goat shaped helpers
of Lilith.
She is also said to bear a child with King Solomon named
Menelik. Menelik is supposed to have stolen the Ark of the
Covenant from Solomon. The Queen of Sheba in these stories
represents the grays or the goats in the Book of Isaiah.
Solomon represents the human aspect of the story or the
archway between the physical and the shadow body. Menelik
represents the first human to be born on the planet. He uses
the two tablets from the ark or the two brain halves to connect
the bodies together. The physical body and your shadow
The Queen of Sheba represents these gray beings. She
comes from the area of the Red Sea. The Red Sea is also
known as the Erythraean Sea. The Erythraean Sea is named
after the country of Eritrea, which means God’s Land. The
half man and half fish god is supposed to have come from the
Erythraean Sea.
There is also a reference to a magic rug that was given to
Solomon. The color of the rug is green with gold weavings.
This magic rug is supposed to be able to fly instantaneously to
any location. This rug is a reference to the etheric body. The
green color comes from the chemicals in the human body. The
green color that is in the rug is given off by the phosphorus
that is in the human body. The gold material in the rug is
probably reference to spirit matter or blood in the body. You
can project yourself instantaneously using your etheric body
just like Solomon does with his magic carpet.


Lilith is usually represented as a woman with wings on her

back and claws for her feet. She is usually seen with two owls
at her side. She is accepted by most people to be the first wife
to Adam. But if you look at the Book of Isaiah in the bible it
gives a very good example of who she is. She appears in the
Book of Isaiah chapter 34. The typical translation for Lilith is
the night jar. I prefer to think of it as a container of darkness
typically the wasteland or Tartarus or the abyss. She is
involved with the hairy goat creatures. These goat creatures
are the grays because they deal with the reproduction of
human beings. The grays are represented by the goat because
goats are an overly sexual creature in this reality. That is the
best way for people to describe the grays.
The hairy goat creatures referred to in the bible are known
as satyrs. The satyrs are usually associated with the Greek god
Dionysus. Dionysus was the Greek god of wine harvesting. So
we have the biblical satyrs or grays harvesting shadow matter
or what we call the blood of Christ. The philistine god Dagon
is also associated with harvesting. The Philistines are a group
of people found in the Hebrew bible.
The eggs that are associated with Lilith are produced in the
dimension of Tartarus and look like white orbs with worms in
them. Or they can be the worm in the human DNA passed by
the parents to their child. And the white orb provides the spark
of life to a human. I have seen a white orb fly through a wall
and then back out of the room. I would like to get my hands
on a gray to get the answer to all my questions. The owls seen
in Lilith’s pictures represent that she is a night creature. That
she and the grays can see in the dark. They are referring to the
eye lens that are worn by the grays. The beings that the

humans developed night vision goggles from. The plate of
Lilith also shows her with wings. This could also reference
her ability to fly such as with the white orbs. Tartarus is
usually associated with the watery abyss so one could
associate Lilith with water. A lily is a flowering plant that
grows in water. I think this is why the words Lilith and lily
come from the same origin. A lily is also shown coming from
Vishnu’s belly button.



Tartarus is an invisible dimension to the normal human

eye. When a person dies your shadow body is redeemed to
Tartarus. That is what we would refer to as a ghost. The way
to look at it is this. In the bible humans were consumed by
giants. These giants are said to be around 3000 cubits tall. A
cubit is around 46 centimeters in length. That would make the
height of Tartarus to be around 1.38 km tall. Tartarus would
have to be contained in the troposphere layer of the planet.
The troposphere layer is where weather occurs such as clouds
and thunder and lightning. Any stories that deal with thunder
and lightning have to do with Tartarus. Such as when you are
dealing with the Greek god Zeus who throws lightning bolts.
Whose weapons are made by the one eyed Cyclops. The
Cyclops is a giant who has one eye in the middle of his
forehead. This is a reference to a being who has access to the
third eye. A person who has uninterrupted access to the mind.
The ability to move through Tartarus leads me back to the
grays or the titans.
Tartarus is usually associated with being a place of
darkness. I believe the reason why Tartarus is associated with
being dark is because the shadow body lacks the physical
body parts needed to process light. It is also a fact that when
someone sees a shadow body. They see it as a dark shadow.
I know and believe that Carl Jung was wrong about what
the darkness in a person is. The darkness of the body is what
gives the body its physical shape. The intent of the shadow is
the good or evil of each individual person. The shadow is the
memory or the physical form of the body. The etheric body
allows you to move through Tartarus. Darkness is what gives
the body its cognitive ability. The individual person decides if

they are going to be good or evil. You as a person using
thought create your own judgment in the afterlife.


Humans have the ability to clone an animal. Such as when

they cloned the sheep named Dolly. They inserted the parent
DNA into an embryonic cell from another animal. That was
after they removed the DNA from that embryo. Then they
deposited that egg into another sheep. The problem with
cloning is your clone would have accelerated aging. This is an
attempt by the cloned animal to catch up to the shadow body
of the animal that they cloned. The cloned animal will also
develop any problems that the donor animal has. Dolly’s mom
lived to the age of 10 years old and developed arthritis. Dolly
only lived to the age of 6 years old and developed arthritis. In
6 years Dolly looked to be 10 years old. This shows that you
do not want to clone a human being. You may even share the
same thoughts between the donor and the clone.
This shows that your DNA is also tied to your shadow
body. Or maybe your shadow body is even tied to the fluid in
the cells in the body. When they realized there was a problem
with Dolly. They started using cells that had not developed
DNA yet. I believe they may be using stem cells now. But
then that is not true cloning. Because you are not using a
zygote egg from the donor.

How to Take Something Out or Put
Something in the Body

They use the shadow body and your etheric body to put
something inside your body. When you find that you are
being abducted. Your physical body is safe in bed. But you
have this physical feeling of being moved. You may find
yourself in what appears to be a spaceship. Your shadow body
and etheric body are aspects that go into making up your
physical body. If they put something inside your shadow body
your physical body will use organic compounds from your
physical body. To make a replica in your physical body of
what is in your shadow body.
There will also be no cuts to the outer layer of skin on the
body. Since the outer skin is not part of these creatures or you.
This all happens in the body after they let go of you. If they
remove something from inside your shadow body this object
in your physical body will disappear when they let you go.
Again there will be no cuts to the body on the outer skin.
What is in your physical body is based on what is in your
shadow and etheric body. I believe that the grays body can
create a magnetic field with their bodies to trap you.


They appear as a worm type creature that has a set of

wings on each side of it. The size of these rods range from
very small to quite large. Most of these rods have only been
captured on film. I believe that these rods are interdimensional
creatures. A creature that exists in Tartarus but is not seen in
this physical reality. I believe that some of these worms that
are supposed to become human do not make it. They continue
to grow to a large size. The wings on both sides of these
creatures would have become the both sides of the brain and
the spinal cord. But based on my opinion these rods and
UFO’S are not flying. But they are swimming in this Tartarus
dimension which is like water to them.
Granted that some of these rods could be insects caught on
film. You can tell from looking at the picture which one it is.
But some of the angles and turns and the length of the
creatures when they turn make’s it hard to say that this rod is
an insect caught on film. Especially if it is a long rod caught
behind a large object.

