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I hate that girl a poem by Peher Kewalramani

My poem is called – “I hate that girl”

It’s about how we, sometimes see the worst in ourselves. It is about body shaming one's self.
I hate that girl
I hate how she wakes up
with a fake smile plastered on her face.
Oh my! - Such a disgrace!
I hate how thin her arms are.
And just look at those fat thighs!
- I heard she eats burgers and fries,
like, every day.

I hate her brown eyes;

they have absolutely no character
Just look at her face,
oh My god, - so many errors!
Her forehead is full of pimples
Her cheeks don’t have cute dimples.

I just hate that girl!

She eats either too much or too less.
Her hair is either too oily or such a mess.

Oh wait, - there she is!

I’m standing right in front of her.,
Looking at that ugly body

standing in front of the mirror...

Body shaming has become a problem for all genders. People put themselves down due to their
insecurities. Why are we so rude to ourselves? We need to be kind to ourselves; Love ourselves.
Our body is a temple, it sustains, it grows, and it only supports us throughout our lives. Our body
is our true life partner; it stays with us till the end. Our body has kept us safe, it fought through
diseases, and so much more. Yet, we despise it.
Let's be motivating, supportive, and encouraging towards one another. Until everyone realizes
that, body shaming will continue to be an issue. Body shaming is an issue that will not be solved
unless everyone learns how to accept that their body is beautiful as it is.
Our body cares for us, let us care for it too. And always remember- THERE'S NO BETTER YOU

~ Peher Kewalramani

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