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All values are evaluated in this order:

|| Application Code (Defaults)

|| Configuration File
|| Environment Variables
|| Command Line

The same value defined e.g. as an environment variable will overwrite the default
of a configuration file.

You can use the following syntax to assign the content of one value to another:


To inherit the content of the same variable use: VALUE=%{inherit}

g_SkipUnitTests=%{inherit} // if this was passed to the command line the value
will be inherited from the environment or configuration file



// disable debug breaks

// g_enableDebugBreak = false

// disable parallel execution of all ParallelFor loops:

// g_enableParallelFor = false

// output diagnostic data for class registation, layout and initialization

// g_showRegistrationProcess = 0

// skip the units tests of the testplugin

// g_skipUnitTests = true

// set the memory model, possible values are 'c', 'debug' and 'release'
// g_alloc=c

// log all output to a file

// if no path is specified the log file will be created in the temporary folder
// g_logFile=[string]

// enable/disable console (Windows only and only if no debugger is present)

g_console = false

// allow/disallow diagnostic messages in console

g_diagnostic = true
// allow/disallow debug messages in console
// g_debug = false

// allow/disallow warning messages in console

// g_warning = false

// allow/disallow critical messages in console

// g_critical = false

// don't group memory leaks, show long output

// g_displayShortLeakList = false

// select startup language

// g_startupLanguage = en-US

// disable environment variables

// g_disableEnvironment=true

// disable command line arguments

// g_disableCommandLine=true

// show a complete list of the current configuration originating from configuration

file, environment and command line
// g_outputConfiguration=true

// override the default module path. it can contain multiple entries. use ';' as
// g_pluginPath=[string] (default "%{g_startupPath}")

// override the default temporary path

// g_tempPath=[string] (default "%{g_tempPath}")

// override the default preference path

// g_prefsPath=[string] (default "%{g_prefsPath}")

// list of plugins that will exclusively be loaded (do not include path or suffix).
use ';' as delimiter.
// g_pluginPositives=[string]

// list of plugins that will not be loaded (do not include path or suffix). use ';'
as delimiter.
// g_pluginNegatives=[string]

// debug tool to force allocations to fail; only works with alloc=debug

// any allocation bigger or equal than this will fail
// g_makeAllocationsFail = 1000000

// decrease or increase number of CPUs / threads used

// note that the number can be higher than the actual number of cores
// g_cpuCnt = 128

// disable threaded jobs, so queues will not parallely process data

// g_disableThreadedJobs = true

// disable loading of unicode table, a default table will be used instead

// g_loadUnicodeTable = false
// disable the real vtune module if not needed by choosing the null implementation
// maxon.PerformanceMonitorInterface=PerformanceMonitorInterfaceNull

// disable AVX processor extensions

// g_disableAVX=true

// disable AVX2 processor extensions

// g_disableAVX2=true

// disable FMA processor extensions

// g_disableFMA=true

// disable AES processor extensions

// g_disableAES=true

// disable PCLMULQDQ processor extensions

// g_disablePCLMULQDQ=true

// disable SSE2 processor extensions

// g_disableSSE2=true

// disable SSE3 processor extensions

// g_disableSSE3=true

// disable SSE4_1 processor extensions

// g_disableSSE4_1=true

// disable SSE4_2 processor extensions

// g_disableSSE4_2=true


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