What I believe that rods are and how they have the ability to
float or fly or swim through Tartarus.

Christ and The Cross

Take the expression Christ died on the cross and bleed

down to the stone. Christ is represented by the physical
manifestation of a human being. The cross represents the
planet Earth. The cross symbol is an ancient symbol for the
planet earth. The stone represents an immovable object. Such
as the objects that would be found in Tartarus. The expression
means that a person is born on this planet. This Tartarus or
god sucks away your energy or life. Then this stolen energy is
trapped in Tartarus after you die.

Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is very interesting experience to have. It is

where you wake up and you can not move your body. To me
it feels like I am being magnetized to the planet. It is not a
force that is holding me down. Even though I can not lift my
body I can move my body from side to side. It is as if my
shadow body is holding me down. I would say that it is the
iron in the blood that is magnetized. Or it could be a
frequency applied to the nervous system. But it takes an
external force applied by a gray or a dead person to hold you
down. Always when I am suffering from a sleep paralysis
incident. It is because there is a gray or shadow person by me.
It may have to do with the body heat of a body.

Spirit Bodies in Mythology

The basic idea starts with Hercules. He was born half god
and half human. His father is Zeus the spark of life or the god
of thunder. Zeus is the god or shadow part of the human body.
Hercules’s physical body would come from his mother who
was named Alcmene. When they talk of the pillar’s of
Hercules. They are talking about the different spirit bodies of
a human being. When it talks about a god such as Cronos
being feed a stone or eating a stone. They are making a
reference to someone who has control of God or Tartarus and
can manipulate Tartarus. There is also a satyr or goat
associated with Hercules.
This is a reference to the grays helping with human
reproduction. Zeus and Poseidon and Hades are really all the
same person. Zeus is the god of thunder. That would be the
land of Tartarus. Poseidon is the god of the sea. The sea is
where the worms come from. The sea is the abyss or Tartarus.
And Hades is associated with the underworld or Tartarus. The
Tartarus gods are usually associated as being Titans.
Yet the Olympians were also the Titans. So a war between
the Titans and the Olympians really does not make a lot of
sense to me. Cronos and Rhea created Zeus. So maybe this is
a reference to a human shadow from another dimension.
Possibly a human race that was wiped out between the
Neanderthal man and modern man. The only interesting god
would be the god Atlas. The god who was punished to carry
the world on his shoulders. If you were standing still your
body would be casting a shadow. Where the neck of your
shadow is would be were your shadow body is standing. If
you have heard of the staff of Ra. This is what the story of the
staff of Ra is about. The staff of Ra or your spine would cast a

shadow to show you where the treasure is. The treasure would
be where your shadow body is standing. That treasure would
be where the neck of your shadow is at.

Where the shadow body is in reference to the physical body

is when the sun shines through you.

Knight’s Templar Treasure

Everybody thinks the Knight’s Templar where looking for

a stash of gold or a secret treasure. There is no stash of gold or
secret treasure buried anywhere. I think the Knight’s Templar
were aware of the importance of the human shadow body. The
story is that the knight’s templar carried the treasure out on
the back of a horse. The Knight’s Templar picture shows two
men riding on a horse. That would be a person and their
shadow body on the same horse. The treasure is supposed to
be from the temple of Solomon. The name Solomon
represents the archway between two pillars. The pillars are
between the shadow body and physical body. The temple part
may be a reference to the temples of the brain. Where the high
functioning part of the brain is located.

Atlantis, Mu and Mayan

I believe that there were no continents with the name of

Atlantis or Mu. I believe that they did not sink into the ocean
or the abyss. Atlantis was supposed to be a region between the
Mayan and European lands. This region was torn apart when
the lands were torn apart and the earth expanded. The same
thing with the continent of Mu. That region was supposed to
be between Mexico and the Asian continent. That region was
torn apart when the lands were torn apart and the earth
expanded. This is why you do not find any ruins at the bottom
of the ocean. Cut a map up and piece the continents together.
The continents fit together pretty well. There are some
interesting things about Mu and Atlantis. For example each
continent is represented by 3 rings or circles.
Each continent supposedly sank into an abyss. The abyss
would have been the land of Tartarus. Their destruction was
brought about by messing with crystals. A crystal is a stone
which again would be a reference to Tartarus. I think the
previous beings on this planet tried to alter the planet to
resolve this Tartarus issue. What I find interesting is that
when you go to a circus. It opens with a parade of animals
going around the 3 rings in the middle of the tent. Such as in
the repopulating of the planet earth with animals. Circus’s go
back to before Christ. The ancient Mayan pictographs have
some interesting pictures. People say the animal in the picture
looks like a deer. I look at the picture and I see a goat with a
flower growing out of the water.
Getting back to the part of Atlantis and Mu and the story of
the three rings. When a human being needs to align
themselves with the gravitational field. There are three rings
in the cochlear region of the ear. This region contains fluid

and fibers that are coated with calcium. The calcium responds
to the gravitational field. This helps a person to align
themselves to an upright position.
When you take an x-ray of a person’s body you see only
the bones in the body. This is because x-rays do not pass
through the bones in the body. The bones in your body are
composed primarily of calcium. X-rays pass through the skin
that is covering the body. This could mean that the physical
properties of the shadow body exist in the x-ray wavelength
The compound of lead is very toxic to the body. It can
cause nerve damage in the brain and body. In Leonardo da
Vinci’s painting that is known as Annunciation. The angel in
the picture is painted with a lead based paint. When you x-ray
the picture, the angel in the picture disappears. Maybe the
reason that the grays are able to vanish is because their skin
and body may have a lead type composition. The grays may
surround themselves with x-ray waves to pull a Houdini and
vanish. This picture could be a reference that the skin of a
person is not a part of a person.
Leonardo da Vinci has also made reference to a dark cave.
This could be a possible reference to Tartarus. Maybe
Leonardo da Vinci was crazy in the mind?


In the works of Plato there is hardly any reference to the

continent of Atlantis. But he does have some very interesting
vocabulary on the human being. In his work he is talking to a
person named Solon. The name Solon sounds a lot like the
name Solomon. The word Solomon refers to the archway
between two pillars. The way to Atlantis is beyond the pillar’s
of Hercules. In his story the land is flat with no mountains.
The earth got bigger and pushed the lands apart. The first
earth that was Atlantis was a boundless continent. It sounds
like the earth was once called Atlantis before the expansion of
the planet. The earth was divided into three parts. The first
part is indivisible. The second part was divisible. The third
part is the essence. I believe this is a reference to your many
body parts. Plato believed the earth was the center of the solar
system. Based on my experiences this may be a possibility. In
Plato’s work called Timaeus. He says that a human being
projects light through and out of their eyes. This may be why
a person’s eyes are lit when you look at them. This may be an
invisible light or wavelength.

