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AUTHORS: ​Russian Federation, Islamic Republic of Pakistan,

SIGNATORIES:​ The People’s Republic of China, Republic of South Africa, Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea, Federative Republic of Brazil, United States Of America, Republic
of Korea, Republic of India

The Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL),

Reaffirming ​the importance of international cooperation in the field of exploration of outer space
and the importance of developing laws in this area,

Aware​ of the existence of The Outer Space Treaty, the Proposed Prevention of Arms Race in

Having studied​ the accelerated growth of development of space technology, both civilian and

Emphasizing​ the importance of space resources and securing and defending them from threats,
both man-made and natural,

Noting​ with regret that political instability between countries is an inevitable consequence of the
human condition,

Fully believing​ that adoption of prevention and moderation mechanisms is better than trying to
solve a problem that has grown to an unmanageable proportion,

● This committee recognizes the chaos created by the placement of the weaponized
satellites, and the events that have transpired and the damage that has been caused;

● The committee acknowledges that the satellite as sent by The Russian Federation and
China was of an explorative nature, and not an Anti-Satellite weapon (ASAT) as stated
by that of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members and the United

● Approving of ​Article V Clause 1​ of the liability convention, compensation for the

Chinese satellites​ that were brought down would be in line with and hence the liability
would be taken jointly by the United States;
● Seeking an investigation into the multiple Chinese tele-communication satellites being
destroyed, to find the source that caused the incident by —
a. Requesting a team from the United Nations composed of space experts,
astrophysicists and those related to such incidents, to investigate the matter with a
neutral approach. Authority is granted to this team to —
i) View existing records of the satellites upon their location, velocity, orbit, and
various other data materials related to the satellites that were destroyed;
ii) View and investigate the team controlling the satellite and view the final
moments of the satellites before the incident,
iii) Investigate the blackboxes recovered from the crash sites to further understand
the cause of the incident;

● Recognizes the consequences of the absence of updated legal frameworks for

militarization of weaponization in outer space.

● Strongly urges the United States of America and the NATO, to take complete liability for
the space debris caused by incidents they are responsible for. The liability of the two
parties must be decided between the two parties, but it is highly appreciable if the liability
is divided between the two parties in tandem to the convention on international liability
for damage caused by space objects . This however, is left up to the internal workings of

● The space debris caused by the US-NATO DEFSAT satellites has and is being tracked
24/7 by most space agencies keeping track of their satellites. It is urged that both parties
launch an operation jointly to clear the space debris caused by them, before any damage
occurs to any other space assets of an external party.

● Approving ​Article III​ of the liability convention, the compensation for the death of the
Russian cosmonaut​ upon the SPACEX flight and hence the liability would be taken by
the United States.

● Urging the NATO and the United States of America to recall their recently weaponized
defense satellites as soon as possible with utmost care to not damage:
i) It’s own satellites, as more space debris would be added to the already
substantial amount,
ii) Other satellites belonging to other nations, by deactivating the weapon and
defense mechanism and to only activate the ​return protocol​ to prevent any further
technical glitches.
● The committee would recognise that the presence of weapons in space could potentially
cause such issues as leading to an aggressive arms race, and hence would request the
member states to look into the Prevention of Arms Race in Outer Space Treaty (PAROS)
and the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Space (PPWT) as legal instruments to be
followed for the benefit of peace and security in outer space.

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