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Opening Wind Gates (Pg 148-159)

(Use Chart ofWind Gates for Day & Count Points)
1. Groin: Press Femoral Arteries using cutting Finger
edges and counting lhe Pulses (36-72x).
2. Tan Tien: Press on an Angle wi!h Thumb or Elbow
1.5" below Navel and Counl lhe Pulses.
3. Navel Wind Gale Points: Use Thumb & Chart - Left
Side Firsl; 1-Left Kidney, 2-Heart, 3-Right Kidney, 4-
Biadder and Genitais, 5-lntestines, 6-Spleen and
Stomach, 7-Liver, 8-lntestines & Counl Pulses.
4. Press Fisl rotating around Navel & Palm Press on
Navel opening up TanTien releasing tensions.
5. Relax and focus Patting lightly around Navel.

Chasing the Wlnds (Pg 143-148)

1. Spiral using 1 Finger Technique around lhe Navel.
2. Bake the Winds: Place Hand on the Navel and lhe
other on back underneath lhe Lower Back.
3. Scooping lhe Winds lightly to lhe Tan Tien and
draw lhe Sick Energy from the Abdomen.
4. Press Finger inlo Tan Tien focusing, burning &
drawing out lhe Sick Energy at Tan Tien Point.
5. Sweep oul Sick Energy massaging counter/clock-
wise around lhe Navel focusing and fannlng Sick
Energy oul down Legs and then reverse.
6. Scoop out Sick Energy massagir,g clockwise around
navel focusing and fannlng Sick Energy up through
Chest and Arms; then reverse.
7. Gather, scoop & brush Sick Winds while Hands are
above Tan Tien-Draw them out sending it down Legs.

CC 3 (6)
' - - - ~ - - - - - - - ~
CCJ(6) J

Chart of the Wind Gates

~ y º· >oinlTanbclow
1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8

Monday 15 8 17 19 21 10 12 8 15
Tuesday 8 1719 21 10 12 6 15 8
Wednesday 17 1921 10 12 6 15 8 1 17
Thursday 19 2110 12 6 15 8 17 19
Friday 21 10 12 6 15 8 17 19 I 21
Saturday 10 12 6 15 8 17 19 21 10
Sunday 6 15 8 17 19 21 10 12 6
@WuCh/Trost CC 3 (6)

Nave/ Examination
Navel Diagnosis & Release (Pg 122-126)
1. Make Navel Round • Release & see where it pulls.
This indicates the Tlght Area & the Area to loosen.
2. Press with Thumb & Elbow gradually loosen (3x).
3. Hold Navel from Abdominal Area shaping & round-
ing it into a Perfect Circle - Hold releasing Tension.

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