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Paper Name: ​COMPUTER GRAPHICS ​Paper Code: ​BCAN 303 
Stream: ​BCA ​Semester: 3​ rd

Name of the Student: RITIKA SINGH 

University Roll No. : 29901219031 
Date: ​11/02/2021 ​Full Marks:25 Time: 45 minutes  

1. Which data structure is used in Binary Space Partitioning algorithm? 

(a). Linked List (b) Graph  
(c) Tree (d) Array 
2. Which of these hidden-surface elimination algorithms is not an object-space-method? 
(a) Back-Face Detection (b) Octree Method  
(c) Depth-Buffer Method (d) Ray-Casting Method 
ANS- (d)ray-casting method 
3. Which algorithm is also known as Painter’s algorithm?  
(a) Depth Sorting Algorithm (b) Ray-Casting Algorithm  
(c) Depth Buffer Algorithm (d) None of these  
ANS-(a)depth sorting algorithm 
4. Which of the following is a property of Bezier curve?  
(a) Convex hull  
(b) End Points Geometry  
(c) Variation diminishing  
(d) All of the above  
ANS-(d)all of the above 
5. Which of the following is a type of 3D transformation?  
(a) Translation (b) Rotation (c) Shearing (d) All of these.  
ANS.-(d)all of the above 
6. In 3D_________, the size of an object is changed by compressing or expanding its 
(a) Scaling.  
(b) Rotation.  
(c) Inverse Rotation.  
(d) Reflection.  
7. Reflection is also known as__________.  
(a) Image Reflection.  
(b) Quaternion.  
(c) RHVS.  
(d) Mirror Relection.  
ANS-(d) mirror reflection 
8. The process of viewing a 2D scene is much ___________ than the 3D viewing process. 
(a) Complex (b) Simpler (c) Composite (d) Tricky. 
ANS-(a) simpler 
9. What sequence of transformation must be performed to transform objects from world 
coordinates to viewing coordinates?  
(a) Translate-inverse-rotate (b) Translate-shear (c) Translate-rotate (d) 
10. The non-orthographic parallel projections are known as ____________ projections. (a) 
Orthographic (b) Isometric (c) Oblique (d) Axonometric. 
11. In ___________, coordinate positions are transformed to the view plane along the lines 
which converge to a point known as Center of Projection.  
(a) Perspective projection (b) Vanishing point (c) Parallel Projection 
(d) Projection Reference Point.  
ANS-(a)perspective projection 
12. Translation, Rotation and Scaling are the basic _____________.  
(a) Coordinates (b) Position Vectors (c) Transformations (d) Representations. 
13. _____________ enables the user to represent all geometric transformation equations 
matrix multiplications.  
(a) Homogeneous coordinates (b) Rotation (c) Scaling (d) None of these. 
ANS -(a)homogenous coordinates 
14. By performing the sequence of _____________ scaling about any selected fixed 
point is generated.  
(a) Translate-Scale-Inverse Translate (b) Translate-Inverse Scale-Translate (c) 
Scale-Rotate-Translate (d) Any of these.  
ANS-(d) any of these 
15. NVC stands for ____________.  
(a) Normalized Viewing Coordinates (b) Normalized Viewing Clipping (c) 
Normalized Video Controller (d) None of these.  
ANS-(a) normalized viewing coordinates 
16. MC stands for ____________.  
(a) Modelling Coordinates (b) Measuring Coordinates  
(c) Measuring Clipper (d) None of these.  
ANS-(a)modelling coordinates 
17. WC stands for ____________.  
(a) Window Clipper (b) Window Coordinates  
(c) World Coordinates (d) None of these.  
ANS-(c)world coordinates 
18. Clipping window is also known as ___________.  
(a) Coordinate Clipper (b) Clipping Coordinates  
(c) Clipping Ratio (d) Clipping Region.  
ANS-(d) clipping region 
19. ____________ is the process of removing the portion of a polygon which does not lie 
within the clipping window.  
(a) Polygon removal (b) Polygon cutting (c) Polygon Clipping (d) None of these.  
ANS-(b)polygon cutting 
20. Which of the following are the adverse effects of scan conversion?  
(a) Aliasing (b) Staircase (c) Unequal brightness (d) All of these. 
ANS-(d)all of these 
21. The Boundary-Fill algorithm uses ____________.  
(a) 4-Connected (b) 8-Connected (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these. 
22. The Scan-Line Polygon Fill algorithm uses _____________.  
(a) Edge List/Table (b) Vertex Table (c) Polygon Table (d) Active Edge Table. 
23. Which of the following algorithms can be used for Circle generation? . 
(a) Bresenham’s algorithm (b) Midpoint algorithm  
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these.  
ANS- (c)both a and b 
24. DDA stands for:  
(a) Digital Differential Analyzer (b) Differential Digital Analyzer (c) Digital Differential 
Analysis (d) Differential Digital Analysis. 
ANS -(a) digital differential analyzer  
25. ____________ contains the images created by the scan-conversion and raster 
operations. (a) CPU (b) Frame Buffer (c) Video Controller (d) Display Processor. 
ANS-(b)frame buffer 

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