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1. I’m afraid of needles,they scare me since i was child

2. I’m angry with my friend,because
3. I don’t unnderstand why luca is ashamed of his father
4. Marco is annoyed by maria’s silence
5. We were astonished at the news of sudden death
6. I’m bad at playing football
7. She was bored with the party,so she left
8. I’m busy with a meeting this afternoon
9. I know that mirko is capable of anything
10.He’s careless with his money
11.This breakfast is composed of typical regional product
12.She was crazy about, Billie Elish, her favourite singer.
13.This mall is crowded with people because it’s famouse.
14.If you are underage you dependet on your parents.
15.British accent is really different from american accent.
16.I’m totally disappointed with your action.
17.When he was 13 he was engaged with Martina.
18.Mario is excited about know how the math test want.
19.Jeff Bezos is famous for having invented the Amazon app.
20.Mattia is fond of history because he like discover the past.
21.He is full of rage because of his bad mark.
22.She is furios with Lucia because he gave her a bad joke.
23.Im good at play videogames in particurally rocket league
24.We talked and he said how grateful he was for all my help.
25.Carlos was not happy with the photographs.
26.Stefano is hopeless to play piano because he like play guitar
27.Emily was interested in going too but she didn’t end up going.
28.She is so kind; she took the time to help me with my homework
29.We were lucky to win the game despite having played poorly
30.Antonio is married to silvia since 2017
31.He is nervous about for is imminent Exam
32.We are very proud of this result, but we know that this is not the end of it.
33.The student is responsible for doing their homework
34.I am satisfied with my progress
35.I am shocked by the coronavirus situation
36.I am sorry for my friend who will be questioned tomorrow
37.I am sure about my exams
38.I am surprised at this party because i did not expect it.
39.I am thankful for my teachers who teach me the subjects everyday
40.I am tired of stay at home for the coronavirus restrictions
41.I am worried about my oral test tomorrow.
42.I am worthy of being admitted to the exam.
43.I take a look at new topic
44.It is sunny today, I can see the distant mountains
45.Before I didn’t see what he meant.
46.I must see my uncle, he is sick.
47.I always see my grandparents.
48.I have been watching a tv series all afternoon.
49.I always watch my teacher carefully when he explains.
50.Watch your suitcases, don’t let them steal.
1. I borrowed a book from the library for my english english exam.
2. I lent my new dress to my sister for her birthday party.

The olives are ground into paste using large millstones . If ground with mill stones,
the olive paste generally stays under the stones for 30 to 40 minutes. After grinding,
the olive paste is spread on fiber disks, then placed into the press. Pressure is then
applied onto the column to separate the vegetal liquid from the paste. This liquid
still contains a significant amount of water .In modern steel drum mills the grinding
process takes about 20 minutes. After grinding, the paste is stirred slowly for
another 20 to 30 minutes in a particular container “ The paste is then pressed by
centrifugation. Sometimes the produced oil will be filtered to eliminate remaining
solid particles that may reduce the shelf life of the product.
It talks about a proposal with the aim of improving our health, based on encouraging
young people to be more physically active. They believe that the general population
is not active enough and this is causing health problems. They say tht if people did
more exercise, the health service could treat more serious illness.
They suggest that school should be more active in the organizations ov sporting
events. They believe young people are not sufficiently active. They believe that if
they do this, eventually these soluction will create real savings in the health service.

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