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As long as you practice the Yi Yin Jing one time per week

it doesn't matter which one you make.

Not at all.

It makes no difference at all,

which version of it you use.


when you...

really understand that this is a method,

to keep your body, to keep the muscles and keep the tendons and keep the

of your body in this life.

If you have understood that this is a method

to just keep the body vital and still flexible

and you want to use it for a long time,

then sometimes it makes sense

that some exercises are a little bit more specialized then others.

I think you saw the first video of the Yi Jin Jing,

it was on this place here,

and there I only made so...

Is also one way, but here for example it is mainly

the focus is here on this area


the head, the spine.

One is

this here,

the other one is the spine.

And now, we made it here...

Now it is going throughout the whole body

Sink down

We turn back


Knees and the elbows move in the same amount,

when the knees are straight, the elbows are straight.

When the knees start to bend,

elbow bend.

Stretch, stretch, stretch.

When the knees bend, elbows bend.

Then you get straight again.

And like said yesterday,

when you make the exercise,

then always check your heartbeat and for the way how you are breathing.

It is said that,

when the breathing is very calm

so it's, when you cannot hear your breathing

so you must breath so soft that you cannot hear your own breathing,

When it is so soft,

then hmm

then the Qi flows better.

Then the Qi flows better.

Then there's more free flow.

So try to avoid that you're starting to breath hard.

When you're making hard breathing or anything

or you get out of breath

then you put too much effort into the Qi Gong.

Qi Gong, relax.

Relax, relax, relax.

Then also here

Already here, start watching at "Lao Gong".

"Lao Gong" it is called (Perikard 8 - Center of Palm)

Watch and at the same time FEEL

feel which areas, which tendons, which muscles, which part of your body is it that
right now is like



Very soft and very calm.


Look "Lao Gong"

Feel in the body.


And still very calm.

Very calm.

No stress.

So don't look too don't look too concetrated...

don't look concentrated.

Don't look concentrated,

Be concentrated.

And... you come down.

And also very consciously relax

Shift the weight on the right leg

Keep the balance



Feel the opening.

Look far... that supports you in opening.

Grab and now...

FEEL how all the tendons all the muscles are pulling towards each other

Pull, pull, pull, pull


Uhhh, then it almost automatically wants to open cuz there was so much tension.
And here you go

all the way open, open, open, open until


It almost goes automatically


Same on the other side.

It's like when you extend a rubber band very very much

you pull, you pull, you pull

and then you let go

then the rubber band starts to

ddddiiiiuuuuuu -.-

starts to pull itself together almost automatically.

And this means, here you stretch, you stretch, you stretch

and then you relax

and then you must really feel that how the tendons now want to dddiiiuuuuuu -.-

like a rubber band go together

and THIS you use.

It's not your own power

that you make so...

You stretch... bam bam bam



and it's almost like automatically coming.

Number 6.


Nails / Fingers...

face forward, already you can visualize, you can imagine

they are really having the power to the front

It's like from your nails, the nails are getting out of your fingers.
They are really sharp out

and then here...

from your back (from here)

when you go down now

don't put the butt so...

Not like this.

Don't go down like this.

From here

go, go down like this.

Go so much to the front

before you fall over.

Don't fall over.

But keep it here.

Keep the power to the front

feel the core

From here

First open the shoulders

then open "the wings".

Concentrate back on the feet

and then starts the next.


Number 7.

"9 Ghosts drawing the sabers"

Yaaa remember... in the old movies always cool

we always have 2 swords

like this

One I grab from down, one I grab from up

So it's like...

One hand grabs the sword here

the other hand grabs the sword here

and then you have 2 swords in the hands.

So this is...

So that means the torsion of the body when you make it

automatically the one, the arm which goes up

the shoulder turns on that side to the back.

We're here

Go more


then feel how all the tendons all the muscles are contracting


Feel, feel, feel. Here...

be careful not to... Not from here now start...

bending this. Then there is too much

pressure on the lower back here.

We don't practice the stretch here on the lower back

this one

Be careful not to make this one...

Then it's here

Feel the...

the torsion of the body here already


It's here, the torsion.

Now if you want to increase this torsion,

then don't, bend like this

Here is the torsion

now increase



there was the importance about this wave:

You always must know where you are in the movement.

Always follow the movement

Always follow, always know where you are.

Not like here and then suddenly BAAGGHHK



Follow, follow the movement down

...and there you're getting small...

and then open again.



Here you have some plates on your hand

and then

Heels up.

Hands, left hand, right hand push, push down.

Head pull up.

Head is pulling up

Arms push down.

Start again

and then

Sink, down.

You remember, arms are pushing down

head is pulling up


Number 9, number 10.

Easy for you to remember

because number 9, number 10 it's both with the claws.

After the plates

first bring
both hand up to the chamber

Feel your lungs, feel your breathing, then

already from here when the right hand starts

the eyes

see this hand here


Concentrate on this hand here

and with the eyes

when you open you see


Here, be careful when

you go now here to the side

the left shoulder don't open too much like this

because what we want

with the arm crossing your chest


that it closes down one part of the lung

and the other one is more free

And if you stay like this... then

then here the right one is like squeezed a litte bit.

And when you stand here, relax...

and just breath

just stay inside of you, relax, relax

this one, take the position

and now breath

breath and feel inside

Feel, compare left lung, right lung

when you breath like this, how does it feel?

When you breath like this

How does it feel?

And you'll realize, when you're here...

the left one breathes more, the left one has... feels a little bit more cold.

And when you're here

left one is closed, right one is open.

Feels different.

Then, the way from here

Now, when you breath in

and out

Number 9.

Number 10.

