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1. Zhen-bird
2. Siberian qigong: the hidden facet of qigong
3. Introduction

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 Seminars
 Introduction
 Chapter 1. The world as an energy ocean
 Chapter 2. The human energy body
 Chapter 3. Life as energy creativity
 Chapter 4. Immersion in hell
 Chapter 5. Energy and Information
 Chapter 6. People and egregors
 Chapter 7. Walking the Path of Life
 Chapter 8. Man and his spectrum
 Chapter 9. Man as an energy tornado
 Chapter 10. Thoughts
 Chapter 11. Energy language. Intuition. Signs. Amulets
 Chapter 12. Process and purpose
 Chapter 13. Transition from theory to practice
 Practice. Safe methods of energy work
 Lesson 1 (introductory)
 Session 2
 Session 3

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What makes the world the way we perceive it? Our sensory systems. But they are like a narrow
beam of light that illuminates this world in a limited way, leaving behind the threshold of our
perception a huge space, simply separated from us by the narrowness of our perception. We cannot
perceive ultrasound, we do not see either infrared or ultraviolet rays, but this does not mean that
they do not exist ... We only know part of the manifestation of the external world (Fig. 1.0)
Sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch register waves and vibrations. We see red because our eyes
adapt to this flow and see a specific wavelength, and this type of flow of energy our brain calls the
word "red". We smell the rose: it is our sense of smell that receives impulses of energy that surround
the rose and decode them as one of the familiar, characteristic smells. Each of our sensory systems
has a different range and function. Most people have roughly the same, except for a few exceptions
that have a wider range. Artists, in their communication with this world, have a wide range of colors.
They assign a name to many streams, they are able to highlight the smallest shades, mixing
colors, change the pulsation of streams, achieving a certain effect on the visual centers.
Sniffers have a developed perception of pulsations, which we define as smell. They are able to
distinguish thousands of scents that would go unnoticed for the average person.
There are people who are able to see those stars that you and I can only see through a
telescope, etc., etc.
All these manifestations of "extra" development of sensory systems, or simply "psychics". But
these are all the same abilities to distinguish one energy flow from another, some vibrations from
others and to be able to name them in verbal expression in the generally accepted system. And how
often do we come across manifestations that we cannot name, describe in familiar words, define in
general terms. How many surrounding shades we see and cannot tell what they are, how many
smells we feel, but we don’t know what to call them! The same happens with the sense of taste,
hearing, touch. All this is in those several systems of perception that have long been defined,
named, decomposed into shelves, we can only slightly expand these shelves, recognizing new
streams and assigning them generally accepted names.
With the help of these five systems, we perceive the world, but try to take away one of these
parts of your existing perception picture and you will see that your world will completely change. Try
to spend the day with your eyes closed, even in a familiar room, in complete comfort and safety. Do
not open your eyes all day and try to live with the same sensations, in the same rhythm. And if you
close your eyes for a year? And for a few years?
The same happens with other systems of information retention in a certain model. And we are
deprived of energetic sensations, control systems from birth, or rather we do not lose, but we forget
how to use it when there is no demand. We close our “energy eyes” and thereby deprive ourselves
of a more multifaceted perception of the world. We call “psychics” those who are trying to remember,
master, name another system of our interaction with the world, especially since it exists regardless
of our attitude to it.
The system of perception of the surrounding energies, those that do not fit into the very usual
shelves, is another shelf, uninhabited, incomprehensible, but more and more asserting itself.
In people, in groups or independently practicing Wu-Shu, Qi-Gong, meditation, this system
gradually returns to the "working" state. Someone immediately, from the first lessons, as if just
waiting and gladly declares itself, someone in a month, someone in a year, in a purely individual
Depending on the slag, on those familiar attitudes, instilled by upbringing, experience and rules
with which a person can limit himself. It is as if, due to some life circumstances, the foundations that
apply to everyone, for example, according to the laws of the community in which you were born, you
have been wearing a bandage that covers your ears from birth. And you do not perceive sounds and
think that this is normal, everyone's ears are closed and this does not attract anyone's attention, this
is an integral part of your life.
Once someone took off the bandage, opened his ears and heard the world around him, began
to perceive sounds. Then, another, third ... Once the whole tribe was able to hear the surrounding
world, enriching it with a whole fireworks of sounds: birdsong, music, voices, the murmur of streams,
the roar of a thunderstorm, the sound of rain ...
Roughly the same thing happens with energy sensations, with energy vision. There are already
those around us who feel, see, knock on us, trying to expand and decorate our world. They write and
speak, trying to throw off our dark bandage. Some of them let a mystical fog, someone takes
advantage of new opportunities for their own purposes, someone helps people to the best of their
abilities (healers), someone tries to teach ... But a person tends to doubt his own strengths, is
always present question: "Can I?"
We offer the following test:
Close your eyes and feel the middle finger on your right hand, just find it in your sensations,
then also the middle finger on your right foot. You know that you have it, that there are sensory
systems associated with this part of your body. For lack of demand, this structure "sleeps", it can be
woken up and brought into working condition, if you do this.
You also have an energy system, and some methods of working with it are described in this
book. Try to expand your range of perception of the world and we will be glad if we helped you in
any way.
© 2013 Victor and Marina Zalozhnov. Copying and distribution of materials from this site is permitted only with the consent of the owner.

Chapter 1. The world as an energy ocean

Everything around us is a manifestation of energy. Science has created many devices capable
of registering various spectra of energy flows. This is just one small part of the endlessly diverse
energy field that surrounds us. Every minute thousands of energy flows interact with each other,
intertwine, collide, and mutually enrich. These meetings change them, strengthening, destroying,
generating new streams, new impulses, new combinations.
Stars and planets pulsate, emitting waves of thermal, electromagnetic, light, gravitational and
other energy. In the material world of the Earth, each object also has its own energy portrait, a set of
pulsations, which create a unique appearance of one or another manifestation of matter: a building,
flower, tree, machine, bird or person, and so on. (Fig. 1.1)
Ultimately, energy manifests itself in its grossest material form. The clot of matter is only the
central part of the energy cloud, which consists of layers of different density.
All manifestation of energy (around and within it) is held in a relatively stable form by the
information matrix. It is she who determines the density of the field at each point, thickening and
rarefaction in certain areas, at a certain time. The imposition of the information matrix on the energy
field gives it a certain structure, a certain movement and the speed of this movement.
The field is not homogeneous in nature. It consists of vortices, flows, pulsations, energy, which
together create a unique, but internally changing, fluid system. If the energy-informational matrix is
sufficiently stable, then it keeps the total field in a balanced state.
Each object of the material world can be divided into a coarser energy-material part and a more
subtle one, which is difficult to feel, impossible to touch with your hands.
A person, like other objects, also consists of a material part, his body, and an energy part,
called the energy body. We will talk about it later.
All manifestations of energy are maintained in a relatively stable state with the help of the
energy-information matrix. This structure determines at each of its points and at each specific
moment the density of the energy field, its concentration or weakening. It also determines the
properties, movement and speed of the energy "cloud" of the object. After all, the energy field is
never monotonous in its wholeness. Inside, it consists of vortices, currents, pulsations, which,
interacting, form an integral, but constantly changing structure inside. When the information matrix is
stable enough, it keeps the energy field in balance.
If, at first glance, the material part of an object seems stable, physicists have long proved the
constant presence of movement and exchange of elementary particles of molecules. This movement
constantly renews, to a greater or lesser extent, the energy of the material structure. While such a
structure is still "new", the rotation potential of its energy field is strong, as is its ability to change
some parts of its energy field.
The exchange of elementary particles can also be accelerated by the energy vortices of the
ocean of energy that surrounds the structure. Constantly being in a state of energy exchange, the
integral structure maintains itself in a flexible and mobile state. The rhythm of such an exchange is
not constant (by the way, this is one of the factors that determine the viability of each object): it is not
only different in nature, but may even be contradictory, which in turn directly affects the rotation of
the energy field.
We emphasize the importance of energy metabolism because it is very closely related to our
health. We can say that this is the key to our health.
We all know that in one minute, several million cells die and evacuate, leaving room for new
cells to emerge and develop. At the organ level, healthy matter is constantly fed with energy and
micronutrients, but at the same time it must release waste and decomposition products. If, having
lost its active properties, the energy leaves the organ without lingering, if together with it, without
leaving destructive consequences, without poisoning the tissue and without interfering with the
processes flowing in it, material toxins also leave. Then this body will be able to function for a long
time and, moreover, at the maximum of its capabilities. But if the excretory system does not fully
fulfill its role, then material and energy toxins are deposited in the organ itself. Gradually, they will
reduce tissue elasticity and the permeability of cell membranes - properties necessary to participate
in the exchange of energy and macronutrients. At first, such "intoxication" appears only in certain
places, but over time, the negative effect spreads to other body functions, further interfering with the
normal elimination of toxins. The organ is sick.
Similar to the physiological level, energy plays a primary role at other levels: psychological and
mental. In addition, the slightest change at one of the levels is immediately reflected in the other
Let us emphasize that energy metabolism is vital for our health. To maintain a good energy
metabolism, we can:
1. Perform physical exercises to activate tissues, to cleanse them, to accelerate the circulation
of blood, lymph and other body fluids.
2. Performing energy exercises to stimulate and strengthen the energy field of our body in
general, or any organ in particular, enveloping them with new and moving energy.
3. Carefully and regularly observing yourself is the most accurate and valuable mechanism on
the work of which your life depends. It is worth analyzing both the work of its individual parts and
systems, and the whole whole.
It is important not to allow energy to stagnate in any areas of the body, but to help it flow calmly
and naturally through its channels. Energy is like water: transparent, lively and powerful when it runs
in mountain streams; passive, dead and clouded when stopped in the lowlands.

Chapter 2. The human energy body

Man, like any object in the Universe, has its own material part and energy part.
The physical body (Fig. 2.1), which is well known to us and consists of bone tissues, dense
tissues (organs, muscles), as well as fluids that supply tissues with nutrients through the vessels and
support their life support.
The energy body , which is more unusual for us, is in turn divided into internal and external ...
- internal energy body: centers and channels of energy within the physical body.
- external energy body: centers and shells around the physical body.
The internal energy body manifests itself in the form of energy  centers that accumulate energy and channels that carry
this energy (like veins and arteries that permeate the entire body).
An energy center is a set of combinations of types of energy in one of the zones of the
body. Tissue of different density communicates with energy corresponding to density. In India, the
energy center is called chakra, in China, dan-tien. Their number in different teachings is different,
depending on the degree and depth of concentration required in each specific teaching. By
developing energy sensitivity, such a center can be found in every organ of the physical body.
Such a center is the energy core located inside the organ and capable of drawing in energy
from the peripheral zones of the organ or spreading it out, depending on needs. It is he who forms
the energetic and material feature of each organ.
Even smaller energy centers can be called any cell of the physical body, which appears as an
object with its material and energy parts. The cell nucleus plays the role of a center that absorbs or
radiates energy (Fig. 2.2).
Mo zhno also define internal energy body as Ensemble

different energy fields, substructures that make up the physical body, its atom, every molecule,
every organ and every center of tension at different levels of the body. Starting from the activity of
the smallest pulsations to the total vortex, each of the structures contributes its part of the spectrum
to this ensemble, to the overall picture of the internal energy body.

The external energy body is a field that surrounds the physical body, defining its internal
qualities like an apple hiding a seed inside itself, imparting certain genetic properties (Fig. 2.3). At
the same time, it is subject to the influences of the physical body and internal energy. The outer
body is changeable, mobile, like a tornado of energy that continuously rotates, is in motion. This is a
whirlpool, the rotation of which easily changes with a change in the state of the physical body,
internal rhythms and interaction with the surrounding currents, the influence of external rhythms.

1) Each such tornado of energy is in contact with the corresponding only "set" of external
relationships of everything around: galaxies, planets, cities, buildings, paintings, music, people,
objects, food, clothing ... This set influences and even determines the specifics all parameters
inherent in the investigated object.
The external energy body of a person consists of shells or cocoons, of information and energy
centers, which, respectively, are located in the upper channel and in the lower channel (Figure 2.4).

Shells of the outer energy body


The structure of the external energy body is similar to both an orange and an onion.
“Onion”, because the structure of the onion and the external energy body consists of scales or
layers of energy, sequentially covering each other, which we call cocoons or shells (Fig. 2.5). The
shape of the cocoon or shell is determined by the boundaries. One boundary is the inner membrane,
the other boundary is the outer membrane, particles of energy circulate between them. When we talk
about cocoons or shells, we mean the energy in them and the surrounding membranes.
The energy that circulates between the membranes of the cocoons is born in the energy
centers of the upper and lower channels. The membrane is the carrier of information and the energy
that fills the space between the membranes corresponds to the information present on the
membrane. It is this information that determines the specifics of the external energy body. The
membranes have numerous "leaflets" that are adapted to transmitting various vibrations. These are
kind of complex computers that assimilate and reflect information. 
(see chapter 5 for more details). The membranes of the membranes are very specific for each
person, they are so different that it is impossible to find two identical people. We have a fairly large
number of shells, neighboring shells are separated by a common membrane (Fig. 2.6).

"Orange", because of its structure: the outer energy body is divided into segments by vertical
ribs of stiffness, which stabilize the shells and serve as a relationship between the energy centers of
the upper and lower channels. The number of stiffening ribs varies depending on the person, but on
average there are 8 of them (Fig. 2.7).
The shells also have horizontal ribs of rigidity, their number is 6, they are at the level of the
temples, mouth, collarbone, diaphragm, navel and sexual organs (Fig. 2.8).

