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Technical Vocational Education



Quarter 3: Learning Module 5

Creating TABLES in
Microsoft Word

BY: Genafer S. Arpon

January 2021
Module 5: Creating Tables in Microsoft Word
Microsoft word is a word processing program used to create, format, save and
print various kinds of documents, like letters, reports, manuscripts, certificates and
Creating and formatting basic tables is one feature in Microsoft Word that allows
the user to design quality and professional business documents.

Learning and understanding the different ways in manipulating the Microsoft Word
application and utilize its features, will give you better insights on how to do your work
fast and easy.

This module comprises of the following parts:

 What I Need to Know ?

 What I Know ?

 What’s In ?

 What’s New ?

 What Is It ?

 What’s More ?

 What I Have Learned ?

 What I can do ?

 Assessment

 Additional Activities

To understand this module better, you must read, comprehend and perform the activities

For questions and clarifications, your teacher may help you.

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 1 page

What I Need to Know
What is a Table?
A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns similar to a spreadsheet.
The intersection of rows and column is called a cell.

Tables have variety of uses, often to organized content and present information, either
text or numerical data.

In this module, you will learn the definition of a table, how to create and insert
tables, ways on how to insert and delete rows and columns, adjust width and height of
rows and columns of a table.

Understanding all these, will give you a better appreciation in working with tables,
maximize its use to create interesting and presentable documents.


Table – a systematic arrangement of data usually in rows and columns for

ready reference.
Data - information, as encoded text or numbers, or multimedia
images, audio of video.
Row - a horizontal arrangement of items printed or written on a page
Column - a vertical arrangement of items printed or written on a page.
Cell - a specific location formed by the intersection of a column and a row.
Width - the horizontal measurement of the extent of something from side to side.
Height - the distance from the bottom to the top of someone or something
standing upright
Navigate - to make one’s way over or through: TRAVERSE.
Hover - to position ( a computer cursor) over something (such as an image
or icon) without selecting it.
Layout - arrangement, plan or design.
Insert - to add or overwrites something into a document or file.
Delete - to remove from a document or record
Border - a part that forms the outer edge of something.
Sort - the process of organizing data in a particular order allowing for
information to be found easier.

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 2 page

What I Know
Direction:True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is
(10 pts.)

1.____ Microsoft word is a word processing program used to create, format and
print documents.
2. ____ Creating tables and charts is one of the tools in Microsoft Word.
3. ____ A table is one way to organize information within your document.
4. ____ Tables is one of the group under the Insert Tab.
5. ____ Draw table is one option under the Table command.
6. ____ Width and height of a table cannot be adjusted.
7. ____ To hover means to click on the mouse.
8. ____ You cannot insert tables in Microsoft word 2016.
9. ____ The term cell is only applicable in spreadsheets.
10. ___ Only pre-designed tables is available in Microsoft word.

What’s In
Moving around the table in SHORTCUT KEYS:

Tab key To move from one cell in the table to another. When
you reach the last cell in a table, pressing the Tab key
will create a new row.
Shift +Tab keys To move one cell backward in a table.

Arrow keys Allow you to move left, right, up and down.

+ + + + <enter> To create a 3 column table.

If you want wider columns, separate +signs with ten
E X . or more dashes.

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 3 page

What’s New
Word 2016 : Working with Tables
How to create a Table:
1. Position your mouse pointer where you want your table to appear.
2. On the Ribbon, Click the INSERT tab
3. Click the TABLES button
4. Highlight or select the desired number of columns and rows for the table.
5. Or Select from the options: insert table, draw table, quick tables, etc.

What is It
To add or insert a Row :
1. A. Hover or point your cursor at the left end of the horizontal line of your table where
you want to insert or add a row,
B. Move the cursor until a plus sign appears, point the white pointer to the plus sign
and click.
C. Then a row is added or inserted in your table.

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 4 page


A. Position your cursor at the end of the row, then press <enter> key.
B. A new row is added.

To add or insert a Column:

1. A. Hover or point your cursor at the left end of the vertical line of your table where
you want to insert or add a column,
B. move the cursor until a plus sign appears, point the white pointer to the plus sign
and click.
C. Then a row or column is added or inserted in your table.

2. Another way to add or insert a Column and Row:

A. Position your cursor in the cell of your table where you want to insert
or add a column or row.
B. Right-click the mouse, context menu appears
C. Select and click INSERT button,
D. Select from the given options(sub-menu)
E. Then a column or row is added or inserted in your table.