Dogon and Sirius

There is a tribe in Africa known as the Dogon. They talk

about a race of beings that brought information here from
another world. They reference two stars in the Canis
Constellation. They are the suns Sirius A and Sirius B. The
Dogon were told about Sirius B which is said to be invisible.
Sirius A and B have a 50 year orbit that they were told about.
This may correlate with the jubilee in the bible. The beings
that came from that solar system call themselves the Nommos.
They were amphibious, hermaphroditic fish like creatures.
They were said to resemble mermaid people. The top half was
human and the bottom half was a fish. They were masters of
the water. They supposedly divided their bodies up and feed
them to man. This would go hand in hand with the fact that
humans have different dimensional bodies.
The Nommos were also crucified on a tree. This tree part
sounds a lot like we are dealing with the central nervous
system that is in the body. This is where we get into the
connection of the shadow body and etheric body of a human
being. The Nommos sounds like we are dealing with the
grays. The grays from what I see have no sex organs. One
might think that they may all be female or they are wearing a
special kind of suit. Dagon written backwards in Greek or
Hebrew spells alien. Dagon is a Mesopotamian god. He is
drawn with the top half of a human and the bottom half of a
fish. Again the tale of or legend of mermaids comes from
story of worms being brought from the sea to create humans.
There are no real mermaids.
This sounds like the story of dolphins bringing worms
from the sea. Dagon is also known by the name of Astorath
and Themis. This deity is associated with fertility. The pope

of the Catholic Church wears a hat that looks like a fish head.
This hat is referred to as a mitre. The roman priest Cybele
wore a fish hat just like the catholic priest of today. The old
roman emperors used to wear the same fish clothing. The sun
Sirius B is invisible just like your shadow body.

A pope mitre

References in the Bible

The Bible is full of references to the events in this book.

And to references of the shadow body and Tartarus especially
in the Old Testament. The New Testament is the Old
Testament rewritten. In fact the first five books of the bible or
also known as the works of Moses were not found until the
time of David and Solomon.

John 5:4 (omitted) For an angel of the lord would come down
into the pool from season to season and disturb the water; The
first one to then step in after the disturbance of the water.
Would become sound in health from whatever disease it was
by which he was afflicted.

Meaning = This sounds a lot like a physical angel. Why would

they omit this passage from the bible.

Genesis 3:21 And Jehovah god proceeded to make long

garments of skin for Adam and Eve to clothe them.

Meaning = God gave Adam and Eve an outer layer of skin.

Genesis 6:12 All the flesh had ruined the world.

Meaning = Having given these creatures from Tartarus a way

to possess a body with skin. This caused humans to have a
detached shadow body.

Genesis 7:6-11 Noah had lived 600 years. When the deluge of
water came.

Meaning = This deals with the expanding earth theory. The
flood and the rain. The earth was colder and closer to the sun
and had a faster rotation. Look at the thickness of old city

Genesis 9:13 The rainbow is a sign of the covenant.

Meaning = Solomon is an archway between two pillars. The

pillar’s of Hercules. The connection that is between your
shadow body and your physical body.

Genesis 37:35 This chapter first mentions the place of Sheol.

Meaning = Sheol and Tartarus are mentioned a lot in Old


During the ten plagues of Egypt during plagues numbers 9

and 10. There were three days of darkness. Which probably
deals with a shift to the dimension of Tartarus. And dealt with
the death of the first born child which probably deals with the
death of the first race of humans from this planet. There is a
story of Aaron painting the door archways with lamb’s blood.
This lamb’s blood was to protect you from death. I believe
this is a reference to the fact that if there was a connection
between the shadow body and the physical body. The first
humans would have avoided this first death of their race.

Genesis 16 1:15 Abraham had two children. Sarah his wife

bore him a child named Isaac. Hagar his maidservant bore
him a son named Ishmael.

Meaning = The name Isaac means to laugh at. The name

Ishmael means to touch god. It appears that the bastard child

or the desendent of Tartarus is the true descendent of god.
That would be the human shadow body.

Genesis 25 to 27 Isaac had two sons. The first son was Esau.
The second son was Jacob. Esau would have inherited the
right to rule. Esau was also covered with hair. Jacob tricked
Isaac into given him the first born rights.

Meaning = The human body was given dominion over the

planet. The shadow body was given dominion over Tartarus.

Exodus 2:10 Plus. Moses was saved out of the water. Moses
met his wife at the well.

Meaning = Moses came from the abyss or Tartarus. Moses

meet his wife at Tartarus before he was born on the earth.
Everyone meets in Tartarus before you are born on earth.

Leviticus 17:7 So they should no longer sacrifice children to

the goat shaped demons.

Meaning = This goes back to Abraham being told by god not

to sacrifice his son. For some reason the grays were having
people kill children before their shadow bodies became
detached. Or this has to do with the concept that ones shadow
body becomes fully detached around 7 years of age.

Numbers 13:31-33 Sons of Anak, Nephilium. Men of

extraordinary size. Giants or titans.

Meaning = Humans must destroy the grays.

Moses made a copper serpent staff. Copper does kills bacteria.

Deuteronomy 29:29 The things concealed belong to Jehovah.
The things revealed belong to us.

Meaning = This is reference to the shadow body belonging to

god and your physical body belonging in the physical reality.

Deuteronomy 32:18 The rock that fathered you.

Meaning = The rock being Tartarus which is an immovable


Judges = The tribe of Benjamin is destroyed.

Meaning = That leaves just eleven tribes. How are twelve

tribes going to come together at the end of the world.

1 Samuel = The Dagon deity is mentioned. His bottom half is

fish. His top half is human. The story of David and Goliath.
Goliath was a giant or titan. David hit him in the forehead
with a stone and killed him.

Meaning = The titan or giant is the grays and this deals with
the loss of access to the third eye or shadow body.

2 Samuel 23:13 Went to the Rephaim. Went to the rock.

Meaning = The giants or titans. Fought with the grays in


1 Kings - King David and Bethsheba brought forth Solomon.

Solomon made two copper pillars.

Meaning = Man and Grays made modern man. Bethsheba had
goat legs.

2 Kings 20:9-11 Isaiah controlled a shadow on the stairs.

Meaning = Self explained.

Job 1-9 Satan had a talk with a shadow. He touched his flesh
from the inside. There was talk of the death shadow and

Meaning = The spine works like an antenna in the body. That

sends information to the inside of the skin. The shadow sends
information to inside your body to your skin.

Job 8:9 The days on earth are a shadow.

Meaning = Shadow is memory.