Horizontal ribs of rigidity serve to maintain the elasticity of the shells and horizontal propagation
between the shells (from one to the other) or between the shells and the physical body. In this way,
the size and shape of the membranes are corrected, their adaptation to external situations that a
person is exposed to (stress, relaxation ...). Thus, when a feeling of danger is felt, information of the
"pull inside the shell" type spreads along the horizontal ribs of stiffness in order to increase the
strength of the internal energy and physical body and thereby protect them in a period of weakness
and fragility, making them less sensitive.
The shells are constructed and unfold gradually with the growth of a person; at the moment of
birth, they have only information of potential disclosure. In the process of human growth, the
physiological membranes first open, usually there are 4 of them, they are formed and open in the
first years of life. Up to 6 years of age, child's physical activity allows them to open up, fill and enrich
these shells. The child turns into an energy generator that irrigates its shells. The skin and inner
membrane of our first shell is the first physiological cocoon of external energy. It gives energy to the
physical body (and the property of mutual influence of the physical and energy body). This cocoon
has a very dense energy and affects the physical body, while protecting it as a layer of protective
energy. The membranes of the physiological membranes contain information
After 6 years, the psychological shells are preparing to open, their number is also 4 (this is the
5th, 6th, 7th and 8th cocoon of the external energy body). They contain psychic energy. They are
much larger and lighter than the shells associated with the physical body. These are cocoons that
allow us to feel emotions, they are associated with emotional sensitivity and our sentimentality.
About 13 years old, mental shells begin to form and open, in the amount of 4 (from the 9th to
the 12th cocoon). Starting from this age, ideas and thoughts arise that allow to open mental
cocoons, which finish their development at about 24 years. At this point, the disclosure period
ends. The membrane of the 12th and last shell is the most dense in comparison with others, since it
is a protective membrane and is the border of the material world. This last cocoon contains the entire
Universe and the information of the material world. Each of us contains the entire Universe, but we
cannot always feel it if our cocoons are not sufficiently developed. Unfortunately, it is almost
impossible to have shells that have developed and opened up magnificently by themselves. Life
provokes both deformation and partial destruction of the information inscribed on the membranes.
Finally, between the age of 24 and 33, the outer shells begin their structure and the opening of
cocoons, which are necessary for society and spiritual development, they are in contact with
egregors (in more detail in Chapter 6). If before the age of 24, the opening of physiological,
psychological and mental went from the center to the periphery, for many from this age another
development begins, which begins to dominate the previous development. The shells begin to unfold
in a manner
"Egocentric", "introvert". They do not seek to search for information outside, but rather work on
the implementation of the information that is inside them. The physical body does not receive other
resonances, except for the mixture of the activity of the mental cocoons with the rest.
This pattern of cocoon opening, depending on age, of course, varies and is very individual for
each person.
The construction and opening of the cocoons with their membranes is very important, further,
we will look at this in more detail in the following chapters. Life events often affect this process. Due
to trauma, for example, if a cocoon cannot find energy, save it, it needs recharge, it remains
empty. Thus, in an extreme case, a person who could not reveal his psychological shells will not be
able to be interested in anything other than that which is connected with the physical body. He is
engaged only in what satisfies physical needs, hunger, sleep, sex, physical protection ... Only one
part of him exists and commands, his animal part.
Energy and information centers of the external energy body.
These centers are located in two wells or channels that each person possesses, the upper
channel directed to Heaven and the lower channel directed to the Earth. These two channels, like
two pipes, serve to hold the centers, their walls provide a connection between the centers and allow
aligning and combining the results of various changes that occur at every moment at different levels
of the centers.
The centers play the role of analyzers and regulators of information (those located in the upper
channel) and energy (those located in the lower channel), they also perform the task of filters. On
average, their number is 10, 5 in the upper channel, 5 in the lower channel. They can interact with
each other through membranes and vertical stiffeners that provide communication. By analogy with
a tree, we can say that cocoons have their roots in the energy centers of the lower channel and their
crown in the information centers of the upper channel (Fig. 2.9).

The centers of the lower channel receive energy from the outside and adapt it. They then fill
the shells with this transformed energy for later use. Each of the centers has its own specifics and its
own spectrum of energy. They all react instantly to the slightest change in our physical
activity. Depending on personal disclosure, a person may have some centers more developed than
others. Such centers are more filled with energy and, accordingly, more active.
The centers of the upper channel are very sensitive to external information and serve as
filters, decision centers. If necessary, they quickly send information to the membranes of the
cocoons with which they are connected.
In the upper channel, the upper centers (located higher) can send information for the correction
and enrichment of the centers located below, this process is carried out through the "common"
membranes of the cocoons. The reverse process takes place in the lower channel at the level of
energy centers.
When the upper center of the upper channel is weak, does not perform well its functions as a
filter, it can send too much information to the centers located below. Or vice versa, in the case of the
energy centers of the lower channel, one of the cents located below can prevent the energy from
rising. These functions are very subtle and stress can easily disrupt the work of the centers.
For example, if in one person the first information center (cerebellum) cannot adapt the
information descending along the upper channel, the physical body becomes more and more
energetic. It can no longer absorb information, the membranes of the physiological membranes are
depleted for information, the cocoons begin to swell from an overabundance of unused
energy. Gradually, a person stops responding with information to emerging situations, for example,
to send signals to the immune system.
The functions of his body are weakened and become more and more passive. With this huge
supply of energy, without the process of informational functioning (which provokes the use of
accumulated energy), a person begins to get fat.
On the contrary, if one of the energy centers is blocked, a person, whose functions are very
active, uses all his energy completely for nutrition and use of information, he begins to lose weight.
Later in the following chapters, we will look at the relationship between energy and information.
We have examined the external energy body and now we will return to its characteristics.
The external energy body of a person is a whirlwind of energy, a whirlwind of constant motion
(Fig. 2. 10).
Basically, if a person is healthy, his energy is in constant motion and rotation. She interacts with
everything that surrounds him. Everything that has its own energy bodies - galaxies, planets, cities,
houses, people, clothes, food, works of art ... This is a network of interaction of energy tornadoes
and it is specific for each.
The more active tornadoes around a person, which, in contact with his cocoon, “spin” some,
albeit small, area, make some inner center pulsate more actively, the greater the mobility, power,
stability and vitality of the physical and energy body. The material part of the objects around us and
our physical realization at first glance seems to be static, unshakable, but physics has long
discovered that the exchange of elementary particles is constantly taking place in molecules.
Particles arriving from outside “knock out” similar ones, taking their place and bringing with
them a new supply of energy into the overall structure. And this interchange is happening all the
If the structure is “new”, has a large potential reserve of inertia of rotation of its tornado, has the
ease of transforming sections of its field depending on needs, then elementary particles are easily
replaced using the common ocean of energy, the fields of neighboring tornadoes. The entire energy-
informational structure, constantly receiving an inflow of energy and giving it out, is in a state of
movement, flow in all layers and spectra.
In reality, the potential for such movement and exchange is different for each person, therefore
our viability is different.
During life, facing all kinds of energy spectra, often negative flows, there is “slagging”,
suspension of rotation in certain sectors of the field, loss of motion and, as a result, aging and decay
of this area, and then of the entire tornado as a whole.
As an example, consider any of the human organs. Healthy elastic tissue all the time receives
nutrients, energy and, in the process of life, releases decay products, waste. If these decay products
are removed in a timely manner, without their negative impact on the tissue and functional
processes of the organ, if the energy that has lost its active properties is eliminated without delay, if
material and energy toxins leave without leaving its destructive trace, then the organ is able to
function for a long time, maintaining their efficiency. Every minute, several million cells die in the
human body, which are excreted through the cleansing system, making room for new cells that are
born and develop. If the system for removing obsolete structures does not cope with its
functions, then the slags begin to settle in the organs, impairing the elasticity of tissues, the
permeability of cell membranes. There is a "slag", at first local, then more and more extensive, the
exchange with other systems of the body's life becomes worse, more and more dirt clogging the
tissue. As a result, the organ becomes ill.
Maintaining normal energy metabolism and metabolism is possible when the following
standards of taking care of one's own health are observed: 1) performing certain physical exercises
that knead the tissues, eliminate the inert state, forcing one to cleanse, actively pass blood, lymph
and other fluids through the tissues of organs; 2) the use of energy exercises that make the field
surrounding the organ or the body of a person as a whole move, embracing it with living, flowing
energy. To prevent stagnation of energy in some zones, to promote its calm, natural flow through the
channels. After all, energy is like water, which, when it flows in a mountain stream, is transparent,
life-giving, contains a huge potential for activity, and when it stops running, flowing out onto the
plains, it becomes covered with mud, becomes dead,
Our thoughts are also one of the types of energy flows, and by concentrating our thought, we
can turn it into an instrument that will control the flows inside and around us. The success of energy
work, mastery of this instrument depends on the ability to concentrate, to focus one's attention; 3)
caring for your body, like caring for your favorite mechanism, on the well-coordinated work of
individual parts of which our whole life depends.

Chapter 3. Life as energy creativity

Whether we realize it or not, human life is a constant energy work, when a new, unique energy
object is purposefully created, using the surrounding energy bunches with their specific energy
The stone sculptor creates a statue by acting on the field of the stone, changing its vibrations
and density. The appearance and perception of this energy bunch completely changes, the system
of conjugation of densities and discharges of its structure changes, a field that is completely new in
its qualities is created, which purposefully affects the energy cocoon of the viewer.
The worker, while producing some material values, is also in the process of manipulating the
surrounding energy. The creation from the initial material of any objects with a certain physical form
and, therefore, with certain energy conjugations (including a change in energy in a material object),
forms an information matrix that holds energy in a certain form, form, collects many vortices,
energies into energy bunches, brings and unites their fields, allows people to create large, holistic
structures. Any activity, from cooking to scientific discoveries, contains the creative process of
creation, the formation of energy clots that purposefully affect the cocoon of an individual person, the
energy structure of a community of people, and an integral energy-informational matrix of the entire
Everything around us is a tornado of energy. We interact with them, the sum of our personal
tornadoes. We adapt some of them to ourselves, if there is a supply of power for control and a
personal cyclone is stronger than the general ones, or we adapt to stronger tornadoes, using their
For example, rearranging things in an apartment, we change the total interaction of their flows,
we get an unusual, renewing rotation of our tornado.
Throwing out the old “empty” one, tired of the constancy of its pulsations, the thing from which
we used its specificity, the power of energy and acquiring a new one, which gives movement to our
cocoon with its unusual impulses, we renew our own cocoon, the internal interaction of flows.
New friends appear - we feel an interest, a need for communication and at first we mutually
strengthen and enrich each other, carefully getting to know each other, adapting. But when the time
passes for rubbing the whirlwinds to each other, in one case, we lose interest, not getting anything
new anymore, and become a cocoon carrying a “leech” that uses us to feed itself. If there is
strength, enough dynamics, then we throw it off, receiving in response a stream of negative
emotions, which, having a rough energy spectrum, pollute our shells.
In another case, we continue to feel the need for contacts with this acquaintance, because he
continues to unwind our energy. Here we meet a strong energy clot, which has the uniqueness of
the tornado's rotation, then we begin to show energetic “vampirism” in our desire to use someone's
driving force to our advantage, despite our upbringing that recommends us to do good deeds.
And in the third case, to mutual relief, we part with this acquaintance without regret. Each of us
received the necessary incentive and we prefer to look for something new. 
If we do something good, altruistic in life, such actions repel both the one to whom they were
intended and the one who undertook them. In this case, two energy clouds meet. One of which,
using its potential energy reserve, spun, fed the other and, having not received mutual rotation,
wasted in vain, even if the excess of its reserve. This cloud-man intuitively moves away, moves
away. And the one who received a powerful impulse also departs, because now the relationship is
changing, but more often it seeks to parasitize, using the potential of the other.
The pleasure of being able to give something good turns out to be complete when you see the
response. In this case, as a gift, you give a fresh tornado, an energy cloud that falls into the
spectrum of your friend, activates his shells and already contact with the result gives you an impulse
to unwind. In this version, mutual feeding and activation occurs, awakening the desire for new
meetings. If the gift does not resonate, then it does not cause the expected reaction and energy
exchange does not occur.
Money is one of the universal tornadoes of energy, a kind of "key", which has the ability to enter
into resonance with almost any structure and spin its cocoon, creating new combinations of
vortices. Using this opportunity, you can create the optimal version of the tornadoes surrounding
you, acquiring, buying the necessary combination of situations. This is a universal key to filling your
own matrix with the energy of novelty, it allows you to fill your cocoon and the web of surrounding
interconnections with energy with a new spectrum. The desire to expand your spectrum leads to an
intuitive desire for wealth. Then a person has a key to a thousand doors, allowing him to touch some
new modulations in combinations of energy cocoons. He opens these doors at will, I want more and
more new and more and more thrills, and here we are in danger. The number of doors depends on
the energy supply of the money-key. While a person controls the opening or non-opening of these
doors, he develops, chooses, experiments. But at a certain stage in this process, the irreparable
may occur, when he is unable to maintain control and the doors open from the other side - from the
energy of things, from the power of their potential. And these flows from all sides overwhelm a
person, he cannot cope with such energy pressure, his cocoon begins to react chaotically to this
tough pressure, “chokes”, becomes infantile, helpless and things already control a person, he
becomes their slave. While a person controls the opening or non-opening of these doors, he
develops, chooses, experiments. But at a certain stage in this process, the irreparable may occur,
when he is unable to maintain control and the doors open from the other side - from the energy of
things, from the power of their potential. And these flows from all sides overwhelm a person, he
cannot cope with such energy pressure, his cocoon begins to react chaotically to this tough
pressure, “chokes”, becomes infantile, helpless and things already control a person, he becomes
their slave. While a person controls the opening or non-opening of these doors, he develops,
chooses, experiments. But at a certain stage in this process, the irreparable may occur, when he is
unable to maintain control and the doors open from the other side - from the energy of things, from
the power of their potential. And these flows from all sides overwhelm a person, he cannot cope with
such energy pressure, his cocoon begins to react chaotically to this tough pressure, “chokes”,
becomes infantile, helpless and things already control a person, he becomes their slave.
Money is the toughest test for a human tornado, because it also stirs up the dirtiest, basest,
stagnant energetic manifestations from the people around. Money inherently possesses a set of the
most dangerous spectrum in its indomitability and attractiveness.
The word is another universal key to interacting with the outside world. It is an energy clot like a
crystal. Coming into this world as young children, we feel it in volume and multicolor, but we are told
that any word is a designation only for something specific, single, and thereby limit our vision of the
world. Then we see only one ray of the crystal, a rational, conscious edge, losing all the energy
volume, the versatility of the spectrum under the muddy water of limitations. Sometimes in our
vocabulary we come across words that have several meanings, and then we see several rays that
direct us to the relationship of the meaning of the word with its energetic essence. If a word is
repeated many times, then it gradually loses its usual meaning and acquires other, more abstract
and therefore more voluminous outlines. There is another opportunity to feel the depth of the
content, emasculated in the everyday use of words and returned to the primordial perception,
unclouded by human consciousness. Meditations on the word, chosen for the contact of its deep
meaning with the cocoon of energy of the perceiver, make it possible to look into another world, into
another perception, into other spheres of consciousness.
Teaching us in childhood, we are given codes or “spells” so that our intention, needs, filling
some kind of energy-informational frame, appear in the material world as an object, situation, case,
Around us is a chaos of energy, with many interconnections, random and created by someone,
from which each creates his own vision of the surrounding world, its specific manifestations from
global to tiny ones. Many combinations of energy manifestations are of a mass, group nature, when
people jointly create a certain, stable energy picture. But everyone perceives it in their own way and
no one can completely duplicate the vision of the other. For example, all of us, as city dwellers, from
the first glimpses of consciousness, constantly come into contact with the view of streets, houses,
trees, which have an integral relationship in our consciousness. All people living in this environment
create and keep it in a certain, rigidly fixed state of subtle and material energy combinations.
A person with a bright appearance, filled with sparkling activity, different from the average
stereotype, attracts the attention of others, absorbs many streams, impulses, hard and soft in their
structure. Some strengthen it, add activity and optimism to it, others are poison that decomposes the
strength of its energetic relationships; the third are inert, viscous, envelop the active energy structure
like glue, slag it; the fourth are distinguished by the purposefulness of the destructive action, they hit,
break the human cocoon, like logs flying into a cobweb. The last of the listed types of interaction are
usually called "evil eye", "corruption" and they most often attract the attention of healers, healers
who use the experience of energy work preserved in the esoteric heritage of the people.
Logs of energy impacts burst into the vortex of the cocoon's energy and cause a response that
depends on the strength of the cocoon, the amount of energy.
If your own or acquired from the outside energy supply is enough to reject foreign interference,
then the whirlpool throws it away, clears this load. If there is not enough activity, then the dirt settles
in the shells, then acts negatively on the physical body and affects the general well-being, depending
on the energy density, strength and inertia of the embedded charge.
While settling, the slags clog the vortex of energy with debris and each time it becomes more
and more difficult to clean. The presence of dirt in the shells is expressed by an increase in passivity,
poor health, a desire for loneliness and, as a result, a lack of mutual promotion during energetic
With age, the tornado of energy slows down the speed of rotation, loses its activity, becomes
almost inert, and this is expressed in relation to the surrounding world. Old people get irritated with
young people. The rejection of the new, offending and trying to “stir up” this inert mass, is expressed
in the desire to withdraw into one's own little world, the inner rhythm of life of which is subordinated
to the possibilities of a tornado. Gradually, a person “grows in old things”, habits, attachments that
do not have an internal supply of energy and activity.
As a result, he is seized by complete inertia, emptiness, numbness and death. After the death
of the physical body, all the gross energy accumulated in the tornado of the cocoon remains in the
material world. Only a thin light layer of energy, a soul, an information matrix, enriched with the
experience of interaction with the material world, leaves, transforms.
There are many ways to prolong the activity of the tornado's rotation and people intuitively use
them, feeling the need for renewal when the load of toxins becomes unbearable.
When a husband becomes cold to his life partner, ceases to notice her presence, treats her as
something routinely familiar, then the wife, if she is not indifferent to her husband's attitude, changes
her hair, clothes, demeanor, tries to bring something new into her usual way of life, which creates
new attractive streams in its cocoon. And, as a rule, it acts beneficially, arouses interest, attention
and renewal of relations in the family.
A sudden change in activity, environment, rhythm of one's life forces the internal energy
structures to look for opportunities to adapt to changed conditions, to show elasticity in adaptation, to
activate reserves for the transformation of an energy tornado.
Some people use scandals, aggravation of relations, violent, violent collision of their cocoon
with others as such “shocks”. As a result of the storm that has swept through, they receive a certain
relief effect when part of the dirt that has settled on the shells flies off as a result of such
collisions. The shells, straightening out, acquire the ability to absorb a new portion of fresh energy
and information, although most of it is dirt, since this purification is provoked by negative actions. For
some time, adaptation to the resulting shake occurs, which causes at least some acceleration of the
movement of energy inside the cocoon, but such a stimulus simultaneously burdens the cocoon with
a heavy spectrum, so very soon the need for the next skirmish arises again.
There are also variants of specially created stress, in which, instead of a hard collision with
people, consciously created extreme conditions of influence on the physical body are used to renew
the energy of the cocoon. This can be sports, dousing with cold water, walking barefoot on snow,
coals and earth, using contrast showers, and much more. In this case, the influence on the energy
body is through a physical and mental shock that strengthens all these three principles.

