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Weeks M T W T F

1-2 8 8 8
3-6 12 12 12
7-12 12 12 NTF 12
13-18 12 12
*19-24 12 12
25-30 10 10
31-36 10 10
37-42 10 10 NTF
43-48 8 8 NTF
49-54 8
NTF - Not to failure; s
* After this 6-
12 Month Training Program
Days Of Week for 2 Weeks
Number Of Exercises
10 12
12 12
12 12
12 12
12 12 NTF
10 10 NTF
8 8
TF - Not to failure; stop 2 repititions short of an all-out effort.
* After this 6-week segment, take a 9-day layoff

Repeat each routine 6 times before moving on to the ne
If the day says "8" exercises, do "8", an
Train each exercise for 1 se
No rest between sets (setting up the next e
Train each exercise to momentary muscular failure (imagine a gun t
Train slowly and smoothly, no explosive
Drink plenty of water during a
Beginning HIT Routine 1
1. Leg-Curl Machine
2. Leg Extension Machine
3. Leg-Press Machine
4. Straight-arm Pullover with One Dumbbell
5. Bench Press with Barbell
6. Bent-over row with barbell
7. Overhead press with barbell
8. Biceps curl with barbell
9. Triceps extension with one dumbbell
10. Wrist curl with barbell
11. Standing-calf-raise machine
12. Trunk curl on floor

Beginning HIT Routine 2

1. Leg-curl machine
2. Leg-extension machine
3. Leg-press machine
4. Standing-calf-raise machine
5. Bench press with barbell
6. Bent-over row with barbell
7. Lateral raise with dumbbells
8. Shoulder shrug with barbell
9. Bent-arm fly with dumbbells
10. Triceps extension with one dumbbell
11. Biceps curl with barbell
12. Trunk curl on floor

Beginning HIT Routne 3

1. Squat with barbell
2. Straight-arm pullover with one dumbbell
3. Stiff-legged deadlift wth barbell
4. Lateral raise with dumbbells
5. Bench press with barbell
6. Shoulder shrug with barbell
7. Bent-arm fly with dumbbells
8. Triceps extension with one dumbbell
9. Biceps curl with barbell
10. Wrist curl with barbell
11. Reverse trunk curl on floor
12. Side bend with dumbbell

Beginning HIT Routine 4

1. Squat with barbell/leg-press machine
2. Leg-curl machine
3. Leg-extension machine
4. Seated-calf-raise machine
5. Bench press with barbell/bent-arm fly with dumbbells
6. Shoulder shrug with barbell
7. Overhead press with barbell
8. Reverse curl with barbell
9. Pushdown on lat machine
10. Negative chinup
11. Negative dip
12. Reverse wrist curl with barbell
imes before moving on to the next (each routine will last 6 weeks)
ay says "8" exercises, do "8", and NOT the full list.
Train each exercise for 1 set only
ween sets (setting up the next exercise is enough rest)
muscular failure (imagine a gun to your head and you still can't do the last rep
owly and smoothly, no explosive jerky movements
Drink plenty of water during a routine
Intermediate HIT Routine 1
1. Leg-extension machine
2. Leg-curl machine
3. Squat with barbell
4. Standing-calf-raise machine
5. Bent-arm pullover with barbell
6. Incline bench press with barbell
7. Bent-over row wth barbell
8. Triceps extensions with one dumbbell
9. Biceps curl with barbell
10. Trunk curl on floor

Intermediate HIT Routine 2

1. Leg-extension machine/Leg-curl machine
2. Stiff-legged deadlift with barbell/Leg-press machine
3. Standing-calf-raise machine/Seated-calf-raise machine
4. Bent-arm pullover with barbell/Straight-arm pullover with one dumbbell
5. Incline bench press with barbell/Bench press with barbell
6. Pulldown on lat machine
7. Bent-over raise with dumbbells
8. Triceps extension with one dumbbell/Biceps curl with barbell
9. Negative chinup/Negative dip
10. Side bend with dumbbell/Reverse trunk curl

Intermediate HIT Routine 3

1. Squat with barbell/Leg-press machine
2. Standing-calf-raise machine/Seated-calf-raise machine
3. Leg-extension machine/Leg-curl machine
4. Prone back raise on bench/Stiff-legged deadlift with barbell
5. Pulldown on lat machine
6. Front raise with dumbbells
7. Lateral raise with dumbbells/Bent-arm fly with dumbbells
8. Bieps curl with barbell/Triceps extension with one dumbbell
9. Bench press with barbell/Bent-over row with barbell
10. Four-way neck machine, front and back/Four-way neck machine, side to side

Intermediate HIT Routine 4

1. Leg-extension machine/Leg-curl machine
2. Leg-press machine
3. Standing-calf-raise machine
4. Stiff-legged deadlift with barbell
5. Straight-arm pullover with one dumbbell
6. Bench press with barbell/Overhead press with barbell
7. Negative chinup
8. Negative dip

Intermediate HIT Routine 5

1. Leg-curl machine/Leg-extension machine
2. Squat with barbell/Leg-press machine
3. Standing-calf-raise machine/Seated-calf-raise machine
4. Bench press with barbell/Negative dip
5. Negative chinup/Biceps curl with barbell
6. Lateral raise with dumbbells/Bent-arm fly with dumbbells
7. Overhead press with barbell/Triceps extension with one dumbbell
8. Trunk curl on floor/Reverse trunk curl on floor

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