Job 8:14-17 Talks of a spider web. A house being a heap of


Meaning = This is similar to the Hopi Indian tale. This does

not have anything to do with the internet. This has to do with
an overpopulated world. The spider web is the etheric lines
between all the people in the world. The pile of stones is a
build up of shadow energy. Can too many people on the
planet affect the planets health?

Job 10:11 Clothe me with skin and flesh.

Meaning = This has to do with the Tartarus beings coming
here in shadow. You need skin and flesh for your shadow
body to live on earth.

Adam and Eve = The earth was dark than God made light.
God made Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. There is the
tree of good and evil. This tree has forbidden fruit on it. There
was a serpent in the tree.

Meaning = They are referencing to the spleen and the brain.

Adam ate the fruit of the tree. Then god gave Adam and Eve
skin and kicked them out of the Garden of Eden. The Garden
of Eden is god’s garden where the worms are made. You now
have humans in this reality with physical bodies and detached
shadow bodies. This is where the concept of going to the light
comes from.

The tree in the Garden of Eden.

Job 12:22 Brings dark things to light.

Meaning = Self explanatory

Job 15: 22-23 There is no food in darkness.

Meaning = A reference to Tartarus the desolate world. Job is
full of references to Sheol or Tartarus. There is no food or you
will no longer need food. Water is a solid object in Tartarus.

Psalms 72:7-9 The servant of the moon is destroyed. The

demons of the waterless region.

Meaning = They are talking about us and the grays having a

war for control of the planet.

Psalms 74:2 Mount Zion is Tartarus.

Meaning = Self explanatory

Psalms 78:20 Moses struck the rock and water flowed.

Meaning = This has to do with the expanding earth and

melting the ice and the rain.

Psalms 80:8-13 The vine is the shadow.

Meaning = A reference to the central nervous system or the

blood system and its connection to the shadow.

Psalms 87:5 Each and everyone is born in Zion.

Meaning = Lilith is in mount Zion or Tartarus.

Psalms 88:3 At death we all go to Sheol.

Meaning = Self explanatory

Proverbs 3:20 The earth ruptured and the temperatures rose.
Then it started to rain.

Meaning = The expanding earth story I wrote.

Proverbs 8:24 In the beginning there was no abyss.

Meaning = There was no Tartarus with the Neanderthal.

Proverbs 8:25 There were no mountains.

Meaning = The expanding earth story.

Isaiah 4:4 The daughters of Zion.

Meaning = The grays are assumed to be women because they

have no exterior sex organs.

Isaiah 9:6 The prince of peace was born in Jacobs time.

Meaning = There were many different Christ in the bible. The

word Christ meant nothing more than an anointed person.

Isaiah 13:12 Mentions mortal man walking the earth with

earthling man.

Meaning = Modern humans walked the earth with the

Neanderthal humans.

Isaiah 13:21 Haunter of waterless region.

Meaning = A reference to the creatures or grays in Tartarus.

Isaiah 14:9 Goat like leaders that reside in Tartarus.

Meaning = The grays who are associated with goats because

of their manipulation of human reproduction. They reside in

Isaiah 14:12 Those who have fallen the lightbearers.

Meaning = Humans give off light in the form of thermo-

energy. We have detached shadow bodies and we physically
reside in this lit dimension.

Isaiah 28:5 Crown of decoration and a garland of beauty.

Meaning = A possible reference to a human aura.

Isaiah 34:14-15 Lilith and the satyrs.

Meaning = The night jar which could be taken as a container

of darkness. Working with the goat shaped beings or grays.

Isaiah 35:8-10 Way of holiness.

Meaning = Tunnel of light or a reflection from the moon.

Where we can pass after we die.

Isaiah 65:17 Destroy the old world and create a new heaven
and earth.

Meaning = If they did destroy the old world to try and

eliminate Tartarus. That did not fix the problem that humans
still have to deal with their detached shadow bodies.

Isaiah 66:24 The worm will not die after the body dies. The
worm survives death.

Meaning = It sounds like the worm from Tartarus that makes

a person survives death.

Jeremiah 17:5-10 Curse the man who trusts earthly man and
makes him self flesh. Whose heart turns away from Jehovah.
He will become like a tree in the desert.

Meaning = If you take human form your blood energy will be

sucked out of you and you will end up in Tartarus.

Ezekiel 20:21 Gods creation walked with earthling man.

Meaning = This sounds like modern humans and earthly

humans walked with each other.

Colossians 2:17 First came shadow, than came Christ.

Meaning = At first everything needs to be a thought. Such as

with an idea in someone’s mind. Nothing can exist without a
shadow or a thought. Then this thought will manifest into

Satan in the bible means nothing more than an adversary.

Such as the good and evil within each of our bodies.
The Pleiades are 7 suns grouped together in the Taurus
Constellation. They are also known as the 7 daughters of
Atlas. Moses met a woman at the well. The daughter of a
sheep herder with 7 daughters. Moses brother Aaron meets his
wife at the well. Do we make agreements with other beings in
Tartarus before we come to the earth?

Mark 9:48 The worm does not die.

Meaning = The worm or essence of your shadow and physical

body survives death. This way the essence that made you as a
human can be reborn.

Mathew 27:50-53 The Old Testament saints were raised at

Jesus death.

Meaning = People were able to see the dead or the shadows of

dead people walking the earth. People’s awareness was
shifted to Tartarus and their shadow bodies.

Mathew 27:45-54 The skies turned dark. The earth quaked.

Rocks spilt. Jesus appeared with the wounds in his body.

Meaning = A clear reference that peoples awareness was

shifted to their shadow bodies. Hercules also spent three days
in darkness. An angel moved a stone to resurrect Christ.
Christ was seen in shadow body form. There is also a
reference to the earth expanding because somebody tried to
alter Tartarus.

Matthew 14:25 But in the fourth watch period of the night he

came to them walking over the sea.

Meaning = This event occurred at night which means their

minds were probably shifted to Tartarus. In sheol and Tartarus
water is a solid object. So any shadow person would have
been able to walk across water.

A Christian symbol is a fish. A possible reference to the grays
or the Nommos in Tartarus.