Chapter 4. Immersion in hell

In our difficult, crazy time, a person is so busy with his problems that it has become the order of
things to answer the question: "How do you feel?" - to answer: "I do not feel, I have no time!" Such
an approach to oneself and one's body is possible as long as it functions normally, coping with
overloads, but when the disease begins, the body somehow immediately comes to the fore, pushing
away everything else. A person thinks about health only when it starts to go away.
After 30, or even earlier, we consider it normal to have 2-3 chronic diseases, which, like on a
chain, pull more and more ... We even list each other with some hidden pleasure where and what it
hurts. And our illnesses, if they are not the result of an accident, are the fruit of our laziness or
ignorance of our own body. Unwillingness to listen to his needs. We carefully monitor everything: the
hostess for cleanliness in the kitchen (she knows exactly where, what is lying, what needs to be
washed, what to wipe), the motorist studies the device of his car to the cog, lubricates, cleans,
because she understands that from the interaction of parts her work will depend. We will never hit
our tape recorder with a brick, but here on the liver, a glass of vodka, please !!! On a light cigarette,
many times a day ... We exploit our nervous system to breakdowns.
We treat our body as a slave, which can be replaced at any time, forgetting that without its good
condition and working capacity, everything else simply does not matter.
One of the important things that we miss in childhood is the ability to relax. We are taught to
exert physical, psychological and mental stress. And we are straining more and more in all our
And the ability of any system to strain depends on its own ability to relax. This applies both to
the energy field that surrounds a person and to any part of the physical body: the skin is young,
while elastic, it easily stretches and contracts; the heart works well as long as it contracts and
relaxes easily. The same applies to any organ and to any cell - the ability of the cell membrane to
stretch, absorbing nutrients, energy and contract, throwing waste out of itself.
The better, the more complete the relaxation occurs, the more active then the tension, the wider
the range of influences that a given system can withstand, the higher its viability.
In childhood, the child's body relaxes very spontaneously. After exertion, the restoration of
activity occurs quickly - half an hour of daytime sleep and again - a sea of raging energy. With age,
when muscles and internal tissues become slagged, they cannot easily relax, relieving tension and,
accordingly, cannot withstand heavy loads, since tension remains in the tissues, which is growing all
the time.
More and more time is needed for recovery, but it is not fully implemented, since there is no
longer that elasticity, that resistance to external factors.
An analogy can be drawn with the body as a whole. The energy shells surrounding the physical
body also accumulate energy waste, and elasticity, the ability to recover is quickly lost. As a result of
stress, energy shock, spasm and distortion of the energy cocoon occurs. One of the layers (shells)
loses the ability to transmit energy from the inside and outside (Figure 4.1).

Isolation occurs, a delay in the internal currents of energy and shells, this stagnation is
transmitted to the physical body, which, losing the mobility of the joints and muscles, is fettered by a
rigid shell. Then the human cocoon resembles not a living, flowing, iridescent tornado, but a dark,
cold cobblestone. Its internal channels do not receive external recharge, the flow of energy in them
slows down, leading to slagging of channels, organs, cells. And which organ will “scream” with pain
first, signaling that not everything is in order, depends on the individual weakness of each
organism. Pain is always a signal that a dam has formed in your energy tornado that does not allow
General unbalance can also occur with hypervoltage of one of the components of the system
(Fig. 4.2).

For example, with mental stress, activity is concentrated in the brain and mental membranes.
If a person knows how to distribute this activity throughout the body, and to establish good
circulation and exchange between them, to the entire cocoon surrounding the body, then the activity,
being distributed over all substructures, up to the cellular level, will give you stability and stimulate
the activity of the physical body and energy shells. If (which happens more often) we hope that the
malaise will go away on its own, then after a while, we will be surprised: "My kidneys have never
hurt!" or "The liver has never bothered me before," etc.
The same happens with psychological and physical stress.
Our body is entwined with energy channels, which, like blood, lymphatic vessels, wash our
tissues with energy and 
serve as an information exchange system. With constant clamping of tissues, normal circulation
of energy through the channels is impossible. The fabric accumulates both material and energy
slags. Gradually, such slagging leads to the accumulation of stagnant processes around some,
usually the weakest organ. The tissue is overgrown with a film, which first delays energy supply and
cleaning, and then tissue. Nerve endings signal this with pain impulses, calling on the human
defenses. And at the same time, pain causes tension in the surrounding tissues, which further
exacerbates the organ's isolation from the general nutritional and energy metabolism. Attention is
concentrated on one painful area and stops the already frozen, motionless energy.
In case of painful sensations, it is necessary to relax the organ itself and the surrounding
tissues as much as possible, since relaxation of the tissues will allow the energy flows to move more
easily. Concentrating on the painful stagnant zone, you need to give it movement by untwisting the
energy (Figure 4.3 a), or, taking the flow from the outside, wash away the slags and dirt with a
stream (Figure 4.3 b), removing them from the body.
Pain pills help in part, they dull pain signals in the brain centers and soften the tension of the
surrounding tissues. But since there are no signals, the body “thinks” that everything is in order, and
the organ continues to deteriorate.
All of the above suggests that everything in our physical and energy body is very
interconnected. A person's energy tornado, his pulsating cloud, is constantly influenced by many
factors that change internal flows, pulsations, thickening and rarefaction of the field in certain
zones. These factors can be internal or external. The total field consists of total tornadoes (clouds, 
fields) substructures. Each of these substructures contributes to the overall picture. From the
activity of the smallest pulsations to the general tornado.
With good exchange between energy layers, the overall system is mobile and stable. It is
necessary to create activity of all levels and mutual permeability from layer to layer, mutual recharge,
enhancing the total power from atomic to the highest levels. There are various techniques for this,
some of which we will get to know later.

Chapter 5. Energy and Information

What do these two concepts, energy and information, include? Energy is a mass that has no
shape, its shape is determined by information. Information is a part that has no power without
energy. It is a passive element, but as soon as information connects with energy (provided that a
given level of energy corresponds to this information), it begins to reveal its abilities to give shape
and transform this level of energy. Interaction is dialectical as a miracle. Why is every leaf of the
same tree unique? Why is it impossible to find two identical leaves with the same genetic code? The
genetic code is written in the grain and gives rise to the development of the trunk, branches,
leaves ... and each leaf, starting its own life, meets different spectra of energy from the outside. No
leaf looks like its neighbor (neither in the number of cells, nor in shape, nor by color): they have a
different amount and spectrum of energy, this difference is the informational difference. This is
information that gives one single realization and structure for all spectra and energy
levels. Information that is in the information matrix of the "object".
At our level, the genetic code is the base from which we begin to develop and from the "basic"
information written on our energy-information matrix, we implement, then all the other parts of our
energy body and our nature.

Energy and information in human development.

Every person's life begins with a small bundle of information. Two spirals with very compressed
coils meet in the mother's energy cloud. These are two genetic spirals (paternal and maternal). As
soon as this meeting occurs, a clot formed in this way meets with the necessary energy to realize its
information. About three months, the third spiral, which includes the personality (soul), comes into
contact and fuses with the first two.
Spirals are made up of successive layers of information. They begin to absorb energy, gradually
opening their coils circle by circle and accumulating energy. Begins to form a physical body (Fig.
The embryo, being formed at the expense of the mother's energy as its base, has at the
beginning the spectrum of energy that the mother possesses at a given time. But later, in the
process of opening the external energy body of the child, this spectrum is gradually changing. Thus,
after birth, the spirals continue to unfold more and more. They, 
attracting spectra of energy that begin to differ from the spectrum of the mother. Then, when the
psychological shells unfold in turn, the child begins to need more rigid energy, his father or the
people around him, until the moment the mental shells begin to open. At this time, the parents start
to interfere. The child begins to need energy that is not related to the family. Parents spontaneously
provoke activity in their child at the level of the membranes closest to the body (1st and 2nd
cocoons), which very often prevents him from continuing his development and opening the 3rd
cocoon if it does not partially move away. This period corresponds to adolescence, which is often
accompanied by crises. There are exceptions if the parents continue their development and are
interested in information and energy exchange with their child, continuing to reveal their own
spectrum in such an exchange. But these cases are very rare.
The capabilities of one individual, his intelligence, his speed of thinking, or his lack of
understanding are the results of combining energy and information in mental sheaths.
In the process of development, the external energy body of a person attracts external energy,
gradually fills the shells. In this process, the cocoons and membranes gradually move away from
each other, the information that at first was a single block (or a tightly compressed spiral) becomes
more accessible and used.
The basic resources of each individual are fundamentally dependent on the initial bundle of
information, on the spiral of the personality and on the spirals of the parents. If the strength of the
personality spiral depends on the parent structure (see in the next chapter), then the strength of the
genetic spiral is the result of the state of the parents, the ratio of their energy and information at the
moment of conception. The child inherits the strongest parts that are most active at the moment of
If the parents have passed the age of 30 years, they are at the moment of the development of
external energy cocoons of the spiritual plane. At this moment, their physiological and psychological
shells in relations with external energy are more and more passive (since most of their information
has already been realized). Thus, there is not enough activity and energy on the physiological and
psychological planes, but on the contrary there is tremendous power on the mental plane. This
power will be inherited by the child. If, on the contrary, the parents are younger, they will give
physical and psychological stability to their child. But, naturally, this process has many options in
each case.
The process of implementing information.
The disclosure and realization of the potentialities of the base of the genetic spiral and the spiral
of personality depend on many factors. Like a grain planted in the Earth, what will grow depends on
the factors influencing it: on the purpose: on the type of grain that will give a tree, a blade of grass, a
vegetable, wheat ... It depends on the purpose for which a person came to Earth. (see next chapter).

The quality and vitality of the genetic specifics: one bad seed, with a defect, cannot give a
strong sprout, the question may simply arise to be or not to be.
Environmental quality and soil quality. If we plant grain in rich and fertile land, or vice versa poor
and sandy, we will get a different effect. Cactus grows better in sand, potatoes in humus, and so
on ... A similar process occurs in humans. The formation of a child depends on the country, from the
family in which he was born, was he expected or not, and so on ...
The future development of the grain depends on the complexity of the information layers, on the
levels of information received and on the energy that the information clot is able to hold.
At first, as we can see, the initial clot of information pulls in information, but each information
layer can only adapt the energy that it can hold. Since information for activity and self-realization
should attract energy, and only the energy corresponding to it. (Each of us has one spectrum or
range within which the energy-information fusion operates, and each spectrum can interact only with
the corresponding energy that it is able to hold). All information layers cannot be realized at the
same time. It is a lifelong process. Like an endless number of drawers that we open and close one
after the other. Each of these boxes contains our information and depending on the energy found
around us,
Our nature pushes us to pull our head out of the shell, pushes our curiosity to open boxes in
order to check, learn, test, expose our information to contact with everyday life. In the end, the
information that we open, or we can open during the testing process, begins to correct, correct,
deform or destroy our "basic" information that was recorded on the energy - information matrix. As
we have already said, if in the process of opening the energy body of a person, the process of
separation, the progressive release of information, is subjected to harsh influence and
implementation from the outside (depending on situations in a person's life). Sometimes there is a
deformation of the information chain. This deformation can cause different areas to “stick together”
where energy can no longer circulate, or there are information folds that distort the implementation of
information. This happens more often at the psychological level, less often at the physical
level. Why? Due to the great mobility and sensitivity of psychological shells. On the other hand, if
society is trying to protect a person from stress and physical trauma, then he does not pay any
attention (and cannot do anything) with psychological trauma.

