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SDG – Activity

The second SDG goal is - zero hunger, through this they wish to achieve food security and
improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture. This is how we think we can link to the SDG’s. Our topic
is food wastage and we have researched ways to try reducing it. Through the series of interviews we
have conducted, we came to know that people, who have an easy access to a supply of food, take it for
granted. Main hubs of food waste are fine-dine restaurants and resorts. However, there is a bigger
problem out there, which is that food waste that starts at home. If we can teach kids and even adults for
that matter, to value food that is served on their tables, it would help the cause a lot. A simple way to do
this is to start growing food at home, if we put in hard work to grow the food, water the plants everyday
and make sure they healthy, put in our time and effort into it we would not want to waste it. This is an
example of sustainable agriculture at a smaller scale.

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