How Tartarus Works

Water in Tartarus is a solid object. Water would be the

equivalent to a block of cement in this reality. So god would
have to do something with water or the composition of water.
A ghost would be able to walk on water. This is why in Greek
mythology there is no water to drink or any food to eat. The
food that we grow contains water. Which makes me wonder
about the problems I had with my kidneys when I got my
bacterial infection. In fact if you die by drowning your
shadow body becomes trapped in water. I believe that it is
possible for a shadow body to latch on to a swimmer exiting
the water. Or if they remove the corpse of someone who
drowns in the water. Which to me sounds like the most
reasonable answer. I believe those are the only two ways a
trapped shadow person can get out of the water.
I wonder how a shadow person stands on water. They
would have to be of the same composition or made from the
same energy that holds water molecules together. Evan Jesus
stood on water. Water is composed of two molecules of
hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen. I think an interesting
thing to point out right now. Water is used as protection
against radiation. Radiation in the body causes cancer. People
who are mentally ill do not get cancer. So people who are
mentally ill such as with autism. Must have something in the
water in their body that protects them from the sun. That
would probably allow an autistic person to navigate their way
through Tartarus without being trapped..
If the sun is made of hydrogen. That would probably mean
that the hydrogen in the sun would affect the hydrogen in the
human body and the hydrogen in the earth’s inner core. This
is what probably causes the effects of gravity and sleep

paralysis on a person. Or maybe shadow substance has no
molecular weight.
Let us just say you have a table with two balls on it. And
both balls are far apart. If you hit one ball in the direction of
the other ball. It takes awhile for the ball to travel to hit the
other ball. This is because of the gap between the balls. If you
have a line of balls on the table that are touching each other.
And you hit the ball at one end of the line. The ball at the
other end would move instantaneously because there is no gap
between the balls. That would be a good example of an
etheric projection. So when we are dealing with the etheric
body and the shadow body. The thought we are dealing with
is everywhere.

This would be to give you some idea how shadow matter
relates to water.

The Rainbow

The rainbow is a covenant with god. The name Solomon

comes from the word shalom. The word shalom means an
archway between two pillars. A rainbow is an archway
between two points. When Noah lands the ark on the top of
the mountain there is a rainbow under the ark that goes to the
mountain. This rainbow is a covenant with God. In Irish tales
the word leprechaun means a small corpse. The leprechaun is
protecting a pot of gold. The pot of gold is at the end of the
rainbow in the stump of a tree. The legend behind the
leprechaun is that the leprechaun is your dead body and the
pot of god is your shadow body. The rainbow is an energy
field between your physical body and your shadow body. It is
a relationship between your shadow body and your physical
body. The rainbow is a connection between the physical
reality and your spirit energy. It is just you really do not know
what your shadow body is doing. Even in the book and movie
about Peter Pan. Peter pan has a detached shadow body.

Effects of Zero Gravity

When our astronauts are in space for a long period of time.

Their arms and legs elongate. The bones in their bodies start
to turn into rubber. This is the same as when I have my
experiences with grays and dead people. The grays have very
long arms and legs. You can bend their bones over like
rubber. It is the same thing with dead people. You can bend
their bones over in half like rubber in the shadow realm. You
might say that the same energy of space is present on the
planet earth. It is just hidden in gravity or the heat of the
planet. The energy of zero gravity is everywhere. It is also
possible that when you sleep.
When you are asleep and your shadow body is shifted to
the shadow realm. Your brain frequency is below 10 hertz at
that time. It is possible that gravity is tied to this planet
frequency. When you are awake your brain operates at a
frequency around 25 hertz. When you are awake the 25 hertz
protects your brain from the grays. I also notice that the spleen
is short for a human being. Almost as if it came from a being
that was shorter than modern humans. Also it is a fact that
human eggs do not reproduce in outer space or zero gravity.
There is no molecular weight in space. It is possible that
gravity may be attached to the calcium in the body.
When it comes to what gravity is. No one knows for sure
what gravity is. The planet Venus has no magnetic field but
seems to have some sort of gravity or is held in place by some
form of static force. Gravity does not appear to have any thing
to do with magnetic fields. Everything is held in place by
shadow matter. The problem is finding out what the invisible
thing is that we call thought. Here is an interesting thing to
think about. Venus is known as the morning star. Christ and

Lucifer are also known as the morning star. Do you think
these worms that make us are associated with Venus?
I do have a theory on what I think this static force is. It is a
form of static electricity. These static electricity fields or noise
go around all the objects in the solar system. This is why you
have lightning strikes on all the planets. The distance between
the planets is relative to the charge of each planet. In fact I
had an incident with a ghost. A man was dragging himself on
the ground and he was giving off this bright light from the
static charge. When I touched him the bright light covering
his body disappeared. I could hear the sound of him crawling
away after the incident.

The Lighthouse and Library of Alexandria

There was supposedly a lighthouse and a library that were

built at the entrance of the Nile River. It is hard to say when
they were built. Because there was never a timeline given to
them. Especially since humans have a tendency to create their
own history. The library was supposed to contain a large
amount of information. All the information that was contained
in the world. The lighthouse was supposed to have been very
large. It had a place for a fire on top of it as well as a mirror.
The fire was supposed to be used as a weapon. The thing is
that no real ruins have been found for these two places. There
are no acknowledged pictures of the lighthouse. I believe the
truth behind these stories is this when you are talking about
the lighthouse and the library.
You are talking about a human beings spleen and brain.
The light comes from the burning of glucose in the body. The
spleen and brain are the lighthouse and the library. Plus the
mirror aspect indicates we are dealing with a mirror image of
something such as your shadow body. And Tartarus is also all
the cognitive memory of everything that has ever existed. It is
a connection to all the shadow minds that have lived. Also in
Egyptian stories the pharaoh was suppose to ride a boat up the
Nile. After he had died and was given special treatment. This
was supposed to be his final journey in the after life. The Nile
River represents the cerebral spinal fluid in the body. You see
the resemblance between the brain and spine and the Nile

The Nile looks like the brain and the spinal cord.


Nubiru is supposed to be an invisible object that is

supposed to hit the earth. The date that this collision is to
happen is unknown. It is said to have been in the year 2012.
Nubiru is supposed to be four times the size of the planet
earth. Nubiru is supposed to be seen only in the inferred
spectrum. This is where I believe Nubiru is or what the story
of Nubiru is about. The object that is known as Nubiru is what
we call Tartarus. This is the object that caused the earth to
expand a long time ago.
This is a dimension that can not be seen with the naked
eye. Ghosts can be filmed in the inferred spectrum. Mary
standing on the moon makes the moon our home planet. And
the earth is four times the size of the moon. Nibiru is located
on the planet earth. Someone said that Nubiru would pass
between the earth and moon on 5/15/2003. On 5/15/2003
there was a lunar eclipse of the moon. The moon turned the
color red like blood. In other words our home planet that is
the moon turned red with blood. And Nubiru or Tartarus is
permanently tied to the earth.
A note on the inferred spectrum. Inferred energy can not
pass through clouds or water vapor. Inferred energy is used to
detect magnetic radiation or what we refer to as heat. Nibiru is
supposed to visible in the inferred spectrum. We would not be
able to use a telescope that sees in the inferred spectrum. The
heat of the planet may be what holds us to this planet. So god
would be heat? It is possible that low frequency waves may
not be able to leave the planet.