Parallel to the disclosure process, or as a consequence of it, the luggage or drawer, which
contains only the energy that has been accumulated, begins in turn to attract new information from
the outside. Then this information pulls with it a new, evolving spectrum of energy that expands our
capabilities, which in turn is able to hold other information.
Through our information centers, a person receives information from the outside world, and
adapts it to the best of his abilities. Information accumulates, looks for new energy, and so on ... This
process is similar to a scale, the arrow of which moves to the right - left - right - left, depending on
the filling of one or the other bowl (Figure 5.2).

The reserve of basic information on one side of the scale is opposed by the other side, full of
the energy of the space that surrounds us. If the spectrum of energy is rich, it attracts the spectrum
of information, which is also quite rich and wide, and the bowl begins to outweigh.
Imagine that an ordinary person with his own spectrum of energy and information (basic and
acquired), began to work with energy exercises, began to practice Qigong. He studies the initial
skills, like the initial letters of the alphabet A, B, C ..., acquires the first skills in energy storage. At the
beginning, he fills the zones that need energy, then begins to accumulate a supply of energy. This
accumulated reserve begins to need information (a person is looking for books on energy work,
looking for new acquaintances that expand his worldview, change the circle of ordinary interests,
conversations, reflections), accumulating in turn, this information begins to need new energy for its
implementation ( a person uses methods of energy storage). A new spiral of information is created,
then a new spiral is filled with energy ... and so on,
Based on the initial information and energy, its more active part, we can 
manipulate and expand our spectrum in the process of development and purposeful work. It is
enriched by the new level that we find and acquire as a result of the search for energy and
information. This allows us to expand a sector that we have not seen, felt or understood before, we
push the horizons of the unknown. We just need to remember: We often look outside for what is
inside us. We can waste a lot of time reading, listening, when it is enough for us to accumulate
energy and to reveal in ourselves the information that we possess.
If the individual reserve increases, it becomes possible to absorb more information, adapt and
use, while opening up new perspectives. But it is often impossible for a given person to adapt one or
another layer of information, since his energy spectrum is limited by his own capabilities (his
bookcase does not contain the necessary drawer). If the spectrum of a given individual is narrow, he
cannot perceive any information. Each of us was in a similar situation "I don't understand anything",
"I'm not interested in this" ... and so on. This happens when we are unable to adapt some layers of
energy and information. Thus, for example, dreamers, artists, musicians, poets feel very well in the
layers of light energy. But very often they feel “out of place” in social life. They simply do not have or
are very weak in the energy spectrum that is able to adapt the information of society. On the
contrary, people who feel “like a fish in water” in social life use coarser, harsher spectrums of energy
and information. They often demonstrate a lack of imagination, are not able to be interested in
something more abstract, only concrete, material can affect their interest. Those who are able to
combine the two aspects of energy in themselves are not very numerous. They possess a wider
range of energy and information, adapt and manipulate any part of this spectrum and, naturally,
have wider possibilities in any field of activity. The arrow of their scales has a stable swaying rhythm,
they are very harmonious. This development is perfect. Cases where one pan of the scale is
overflowed are much more numerous.

The ability to adapt information or energy depends on the energy-informational level of a

person. At this level, a person works and manipulates more freely and habitually, this level changes
throughout life.
The information presented in this book will be understood and adapted according to the abilities
of everyone. The information is the same, but its perception varies from 0 to 100%. Naturally, 100%
are relative, since an individual who is able to absorb all the information immediately envelops it with
his energy and the mental process immediately begins. Experience and reflections reveal his own
store of information, which adapts, adapts the information received in its coherent and
understandable, mastered system. If this information is consistent with previously received. A person
can feel that he already knew this somewhere in the depths of himself. The mental chain will connect
the existing information with the new one in the next round of the spiral. If information comes in
opposition, he can dismiss the book as nonsense, which is not true. Both will be right from the point
of view of their energy - informational stock.
The information primarily concerns short-term memory. If we don't have adequate energy, it
disappears without leaving a trace. But if we envelop it with energy, the information thus realized
passes into long-term memory.
The influence and interaction of energy and information on our
Each of us is constantly working with energy and information. The flow of information is
constantly being received, filtered by our information centers and spreads through the structures of
our inner and outer energy body. The energy we absorb is distributed according to this
information. These two processes determine our appearance and general condition. They act
simultaneously: if information changes, the distribution of energy also changes, and with it the
structure of our shells, as well as our appearance, change. This mechanism unfolds at different
speeds. Some aspects change at an explosion rate, some change quickly but consistently, while
others change very slowly. It all depends on the rate at which energy and information adapt to one
another, but this is also a function of the flexibility of the shells and membranes. If they have a lot of
dirt, negative energy (the one whose information is destructive for us), the shells become rigid, rigid,
they lose elasticity and the ability to change. To avoid this, we must learn to cleanse our physical
and energetic body.
Within one day, 24 hours, the proportion and relationship of energy with information changes
several times. When the rotation of the energy of the external energy body around the physical body
changes direction, in the direction of this rotation it is possible to determine what prevails at the
moment. If the outer energy body rotates counterclockwise (when viewed from above), it draws in
energy from the energy centers of the lower well. In the other direction, it pulls in information from
the centers of the upper well. 
In a more prosaic manner, a more specific applied
mechanism  (energy-information).
In a group of people working with energy, Qi-gong or Tai-tzu, the feelings and reactions of each
participant will be completely different from each other and depend on the inner state of each. When
a group works with the same flow of energy, everyone absorbs the part that they need most at the
moment. No one can absorb either the entire spectrum or the entire spectrum of information from
this stream. This is impossible, since we are all limited in some way, each in his own way, and this is
not necessary. Each has its own internal task, which depends on the functioning of all structures,
state and necessity at the moment. One participant needs energy and the energy of this flow is
combined with an excess of internal information, provokes certain images, sensations ... Another
participant takes more information from this flow in order to realize his energy. For the third
participant, absorbing one part of the flow, his physical body can react with pain or pleasant
sensations, while the fourth responds through his psyche, through tears, an inner cry or euphoria,
bliss. But the energy flow can go unnoticed if the participant does not need it or is too far from such a
Adaptation, fusion of energy and information occurs more easily during sleep. A constant urge
to sleep can be a manifestation of the fact that you have not had enough time, or you are unable to
realize or "neutralize" the acquired information. The opposite option, if obsessive thoughts interfere
with your sleep, this means that there is not enough energy spectrum capable of adapting this
information (in this case, exercise can mainly help). If we have an excess of energy that is looking
for information, we start reading, making music, dreaming, and so on, until we fall asleep.
You can find many examples of the interaction of energy and information. Our world is a world
of energy, which takes on forms determined by information.

Chapter 6. People and egregors

Egregor is an energy conglomerate that possesses super-intelligence, using a single, clearly defined
information-energy feature, as a penetrating axis, around which information and energy are built up,
complementing its basic properties. Some egregors depend on people, some do not. In the case of dependence
on people, they are constructed by individuals with the same interest, point or object of attention.
A person who comes to Earth has a connection with a higher principle, which sows souls, like grains, into
the nutrient medium of the material world and constantly maintains contact, takes care of and regulates the
growth and maturity of his wards. Throughout life, an observant person is faced with various manifestations of
such care. As a caring parent, egregor helps his child by creating situations that push a person to realize his
goal in life, the only one above the task for which this hectic life was started.
The tasks of each person who incarnated into a person can be completely different: one came to the
material world to give birth to many children, creating beneficial opportunities for the dispersion of new
grains, the other embodied the role of a leader leading the masses and through such leaders the egregors direct
the flow lives of many people in a single channel. The third is born to serve as an instrument of vomedia,
punishment, helping to return those who have already completed their task or, for some reason, have gone far
away from the path intended for him. Someone is born only in order to live life on Earth, once meeting
someone, to tell him a meaningless phrase, but only by their collision, to change the web of events closely
interconnected with each other. But there are also people who become just a breeding ground, like a barren
Fulfilling his life task, a person living and communicating in the material world acquires energy,
information in which the egregor is interested.
After the death of the body, the personality carries the accumulated stock, returning to its native
structure. To the original, initial energy-informational reserve, which was contained at the moment of
animating the embryo in the mother's womb, in the “sown seed” -soul, the sum of energy and knowledge is
added, which during the period of incarnation in a human body on Earth, were able to be perceived and
processed, made their own.

People who are in the same conditions of life, upbringing, environment receive additional energy-
informational layers similar to each other.
Religious commandments, strict adherence to them, norms of life, the intellectual environment determine
the approximate similarity of the acquired additional stock that is brought to the egregor and determines its
individuality, its difference from other egregor. Young egregors are especially interested in such “harvesting of
the same type of harvest”. These structures, more actively work with people, uniting them in a single rhythm, a
single direction of development, for the most complete collection of a certain type of energy. Religious
currents, which at this time on Earth are most pronounced (Christian, Muslim and Buddhist egregors), are
interested in extensive sowing and energy-information harvesting. Their subjects are like nets that are thrown
to the Earth again and again to ensure the rapid growth of egregor, its maturation.
The formation of the desired flow occurs due to the involvement of people in certain cult ceremonies, as
in individual versions (prayers, mantras). and in mass (religious holidays, ceremonies). Messiahs, prophets,
righteous, enlightened people periodically appear, calling to follow them in their spiritual development, the
construction of temples, concentrating directed and simply surrounding energy flows, the creation of icons,
symbols that contribute to the connection of people directly with the egregor flourishes.
Receiving a constant, one-sided flow, as a large number of people develop and cover, egregors artificially
cause bursts
activities, such as at the moment in Russia, the construction of new churches, the baptism of new
Christians, the dissemination of cult knowledge.
Those egregors whose peak of activity on Earth has already passed (they have accumulated the initial
quantitative reserve) are slightly receding, receding into the shadows, passing into the status of old egregors
and their relationship with the material world is changing. Having an initial reserve of energy in order not to
take active actions, they process and transform the received wealth of information. The development of such
structures moves to the informational level. Their adepts-grains, which are more rare, single, act in life rather
as observers, so that they incarnate in the human body repeatedly, polish their skills in holding information and
energy during transitions (births and deaths), translating it into superconsciousness and control energy
potential, which makes it possible to flawlessly exit life and return to your egregor. This ability is strengthened
from one incarnation to another, the ability of communication, communication of human consciousness and
the superconsciousness of the individual grows, this is expressed in the activity and size of the upper
channel. (fig. 6.2). 
Superpersonality : the uppermost part of the external energy  body, which is always directly
connected with the egregor.

At the time of the next incarnation, a person belonging to the old egregor can accept the religion
of one of the young egregors, during the initiation ritual (baptism, circumcision, etc.), acquiring a
thread that gives him temporary trustees, a kind of educators who supervise him in this life path. A
person accepting this religion may not even suspect that he is connected with another energy
structure, with another religion. He may have some doubts, something does not suit him, he may
search and not find, since his native religion simply no longer exists on Earth. But the return always
comes to the native structure, the main supply of energy and information is given to it.
In order to keep people, attract new followers, in every religious teaching there is a part of the
Truth (Absolute), like a splinter, which is wrapped in bright wrappers that do not have depth,
concepts, rituals. Some are attracted by this bright wrapper, while others are attracted by a particle
of truth that is hidden in the depths, but is always present.
Truth, as a beautiful vessel, as an integrity, is capable of existing only in the Higher Mind. Some
of its parts, like fragments of this vessel, enter our world and our consciousness as the most
important commandments, which are the basis of religions and are used in cult and esoteric
movements. It is possible to cognize the truth by collecting these parts into a single whole,
separating them from the surrounding husk, but this is practically impossible for a person, for his
limited three dimensions and too rational consciousness. Perhaps it shouldn't be here on Earth. In
search, you can touch the essence and feel its globality, incomprehensibility and enormous
attractiveness, which spurs a person's growth, his searches.
A developing personality, which from embodiment to embodiment does not lose the acquired
experience, the supply of energy and information, the mastery of their possession, acquires an ever
higher status in its egregor. Her further progress is surrounded by special attention, she stands out
from the general mass to the point of having her teacher, who, complicating the conditions, setting
new tasks, helps her student. There are options when a student outgrows his egregor teacher,
gaining energy and information that is not within the competence of this egregor, which is beyond its
capabilities. Then the student can move to another structure, he is associated with the teacher of an
older egregor, or brought to a layer hierarchies, depending on his personality. Such a change of fate
does not always go smoothly.

As we have already noted above, the strength of the personal spiral, which enters the embryo
at the 3rd month of development, depends on the parent structure:

- If this is a person who came from the hierarchy (1) (Fig. 6.3), he has a very strong information
channel, which allows him to receive information of a very high level. These people usually have a
difficult life, going beyond the framework of an average static person, they do not adapt well in
society, or rather, society finds them very strange.

- If a person came from an old egregor (2), he can be a musician, an artist, his legs are not very
strong on the Earth.

- If this is a representative of a young egregor (3), he is more alive, he has a large amount of
raging energy, but he cannot take information of high levels, and he is not interested in it.

