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Making Time Work for You

A practical workshop on time and life management with Harold Taylor, CSP

Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 9 AM to 12 Noon

Location: 2175 Sheppard Ave. E, Suite 310, Toronto, Ontario

$95 per person for members

$125 per person for non-members

This “nuts and bolts” workshop will show you how to juggle priorities,
cope with the information explosion, take advantage of technology, handle the demands of others
and achieve significant results, with reduced stress, while maintaining a balanced life.

After this session participants will be able to:

● Set personal and professional goals, schedule
multiple tasks, and achieve more significant results in
less time.
● Prioritize the many demands on your time and use
time investments to multiply the time at your
● Have both the information and the tools needed to
meet your objectives without infringing on family
● Be familiar with ways of increasing your personal
productivity through technology, including word
processing shortcuts.
● Use e-mail more effectively to improve
communications both inside and outside the
● Break time wasting habits, reduce procrastination
and perfectionism and manage yourself in stressful

Included in the workshop:

Stress dot & color chart, workshop notes, time management
book, Personal Organization Self-Assessment Quiz, Getting
Organized Action Plan, sample Organizer forms, goal setting
instrument, and other handouts plus continental breakfast &
refreshment break.

See over for more information and to register…

At this session, participants will learn how to:
Set goals and ensure that they are reached. / Replace bad habits with good ones. / Identify priorities and eliminate time wasters.
/ Organize your office, paperwork, electronic files and work area. / Avoid telephone tag, reduce the length of calls, and reduce the
need for callbacks. / Streamline paperwork, avoid paper backlogs, and instantly locate information in your files. / Be productive
even when it’s impossible to have a “quiet hour.” / Influence a meeting positively even when you are not the chairperson. / Reduce
self-interruptions and interruptions by others. / Write effective e-mail and dispense with mailbox messages quickly and effectively.
/ Reduce procrastination. / Utilize waiting time, travel time, and driving time. / Cope with the information explosion. / Use technol-
ogy to increase your personal productivity. / Say “no” tactfully and without feeling guilty. / Reduce the amount of paper work in
the office. / Schedule activities, events, and things to do using either a time planner or a PDA. / Make time for your personal pri-
orities. / Use a personal organizer or PDA to keep track of telephone calls, assignments, and other information. / Cope effectively
with voice mail and email. / Delegate more effectively. / Manage stress, curb anger and frustration and avoid burnout. / Identify the
top ten time problems experienced by workshop participants and apply strategies to resolve them. / Identify and increase your
stress resistance through lifestyle changes. / Manage your time away from the job and keep your life in balance.

About the workshop leader:

Harold Taylor, president of Harold Taylor Time Consultants Ltd. has been speaking, writing and conducting training programs on
the topic of effective time management for over 25 years. He has written 17 books, including a Canadian bestseller, Making Time
Work For You. He has developed over 50 time management products that have sold in 38 countries around the world. His monthly
Time Management Report has been published for twenty-three years and he has had over 300 articles accepted for publication.
Since 1981, when he incorporated the time management company, he has presented over 2000 workshops, speeches and
keynotes on the topic of time and life management.

Registration for this workshop is limited for maximum impact – Book early!

Re gi stration For m

Please register me for the Making Time Work for You workshop on March 3, 2009 and email to me any
pre-program materials and directions to the workshop location. [Payment must accompany registration.]




E-Mail: ■Telephone: ■Fax Number:

❍ CIM Toronto member ❍ IHM member ❍ REIC Toronto member ❍ Non-member

❍ Members @ $95 per person + 5% GST ( $4.75) = $99.75 each. ........................ Total enclosed $
❍ Non-members @ $125 per person + 5% GST ( $6.25) = $131.25 each ............ Total enclosed $

Payment by: ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ Cheque ❍ Other Signature

Account No.: ■Exp. Date: /

Please note that charges to your credit card will show under the name TAYLOR ENTERPRISES LTD. GST #10228 0955 RT0001

Please remit form and payment to:

Taylor Enterprises, 2175 Sheppard Ave. E., Suite 310, Toronto, ON M2J 1W8
Fax: (416) 491-1670 Email:

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