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UCL Undergraduate Preparatory Certificate

for Science & Engineering
Maths 2 - Sample Test

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1) If p, q and r are positive integers and p + 1 ⁄ (q + (1 / r)) = 129/31 then what is the value of p + q + r?

A. 15 B. 26 C. 31 D. 129 E. 160

2) If w = 2230 × 3234 × 5236, x = 2232 × 3233 × 5235, y = 2230 × 3233 × 5235 and z = 2231 × 3234 × 5235 then the order
from smallest to largest is:

A. x, y, z, w B. w, z, y, x C. w, z, x, y D. y, x, z, w E. z, y, w, x

3) The number 228 − 1 has two factors between 120 and 130. The sum of these two numbers is:

A. 248 B. 250 C. 251 D. 255 E. 256

4) The value of is:

A. -2 B. -1 C. 1 D. √2 E. 2

5) Evaluate x/yz + y/xz + z/xy given that x + y + z = 4 and xyz = -60 and xy + xz + yz = −17.

A. −4/17 B. −5/6 C. 17/60 D. −33/60 E. 33/60

6) Let tan x = 2.4, sin y = 0.6, and both x and y be between 0° and 90°. Then cos(x + y) equals

A. −1/13 B. −56/65 C. 56/65 D. −16/65 E. 40/65

7) Find the derivative function dy/dx if y = sin(x2)

A. 2x sinx B. 2x sin(x2) C. 2x sinx cosx D. 2x sinx + E. 2x cos(x2)


8) Which of the following is NOT true if p2 = p + 1 and p is a real number

A. p3 = p2 + p B. p4 = p3 + p + 1 C. p3 = 2p + 1 D. p3 + p2 = p + E. p = 1 / (p−1)

9) A solid metal sphere with a radius of 4 cm is melted down and 8 identical small spheres are made with the metal.
What will be the radius of each small sphere?

A. 0.5 cm B. 1 cm C. 2 cm D. 4 cm E. 8 cm

10) The function |x| is defined as follows: If x ≥ 0, then |x| = x, while if x < 0, then |x| = − x. The number of solutions of
the equation 2x2 − 5 |x| −3 = 0 is:

A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 E. 0

11) If a⊗b = (ab+a+b+1) / a, then 4⊗3 is equal to:

A. 20/3 B. 7 C. 15/4 D. 25/4 E. 5

12) Simplifying [16x+1+20(42x)] / (2x−3•8x+2) gives:

A. 5•24x+3 B. 6•(28x+1) C. 9•(212x+5) D. 9•(2−1) E. 6•(24x+5)

13) Given that 0 ≤θ≤90° and sinθ = 1/√3 what is the value of sinθ/(cosθ−sinθ)?

A. 1/(3−√3) B. 1 C. √6/(3−√6) D. 1 + √2 E. 1 − √2

14) Which of the equations could have the graph of the curve below:

A. y = x4 + 13x2 + B. y = x4 − 13x2 − C. y = −x4 + 13x2 D. y = −x4 − 13x2 E. y = −x4 + 13x2

48 48 + 48 + 48 − 48

15) There are two cubes. The points P and Q are both on the small cube: P is a point in the centre of one of the faces,
and Q is a corner on the opposite face. The second cube has sides of length |PQ|. What is the surface area of the
large cube divided by the surface area of the smaller cube?

A. √6/2 B. √6/4 C. √3/2 D. 3/2 E. 3√6/4

16) I have 100 socks. There are: 80 red socks and 20 blue ones; 30 long ones and 70 short ones; 60 wool socks and
40 cotton socks. What is the smallest possible number of short red woollen socks that I have?

A. 0 B. 10 C. 20 D. 30 E. 40

17) There is a regular hexagon ABCDEF. The point B is the centre of a circle, and the points A and C are on the edge
of this circle. If X is a point on the edge of the circle that is outside the hexagon then what is the angle AXC?

A. 15° B. 30° C. 60° D. 90° E. Cannot be


18) The inequality (x + 2)(2x + 3)2 < (2x + 3)(x + 2)2 is true exactly for those values of x satisfying:

A. x < −2 B. x < −2 or −2/3 C. x < −2 or −2/3 D. x < −2 or −1.5 E. x < −2 or −1.5

<x<1 < x < −1 <x<1 < x < −1

19) What is the side length of the largest square that will fit inside an equilateral triangle with sides of length 1.

A. 2√3 − 3 B. (2 + √3) / √3 C. (2 − √3) / √3 D. 2√3 + 3 E. (2 + √3) / 3

20) Find the value of cosx in the diagram below (not drawn to scale)

A. −527/625 B. −357/625 C. −336/625 D. −25/48 E. −7/13

21) There are 12 similar triangles with angles 30°, 60° and 90°. In the diagram below you can see how the first three
triangles are arranged. They are arranged so all of them have one of their points at the point O. One of the sides of
the (n+1)th triangle is the same length as the nth triangle’s hypotenuse, and they are arranged so those two sides line

If the side OX has length 1 then what is the area of all of the triangles added together?

A. (1/2) B. (1/2) C. (1/2) D. (1/2) E. (1/2)

[(224−312)/311.5] [(224−312)/313.5] [(224−312)/313] [(224−312.5)/311.5] [(225−312)/313.5]

22) A sequence begins 2, 5, 7, 12, 19, … Each term (after the first two terms) is equal to the sum of the two previous
terms. How many of the following statements are true?

I. The 20th term is divisible by 2

II. The 40th term is divisible by 2
III. The 40th term is divisible by 3
IV. The 60th term is divisible by 3

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4

23) Consider the five graphs given by the following equations:

y = |sinx|





Which of the following statements about the graphs is true?

A. They are all B. One graph C. There are two D. One graph E. One graph
different. appears twice and graphs that each appears three times appears three times
the other three each appear twice and and another graph and the other two
occur once. another that appears appears twice. each occur once.
only once.

24) A circle whose radius is 1 lies on a square. If the circle and the square have the same area and their centres are at
the same point, calculate the length of the line segment AB.

A. 2 − √π B. √4 − π C. 4 − √π D. π − √2 E. None of A-D is

25) Find the integer n that satisfies 8n + 8n + 8n + 8n = 22015

A. 671 B. 670 C. 760 D. 761 E. None of these.

26) Triangle ABC has a right angle at C. Point P on BC, point Q on AC and point R on AB are such that BP= BR and
AQ = AR. Then the angle PRQ is:

A. 22.5° B. 30° C. 45° D. 60° E. 90°

27) A certain function ƒ satisfies ƒ(x + y) = ƒ(x) + (y) + xy for all real numbers x and y, and it is known that ƒ(4) = 10.
Then ƒ(n+1) − ƒ(n)is equal to:

A. n B. n+1 C. n+ 2 D. n+3 E. n+4

28) Which of these numbers is the largest: 2√7, 5.5, 624(1/4), 2(25)(1/3), 4√2

A. 2√7 B. 5.5 C. 624(1/4) D. 2(25)(1/3) E. 4√2

29) If y = (7x − 7−x) / (7x + 7−x) then x =

A. B. C. D. E.
(1/2) 7[(1 + y) / (1 − y)])
(log (1/4)[log7(1 + y)] (1/2)(log7[(1 + y) / (1 (1/4)(log7[(y + √y2 + (1/2)(log7[(y + √y2 +
− y)]) 4) / 2]) 4) / 2])

30) The reverse of a 2-digit integer is the integer obtained by reversing the order of the 2 digits. For example the
reverse of 43 is 34. How many 2-digit positive integers N exist with the property that the sum of N and the reverse of
N is the square of an integer?

A. 0 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 E. More than 10


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