-Representatives of hierarchies or old egregors often receive support from new egregors (4),
support that is a temporary attachment, like an anchor that helps adaptation in social life.
The relationship of egregors with each other is determined by the karmic layer (karmic egregor),
which regulates and directs the destinies of egregors and people belonging to them. With the
knowledge of the karmic egregor, wars occur that allow one or another higher structure to be quickly
energized. In some controversial moments, he determines the priority of a particular force, the
belonging of individuals to egregors and their mutual transmission. The same egregor sows the
original varieties of grains, It forms a layer of non-egregor people who incarnate without being tied to
any energy structure. A kind of neutral grains with the same potential, these grains have an equal
chance: to live life as a "dummy", to become a breeding ground for others and never reincarnate
again, or to develop and, having acquired a relationship with the structure that took over the custody,
to begin their journey, full of ups and downs, but always interesting and exciting. (fig. 6.4).
Chapter 7. Walking the Path of Life
The egregors, interested in the development of their seeds, choose the variants of their life
passage in order to develop certain qualities necessary for a given individual.
Upbringing options are calculated when choosing parents, a social system, a structure that
introduces its seed into the nutrient medium of the material world. Interested in growing and
preserving her brainchild, she also determines the path of life, a corridor surrounded by energy
tornadoes, takes into account their interconnections, as in a complex chess game. The options for
the path in human embodiment depend on the value of a particular figure.
In one case, this is rigid guidance, control from above, a clearly defined life path and the
slightest attempt to get off or at least move from this road is punishable. With this option, a person
has no doubts, he knows how to live, the search for some knowledge does not interest him. He
moves through life as in a tunnel without branches and with very dense walls that isolate everything
coming from the outside. (Figure 7.1)

In another case, a person has some freedom of choice, in those moments of his life's journey
when he meets a crossroads, and the further path depends on his choice. These intersections can
be expressed in any important actions, from the smallest decisions, actions (go to bed or read,
watch TV or take a walk, etc.) to the most serious turns in life. Such people have a variability in the
passage of life, they have one entrance, and there are many exits, depending on the choice of the
road. (Fig. 7.2)

In this case, there is a choice, but only at the moment of the intersection. An attempt to change
something on a straight section ends either in giving a chance to return on his own, or in a hard
return with structures that help the passage along the way. At each intersection of situations, various
parties are present and participate, interested in a certain decision and the development of further
events. (Fig. 7.3 a) 
If one's own decision dominates, then the path becomes deeper, more interesting, enriched
with information and energy, since one's own efforts, combined with the efforts of interested
structures, color the events, giving them a unique color. If there is no own decision, then there is a
struggle between two forces (Fig. 7.3 b), that is, a person floats with the flow according to the
principle “Where will he take it,” and in each of these options his passivity makes events gray and

With constant inertia in the choice of decisions, the variability of its development becomes
shallower, there are fewer intersections, the opportunity to change something in one's life
disappears, a person gradually degrades, less accumulated experience, and there is a tendency to
switch to a variant of rigid conduct without the possibility of manifesting his own will.
In the third case, if a person is mobile, has sufficient experience, an energy reserve, has the
power to make and implement decisions, he is given the opportunity to add his options for further
passage to life intersections. This is a "player" of the upper class, who is trusted to correct all the
threads connected with him, the ability to act on his own path and the fate of others. But there are
very few such people.
The ability to feel your path can be developed by starting with simple options that are easy to
use in every moment of life.
You need to listen to your intuition and learn to distance yourself from human logic.
Heading, for example, to work, leaving home, determine the options for your path: you can go
through the courtyards, take a bus, walk along the road, walk half the way, half pass ... Then,
moving along the road, at the key moments, intuitively determine where you are easier to
go. Determine with an inner feeling, removing: "I must ... I always ... It's shorter there ... etc." If you
enter your path, you will understand and feel that the bus will come in time, the necessary meeting
will take place, the green light will be on, etc.
The passage will be easy and enjoyable, effortless.
If you do not get into the passage intended for you, the opposition of people, situations and at
the end of the path will be felt all the time - fatigue, emptiness and irritation, which outwardly is not
caused by anything, although it is understandable: you all the time struggled with energy vortices, in
which for there was no corridor, you rushed past it.
Doing this constantly, you will develop a "sixth sense", learn to dry your intuition.
When practicing energy exercises, a feeling of energy appears, the differentiation of energy
flows, their vision, and then
leaving home it is easier to determine the desired option.
“I went along the path” - I found my own corridor, in which everything is favorable and
strengthens. Everyone has such a corridor, all that remains is to find it and learn how to hold it.

Chapter 8. Man and his spectrum

Each cell of the same matter emits similar vibrations that can be placed in one spectrum. The
combination of cells of different materials, give different spectra of vibrations. Each change in the
combination of different cells will provoke a change in the spectrum. This is how we, during every
minute of our life, change our spectrum of energy, changing our actions. Doing physical exercises or
sitting, reading a book, we are not the same, we are different in the processes taking place in us, we
are other people, naturally within our energetic persona. Our energy spectrum is a kind of energy
matter that makes up our physical, internal and external energy body.
If the ocean of energy of the Universe is placed in a conventional spectral scale, then the set of
spectral lines that cover the human cocoon will occupy a very narrow area and in this area each
individual occupies some kind of niche with a specific combination of spectral energy lines. This area
can be narrow or wide, depending on the level of development of the person. A certain set of lines is
given initially in the native egregor, this choice is determined by the tasks for which the person is
intended. During life, when passing through barriers, communication, cognition, acquired lines are
added to the original spectrum, expanding the used range. Passing through his incarnations, a
person forms the width of his spectrum and learns to manipulate it. Accordingly, with the expansion
of opportunities, tasks change (Fig. 8.1).

Our likes and dislikes, attraction or repulsion of certain energy layers depend on the set of
spectral lines. When a person is looking for a life partner, the combination of the spectral lines of
both individuals is of great importance.
A well-known legend tells that in the beginning people were happy because they were
whole. God divided everyone in half, mixed the halves, scattered them around the world, and since
then everyone has been looking for their soul mate, constantly striving to find their integrity. From the
standpoint of the energetic structure of the world, this legend is real.
When the halves meet, their spectral lines are combined and the total range is doubled,
enriching and strengthening both (Fig. 8.a). Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a half, so such
pairs are very rare.

The largest number of pairs have a small area of contact of spectral lines, in which there is a
combination and some enrichment of their integrity. Depending on the rest of the set of lines, which
is neutral or repelled, the union can be successful or unsuccessful (Fig. 8.2 b). 

When two completely incompatible combinations of spectral lines meet, these people do not
interact and do not enrich each other. The interests of their energetic enrichment are completely
alien. No matter how hard they try to build a bridge of understanding, find a common language, find
common interests, their tornadoes of energy will not coincide (Fig. 8.2 c).
As can be noted, our energy spectrum is something not very stable, and varies depending on
our activity, depending on the situation that has arisen, a person activates one part of his spectrum
and calms another. It changes the mix of active and passive parts of its spectrum. At the beginning
of the day, the spectrum of a person is quite wide. But if he is covered by some problem or if he
performs actions that require concentration of attention, the width of the spectrum narrows, up to
t glasses. Thus, in the course of life, we can finally lose some parts of our spectrum if we do not use
them, or do not reveal them (Fig. 8.3).

People who can manipulate the spectral lines of cocoons are called psychics. They work in a
certain energy spectrum, so in some patients they effectively correct the deformation of the
membranes, for others their actions are useless, since the psychic acts in his own spectrum or in the
stream that the egregor gives him and his spectrum either corresponds to the patient's spectrum or
not. Sometimes this coincidence is partial, and then the healer is able to influence certain
deformations, and is powerless on others. Only a very few gifted individuals can influence the
cocoons of other people, selecting the necessary energy flows for each individually. They have the
ability to take streams of energy, the spectral lines of which do not even enter their personal cocoon,
from the common energy ocean.
He himself can be an ideal healer for everyone, because we constantly manipulate our
spectrum, it remains only to learn the principles of influencing our energy and the Qi Gong
techniques help in this.

Chapter 9. Man as an energy tornado

The birth of a person occurs with a certain interaction of energy (both material and more subtle)
of mother and father. The imposition of the parents' cocoons creates a zone of tension in which a
new tornado arises, creating the precondition for the formation of a new creature, an embryo, which
forms its own field inside the mother's cocoon (Figure 9.1).

Egregor, interested in this combination of the energy spectrum, invests in the embryo a soul,
personality, energy potential, which creates its individuality, orients in the direction of development
and the ability to improve until an independent structure is formed.
A baby, being born, has a huge potential for the rotation of an energy tornado. He makes
everyone spin around him in the rhythm that is close to him and unusual for those around him. Then,
by its rotation, it gradually approaches the norms adopted in the environment where it got, colliding
with its still fragile shells with established, coarser structures around it.
 Parents, having more experience of communication in this world, correct its rotation, slow down
the speed in the directions undesirable for them and accelerate, stroking, encouraging the impulses
necessary for this world. Gradually, the child learns to absorb, use the energy potential, the rotation
of the energy of the surrounding things, simulating the compatibility of the speed of his cocoon with
Any new thing, if it has the necessary field for us, pleasant impulses that strengthen or twist the
tornado of our shells, evokes a feeling of pleasure from communicating with it, attracts our attention
and arouses the desire for contact. If the energy spectrum of the object does not correspond to our
needs, then a feeling of indifference arises, we ignore its individual characteristics. We are not
attracted by the possibility of owning it, our attention slips past its shells. And the third version of the
relationship assumes negative sensations in cases when the impulses of our cocoon come into
conflict with the peculiarities of the rotation of the tornado of the object, are in antiphase with it,
extinguishing movement, suppressing the activity of energy.
The same relationship is manifested in the interaction of the parent-child cocoons. In case of
coincidence, warm relations in the family, mutual understanding and enrichment of each other's
fields. In case of mismatch, misunderstanding, everyone lives their own life, with their own interests,
complete detachment, which suits both parties. When suppressed, one negatively affects the other,
crushes, destroys the shells, deforming the overall structure. There are families where mothers,
unwillingly, expose their own child to the “evil eye”. The energy of one person is too tough for
another, conflict situations arise, a “spirit of contradiction” wakes up in everything, even in small
things. Surrounding people say, surprised: "It does not seem that this is your child."
If interaction with parents remains very close even when the child becomes an adult, then one
of these two sides inevitably becomes more passive and uses the activity of the other side,
parasitizing, oppressing and crushing under itself. To prevent this from happening, at a certain stage
it is simply necessary to “release children into the light”. This does not mean that relations are
completely broken, they just pass into another quality - communication of formed, independent
structures that can interact, enriching each other.

At an early age, parents have a very big influence on the formation of a tornado, on its rigidity or
flexibility when entering the material world. The child is taught everything: eat, walk, talk. Unlike
many animals, which, being born into the world, already have the skills of survival in this world,
immediately begin their individual life, their own way. A person is taught for a very long time what
and how it should be, how to speak, how to smile (especially when you don't want to), what to wear,
etc. You can teach him anything, you can bring up a sadist, religious fanatic, fascist, communist, etc.
Any attitudes grafted from the diaper will be perceived naturally.
Upbringing is a kind of “combing”, the most optimal entry into a given system of society.
The ideal version of upbringing, when a person, without distorting his essence, fits into the
general energy chain of society, feeds on the general system and contributes to it. He feels
comfortable in any team, due to his flexibility he finds options for interacting with various structures,
causing them to exchange and enrich themselves.
But more often than not, education very rigidly drives a person into the framework of
dogmas. He becomes conservative, is in tight blinders that restrain him and do not allow him to
manifest himself as a person, because there are too many of them: “You can't! It is indecent ... ”Such
a person is very notorious, shy, does not deviate from the letter of the law, instructions. In real
situations, he is not able to fit into the general flow of energy painlessly for himself and use it for his
development and self-improvement. Not adapted to the flexibility of changeable situations, he always
gets hit, for him every contact, especially in the social sphere, is a blow that leaves dents on the
shells, deforms his structure. Fear of interactions, fear of the new, like the experience of previous
blows, the desire to be invisible: “Don't touch me, because I don't touch you!”
The opposite of the previous example is the option when there is practically no upbringing, the
person is left to himself, the moral laws are unfamiliar to him, incomprehensible, he is
“disheartened”, uncontrollable, does not fit into the social model. And the system throws it off or
crushes it hard.
The most viable in society is the first option, when a person is familiar with the system, his
environment, knows its laws and at the same time he is mobile, able to vary, manage himself and
the situation. Softness where necessary, so as not to get dents and rigidity, not blind, but metered,
(to keep yourself and others in the desired channel) allowing you to “grind”, smooth out sharp
corners to facilitate your path.

Chapter 10. Thoughts

Mental activity is one of the options for energy work, our thoughts are energy flows. This is the
source of movement outside of Space and outside of Time. It is enough to think about a particular
person, and these thoughts are transmitted instantly and the person can feel if he is sensitive
enough. In a similar way, we can think of a star, even the most distant one, or, for example, the
Sun. Our thought will reach it instantly, while sunlight must take 10 minutes to reach Earth.
Thoughts are a mixture of energy and information. Each thought is the realization of the
information of the given moment, with the help of information that is in the energy-informational
matrix of the "thinker". These thoughts may look for different ways to contact the energy. They can
remain like a soap bubble if the energy does not transform them, penetrating inside, this is what
happens to the imagination, or if thoughts are directed inside ourselves. But if our thoughts are
directed to someone else, the spectrum of energy is turned on here, which is quite tough and the
thought can become like an arrow, which is looking for its goal in order to connect with it, and throw
the threads of interconnection. This is already the production of tentacles. This energetic process
takes place regardless of the content of thoughts (friendly, hating ...).
Our ideas and thoughts are a field of action for the people around us. At the same time, the
people around us influence us in a similar way.
Thought is a directed flow of energy, which can be either pleasant, or striking the one at whom it
is directed. When we are in an active, balanced state, our energy revolving and pulsating, closes the
physical body with a rather dense shell and such currents “flow around” it without causing severe
damage. It is much more difficult to defend against our own "black" thoughts and this causes us
more damage. Throwing out a wave of energy around us, supplied with negative information (wished
evil, envied, just experienced negative emotions), we shower it on everything and everyone around
us. If this message is not met with resistance, it settles in the shells of other people, hitting,
punching, simply slagging, depending on the strength and activity of their energy cocoon.
A return blow has information and a spectrum of energy of the one who struck first, he knows
the "path" along which he flew in and, returning without hindrance, hits his master, inflicting crushing
destruction on him. In reality, this can be expressed in various manifestations: a person can fall, get
hurt, get into an accident, get sick ... Usually, such incidents are explained by the human
consciousness by “objective” reasons, but the root cause of such incidents can be their own return
blow, as well as someone else's someone else's message.
We must not forget that thoughts are a very valuable tool. From the possibilities of our
concentration, our thoughts can become a tool for controlling the flows within and around us. When
concentrating on one point of the body, we spontaneously attract energy into this zone, creating a
kind of energy center that allows its control to correct, soften, clean the zone with which we
work. The ability to concentrate, to focus one's attention, determines the success of energy work.

