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S Perspective notes

October 26th

James Madison and the war of 1812

 Tecumseh and the prophet
 Draw vs. win: treaty of Ghent
 Andrew Jackson dies
 Effects:
 U.S. regained constitution.

November 9, 2021

 voting
 Women, African Americans, natives cannot vote in most places

Two party system

 Whigs
 Pro-business
 Less interested in expansion
 Critical of immigrants
 Supporters are usually wealthier
 Election of 1824
 Jackson runs
 Nothing but a war hero
 “The Corrupt Bargain”
 End of “Era of Good Feelings”
 Dirty election
 Jackson wins handily- “Era of the Common Man”
 More power in the west
 Things to remember about Jackson
 Westerner
 Self-made wealthy slave owner
 Military hero
 A tough a-hole
 Gets rid of national bank
 Vetoes “Maryland road”
 Spoils system & Kitchen cabinet
 Wans to remove “entrenched” govt. appts. (Drain the swamp)
 Kitchen cabinet
 Nullification crisis
 Southerners opposed tariff
 Tariff of 1828
 Growth of federal authority might be turned against slavery

native removal

 Could not be part of society

 “5 civilized tribes”
 Some believe the tribes should keep their land
 Broke previous treaties.
 Indian removal act
 Trail of tears
 Jackson signs off
 Cherokee nation v. Georgia
 Worcester v. Georgia
 Trail of tears
 Govt believes the land is not good and far enough from the whites

Political changes:

 the Whigs and the democrats

 Hamiltonians and Jeffersonians

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