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खंड-II- वमू यांकन

Section II - Self Appraisal

1.दािय व का संि िववरण

Brief description of duties:
(आपके धा रत पद का उ े य और काय िजसका िकया जाना आपसे अपेि त है, लगभग 100 श द म िलख |)
(Objectives of the position you hold and the tasks you are required to perform, in about 100 Words)
1) To exercise general supervision in respect of discharge of shipment of the cargo.
2) To board the vessels on its first arrival in India and collected all relevant Documents.
3) To ensure that entry inward/outward and sailing report fed into the system in time.
4) At CCTL and CITPL Terminal, to allow the containers into the port based on the Gate pass issued by CFSs, Form 13 issued by
Terminal and shipping bills.
5) To verify the geniuses of the container no. , seal no. , and shipping bill details in ICES/Icegatesystem before passed in.
6) To maintain registers pertaining to the particular of the container nos. , seal no., CFS name, time of departure from CFS and
the exact time of arrival of container and date at the terminal.
7) To intimate AC/DC (Docks) if any discrepancy noticed.
8) Allow for shipment after verification of above details.

# (i) अपने िन पादन का मू य

ा ं कन करते समय रपोट करने वाले अिधकारी को िन न
िलिखत मापदंड को य
ा न म रखना चािहए
# (i) The following parameters may be kept in view by the officer reported upon while writing his/her performance Appraisal.

(i) राज वसंकलन और कराधार म वृि (ii) जारी िकए गए एससीएन क गुणव ा (iii) लेखा परी ा िन पादन (खोज, वसूली,
Revenue collection and Quality of SCN issued लेखा परी ा आपि य का समाधान
widening of tax base Audit performance (Detection,
Recovery, settlement of audit
(iV) राज वका बकाया (v) अपवंचन रोधी/ त क र िवरोधी/ वापक (vi) धन वापसी
Arrear of revenue Anti-evasion/ Anti smuggling/ Refunds
(vii) मुकदम को कम करने के िलए िकए गए (viii) जनसंपक, िशकायत िनवारण और करदाता (ix) अ य सुसग
ं त मद
पयास सेवाएं , पिकया सुधार / पिकया सरलीकरण Any other relevant item
Efforts made to reduce Public relations, Grievance
litigations Redressal and Tax payer
reforms/process simplification

2. य
ा आप सोचते ह िक पुनरी णधीन अविध के दौरान या आपने कोई आसाधारण योगदान, जैसे िक िकसी आसाधारण चुनौतीपूण काय को सफलतापूवक
करना या बहत बड़ा य ा परक सुधार (िजससे िक जनता को बहत लाभ पहंचा हो और/या समय और खच म बचत हई हो) करना, िदया है । यिद ऐसा है तो
व थ
इसका िववरण द ।(100 श द के भीतर िलख)
A brief resume of work done during the period under report including any exceptional contribution, e.g. successful
completion of an extraordinarily challenging task or major systemic improvement (resulting in signi icant bene its to
the public, tax payer, trade & department and/or reduction in time and costs)? If so, please give a verbal description
(within 100 words):
As Preventive Officer I performed the following roles to effectively prevent smuggling of contraband items and facilitate
movement of export
and import cargo :
1. Boarding Officer - As a proper boarding officer of Customs i boarded vessels, received the declarations provided by
Master,carried out
preventive checks and maintained very good behaviour on.
2. Section Officer - As Section Officer I patrolled wharf area,supervised cargo operations,maintained records and granted Entry
Inwards,Outwards and sailing reports in ICES.
3. Gate Officer - I ensured seal integrity,physically checked seal number,container number and followed Standard Operating
while facilitating import and export containers.
िदनांक (Date): 18/07/2020 समी ाधीन अिधकारी का नाम, पदनाम व Mr. KAMLESH KUMAR A
ह ता र C03KKTM1601
Name, Designation and Signature INSPECTOR
of the officer reported upon
Content of this section is Digitally Signed by Kamlesh Kumar Tanwer on 18/07/2020 19:47:28 using eSign Service

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