Chapter 11. Energy

language. Intuition. Signs. Amulets
At birth, a child already perceives the world around him, he receives vibrations from all sides,
his communication with him has its own internal decoding, its own language, its own alphabet. Any
impact from the outside or from within is perceived and translated, causing a response. His behavior,
actions are conditioned by this response. Gradually, the child is introduced into the generally
accepted decryption system.
They say to him: “This is red, this is blue. It smells good, it stinks. It's beautiful, it's ugly. " Each
energy stream, its vibrations, is given a meaning defined in the human world, gradually drowning out
the inner language, averaging and driving everyone into a single system of symbols. Children, until
they can speak, behave naturally, directly realizing their perception of the surrounding flows at the
moment. As they develop, they more and more react not to their own perception, but to the reaction
of others, seeking confirmation and approval of adults for every word, action.
If an adult is asked: "How would you act in this situation naturally for yourself?", He will answer
with dogmas conditioned by social morality, instilled in him by upbringing. He no longer remembers
what is natural for him. Own language, perception is replaced by an external one.
Internal problems, stress in adolescence are associated with contradictions that arise between
their own and imposed opinions.
Our inner sensation remains, but it hides under a multi-layer layer of experience, attitudes that
we give ourselves. We get burned, going through life situations, trying to find universal rules for our
behavior in certain cases, and situations, even if they are very similar, are always different, they are
waiting for our flexibility, sensitivity of perception of the given moment. If we act stereotypically, they
beat us, more and more clamping the inner essence of new restrictions.
The outside world polishes us, making us a cog in the general mechanism, and only in a dream
sometimes everything superficial flies off us, we become ourselves and do something that we cannot
understand when we wake up, since the stereotypical generally accepted system of thinking
immediately turns on. Or sometimes, like a splash - an intuitive insight, the “sixth sense” tells us
actions, actions that seem to be inexplicable, but lead to the desired results.
INTUITION is a manifestation of our perception of the world in its pure form, without convention,
a breakthrough of the true through the layers of dogmas. People who are sensitive to their intuitive
manifestations develop a system that unites the human mind and intuition. Hence, there are many
different signs around us, which are not logically explained, but practically confirm their viability.
The most valuable signs are those that are personally yours, they reflect a unique relationship
with the outside world. A penny at exams, a lucky talisman, a pinned pin, a woman with an empty
bucket, Friday the 13th, etc. All these are energetic manifestations of the surrounding
processes. Nothing happens by chance, all processes are interdependent and interdependent.
On our life path, in the chaos of energy, there are clots, condensations, which, due to their
activity, make their way to our systems of perception, and then we register them - in a dream, in
intuitive flashes, in material manifestations. I met a black cat and flew somersault all day. And the cat
was a signal of the general tension of the energy field, of the situational series. I sprinkled salt and
this was a harbinger of unpleasant events ...
Some talismans, pinned pins, crosses, etc. are clots of energy that feed you with their vibrations
and help you go through tense moments, open a corridor in energy clots of situations, making the
path easier.
The individual energy field of a person has its own vortex, rotating in a certain rhythm and only
certain energy flows can negatively or positively affect it. For some, a black cat
- trouble, just one meeting with it already permeates the shells, deforms and makes them
vulnerable to subsequent energy impacts. For others, such a meeting does not matter, its
information and energy pass by without touching or leaving traces.
The choice of a talisman is successful only in the case of an intuitive selection. Human logic,
educated sense of the beautiful or the ugly
interferes with the definition of that energy field embodied in a material object, which, when in
contact with your cocoon, strengthens its energy resistance when interacting with another energy
cocoon or the tension of the total environment that creates a particular situation.
The intuitive sense develops in the same way as the energetic sense of the surrounding
events. Its development systems in any spheres of life are meditation and Qi-gong (energy
work). Several variants of such systems are offered in this book.
Chapter 12. Process and purpose
Our life is like an established multi-level system. We mark periods of life with landmarks, and
we live, all the time waiting for something, urging ourselves on and accelerating the course of our
life. "Hurry the New Year!" , “Hurry, the troubles would pass.”, “Hurry the evening!”, “Hurry, the day
off!”. And so hurry ... hurry ...
"Here I will wash the dishes and ..." "That will come Monday and ..." Our thoughts are occupied
either with an imaginary replay of future situations, or revision, correction of past events. The present
moment usually goes unnoticed.
Try to follow your thoughts. As cunning dodgy loops, they entangle our brain and now we are
again arguing with someone, trying to change the past, we find compelling arguments, build a logical
chain that no one will hear or try to calculate future options for actions, words, behavior. We find a
brilliant option, run it through our heads thousands of times, and when the moment of
implementation comes, everything turns out differently.
At this time, the energy ocean around you changes. At the moment of calculations, you are
surrounded by certain relationships, flows, influences, and what is born in such an environment
loses its meaning in a second. Just as it is impossible to enter the same river twice, so it is
impossible to recreate the general state of energy of each moment.
A grain of sand in the ocean has information about everything that changes in its currents (Fig.

The slightest fluctuations in the total mass, in the total volume, respond to all structures, down
to the smallest molecules and elementary particles.
People who practice meditation say that every object, regardless of its size, has information
about the entire universe. It is only necessary to perceive and decipher this information. Our
subconscious, our super - I catches all vibrations of the energy ocean of the Universe. Our body
records these vibrations. We receive waves, shocks, bursts that carry information about what is
happening, but we do not know how to listen to ourselves. Try to assess your physical, psychological
state during moments of great stress (energy storms). To make the experiment more vivid, you can
artificially isolate yourself from collisions with people, moving away from external
communication. Before the New Year, March 8, September 1, when the general psychological
energy field is experiencing a strong activation, observe your well-being, compare with ordinary
Gradually, your systems of perception will find their decoding, your language of communication
with the surrounding energy will be developed, and your logic will begin to build cause-and-effect
relationships. Our striving for some goals is running behind the horizon line, when you approach it, it
moves away.
The road of our life goes into the distance and we, as racers, see only the goal-finish, one more
stage before the next race. We do not see the world around us, its beauty, its wealth, and only if an
“accident” happens, something breaking our usual rhythm, crushing the usual perception of the race,
we look around and rejoice that we breathe, live, just walk down the street. ..
Every moment of our life, no matter what we do, the world around us lives and each of its
manifestations is the only one.
One enlightened person was asked: "You draw water from a well, we draw water from the same
well, how does your action differ from ours?"
"The fact that I enjoy the process, and you are pursuing a goal."
In self-regulation systems, this principle is one of the main ones; it is impossible to engage in
energy work, meditation, pursuing some goal, dropping the penetration into the essence of the
process. Only an all-consuming attention to every moment of the changes taking place will give an
impetus to self-knowledge and self-development. In pursuit of a goal, you can stagnate for a long
time and think that the goal is close.

Chapter 13. Transition from theory to practice

This book is a self-regulation workshop. In its first section, we invited you to get in touch with
the vision of the world from energetic positions. The 14 activities that are offered later in this book
include practical options for activating all human systems from the physical body to the most subtle
We have already talked about overloads of various levels. Human development, the interaction
of all its components should be harmonious. Neglect of a certain spectrum of human manifestations
(only mental overload without physical, only physical or psychological), any other bias to one side
will certainly cause tension, which manifests itself in negative outbursts, realized in stress, illness,
aggression, and so on.
Man is a very complex, interesting system. The approach to yourself must be creative and
versatile. The activities that are offered next include interaction, activation and redistribution in
different levels of human energy.
You begin your studies with your individual manifestation in this world. Your body is unlike any
other. He has his own merits, his own problems, regardless of age. Learn to listen to your condition,
not only when you are stressed or in pain  that attracts your attention. Learn to perceive the subtlest
manifestations of your essence, mental, psychological or physical.
In the exercises, we often do not indicate how many times it is necessary to do it, how long it
will take. When you enter the training process, we would not want your attention to be occupied by
counting (did one, did two, did three ...), those numbers that are indicated are only an indicative
indicator (the exception is qigong
"Growing young bamboo shoots", where the number 7 has a deep meaning and enters into the
essence of the complex). Perform any exercise before diving into its essence, purpose, listen to
what happens to you during this exercise.
It is necessary to exercise every day if you want to achieve good results. The approach to class
is like boiling water in a cauldron. If you put the cauldron on fire for 1-2 minutes, then remove it for
half an hour and put it back on for two minutes, you can imagine when the water boils. Constant
exercises will not allow your energy to stagnate, it will become mobile, active, and therefore healthy,
which will be expressed in the health of the physical body.
Practice one lesson for a week, during which time you will get to know it pretty well. In the
second week, start the second session, and so on. After 12 weeks, you will go through the main
classes and start 13 and 14, which are controls in their own way. In general, the full cycle will take
14 weeks. Go through another such cycle to better log in to each lesson. After the second cycle, you
can change the rhythm of the exercises, reducing it to one day. Starting from the first lesson, the first
day, on the second day, go to the second, on the third - to the third, and so on.
Overall, this new cycle will take 2 weeks. And so, cycle after cycle, you will go through 12
sessions and check on 13 and 14 what has changed during this time.
Variants of energy work may not be obtained immediately. But in this process, quantity turns
into quality. After the first three cycles, you will feel differently.
For each meditation, we offer you the opportunity to use an image that can facilitate the
activation of your information with which you can travel in your energetic quest.
The moment you are ready for meditation (you are relaxed, the position is comfortable, the
music suits your needs in this meditation ...), try to empty your consciousness and look at the
proposed image without bias, Perceive it as a newborn, with an open mind. The drawing and colors
of these images will give specific vibrations to your visual centers, which you can use, then, after you
close your eyes, in relaxation. Drink this pattern with your eyes and transmit the nerve sensations to
the back of your brain. Allow your inner processes to adapt this information and find the desired path
in the free flight of your meditation.
For meditation, you are free to choose: you can only follow the written text that suggests the
path of meditation, you can use only the suggested drawing, or you can combine both.
We can only wish you good luck on the path of mastering the energies of your body and the
path of self-improvement.

Practice. Safe methods of energy work

Starting classes on the development of your energy body for the purpose of healing or for self-
improvement, it is good to have an experienced mentor, a master who will monitor your condition
during work, suggest the choice of techniques for each specific case, give advice, and promptly
correct your actions in difficult situations. But, unfortunately, there are very few such people and they
are not always close. Energy development has many "pitfalls", all the time there are many questions
to which there is no one to answer. Therefore, it is necessary to have at least basic knowledge about
safe work options, so as not to harm, but to strengthen, strengthen yourself.
There are several generic methods that you can use:
 1.  The ability to manipulate two energetic principles.
 2.  Preference for clean energy that does not contain active  information  . 
 3. Choosing a favorable direction.
 4. Harmonization of energy oversaturation in the body.
 5. Opening the doors and windows of the body to facilitate contact with external energy.
 6. The ratio of physical and energy processes in the body.
1.  The ability to manipulate two energetic principles.
It is necessary to choose only pure streams of energy for replenishment, study and
interaction. The energy of the Cosmos, stars, the Sun (Yang) and the energy of the Earth, water
(Yin). In Chinese traditions, the energy that brings life and health is called Yin and Yang, and in fairy
tales, legends of other peoples, the concept of Living and Dead water is found. Dead water (yin) is
the energy necessary for the tissues of the physical body, it heals wounds, helps tissues regenerate,
and gives them elasticity. Living water (yang) is the energy of life, it revitalizes the body, is
responsible for the functional abilities of each organ and the organism as a whole, it cleanses the
tissues and gives them life. Yang and Yin are two manifestations that do not exist without each
other, like day and night, black and white, man and woman, soft and hard, cold and hot, light and
heavy. Everything around us is a manifestation of yang and yin,
2.  Preference for clean energy that does not contain
active information . 

It is unnecessary to take the energy of people surrounding objects until the experience of
differentiation of harmful or useful, specifically for you, energy comes.
Often people, having just become acquainted with qi-gong, feeling the first energetic
manifestations in themselves, immediately rush to heal someone, making passes with their hands,
penetrating into other people's shells and, as a rule, clinging to the whole bouquet of someone else's
dirty information, they also get other people's problems to their problems. ... There is enough clean,
useful, healing energy in the energy ocean around us.
If you work with methods that provide for the energy of the cardinal points, then in this case you
need to tune in to the distant horizon, the flow that washes the Earth in a certain direction, unclouded
by the information of those objects that are closer to you, and draw the flow from the far horizon
directly into the body, combining these two zones with a single relationship, excluding the
introduction of extraneous influences, then the information will be received in its pure form.

3. Choosing a favorable direction.

During classes, you need to take into account the position of the body relative to the cardinal
points. The most universal position is considered to be standing facing north, while the Earth's
magnetic field, with its natural movement, beneficially regulates the energy shells of a person. This
property can also be used during sleep: if you have high blood pressure, then it is better to sleep
with your head to the north, if it is low, then your head to the south.
When exercising in the morning, it is better to practice turning to the east, facing the rising sun
(even if the weather is cloudy outside, clouds and clouds are not an obstacle to the flow of solar
energy). The Rising Sun personifies the young, emerging energy most useful for recruiting both into
the physical body and into the shells of the energy cocoon.
The energy of the setting Sun should not be taken - this is the “old” yang, it can affect your self-
experience negatively, with heaviness and headache.
In the evening, during the transition of the “old” yang into the “young” yin, the most useful and
natural thing is to work with the energy of the Earth.
Both types of energy are an integral part of our being, they are necessary for the normal life of a
person, and both are in each of us, but their proportional ratios are different and very individual.
A Yansky person, in which the Yang beginning predominates, is fast, active, lean, impetuous,
A Yin person, with a predominance of Yin beginning, is soft, loose, calm, slow.
By regulating the set of energy, you can shift the usual balance of types of energy in the
body. For example, you want to lose weight and gain yang energy, which dries tissues and makes
you active. Such a set is beneficial as long as the normal ratio of yin-yang in the body does not
skew, deterioration of health-the appearance of irritability, loss of sleep, general tension can serve
as an indicator that you have “gone over” the yang potential. For balancing, harmonizing, improving
the general condition, it is necessary to gain the energy of the Earth or water containing the Yin
If you want to relax well, rest, treat a diseased organ, relieve psychological stress, you gain yin
energy, constant drowsiness, lethargy, and apathy serve as an indicator of “bust”.
In a normal, harmonious state, it is most useful to work with Yang energy in the morning, and
with Yin in the evening. If you have an experienced mentor, or you have achieved some skill in
energy work, these rules may vary depending on the tasks and needs in each specific case of
educational, experimental training.
4. Harmonization of energy oversaturation in the body.
Another rule that must be taken into account is that if you are overworked, you have a
headache, you need to concentrate on your legs and yin energy. Thought moves energy and your
concentration will help the outflow of energy from the head to the legs, making it easier, while
attention to the diseased areas of the head will only intensify negative sensations. With frequent
headaches - follow the position of your shoulders - the habit of lifting your shoulders creates a
constant energy tension of the brain tissues, the lowered, relaxed shoulders give the energy a
downward direction and promote a more natural flow of energy.
If it is necessary to activate mental activity, physical activity, then we pay attention to the head
and the set of Yang energy.
5. Opening the doors and windows of the body to facilitate
contact with external energy.
Another essential element in any energetic work is the activation of the tips of the fingers and
toes. Their activity regulates the flow of energy through the channels that supply energy to the
internal organs. All of these channels start or end at your fingertips. By achieving the inclusion of all
20 fingers, like the lights of a burning garland or zones that have touched something hot and
continue to feel warmth and vibration, we prevent the channels from overflow or lack of energy,
facilitate the flow of energy from one channel to another, giving it fluidity. we protect ourselves from
The fingertips, like any other biologically active points (BAP), are membranes that connect the
internal energy structure of a person (channels, energy centers, the energy frame of internal organs)
with the external structure (shells, ribs, external energy centers). These energy-sensitive zones
perceive and transmit energy and information both from the outside to the body and from the inside
to the shells. They serve as a mechanism for holding the entire structure as a whole and
interconnecting its parts with each other. There is a theory that BAP is the very sixth sensory system
that perceives its part of the energy spectrum that surrounds us.
Various methods are used to activate BAP: in Zhen-Chiu therapy, these are acupuncture,
moxibustion, pressure; in self-regulation it is pressure and energetic activation by concentrating on a
specific zone and increasing its vibrations, excitement, sensations. Any of these methods enhances
the interflow of internal and external energy, develops mobility and stability of the structure as a
whole. The nearest energy shell is filled, its protective functions are strengthened and the release of
toxins from the physical body is enhanced. Slags as a coarser energy held by the tissues of the
body, passing into the lighter, discharged energy of the shells, settle down and go into the
ground. This energy, which is waste for us, slag, is vital for trees, flowers, stones, etc.
We all experienced a joyful feeling of lightness while walking in the woods.
Relaxing there, moving away from the usual clamps inherent in urban life, we spread our shells,
which merge with the shells of trees. At the same time, a mutually beneficial exchange takes place -
trees take energy that burdens us, hard and painful in our perception, but necessary and pleasant in
them, use our “dirt” for their growth, and give us too light and unclaimed for themselves and healing
for us.
6. The ratio of physical and energy processes in the body.
Relaxation of the physical body is one of the prerequisites for energetic work. Any voltage
restrains the free flow of energy, creating obstacles in its path. You need to learn how to relax and
this stage is one of the main in the process of self-regulation, managing your well-being and health.
Lesson 1 (introductory)
o Warm up and relax
o 1. Starting position
o 2. Activation of the palms
o 3. Activation of stops
o 4. Rubbing the ears
o 5. Relaxing shower
o 6. Relaxation of the hands
o 7. Unrolling the spine
o Energy exercises 
o Cosmic (Yang) shower
o Ball game
o Candle fire meditation
Warm up and relax
1. Starting position

Each of our lessons begins with a "starting position" (Fig. 1.1): feet shoulder-width apart, arms
lowered along the body.

