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Outcome reflection #8:

This peer review felt different than the other two for sure, I felt like only receiving asynchronous
feedback was still helpful to a degree, but it didn’t have the same impact as if they were telling
me about it or asking questions about my draft in person. In my group case much of our feedback
concentrated on comments in the document or even the peer review but I felt like my ability to
do all the actions of the peer review was a bit hindered like I was constricted in the way I wanted
to write my feed back towards my peers. It felt like I had different intentions when writing this
feedback compared to the others. I think there are benefits when it comes to synchronous
communication when it comes to Peer reviews especially, I think we can go into much more
detail and explain our thoughts and feelings in these manners allowing for greater feedback and
changes. Along with allowing questions to be answered in real-time rather than having to wait
for a response, synchronous communications allow the feedback to be direct and instant which
can make the process of peer review to be quicker and flow better.

Lamott, A. (1994). Shitty first drafts. Writing about writing: A college reader, 527-531.

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