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Ali Saadedine Peer Review #ID: 202100295

Before doing the peer review, I wasn't sure how I would feel while evaluating another

person's paper. This is primarily because I haven't done a peer review before in my educational

journey. While assessing my colleague's paper, I felt responsible because he might consider my

constructive feedback. I felt how it is difficult to evaluate someone and discover how he is

thinking regardless of whether it is right or wrong. Through providing peer evaluation, I was able

to improve my work and consider it more flexibly. For example, after reading my peer paper, the

conditions and steps of writing an exploratory essay were automatically reviewed in my mind,

and I was exposed to some mistakes that I may fall in. Moreover, the most challenging aspect I

faced while evaluating my peer's draft was that he wasn't writing an exploratory essay because he

didn't raise a question and didn't start his research by reading articles to reach an answer to his

question. This was challenging because I was obliged to introduce to him the explanatory essay

and what steps to follow in writing such an essay. Finally, peer review encouraged me to think

critically about other people's work, and It also aided me in honing my critical skills while

evaluating another colleague's work.

When I knew that a peer would evaluate me, I was curious because my peer would

identify my mistakes and help me improve and develop my essay and get a high grade. After I

received the evaluation of my peer, I was surprised that she loved what I wrote, and she gave me

only a couple of constructive notes. For example, my peer opened my eyes to some grammatical

and APA mistakes, which I fixed. Moreover, my peer mentioned that I should revise my opinion

statements that introduce the benefits of sports with an opening sentence that shows the

relationship between males and females with marks. I refused to change this opening sentence

because its purpose is to show the benefits of sports that both genders should enjoy. Finally, I
Ali Saadedine Peer Review #ID: 202100295

find this activity beneficial because it helps obtain more regular feedback than when the

professor is the only person presenting it. It encourages us to participate in critical analysis.

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