We tune in to our inner sensations, analyze the state of the body. As a sensitive, caring owner,
we check the zones of tension and relaxation of tissues in the head, chest, abdominal cavity, arms
and legs, trying to relax and soften the tense areas.
We listen to our psychological state, to the perception of the world around us. We move away
from everything around us.
We push aside everything that interferes, we separate it from ourselves with an isolating,
neutralizing all external zone. We mentally create a protective dome around ourselves.
We give ourselves the directive that we devote this time to ourselves, our health and well-
being. We remember the initial state.
During the lesson, between its individual phases, returning to the starting position, we check the
state of all levels of the physical body and psycho-emotional state. Keeping an eye on the changes
all the time.
We relax the muscles of the face. Lightly closing the eyelids relieves eye strain. Smooth the
forehead. The cheeks are slightly sagging.
Balance the head by relaxing the neck muscles. Shoulder girdle
"Flows" down, hands hang along the body with soft, heavy lashes.
We relax the muscles of the press, perineum, buttocks.
The knees are slightly bent, the feet are slightly pointed toes towards each other, helping to
relieve tension from the knees.
The whole body is soft, calm and relaxed.
2. Activation of the palms

We rub our palms tightly pressing them to each other, listening to the internal reactions, to the
vibration spreading over the palms. Massage between the fingers.
The exercise is done as long as it is enjoyable. We intertwine our arms and twist the brushes,
stretching them forward several times, returning and moving away.
3. Activation of stops

Imagine your feet are stuck to the floor. We turn 180 ° massaging the entire foot. We rise on
half-toes and roll onto the heels. Then, staying on the heels, we step alternately raising our legs and
hitting the floor with the heel.
The whole body is relaxed like jelly, each blow goes inward, the muscles of the face, neck also
feel vibrations, we listen to the arms and legs.
We perform each stage of the exercise focusing only on our feelings, without limiting ourselves
to the number and time of execution.
4. Rubbing the ears
With the index fingers, stroke the ears in all areas, touching all the irregularities, penetrating into
the recesses and not leaving any of the areas with attention.
We put our palms on the ears and slightly “crunch”, performing small circles in one direction and
the other. We'll pinch the earlobes.
The contours of the auricles represent an inverted baby, the inner surface of the curl is the
spine, the inner part of the shell is the internal organs, the lobes are the head.
Clamping the ears with your palms, tap your fingertips on the skull - "Chinese drums" - have an
effect on the cerebral cortex and ears.
5. Relaxing shower
Tune in to the feeling of a warm stream pouring from the sky from above, the jets of which,
flowing down onto the body, relieve stress from it. Following this flow, we relax the muscles of the
forehead, eyes, cheeks, and neck. If the head is tilted to either side, then the muscles tense, the
energy flow is worse, so we relax the neck, balance it, energy and blood flow into the brain more
The most important thing is to relax the tongue, if it is relaxed, then the whole body is relaxed.
6. Relaxation of the hands

a) Relax the muscles of the shoulders to feel the heaviness of the shoulders, their "flowing"
down, for this we pull the shoulders up, trying to reach the ears and then throw them down,
relaxing. We carry out 2-3 times.

b) We direct our attention to the elbow joints, raise our arms to a horizontal position, feeling
their heaviness, drop them down 2-3 times.

c) Paying attention to the wrists, we form palms holding two bowls (Fig. 1.2), fill them with the
energy of the shower pouring from above and throw them down.
The downpour pouring down on us flows over the surface and inside the hands. Through 10
“taps” we release streams of energy, listening to the rain flowing from the pads of the fingers, from
under the nails.
d) Raise the arms weaved into the “lock” up, stretch, trying to touch the ceiling (Fig. 1.3) and
drop our hands, adjusting down again to flow through 10 “taps”.

7. Unrolling the spine

“A man is young as long as his spine is flexible,” say the Chinese. During this exercise, there is
an effect on the spinal cord, which is involved in all our functions, the intestinal peristalsis is
massaged, the vestibular apparatus is turned on - the activity of the cerebellum.
During the execution, we maintain the feeling of flow from above and tissue relaxation all the

a) Starting position. Feet shoulder width apart. We turn the upper body, as if looking back (Fig.
1.4), alternately from one side and the other. We make turns for about a minute, twisting ourselves
using the maximum amplitude.
b) Continuing to twist to one side or the other, then we leave the head straight, maintaining the
amplitude of the shoulder rotation, the lower body is still in place (Fig. 1.5), thus, the cervical spine is
included in the twisting. We curl in this way for 1-2 minutes.
c) We continue to turn with our head (as in the beginning), we begin to transfer the weight of the
body, bending the knee of one leg, “fill” it with the entire weight of our body, and the other leg
“empties” (Fig. 1.6), perform this rotation at least 1 - 2 minutes.

Energy exercises 
Cosmic (Yang) shower
We check the relaxation of all muscles of the face, shoulders, back, abs, buttocks, perineum,
slightly bend the knees, keeping them in a relaxed position. The indicator of relaxation is the tongue,
lying in the oral cavity with a soft calm lotus petal. Covering our eyelids, we listen to the energy of
the stars, the sun, which washes us with a continuous waterfall, these pure, sparkling streams of
energy flow onto our body and flow down its surface, freely penetrate inside, washing the tissues of
the head, chest, and abdominal cavity.
Through the arms and legs, we release the remnants of tension from ourselves, trying to pour
out all the negative, to replace the stagnant energy with a clean, active, continuously pouring stream
of Yang energy of the stars. We release rivulets from the tips of the fingers and toes, creating a
constant current of energy in the body.
Open the palms of the hands up, forming the hands in the form of bowls (Figure 1.2),

slowly raise our hands to the level of the head, collecting yang
energy and listening to how the bowls are filled and heavy. Raising our hands above our head, we
overturn the bowls by turning our palms down (Figure 1.7),
pouring out the accumulated potential and slowly lowering our hands along the front surface of
the body, we roll a wave of energy throughout the body, accompanying it with palms turned towards
Distributing the energy inside, covering all tissues with attention, we listen to how it spreads
from the front to the back surface of the body and we lower the wave, cleansing and nourishing all
organs, every cell. Hands accompanying the stream pouring down descend, relaxing, and we
mentally accompany the energy until it flows out of the tips of the toes. We perform the Yang shower
5 times, gaining full bowls, wiggling and distributing inside the body.
Ball game
Keeping the body relaxed, the stream flowing from the tips of the fingers and toes, we switch
part of our attention to the tips of the fingers.
a) Bringing the palms closer to each other, we form them in the form of holding the ball at the
level of the abdominal cavity (Figure 1.8).
Directing the rivulets flowing from the fingers to each other, combining the same fingers of
opposite palms with threads - the thumb of the right hand with the thumb of the left, the index with
the index, etc.
Having united each pair of fingers with a kind of elastic bands of energy threads, we begin to
stretch and press them. Stretching - we move the palms away from each other, drawing out the
energy from the fingers at this time. Pressing, we collect these threads into a ball held by the
palms. We perform until the feeling of a dense, active ball, elastic and sensitive to us. 
b) We begin to swing the ball in an arc, transferring body weight from foot to foot, gradually
increasing the distance between the feet (Figure 1.9). We swing the ball entering the rhythm like a

c) Continuing swinging, we turn to the “dragon's tail” position (Figure 1.10),

keeping the balloon up and down incessantly. Oscillations of the

body resemble swinging on waves, the wave strikes from one side or the other, and obeying its
pressure, the relaxed body sways after the ball.
Gradually we slow down the movement, allowing the body and hands to stop in their rhythm by
pinching the muscles and not braking the movement abruptly, like a swinging swing gradually
reduces the swing amplitude until it freezes motionless.
d) Returning to the starting position, we begin to roll the ball in a circle in front of us.
(*) We raise the ball from the abdominal cavity, along the center line to the level of the face,
move it away from ourselves by stretching our arms forward, but without straightening the elbows,
keep the joints relaxed and lower it down away from the body, returning to the starting
position. Thus, draw 9 circles. The movements are very slow, the attention is immersed in the body,
we listen to how our internal tissues react to the approach and

moving away the ball, the energy wave alternates its ups and downs in the body, stirring up our
internal energy. Part of the attention is still focused on the ball, as a sensitive living being, it changes
its internal state with every centimeter of moving in a circle. We try to hear the slightest nuances of
his inner life.
(**) Then we draw the same circle, but in the other direction: moving the ball away at the level of
the abdomen, lifting it on almost outstretched arms, bringing it closer to the face, and lowering it
along the body in close proximity to it (Fig. 1.11). We repeat 9 times comparing the sensations in the
body and in the ball with the previous ones.

We sit down in the “resting pose” (Fig. 1.12). Sitting down, we “drop” the ball, feeling its weight
and getting up to its original position, we continue to draw a circle, as if continuing the circles of the
previous exercise (*), but with a greater amplitude.

Resting Pose = knee of one leg goes under the knee of the other without touching the floor. We
sit on the heel like on a high chair.
Then we lower ourselves into a resting position on the other leg, perform (*) while continuing to
draw circles. We repeat the exercise, including lowering to the right and left legs 7 times.
 e.) We continue to descend into the "rest position", alternating legs, we begin to outline circles
in the other direction, as in the option (**). We perform the alternation of legs 7 times. We perform
the movement in the same rhythm of the pendulum, moving from one pose to another.
After finishing the exercise, we again perform stretching and pressing movements with the ball,
checking its condition: did you manage to accumulate it, make it more active, or did it “get lost”
during execution? The exercise is considered mastered when the ball increases its activity several
Then we immerse this ball into the abdominal cavity, putting our palms on the stomach on both
sides and fill the entire area from the perineum to the diaphragm with activity. Squeezing our palms
into loose fists, we remove them from the energy of the ball, leaving it in the stomach. We lower our
arms along the body while relaxing.

Candle fire meditation

Picture: The birth of a fire dragon.


Meditation can be practiced while sitting in the “tailor's position,” with your legs crossed, in the
“lotus position,” sitting on a chair, or standing.
We check the relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck, back, abdomen, perineum, arms and
legs. The tongue is still the indicator of relaxation. Relaxing, the body “spreads out”, losing its usual
shape, like melted wax, warming up, increasing overall relaxation.
1. Lighting two fires.
We open our palms up and focus on the index fingers, activate the fingertips and “light” two
candles, pay attention to warming up the fingertips, areas under the nails, around the nails. Feel how
the tops of the candles “melt”, melting the wax, making it warm and flowing. We analyze the
vibrations of the dancing lights.

2. Transfer of fire.
With the pads of the thumbs, touch the tips of the index fingers, lighting two more candles,
intensify the burning of the thumbs and compare the activity of all 4 tongues of flame.
Then, with our thumbs, alternately touch the tips of the middle fingers, ring fingers, and little
fingers. The palms are like candlesticks holding 5 burning candles. We compare the heat of each
candle, they are all different in the color of the flame, its activity and vibrations.

3. Lighting up a large flame.

We lower our arms and continue to feel our body with the wax, warmth from the fingertips, melt
the hands, forearms, shoulders, head, chest, back, lower back, stomach, legs. The body “melting”
from the surface layer, along the surface of the skin, flows down, layer by layer, relieving stress and
fatigue. The flame is very pleasant, gentle, purifying, it burns toxins, painful energy and imbues our
body with strength, activity and warmth.
4. Concentration of fire in the lower boiler.
Gradually, fire flows from the whole body into the abdominal cavity and concentrates in the
lower dan-tian. Like boiling lava fills the belly. We spin the lower dan-tien, giving the fire a clockwise
rotation, when viewed from above. We give the rotation stability. A fiery, rotating ball occupies the
entire abdominal cavity from the perineum to the diaphragm, from the navel to the lower back.

Note. It is necessary to tune in to a gentle, pleasant fire that brings health and purification.

Session 2
 Warm up and relax
  1. Starting position
 2. Activation of hands.
 3. Activation of 20 fingers.
 4. Twisting of the spine in the horizontal plane.
 Energy exercises
 Working with a ball.
 Winding energy onto a ball.
 Unwinding the globe
 Point of Consciousness Meditation 
Warm up and relax
 1. Starting position
(See the first lesson ) ... Do not forget to analyze your inner state.
2. Activation of hands.
a) We put our hands together in a lock, we intertwine the fingers (Fig. 2.1), we shift the hands
relative to each other (Fig. 2.2). In one and the other direction 8 times.

b) We shift the brushes in relation to each other in a different plane (Fig. 2.3). We actively
massage the areas between the fingers 16 times.
This exercise reflects a person's intuitive need to stimulate the nerve endings associated with
the entire nervous system as a whole. When a person is nervous, he unconsciously performs such
movements, helping himself to calm down.
c) We bend the wrist of the left hand so that the angle between the palm and the inside of the
forearm is less than 90 °. With the wrist of the right hand, touching the forearm of the left hand, we
reach for her elbow. This will further reduce the angle between the palm and the forearm of the hand
(Figure 2.4). Then we swap hands, alternating 8 times.

d) Keeping the fingers locked in a lock, we turn our hands with our palms away from ourselves,
with the feeling that someone is pulling us by the hands, and the whole body resists causing a
multidirectional, stretching action in the muscles, ligaments and joints of the hands (Fig. 2.5), we
perform 7 times.

