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1. Should you be checking your own oxygen levels if you have coronavirus symptoms? Explain.

Give further details about timely issue. Please input your answers on the DISCUSSION board in canvas.
You may refer to the next post in the given. Discussion board. Expound your answer.

- When the covid-19 arose in 2019, the whole population was affected globally. The infected case is
rapidly increasing. It is a must to check our oxygen level if we have a coronavirus symptom. The
pulse oximeter measures the oxygen saturation and the percentage of our oxygen in the blood.
The average oxygen saturation is 95-100. However, not only pulse oximeter, if we notice some
abnormalities like shortness of breath and rapid breathing, and the oxygen saturation is below
average, we should call health providers and doctors. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
are the severe symptoms of coronavirus.

2.) A 72-year-old man who has COPD from working as a coal miner has pneumonia in his lower and
middle lobes, to help mobilize and drain the secretion, CPT is prescribed. The patient only wants to sit in
the bed because it is easier for him to breathe when in the semi-fowler’s position, what position are the
most important for successful CPT? What can you do to aid him during the treatments?

Make a simple illustration of the patient position and list down the ways you can assist him during this
treatment (minimum of 5).

This position is best for clearing mucus in the lower back area of the lungs. The spine must be straight to
promote chest expand.


Sputum Cup

Paper tissue

drainage tables, electrical and nonelectrical palm percussors and vibrators


The caregiver's percussion or clapping on the chest wall over the part of the lungs to be drained helps
move the mucus into the larger airways. The hand is cupped as if holding water, but the palm is facing

Percussion is managed to perform with force and a steady beat. Each percussion should also have a
hollow sound. Since most of the movement is in the wrist and the arm is relaxed, percussion is less tiring
to perform. Percussion should not be painful or sting if the hand is properly cupped.

To avoid injury to the spleen on the left, liver on the right, and kidneys in the lower back, avoid clapping
over the spine, breastbone, stomach, and lower ribs or back.

Different percussion devices can be used instead of the traditional cupped palm method. Consult your
doctor or therapist to determine which one is best for you.

The mucus is gently shaken into the larger airways by vibration. The caregiver places a firm hand on the
chest wall over the part of the lung being drained and tenses the arm and shoulder muscles to produce a
fine shaking motion. The caregiver then applies light pressure to the vibrated area.

Vibration is performed with the flattened hand rather than the cupped hand. Exhalation should be as
slow and thorough as possible.

3. Study the given rubrics and make a reflection about all these four procedures by writing a minimum of
300 words essay.

Pulse oximeter provides a quick read on the saturation of oxygen in the blood. If the patient has a lung
disease, the blood oxygen level may be lower than average. However, nowadays, the pulse oximeter is
being more practical, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 can be classified as what we call
COVID pneumonia. Using a pulse oximeter helps to recognize if the person is below oxygen saturation,
which means that person has a drop in blood oxygen level, which leads to possible infection with the
early novel coronavirus stage COVID Pneumonia early.
The nebulizer is a helpful and creative invention for a patient who has a lung disease. It helps the patient
to promote comfort from their lungs. This device is beneficial to be able to prevent respiratory problems
from developing initially or getting worse.

An incentive Spirometer is also a beneficial device for the patient who also has a lung problem. This
device will expand the lungs by helping to breathe more deeply and fully. It also helps the lungs be
active throughout the recovery and prevent complications such as pneumonia.

Nebulizer and incentive spirometer are beneficial and unique inventions for the patient who has a lung
problem. We cannot imagine if these devices are not invented until now. Maybe some people who have
suffered from this illness will more increase. We cannot imagine if these devices are not been invented;
maybe many people with lung disease are suffering.

Postural drainage is an important position because it helps drain fluid from the lungs. It may help to
treat and to prevent an infection which leads to making the patient breathe comfortably. The postural
drainage, percussion, and vibration techniques demonstrated in the video are beneficial. It gives a
precise procedure on how to do the techniques correctly and to promote knowledge.

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