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Erin Weidel

5 November 2023
Outcome Reflection 6: Adapting to Peer Review and Its Processes
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1. How did it feel to get feedback from your peers during your chosen review? Was it
intimidating, were you looking forward to it, or something different?

- For this outcome reflection, I will be reflecting on Peer Review 1. Upon hearing that
we were doing peer review, I was content as it meant I could have more feedback on
my writing and have more perspectives to read what I wrote. Getting feedback from
my peers was nice as they could potentially see things in my essay that could be fixed
or improved that maybe I missed and would have never seen if we never did peer

2. After receiving feedback from your peers and giving feedback yourself, what are some
observations you made on your own writing process or the writing process of others? Did
you all make similar mistakes? How did you feel about your draft after peer review?

- After receiving feedback from the peer review along with doing the peer review, it
could be seen that a lot of similar mistakes are made in the first draft of writing an
essay by different people. For example, for my own writing I had minor grammar
mistakes, had parts of the rubric I still needed to hit, missed parts of MLA format, etc.
while my peers had similar mistakes in their drafts. Overall, after the peer review, I
felt more confident in my draft, as I had more perspectives read and give advice on
ways to make it better.

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