The Grays Eye Lens

One of the things that has been recovered from these grays.
Is a layer of film that covers their eyes. According to Colonel
Corso in his book “The Day After Roswell”. These eye lens
allow the grays to see in the dark. If you put these eye lens on
your eyes in pitch black darkness. You could see a human in
human form that looks the color orange and green. When you
have more than one human the color of the humans would
merge together. These eye lens are coated with the chemical
of phosphorus.
I believe what the grays are seeing is your shadow body.
The green color comes from the burning of phosphorus in the
body. The orange color comes from the burning of oxygen in
the body. Phosphorus and calcium collect in your bones and
in your teeth. Phosphorus is present in every cell in the body.
Phosphorus glows under ultraviolet light.
I believe that one of the reasons why I had my experiences
with the grays. I had a bacterial infection in my lower left leg.
This was leading to a kidney infection in my leg. When you
have kidney damage your body is unable to remove extra
phosphorus from your body. That means my shadow body
would appear very green. It would make it very easy for the
grays to find me.


In ancient cultures when it talks of children going to live

with the gods. It is saying that around 7 years of age your
shadow body becomes detached from your physical body.
This is usually about the time your baby teeth fall out. Usually
around 7 years of age you can tell if someone is looking at
you. That is because your shadow body can look in other
directions than what your physical body is looking. I suspect
that even when you are awake. You can project your shadow
body to another location that you have been to. Let’s say you
are at work around 5:00 pm. And you leave to go home from
work. Your shadow body will arrive home 10 to 20 minutes
before you actually get there. I believe our physical actions
are a delayed reaction to what is happening in the shadow
I believe this is why your pets know when you are coming
home before you get there. Your pets are able to see your
shadow bodies before you physically get home. Your pets
know what your intentions are. They can see your intentions
played out in your shadow body. So when it comes to dealing
with a schizophrenic. You are dealing with someone who is
responding to the physical and shadow world at the same
time. So if you ask a person who is schizophrenic to pick
something up. And you grab the object away from him before
he grabs it. Physically he will not be touching the object. But
his shadow hand will be holding the object. A person who is
autistic will also see the intensions of people played out in the
shadow realm. This is why they do not look directly at a
persons face. An autistic person can read your intentions. That
is why they do not like certain people.

The schizophrenic person will be waiting for the physical
hand to pick up the object. He may get upset thinking that you
hurt him. Because you hurt his shadow hand by pulling the
object from his shadow hand. This is the reason why some
people see things that no one else sees. Or why you may not
see something that someone else sees. The mind is at the
influence of outside things and beings. This detached shadow
body is also behind the cause of the phantom limb. The ability
to be aware of a shadow limb being present even if a physical
limb has been lost by the body.
Sometimes when a person has paranormal experiences.
Other people who have never had paranormal experiences.
Have a tendency to label the person with the experiences as
being delusional. Meaning this person lives outside of what is
normal. But in my opinion the person who has never had a
paranormal experience. Has trained their mind to live in the
illusion of this world. Hence you could say that this person is
illusional which means a person that lives within the illusion.
Also people have a tendency to talk to themselves. I have a
tendency to talk to myself. I know other people who talk to
themselves. I know that when I talk to myself. I am talking to
my shadow body or my mind. They say that people who talk
to themselves have very stable minds. It is like walking
around with your own psychologist. If anyone has a shadow
body then you have your own guardian angel with you all the
time. Your shadow body is your guardian angel.
When you have a child who has schizophrenia they may
see creatures and be bothered by other beings. When you
sleep your brain frequency is below 10 hertz. Your shadow
body is visible to other shadow beings. Your sleeping body
and your dreams protect you. When you are awake your brain
frequency is above 25 hertz. Your shadow is invisible to other
shadow people. Your mind that is awake blocks out the voices

of other shadow beings. A child with schizophrenia is visible
to other shadow beings when this child is awake. This is why
a shadow person would bother them. You need to teach this
child to make these things disappear, by teaching this child to
use thought to make them disappear when they see these
creatures. You might want to check the brain frequencies of
this child when they are awake. You could compare these
frequencies against a child that is normal.
It is too bad the remote viewing program does not know
how to access these detached spirit bodies. The shadow body
would be great for remote viewing. The problem is that once
you are in your shadow body. You become trapped by
physical things in Tartarus. You can not remote view a place
you have never been to. Once you physically go to a place.
You can etherically project yourself to that place.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Sometimes we make fun of people who do things that are

different from most people. Such as someone who washes
their hands a lot or someone who sees things crawling on their
body. Or someone who rearranges things in a room for no
apparent reason. Here is an example of what I am talking
about. A normal person walks into a room and does nothing in
the room. Another person walks in to a room and moves a
vase on the table for no reason. This vase is present in the
shadow world and in the physical world. Yet the shadow vase
is not exactly in the same spot as the physical vase. The
person who moves the vase is trying to unconsciously put
both vases in the shadow world and the physical world in the
same spots. Some people are more unconsciously aware of
how the shadow realm is arranged. This person may actually
have something on their skin that only they can see.

The Ancient Battle Helmet

I will use an ancient Spartan helmet as an example. These

ancient helmets are made of metal. The metal around the brain
may be used to protect your brain from the mental inputs from
the Gods or grays. Similar to what the children in the movie
“Signs” wore. They wore aluminum foil around their brains to
protect their brains from being read by other creatures. There
is also the line of hair going over the top of the helmet. That
hair runs along where the two brain halves are split. This hair
would correlate to the corpus callosum. I wonder if this is a
reference to the split brain that humans have. This is the same
as a Mohawk haircut used by Native American Indians. I
wonder if these helmets were used long ago in battles with the
Another example is the Greek god Athena. She is the
goddess of intelligence and wisdom. She was born from
Zeus’s head wearing a crested helm. This helmet is very
similar to the helmet worn by the Spartans. She was also born
holding a spear and a shield. She is said to be gray eyed or
have bright eyes. I believe this is a reference to the gray

Athena and her helmet

Space Travel

We as a human race look at the prospect of long term

space travel. To try and overcome the damage we have done
to this planet. But what we see from the previous human space
travels. The human mind of an individual starts to deteriorate
while in space or zero gravity. An astronaut on a 2 week trip
to the moon loses about 10 percent of their brain. This has
been known since the 1970’s. An astronaut’s arms and legs
start to elongate and their bones turn to rubber. This means the
physical body and the etheric body and the shadow body are
tied to the earth’s gravitational field. The earth holds
everything together.
This means that a human that is alive can not space travel.
So as a living being you need to take care of this planet. So do
not plan on going to the moon or mars to live especially after
you have destroyed this planet. But I do believe that after you
die. You may be able to space travel in your shadow body or
your etheric body. It is just trying to understand what shadow
energy is. And if you can project your shadow body beyond
the earth’s gravitational field. I know that if you have been in
two separate locations. You can project your shadow body to
a location that you have previously been to. By closing your
eyes and visualizing yourself at that location.
So I believe that if someone sees someone not from this
planet. This person may be from the dimension of Tartarus.
The question is can your shadow body leave this planet and
travel to another planet? Do these beings use Tartarus to travel
between planets?

