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Ada- both played piano

2. Zoe- both like film
3. Silver- both ran (sport- xc and track)
4. Sophie- JSU
5. Scarlett- play a sport, one brother
6. Ina- reading, brothers fence together
7. Cayla- have brothers, bike ride
8. Logan- younger siblings
9. Jac- both have Dark Green as favorite shade of green
10. Tensaye- both have dark green as favorite shade of green
11. Logan- both like mendon pondon
12. Pearl- both Jewish, like pizza
13. Layla- both have younger brothers, like blue
14. Pidge- both watch football, play videogames
15. Ellie- both do track, both like blue
16. Clayton- have younger brother
17. Kayla- both played in orchestra (I played violin, she played viola)
18. Megan- both played in orchestra (I played violin, she played viola)
19. Caoimhe- play soccer, play piano

10/4- I pretended I was on my couch. To do this, I:

1. Pretended I had just had a long day at school at collapsed onto the couch
2. Turned the tv on by gesturing with a remote
3. Played video games by gesturing with a PlayStation controller
4. Fell asleep by closing my eyes and resting my head on my shoulder
5. Called my dog onto my lap so I could pet him
Monologue Terminology

Scoring- breaking down longer material to understand what actor needs to do in each moment

 Beats- moments that can be separated from one another in monologue (like paragraphs)
 Objectives- goals that character has in a beat (state w/ active verbs)
 Tactics- ways character tries to fulfill objective (state w/ active verbs)
 Blocking- movement character does on stage to fulfill objectives. Stated with stage locations and
stage levels (Floor=level 1, kneeling=level 2, etc)

Almost-divorced white single dad that spends all Sundays watching football and betting on sports and
playing poker and hates his wife and kids and life

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