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 5 page

3. Another way to add or insert a Column and Row:

A. Position your cursor in the cell/s of your table where you want to insert or add a column
or row.
B. Right-click the mouse, context menu appears
C. Select and click INSERT table icon,
D. Select from the given options(sub-menu)
E. Then a column or row is added or inserted in your table.

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 6 page

To Delete Rows and Columns:
A. 1. Right click the mouse on the cell where you want to delete.
2. Select and Click delete cells
3. Select from the given options(sub-menu), click OK

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 7 page

4. Another way is to select and click the delete icon, and select the applicable
option (sub-menu).

What’s More
Adjusting column width and row height:

1. Position your mouse on the line (vertical or horizontal) of the row or column
you intend to adjust.

2. When the cursor turns into a double headed arrow ,

click and drag the mouse to resize the cell.

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 8 page

Modify a Table
1. As the cursor is positioned in any cell of the table, a Design and Layout Tab
appears and highlighted at the upper right of the screen
2. Click the Design Tab and table styles drop down arrow.
3. Select the desired table design.

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 9 page

What I have Learned
Direction: Answer the following questions:

1. Can you create a table without using the ribbon commands? How?

2. How many ways presented to delete a cell in a table?

3. Can you adjust the row and column size of your table?

4. Pre-designed tables is not available in Microsoft Word?

5. How many ways presented to insert columns and rows in a table?

What I can do
Activity 5.1: Draw a Calendar of your birth month for 2021, with a design showing the
health protocols adopted by your community/barangay to combat COVID-19.

Draw and color the Calendar in a Long bond paper with normal margin.

Direction: Multiple Choice. Select the best answer.
Write the letter of your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. Is the arrangement of rows and columns similar to a spreadsheet.
A. Table B.Chart C. cell D.pie

2. The horizontal space on a table

A. row B. column C. cell D.table
3. The vertical space on a table.
A. column B. row C. cell D. table

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 10 page

4.The horizontal measurement, from side to side
A. width B. height C. row D. column
5. The distance from top to bottom
A. width B. height C. row D. column
6. Table can be accessed from the ________ tab.
A. File B. Insert C. Home D. Design
7. How many options available to delete cells?
A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2
8. How many options available in insert button?
A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3
9. Which is the delete table icon.

A. B. C. D.

10. The icon with the following options: insert above, below, left and right.


11 Name the arrow used to resize column width and row height.
A. drop down arrow B. white arrow C. double headed arrow D. drag arrow
12. Which is not an insert table option(sub-menu)?
A. insert left B. insert below C. insert above D. insert cells
13. Which is not a delete table option(sub-menu)?
A. Delete row B. delete table C. delete cells D. shift cells up

14.Which is a Delete cells option(sub-menu)?

A. Delete row B. delete table C. delete cells D. shift cells up
15.Which is an insert option(sub-menu)?
A. insert left B. insert below C. insert above D. insert cells

Additional Activities
Direction: Answer the following questions honestly:

1. What have you learned from this lesson?

2. Write 2 things that you want to learn ?

3. What question do you want to ask, in relation to the lesson?

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 11 page

Answer key :
1. T 3. T 5. T 7. F 9. F

2. T 4. T 6. F 8. F 10. F


1.YES, use + and spacebar

2 2 ways
3. YES
4. NO
5. 3 ways


Activity 5.1: Draw a Calendar of your birth month for 2021, with a design showing the
health protocols adopted by your community/barangay to combat COVID-19.


CRITERIA 2 3.5 5
Neatness Dirty few erasures Very neat
Creativity Drawing is badly done. Drawing is good. Drawing is nicely done
No color or badly Colors are good. Colors are well blended.
Completeness Drawing is incomplete, Drawing is good. Complete in details, well
layout and color, text is text is correctly drawn and text is correctly
misspelled. spelled. spelled and written nicely.
Promptness Completed the activity Completed the Completed the activity on
a week after deadline. activity 2 days after time.

1. A 6. B 11. C
2. A 7. B 12. D
3. A 8. B 13. D
4. A 9. C 14. D
5. B 10. C 15. D

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 12 page


Visual Guide to Office Productivity 2010 by Jemma Development Group

“Word 2016 – Tables”,

“Word 2016 – Creating a Table”,

Saikat Basu. “8 Formatting Tips for Perfect Tables in Micrososft Word ”, Nov.12 2018.>Productivity, accessed January 2021

Your dictionary accessed January 2021

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 13 page

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Mandaue City

Plaridel Street, Centro, Mandaue City

Telefax: (032) 345 0545

Email Address:

Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Module 5 14 page

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