The Past and the Future

Since your memory is composed of shadow energy. Your

shadow energy or your brain and spleen are your memory.
Your shadow would be your mind. A persons mind would be
capable of looking at the past. But to travel into the future
would only be possible up to the point of completed thoughts.
To travel back in time or ahead to the future as humans
believe is not possible. In fact without shadow energy we
would not have dreams when we sleep. We would not have
high functioning thought. I think the final objective of these
grays and these shadow people is to reattach the shadow body
and physical body back together.
There by getting past this Tartarus problem. I think that
people who have mental problems such as autism and
schizophrenia are caused by a shadow body malfunction. I
believe that people with mental problems do not get trapped in
Tartarus after they die. So be good to the mentally disabled
and learning disabled. They may be the ones that pull us out
of this mess. Autism may be the answer to our problem.

Artificial Intelligence

You are never going to have to worry about a robot

becoming self aware and killing you. A robot will never
become self aware because it lacks shadow energy. You
would have to use a human being for this self awareness. Only
a human being has shadow energy. But a human could
program a robot to shoot someone. But a robot would not hunt
you down and use its own awareness to hurt someone.

When We Become Detached

The big question is when does a human being become

detached from their shadow body? I would say for a normal
person it would be at about 7 years of age. I would base it on
these things. In the bible Abraham was told by God not to
sacrifice his son. His son was around 7 years of age. Back
then in the bible people use to sacrifice children to the gods.
The reason for this is unknown. Children around 7 years of
age were supposed to have gone to live with their father gods
in the Native American culture. But to me the main reason is
that the spinal cord stops growing at 6 years of age for a child.
This is when the worm or spinal cord in the body is
completely finished forming the body. That is when I believe
a human being becomes detached. I would say the body starts
to develop a detached spirit body at birth based on the number
of infants that I have seen in sheol. The spirit body or shadow
body is permanently detached around 7 years of age.

The Spinal Cord as an Antenna

If you have ever tried to listen to an AM radio where there

was a bunch of static. And you hold the radio near your chest
and the radio reception gets better. That means your body is
working as an antenna for the radio. On the following pages is
a picture of the body’s central nervous system. The red part is
the brain and the spleen. That is the central nervous system.
The blue section is the peripheral nervous system. The
peripheral nervous system connects to the other parts of the
body to the spleen. I believe the spinal cord works as an
antenna to the shadow body. The spinal cord sends signals to
the inside of the skin. The sensors on the body are in the body
facing into the inside of the body. The shadow body touches
something. Then your mind sends a touch sense to your
finger. That makes you sense something with the inside of
your skin.
In fact I think this is the primary reason behind what we
call autism. With a normal person both brain halves would
communicate back and forth to each other. The mind
generates a thought on one brain half. Then the spine passes
that thought to the other brain half. That would help the body
turn that thought into speech. In fact when sound comes into
the body it would be passed to the shadow body and the
etheric body through the spine.
A good example of a Greek god for this is the god Hermes.
He has wings on his feet to symbolize speed. He carries a
caduceus to symbolize medicine. He is the messenger of the
gods. Hermes represents the central nervous system. The
caduceus represents the brain and the spleen. The wings on
the feet represent the power of the etheric body and the
shadow body. The spleen talks to the inside of the body.

An antenna picks up analog signals. Our reality is
composed of analog signals or static noise. Quartz can be used
to control an analog signal such as its wavelength. We now
convert analog signals into digital signals. You can see that in
the digital pixilation losses on the television. An analog signal
is far better than a digital signal. The presence of a ghost can
be seen in a digital pixilation distortion. Analog is a signal
that can expand and increase or decrease in size. An analog
signal can be sent over the air waves. No more free television.
A digital signal works on the principal of an on/off switch.
Digital pixels will be lost when there is a change in the signal
voltage. The body makes a better analog receiver.

The central nervous system which is red and the
peripheral nervous system which is blue in the body.


The Caduceus

The caduceus is known as the herald’s staff. This is the

same as the staff of Ra. A person’s brain and spleen are the
staff used to make you fly in your etheric body. The brain and
spleen also represent the dragon that leads you to the after life
after you die. The dragon gives off fire just like the heat given
off by the central nervous system. The person in this picture is
Hermes holding his caduceus.

Jason and the Argonauts

This is a story that comes from Greek mythology. Jason’s

kingdom was taken over by his uncle Pelias. So Pelias sent
Jason on a long quest to keep him busy so Jason would not get
his kingdom back by killing him. The quest was to get a hold
of this Golden Fleece. Jason would have to travel through the
clashing rocks. This is a reference to the pillars of your body
or the clash between your shadow body and your etheric body
or between good and evil. The clashing rocks are your Pillars
of Hercules or the taking of the Golden Fleece of the ram that
was hanging on the tree.
Which symbolizes the outer layer of skin on the human
body. Or the king sending the skeletons after Jason and the
Argonauts to get the Golden Fleece back. This is reference to
the fact that a shadow being or skeleton needs skin for his
body. Jason used the fleece to bring Medea back to life. This
brings out the fact that shadow beings need skin to live. The
story of Jason and the Argonauts is about the human body and
how it works.

The Mind of the Body

I am going to give my best reasoning for how the shadow

body and the etheric body work. The spinal cord or spleen
receives signals like an antenna from the outside world. These
signals come from the shadow body and the etheric body.
These signals are sent to the organs inside your body and to
the inside of the skin. This tells your body how the world is
functioning. This adjusts the body functions to make your
body grow and do its work. The shadow body and etheric
body each have a side of the brain. The two tablets we use to
talk to God.
The shadow body side is connected to Tartarus. This is
your cognitive or evil side of the body. The etheric side of
your brain is the simple kind aspect of yourself. Both of these
bodies live in their own separate realities. Most people live
equally in both realities making up a normal person. But
someone that is totally in there shadow body might have the
cognitive ability. But has the potential to be a terrible killer.
The etheric body lives in the other brain half. This makes
up the kindness that is found in many people. This is the side
of brain where Autistic children reside. This is why you
should be kind to people with special needs. Because autistic
people have the ability to pull a Tartarus person out of
Tartarus using thought. Your body uses the limbic system to
control the body’s organs and the bodily functions inside the
physical reality.
Though based on my personal experiences. I have serious
doubts about my shadow body and the shadow bodies of the
people who reside there. I think that these beings want to take
over this reality that we live in. That they do not want to be
trapped in Tartarus after they die. The worst part is that I

believe the grays sole purpose is to make Tartarus the primary
dimension. If they were to do that you would no longer dream
like we do. I believe that is why the grays have mentioned that
we will no longer dream. I think that is why they do tests on
animals. To get functioning organs like the physical body in
this reality has. I believe they are trying to find the answer to
The limbic system in the brain controls the functions of the
organs in the body such as the heart and kidneys. The limbic
system keeps the physical body alive by regulating the
internal organs.
Even your own society uses your shadow body against
you. I remember back in the 1970’s when movie theaters got
busted for putting a picture of food in the film so people
would buy more food. Your shadow body would see the food
image and that would influence you to buy food at the
concession stand.
I have been thinking to myself on what a person could do
to help themselves after they die. The thing to do would be to
cremate the body. You would need to destroy both of the
brain halves. This would free up the worm to help you be
reborn. The bible says that the worm does not die. The Native
Americans use to cremate the body after a person died. The
Egyptians use to stick a metal rod up the nose and destroy
both brain halves. Destroying both of the brain halves and the
spinal cord probably would destroy the shadow body and your
etheric body.