Come down

Already, when I make it, when I come down

I know what's gonna be the next movement

I need to face my body like this


i come down

almost here, here now my hip turns already


Arms fall down and already half way now here

(turn waist - align body)

(Hands crossed)

And then


Chest open

Now here

when the arms come

weight front

far, far, far, far, far

fa, fa, fa, fa, fa

Here the same

far, far, far, far, far



and calm.

Still breathing, relax.

Still relaxed.


11... 11, 12

Both arms sink


Close the ears


Eyes are down

(Beating the drums)

It's like new born

yeah, it's like a new born

So emphasize, concentration on the drums

concentrate on the drums,

don't concentrate on the pain,

and just go

So, and when you're down hold...

1... 2... 3...

and then you go up


and down again

And last one

Hands here...

When the hands turn, the neck turns




try with the hands

in direction you can still watch down here, no problem

watch down

go... when you're close to the ground

then now


up like this, hands push down

head lifts up

Release a moment

Turn to the left side

And here also now

(head lift up - arms push down)



Relax (Sink)

So, I think...

these are the details I would say

if you somehow can remember them

it's good.

What more is there to say?

Mmmmhh, your spine.

Always remember spine,

we also say that the spine is the axis of life.

The axis of this life, and there are 4 movements

that this axis must be able to make.

Without those 4 movements, we will have problems.

So and... what must the spine be able to make?

You must be able to,

bend (forward)

to bend the other way (backwards)

turn here (left)

and to turn here (right)

These are like the 4 basic...

basic directions, movements of the spine

Uhhh, you always watch yourself, if you have problems doing them.

Because these 4 we need.

If there's any problem with those 4 movements,

later on will come problems with other movements.

Because these are the basic ones that our body somehow must make.


besides the 12 organs that we have,

Hhmmm, the spine we also consider in way like an organ,


if you look at the heart

our heart makes a very

the function of the (organic) heart is very simple

pumping the blood and sucking the blood

just like this

it always makes 1 0 1 0

but the spine has another function,

it carries all the nervous system inside of it.

Which means if you have problems with the lower spine,


then maybe your legs are paralyzed.

If you have problems up here,

the rest of the body is also paralyzed.

So that means the spine is also in a way,

a very very important part of our body.

Now, what do we know about the spine?

Is it possible to train the spine?

Well, what we know for sure is

that in the morning when you wake up

you're a little bit taller then in the evening you go to bed

this is what we know.

Because, during the day gravity is pulling on your spine

Pullity :-D

Gravity is pulling on your skeleton.

So that means we get a little bit shorter,

and what get's shorter is like

these are all the separate bones of the spine

and they sit on each other like this

in the morning, it's like this

and then because of gravity and you walk and do things

then it's get... spine gets squeezed like this during the day.

And then in the evening you're smaller.

So, what is it that we are let's say doing in order to prevent this?

Open the spine up.


Open again.


And how do you do it?

It's this one. When you're just standing

feel the spine

and now

The upper part of the spine

Chin in,

head up.

Chin in, head up.

Chin in, head up.

And the lower part is the tailbone,


The tailbone here at the same time when the head gets up

the tailbone down


This is what we make with the spine.

Just so in between, whenever you have time,

whenever you feel bored,

whenever you're just standing around somewhere,

then this is like

what we do in order to

keep like... the flexibility of the spine,

and also

remove the pressure from the spine

in order that, that

the body fluids, that the body liquids

can get in-between there again.

It's like you put oil there.

That there's not too much friction on the spine.

At least until now, all of these


they work ok.

How do you know they work?

How do you know what's the benefit of it?

I have no problem.
Maybe that's the benefit.

Maybe the benefit is that, at least until now I have no issues with

no matter what.

I have no power issues,

i have no flexibility issues,



the benefit

of all of these practices,

you don't realize so easily because it's just normal.

Because having a healthy body should be normal.

But you realize if something is wrong.

Ya well, when something is wrong.

Then you realize it very very quickly.

But if you're ok all the time, then it's not like a big bonus.

Then it's like average.

But maybe average is... is what at the moment

first of all we have to put our focus on.

To first of all have an average normal working body.

Because if


if from the 365 days every year

when you spend 50 of them having pain in the body

this cannot be normal.

Something is wrong there.

In a certain age it surely comes,

because of the usage of the skeleton and all of this,

but nobody here looks so old that I would say you have the age.

So, and that's why everything that can be trained, we try to train.

Just that the normal

that the body get's healthy, get's vital again.

And then it's easier to,

focus on other things, if we don't need to

worry about your body anymore.

Then you can save your energy and care about other things.

But as long as you have problems with the body,

you're not free in the mind.

Any final questions from your side?

Question: "If you would have places to train Qi Gong..."

" in a closed living room,

The other one.

"...there you have the problem with some planes going over head."

"Would you still use the other one?"

That's no problem.

In this environment here, maybe it's really easy for you to concentrate on

because it's quiet, the birds are singing, no cars, no nothing

ok it's good, but I think later this afternoon

you return back to where you come from

but maybe there you don't have birds singing and, and a quiet place like this.

So does it now mean you cannot practice Qi Gong anymore?

Well... it shouldn't,


if there are airplanes, it's a good practice

It's especially then a good practice to stay with yourself.

Because the reason why the airplane disturbs you, is because you're not with

In the beginning it maybe is hard,

but that's the thing,

you can never avoid that you make your Qi Gong

and then somehow a phone rings or car drives by

or airplane comes

we cannot change that, so that's why especially then focus on yourself,

stay with yourself.

Put your attention back on the feet,

just ground yourself,

root yourself again.


Then... enjoy the rest of your time here,

feel free to practice.

I'm still here if you have any other questions

and if not then

see you again,

if not in this life, then in the next.

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