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Student’s name: No.

Grade: 5th Group: A-B

Teacher´s name: Kevin Castillo / Michelle Alcantara
Sanchez Correct answers: _____/15

I. Read the following text about a circus, then answer the questions below.

The Rodriguez Brothers Circus is in town! Every year, the circus arrives and
stays for a week. Then they go to the next town.

There are not many animals in the circus. People told the circus

that they didn't like seeing animals performing. There is an elephant called
Jacob and two old lions, Hattie and Meg. Most of the performers in this circus are human.

There is Leopold, “The Strongest Man in The World”. His father also worked in the circus, but Leopold
is stronger than him, he has bigger arms and bigger legs too! Leopold performs his act every night for
the town's people who come to watch.

Another performer is Clara. She says she has the longest hair in the world. It's about 4 meters long! She
also has a daughter who works in the circus. Her name is Sue-Ellen. Her hair is a lot shorter, but she
wants to grow it as long as her mother's. Sue-Ellen helps look after the animals and she's also learning
how to juggle.

The highlight of the circus are the three clowns, Pit, Pot and Pat. They all wear
long red shoes, but Pat's shoes are the longest and sometimes, he falls over
because they're so long! They perform for about twenty minutes and they are
always the most popular act with the audience, especially the children. Many
people think Pit, Pot and Pat are three brothers, but Pat is older than the other
two - he's their father! He's the oldest clown in the country, but he has a lot of energy.

Tomorrow will be the longest day because the circus is leaving town, and everything must be packed
away into big trucks.

Performing in the circus must be something spectacular, the performers must be very skilled and must
practice every day. Some of the acts seem to be kind of dangerous and I guess not everybody can do
them, but with a bit of luck maybe you can do them someday.

II. Read the following statements and answer if it is true or false. (_______/10)
1. The circus comes to the town twice a year.
True False
2. There are not many animals in the circus.
True False
3. People don't come to the circus because of the animals.
True False
4. Leopold and his father work in the circus together.
True False
5. Leopold's father is the strongest.
True False
6. Clara's hair is longer than her daughter's hair.
True False
7. Sue-Ellen wants to be a clown in the circus.
True False
8. Pit is the father of the other two clowns.
True False
9. The three clowns wear identical shoes.
True False
10. Everyone is very tired on the day that the circus leaves town.
True False
11. What should be the title for the story?

II. Please summarize the text you read, use the chart below to
help you. (______/5)


Main character

Main idea

Important event

Important event

I. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank spaces of the past simple sentences. (___/6)
1. How many newspapers ______ yesterday?
A. were printed B. print C. are printed
2. German _____ in Germany, Austria, and part of Switzerland.
A. is spoken B. was spoken C. speak
3. The royal wedding ______ by millions of people in 2011.
A. Looked B. Is watched C. was watched
4. I_______ by my big brother when I was young.
A. Protect B. was protected C. have been
5. The Harry Potter films ______ by Steven Spielberg.
A. Were directed B. were not directed C. is not
6. the cookies _____ yesterday
A. Were made B. are made C. were eaten

II. Use the adjectives and adverbs in the box to improve the sentences.

Quickly, hungrily, Delicate, wise, fierce,
bravely often

1. I ran ___________ to catch the school bus

2. “What’s for breakfast?” asked Kimberly ____________.
3. Police officers __________________ chase thieves.
4. Dogs sometimes behave ____________________. They attack others.
5. Glass cups are very_________________. They can break easily.
6. The fire fighter ____________________ went into the burning house.
7. _______________ people make smart and good decisions
8. The lion looked very _______________ when he showed his huge teeth and cloth.

Student’s name: No.

Grade: 5th Group: A-B

Teacher´s names: Kevin Castillo / Michelle Alcantara
Sanchez Correct answers: _____/15

I. Complete the following chart with the correct verb form (______/6)
Present Past Past participle
Choose Choose Chosen

II. Write a brief story with the structure below. (_______9/).

- Main characters
- Setting
- Problem of the story
- A story event
- How the problem is solved
- The ending
Please label your story with the information from above.


I. Match the words with the correct definition (______/5)

1. If a movie is very scary it is

A. Wise B. greedy C. terrifying
2. when somebody is scared, he may act_______________
A. Shyly B. politely C. nervously
3.If something is easy to break, we can say that it is _______________
A. fierce B. delicate C. greedy
4.If somebody is talking with new people or strangers they might speak very __________
A. aggressive B. bravely C. shyly
5. always saying “pardon” “please” and “thank you” is part of speaking ______________
A. Calmly B. politely C. bravely

6. Hurting someone is acting ________________

A. Aggressively B. nervously C. funny

II. Answer the questions or write down whatever is required.

1.Jobs that require you to behave bravely?
2.Write about three thing you consider terrifying.
3. Things that people who act aggressively do?
4.Write down three animals that are fierce.

II. Choose which words have a positive meaning and which have a negative meaning.
Greedy Calmly Rudely Politely

Positive Negative
1. 1.

2. 2.

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