How to Best Help an Autistic Child

When in school keep autistic children with kids the same

age as the autistic child. Let them develop their emotions by
interacting with all the other children. Anger seems to help
them develop better speech. When you are speaking or
interacting with an autistic child. Visualize him talking to you
like a normal person would. The best thing to do is treat an
autistic child like a normal person. You may want to use a
tape recorder to record their speech and then play it
backwards. This way you can see how they are developing. I
have watched autistic children try and manipulate other
children. So I believe autism is a pure speech issue. A child
growing up is like the Rugrats cartoon show. Infants babble
with each other but they understand each other. A child
learning to speak like an adult understands baby babble and
adult speech. But then loses the ability to understand baby
babble when they start to speak like an adult.
Remember there are two trains of thought. There is
sporadic thought that deals with the etheric body. And deep
thought that deals with the shadow body. Probably the most
interesting thing to me is that a person with special needs.
Does not see the deficiency in themselves. But they recognize
the deficiency in someone else with special needs.
When you are dealing with an autistic child from birth.
They do things that would be strange to most people. For
example when our son was around 3 years of age. He use to
line up all of his stuffed animals around his bed. To me I took
this as an attempt by our son to protect himself from ghost
beings or grays. The thing is who would you tell this to.
Because if you did tell this to someone they would think you
were crazy. Our son was hyper sensitive to sound. We had to

cover his ears a lot. We had to cut the tag on his cloths that
were touching his neck. Could this be an overactive
cerebellum. So when dealing with a person who is special.
They may have more things going in their mind than you do. I
recently seen a news story that stated an autistic child had 50
percent more brain synapse. Than a child who was the same
age and had regular cognitive ability. But then this is just a
guess for an answer for autism.
Like I said that baby babble or vocalization is forward
speech. And that adult speech is backwards speech. This
forwards and backwards speech carries on in the afterlife. So I
believe that autism is not a genetic issue. Autism is a
malfunction in the way the etheric body and shadow body
interact with your spleen and your brain halves. Like I said at
the beginning of the book is that there is no forwards and
backwards speech. There is baby speech and baby hearing and
adult speech and adult hearing.
Another thing I believe that will help a child who has
autism would be a diet high in fatty acids. Blood will carry
glucose through the blood brain barrier to the brain for food.
Very long chains of fatty acid containing 24 chain of carbon
will pass through the blood brain barrier. Fatty acids
containing 24 chain of carbon are considered saturated fat.
Saturated fats also produce more energy for the brain cells.
eat also helps the liver regulate glucose. Glial cells in the
brain help support the neurons in the brain. If autism turns out
to be too many neurons in the brain. It could be possible that
extra saturated fatty acids in the brain. Could help reduce the
extra neuron firing in the brain. There by reducing the over
stimulation occurring in the brain.
Since birth we have been feeding our son hot dogs and
spam. Our son will also take a spoon of margarine out of the
tub and eat it. So he has a diet high in saturated fats. I

remember hearing a news story years ago saying a diet high
in fatty meats was good for children with mental disabilities,
Our son who went from being very autistic at the age of 3 to
high functioning at the age of 20. Is a good example that fatty
meats work in the body.
I think that one of the things that normal people do not
understand about the shadow body. It is that when you project
your shadow body. It shows and displays the intentions of the
person projecting the shadow body. A person who can see
your shadow body will see a gun in the shadow body’s hand
before the robber pulls the gun from its hiding place. A dog or
cat can tell what a person is going to do to them before the
person touches them. This is why an animal will like one
person and bite another person. A dog and cat can also see
their owners shadow body before they come home. In fact
when I met my future wife her dog use to growl at me. I
understand now that he must have been seeing our shadow
bodies. The fact that we were intimate and that we would
touch each other. This is why when you work with an autistic
child they can see your intentions. This is why they do not
look directly at a person’s face.
I was recently watching a television program where an 8
year old girl looked like she was only 4 months old. This child
was not aging at all. This child also had no cognitive ability at
all. But the body functions of the child were normal. I would
say that this child has no shadow body or etheric body
connections. This child had no shadow body to suck the life
out of her.
The experiences that I had that went into making this book
stopped because I wished that they would stop. I was tired and
I wanted to have a good night’s sleep.

Bacterial Infections in the Body

When I was dealing with the bacterial infection that I had

in my leg. The infection that I got from the grays. Initially I
was passed over by the doctors as being diabetic. So I was
never treated for the bacterial infection. So the edema in my
legs got worse. It was until I had full blown swelling and
wetting in my leg that I was hospitalized. That is when I
tested positive for pseudomonas aeruginosa. This
pseudomonas is what I received from the grays trying to do a
rectal exam and cutting from my digestive tract into my leg.
This infection going through my body really damaged my
kidneys by causing water to back up into my body.
After I was treated at the hospital with Levaquin I was sent
home. My leg still swelled up with water after I was sent
home. My legs were then treated for open wounds. They used
a pad coated with silver ions on the wounds. The silver ions
would kill the bacteria. I came up with an idea. They use
silver ions on the pads because silver is a stable element. But
silver ions can be very expensive. So I thought why not use
copper. It may be more unstable than silver but copper will
kill bacteria too. So I dissolved copper wire in a glass bottle of
Then I filtered out the burnt metal from the solution. This
left me with a bottle of nice blue copper ion. Then I applied
the blue fluid to the outer part of my leg. And I ingested a
very small amount of the copper solution. I got very sick for 3
days. It looked like I threw up a lot of dead pseudomonas.
Then about a month after treating my leg with the copper
solution. A large zit appeared on my buttock. This infection
was really deep inside my body so I really had to open this
skin. The blood and puss in my leg that came out stunk like it

had been in my body for years. At this point my body finally
started to recover.

To make a copper solution I would use a glass bottle with a

metal lid. Then get two copper wires and skin back the
covering if you have to. Fill the glass bottle with white
vinegar. Insert both wires into the vinegar. Make sure the
wires do not touch each other. Get a D.C. power supply. Hook
up the power supply up to the wires. Then apply around 24
volts at 300 milliamps. Each person can apply their own
settings. Apply power and dissolve the copper into the
vinegar. You can apply the copper solution to your legs using
a napkin. Be careful because the copper will color things the
color blue. Since I am not a doctor I am not a legal medical
authority to tell someone to use this. This is for information
purposes only.

References Used:

The Day after Roswell by Colonel Corso

Mapping the Mind by Rita Carter

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures by

Jehovah Witness


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