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Health Sciences Faculty


Name: Diana Rosero Date: 09/01/2022

Course: 8 “C”

Purpura and Petechiae

Purpura trombocitopenica Inmune Hemophilia Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

Is a common inherited Is a clinical syndrome

Is a blood disorder characterized by a
bleeding disorder characterized by
decrease in the number of platelets in the progressive kidney failure
caused by a deficiency
blood. that is associated with
of clotting factors that
Sing and Symptoms: is inherited in an X- microangiopathic
linked recessive hemolytic anemia and
Von Willebrand Disease Tiny red dots under the skin, Bleeding in pattern. thrombocytopenia.
the mouth, Blood in the vomit.
It is the most common inherited bleeding
disorder Diagnostic: There is no specific
therapy.Adjustment of
Complete blood count, complete medical fluid and electrolyte
Sing and Symptoms: Detailed patient history
history and physical exam balance, control of blood
and Laboratory studies
Recurrent epistaxis, Prolonged bleeding from pressure and regulation of
Treatment: Steroids and Intravenous dialysis and hematological
lacerations, bruising, gingival bleeding Treatment:
gamma globulin. variables constitute the
Treatment: Desmopressin, FVW infusions. Use of factor replacement essentials of supportive
products and adjuvant treatment.

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