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Rafael Flores

ENC 1101
September 18th 2023

Outcome Reflection 8
1. Usually when doing Peer Review, I have you all engage in both asynchronous and
synchronous communication with your peers to reap the benefits of both forms of
communication. What do you feel is different by only receiving asynchronous feedback
that affected your virtual peer review? How was your ability to “negotiate differences in
and act with intention on feedback from readers when drafting, revising, and editing their
writing” affected when doing this a different way?
2. Do you feel there are benefits to synchronous communication when it comes to Peer
3. Did you meet up with your group mates outside of class? Did you go to the Writing
Center? Did you get feedback from other people outside of myself, your peers and the
writing center tutors? Or did you decide to stay with only digital/asynchronous feedback?

1. I feel like both styles of communicating can be effective, but you only receive
asynchronous feedback there can be complications. Some complications can be if you
have a question on the feedback, you cannot get a quick response, or you can lose that
immediate clarification. I feel like to respond and receiving responses from my peers in
this method is useful because it allows the person giving feedback plenty of time to give
meaningful feedback and gives them the opportunity to truly explain themselves and
communicate exactly what they want to say.
2. I do believe there are benefits to synchronous communication when it comes to Peer
Review. I think some of the benefits are being able to get quick responses and having the
ability to ask questions about the review. It is super important to get feedback
immediately because it also you to correct any mistakes you made as quick as possible
and then also allows you to ask questions you might have on the feedback, but I think for
Peer Review the best method of communication is asynchronous. It just allows the
student to convey exactly what they want to say and allows them to honestly think about
their response and helps them not make any mistakes.
Peer Review 3.docx

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