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Lesson Plan in Science

I. Objectives At the end of the lessons, the students will be able to:
· Content Standard: Classify the different sense organs
· Performance Standard: Identify the function of organs
· Learning Competency: Identify the importance of the human sense organs

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Human Sense Organs
B. Reference: Science for Daily Use 4
C. Author: Violeta R. Roson pp. 2-13
D. Materials: Manila Paper, Pictures, Construction Paper, Scoring Rubric
E. Strategies: Scoring Rubric, Chart, Wheel, Pictures

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

· Greetings
Good Morning class!

Good Morning Ma’am De Luna!

· Prayer
Let us stand for the prayer
Vincent, kindly lead the prayer.
Vincent: The name of the father, the
son, the holy spirit amen. Angel of God
my guardian angel to whom its love to
meet me here ever this day be at my
sight to rule in guide. Amen
· Classroom Management
Before you take your seats, please
check the alignment of your chairs and
pick up the litters on the floor.
(The students will check the alignment
of the chairs and pick up all the litters.)

· Checking of Attendance
Who is absent for today? Cherry?

Okay Very good! Cherry: None Ma’am!

· Review

Let’s have a review about our past

What was our lesson last Friday?
Jerick: It’s all about the lights and its
OKAY! What is the meaning of light?

Sheen: Light is the electromagnetic

radiation that can be detected by the
That’s correct. Light is the primary
human eye.
means of perceiving the world around

What will happen to the plants if they

are not provided with lights?

John Paul: If plants do not get sunlight,

they cannot produce chlorophyll and
they will lose their green color and
eventually die.
Correct if the plants do not have light,
they will not grow and they will die.
Let's proceed to next lesson?
(Thank you ma’am)
· Motivation

Class, we will have an activity. I

have a wheel here and it contains
some words. When you spin it and
where the word stops you will know
the topic of each one. One would go to
the front and spin the wheel to find
out what they were going to discuss.

Let’s start:
Who wants to go first, these are just
few words that we need to discuss?

Shaina: Eyes
Gerard: Nose
Jane: Ears
Troy: Tongue
Janella: Skin

Here’s the criteria for your activity.

Shaira, please read it.

Content: 40% Shaira: Yes Ma’am
Presentation: 25%
Cooperation: 20%
Cleanliness: 15%

· Lesson Presentation

Based on the wheel that you see,

what is it all about?
Correct! Let's proceed to the
discussion. Are you ready? Marian: It's all About the Human Sense

· Activity Discussion Yes, Ma’am

Now we will have the discussion

about the Human Sense Organ.

Sense Organs is a part of our body

(such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue and
skin) that you will use to see, hear,
smell, taste and feel things.
We have 5 senses who wants to
discuss first?

Okay Class Listen to Shaina.

Shaina: Ma’am

Shaina: The word that I can get when I

Yes, that’s correct Eyes are the visual spin the wheel is all about our eyes.
sensory organs in our body. These are Eyes is allowed us to see and interpret
sensitive to light images. The eyes vary new information.
in color depending upon the amount
of melanin present in our body. It
helps in the sense of sight by detecting
and focusing on the light images.

Who’s next? Gerard?

Correct! Aside from that Nose is an Gerard: Yes, Ma’am. The word that I
olfactory organ. Our olfactory system can get when I spin the wheel is all
helps us to perceive different smells. about our Nose. Nose is used to smell
This sense of organ also aids our sense scents. It cleans the air we breathe and
of taste. The sense of smell is also impacts the sound of our voice.
known as olfaction.

Next, Jane

Yes, that’s correct Ears are the

auditory sense organs of our body. Jane: Yes, Ma’am. The word that I can
They help us to perceive sounds. Our get when I spin the wheel is all about
auditory system detects vibrations in our Ears. Ears is allowing us to hear
the air and this is how we hear sounds. and to detect vibrations in the air
This is known as hearing or audio particles around us.

Next, Troy.

Correct! Aside from that Tongue helps

in perceiving various tastes and Troy: Yes, Ma’am. The word that I can
flavors. The taste buds are present get when I spin the wheel is all about
between the papillae on the tongue— our Tongue. Tongue is allowing us to
these help in sensing different tastes. sense hot and cold in food and liquids.
The senses of smell and taste tend to It is also one of the strongest muscles
work together. If one could not smell in the body.
something, they could not taste it

Okay! Last one, Janella?

Yes, that’s correct Skin is the largest

organ of our body. It is related to the
sense of touch. The sense of touch is
also referred to as anticonception.
The skin contains general receptors Janella: Yes, Ma’am. The word that I
which can detect touch, pain, pressure can get when I spin the wheel is all
and temperature. about our Skin. Skin spread the whole
body. It forms a protective layer
All your answer is correct keeping bacteria and fungi out.
Okay Very Good! Give 5 claps to

Who has a question? Any


Do you understand our discussion for


· Generalization

Again class what are meaning of the

sense organs?


What is the 5 senses organs?

Correct! Kurt: Sense Organs is a part of our

Very Good Class. It’s nice to know that body such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue
you understand our lesson. and skin.

· Application Karyl: The 5 senses organs are eyes,

Each student will be given a folded tongue, nose, ears, and skin.
piece of paper. They will draw a
picture for each sense in each box.
They should make sure to include the
names of the senses.
They only have 15 minutes to do that.
Time starts now.

IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment

Give some ways on how we can take care our five human senses.


My Five Senses
Match the pictures to the correct senses.
We use our ears to hear.
Draw something you hear at the
We use our eyes to see.
Look in the mirror.
Draw what you see in the mirror.
We use our nose to smell.
Draw something you smell in
the garden.
We use our mouth to taste.
Draw something you taste at
the farm.
We use our hands to touch.
Draw something you touch at
the beach.

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