Bending your elbows, turning your palms to your chest and unwinding them again from yourself,
straightening your elbows. Again, we turn our hands with our palms away from ourselves and draw a
circle (Fig. 2.6), trying to make it as large as possible, reach for our hands, drawing 9 circles
clockwise, if the dial is on the chest. Then we turn our hands with palms inward and perform 9 circles
f.) We put our hands down, fingers are still intertwined, palms look up (Figure 2.7), raise our
palms to face level (Yang palm) (Figure 2.8), turn our hands 360 °, without lowering our hands,
palms again up (Fig. 2.9) and raise our arms above the head (Fig. 2.10), reach for the ceiling,
stretching the spine. We lower our hands again, unfolding our Yang palms. We repeat the exercise 7
3. Activation of 20 fingers.

We focus on the flow from above, like streams of warm rain, the energy of the sun, stars, outer
space is washing us. Together with this flow, we relax the muscles of the face, body, arms and legs.
We listen to how rivulets of energy flow down the face, back of the head, and penetrate the
cervical spine. Like a mountain stream, energy flows down the vertebrae, from step to step, washing
each vertebra, spinous processes, intervertebral discs. The brook washes away stagnant, slagged
zones, washes out the nerve endings with clean, healthy energy. At the level of the coccyx, the
stream divides into two streams and rushes to the legs, as in the downpipes during a rainstorm
energy flows down from the legs, flowing out from the fingertips. We check that the stream flows
equally actively along the skin of the legs, flushes the muscle fibers, ligaments and bone tissues. We
pay special attention to the joints. By activating, cleaning and lubricating the articular bags of the hip,
knee and ankle joints.
We keep the flow from above, spreading it into the legs and at the level of the cervical vertebrae
we release two more rivulets into our hands. like feet, we wash tissues and joints, releasing streams
into the tips of the fingers. Making sure that all 20 flowing streams (10 on the arms, 10 on the legs)
are active. The streams flowing from the hands activate the fingertips, areas under the nails, around
the nails, making the tips of the fingers warm and vibrate.
4. Twisting of the spine in the horizontal plane.
a) Legs shoulder-width apart, feet are fixed in place, the bottom of the body is motionless. While
holding the energy pumping, we begin to turn the upper body from side to side, turning back as
much as possible (Figure 2.11).

With each twisting, we “squeeze out” energy pulses from 20 fingers. In a neutral position of the
body, we intensively collect the flow from above. We hold the pulsating flush: set-release-set-release
until you feel the ease of energy passing through the body and its splash through the fingers.

b) Continuing to twist, we transfer the weight of the body from foot to foot, “empty”, not filled
with weight, put the leg on half-toes, turning the heel up (Fig. 2.12). Twisting, we glance across the
back at the rising heel. Putting our feet on the half-toes, we roll over all the pads of the fingers,
increasing their activation. This twisting is called external.

c) Then we move on to internal twisting. Continuing to rotate the upper body, still transferring
the weight from leg to leg, we turn to the empty leg, which, resting on the heel, raises the toes up
(Fig. 2.13). The same in the other direction. We lower our gaze to the heel of the supporting (filled
with weight) leg, at the moment of maximum turn back. We continue twisting until we feel the activity
of all parts of the spine, but not bring to a state of dizziness.
Stopping the feet, “sticking” them to the floor, gradually slow down the turns to a complete stop
in the starting position. Continuing to focus on the flow from above and to the tips of the fingers and
Energy exercises
Working with a ball.
In the starting position, we direct our palms towards each other in the form of holding the ball
(Fig. 2.14). Energy flows from the fingertips, filling the space between the palms, like a small
aquarium. Holding the interconnection of the palms, we push the ball to the left with our right hand
(Figure 2.15). The left hand begins to move, only then will it feel the “pressure” of the aquarium in
the palm, and it moves back just enough to neutralize this pressure. Then the hands switch
roles. The left one pushes, the right one moves away when pressure is felt.
The exercise is performed before the formation of an elastic ball and its sensitive displacement,
at least 8 times in each direction.
Winding energy onto a ball.
The largest - the hip joints are most susceptible to salt deposits. In childhood, the mobility of
these joints includes almost 360 °. As a result of our limited movements, the salts are layered. These
deposits impair mobility, nutrition, lubrication of the joints and possibly pinching of the
nerves. Therefore, the warm-up of the hip joints must be given a lot of attention.
a) Continuing to hold the ball with our palms, we settle down into the servant pose.
"Servant Pose" (pu bu) = one leg is "full" bent, the other "empty" is straightened to the side (Fig.

Rolling the ball on the floor, we shift the body weight from foot to foot, “winding” the earth's
energy (yin) onto the ball.
We roll the ball from side to side (at least 9 times each).
b) We get up, lifting the ball up (Fig. 2.17), substituting it under the stream pouring from above
(Fig. 2.18), several times we introduce the ball into the stream and take it out of its action, carrying
the ball over our head, listening to the sensations in the palms, in the brain and the whole body.

c) The ball is still in our hands, we turn 180 ° (Fig. 2.19) and sit in the "rest position", settle on
the heel, as if sitting on a chair.

We roll the ball from side to side, continuing to collect yin energy (Fig. 2.20, 2.21). We get up
again, turning to a neutral position, lifting the ball up. We spin in the other direction, in a resting
position on the other leg and again collect, strengthening and nourishing our ball more and
more. We carry out 9 times in each direction.

Unwinding the globe

Returning to the starting position, continuing to hold the accumulated ball in the palms at the level of
the abdominal cavity. The shoulders, elbows, wrists are relaxed. We activate the Lao Gong points in
the center of the palms (Scheme 2.1). We connect these points with an energy rod (you can imagine
a pencil that rests on the palm of your hand) (Fig. 2.22).
A ball is a globe, a pencil is its axis. We mentally rotate the globe around its axis, analyze the
sensations in the palms, like a breeze, the ball glides over their surface, strengthening and
strengthening this feeling.

a) We bring the ball closer to the body, which continues to actively rotate, touching its surface to
the skin of the abdomen and slowly introducing it deeper into the abdominal cavity, analyzing the
condition in the abdomen and palms. Several times we move the rotating globe away and again
bring it closer to the body, enhancing the sensations from this contact.
As a result of the activation of the shell closest to the body and the physical body itself, a feeling
of nausea may occur, which means  that the tissues do not transmit the energy wave very well. It is
necessary to relax and analyze in which zones unpleasant sensations are manifested in order to pay
special attention to them. If pleasant sensations arise, then your shell and body need such
vibrations, you can increase their activity.
 b) Continuing to rotate the globe, turn its axis to a vertical position (Fig. 2.23), placing one
palm  over the other, we begin to lengthen and contract, stretching and pressing the rotating ball.

The shape of an hourglass appears, clots of energy stick to the palms, and the middle becomes
thinner, like a tornado of energy, actively rotating. We observe the transformation of the globe into a
tornado and vice versa. Turning the ball over, holding its rotation, on the other palm, again perform
stretching and pressing movements.
c) We return the axis of the ball to a horizontal position (Fig. 2.22) and again lengthen and
contract the rod between the points of Lao Gong, comparing the horizontal and vertical stretching of
the globe.

d) Holding the ball with your palms, gradually slow down the rotation of the ball and put your
palms on your stomach (Fig. 2.24), immerse the ball in the abdominal cavity.

Clenching our hands into fists, we move away from the ball and, relaxing, we lower it along the
body, returning to the starting position.
Point of Consciousness Meditation 

Picture: point. 
We find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. We relax the whole body, like a deflating
ball, we release tension from ourselves. Muscles "spread", become soft like melted wax. Closing our
eyes, we roll our attention from the crown of the head to the tips of our fingers, layer by layer,
relaxing all squeezed, tense areas. Finding such a position of the neck, arms, legs, body, so that in
their relaxation they “disappear” from our sensations.
The body becomes shapeless, blurry, loses its contours. AND
only our consciousness is like a spark in the boundless ocean of energy.
We have never seen ourselves in a mirror, we do not know what it looks like, in which our spark
is enclosed, like an embryo that does not know what it will incarnate into.
We feel the flows of energy, of which we are a particle. Merging with their current, we swim,
caught up in waves, whirlpools of the surrounding space, striving for some unknown goal.
We focus on our spark, flying in the stream of the same shining stars. We listen to it, trying to
determine what it is at the moment. A water molecule in an iridescent drop? ... A fragrant flower? ...
A sparkling crystal? ... an embryo in an egg? ......................
The spark, the point of consciousness, continues its journey in the streams of energies.
A star falling in the black space of the Cosmos ... Exit from meditation.
We enter the human body, as if just about to be born, and get acquainted with it, with its
sensations. Everything is new for us, everything is interesting.
Are we trying to determine how our consciousness feels in this body? How pleasant and safe is
it to be in it?
Slightly opening our eyes, we study a new, unfamiliar world around us, into which we find
Opening our eyes, slowly raise our hands, study, get acquainted with their actions,
appearance. Then we examine the legs, the body, getting to know them for the first time ...
We calmly inspect everything around, determining our relationship with the world around us. We
give ourselves a directive: we will perceive everything
the environment, everything that happens to us and will happen, is like new, unknown, very
interesting, requiring an unclouded, pure look and an appropriate reaction, actions.
Coming out of their state of meditation, we try not to enter the old, habitual perception of the
external world. We sensitively listen to internal assessments, a new state and try to keep everything
that we have felt and acquired.

Session 3
Warm up and relax

1. Starting position.
(Watch the  first lesson )
2. Pulsating pumping of arms and legs.
In the starting position, we clench our fists on our hands, then we clench our toes (we also form
a kind of fist) (Fig. 3.1).
Relax your hands by opening your palms, then relax your legs by spreading your fingers. In this
alternation, squeeze your arms, legs, then relax your arms, then your legs. We are gradually
accelerating the pace. Making sure that sometimes the hands are clenched and unclenched one by
one, and not together.
During the clenching of the fists, the re-closing of the energy channels, during the relaxation,
the flow of energy improves. Thus, a pulsating pumping of the channels of the arms and legs is
carried out. The relationship is turned on
brain centers responsible for coordinating the movements of the arms and legs. The
transmission of signals along the nerve pathways is accelerated.
We complicate the coordination of movements. We alternate between clamping and relaxation
in the following order: we clamp the right hand into a fist, then the right leg, then the left leg and the
left hand. We unclench in the same order, in a kind of circle (Fig. 3.2). Having established a clear
rhythm, we gradually accelerate the movement, reaching the maximum speed for ourselves, trying to
maintain the sequence of switching arms and legs.
3. Warm up the neck.

We focus on the cervical spine.

a) Relaxing the muscles of the neck, we tilt our head to the shoulder, trying not to strain, but
hang our head like a ball on a string (Fig. 3.3), the same in the other direction, rolling the ball of the
head to the other shoulder. 7 times in each direction.

b) Relaxing the other muscle group of the neck, “drop” the head forward (Fig. 3.4) and roll it
back 7 times.
c) We turn our head to the side, trying to look back from one side and then from the other 7
d) Touching the chest with the chin, draw an arc from shoulder to shoulder with it.
Above the collarbone, we remove the chin from the body and lift it to the side - up.
All the while trying to keep the neck relaxed as much as possible.
We carry out a very slow circle. Neck-rope, head-ball, roll the ball over the shoulders in a full
circle in one direction and the same slow circle in the other, listening to how tension and relaxation
are transmitted from one area to another.
Align the head on the cervical vertebrae. The head should not tilt to either side, as this causes
tension. We find the optimal position of the head on the cervical vertebrae, with maximum muscle
A similar warm-up of the neck trains the elasticity of the skin (the skin is like a weak point,
showing age with wrinkles). Free displacement of the cervical vertebrae, their flexibility contributes to
good nutrition of the brain, relieves tension. Prevents the deposition of salts and, as a result, cervical
4. Warm up the shoulder girdle.

Relax your shoulders.

a) We perform a circle with the hand, focusing on the activation of the fingertips.
We perform 9 circles, lifting in front, lowering from behind.
Then we rotate 9 times in the other direction - lifting from behind, lowering in front. We do the
same with the left hand.
b) Raise the right hand up (Fig. 3.5), the left one "hangs" from behind: your hands form one
axis. We begin to rotate it, like a swimmer swimming “crawl” forward for 9 laps.
c) Keeping the hands still with a single axis, we “swim” by the crawl on the back, 9 laps back.
d) Complicating coordination - “swim” with one hand forward, with the other hand - back (Fig.
3.6), 9 circles.

We change hands by roles and perform 9 circles.

5. Warm up the elbow joints.
 In the starting position, we raise our straightened arms to the sides. We rotate our arms at the
elbow joints, like an airplane propeller in one direction, then in the other direction for 9 circles.
We rotate in one direction (Fig. 3.7) 9 times and in the other 9 times. Complicating it, we rotate
towards each other (Fig. 3.8) and vice versa in 9 circles.
6. Twisting of the spine.
a) Intertwining fingers in the lock, raise our hands above the head, palms up, stretch the spine
(Fig. 3.9).

b) We turn the upper body 180 ° to the right (Fig. 3.10). Bending the right elbow, we stretch it to
the tailbone, bending the spine (Fig. 3.11). Again, in a neutral position, we stretch up and twist to the
left, strive with our left elbow to the tailbone.
Repeat the exercise until the twisting feels good.
d) Complicating the exercise, we reach for the tailbone, putting our hands behind the neck
(Figure 3.12).

Returning to a neutral position, we lower our arms along the body, tilt our head, touching the
chest with our chin (Figure 3.13), twisting the spine, bend down without lifting the chin and bringing
our face as close as possible to the legs (Figure 3.14).
In the lowest position, we relax the neck (removing the chin), arms, back muscles. The upper
body hangs completely relaxed, only the legs are in tension (Fig. 3.15). We remain in this position for
some time, relieving the remnants of tension from the intercostal muscles.

f.) We begin to swing the upper body, drawing with our hands a semicircle outlining the feet
(Figure 3.16). The upper body follows the arms. In total, we swing 16 times.
g) Then we bring the feet closer to each other, forming a single whole in the "position of the
column" (Fig. 3.17) and continue to swing from side to side 16 times.
"Column position": Feet together, legs extended. Gradually slowing down the swing, let the
body, and then the hands stop on their own without fixing their position with muscle tension.
h.) Very slowly we straighten up to a body position of 90 ° in relation to the legs and again,
touching the chest with our chin, bring our face closer to the body.
The spine forms an arc (Fig. 3.18).

Without changing the inclination of the body, we tear off the chin, raise our head, trying to see
the ceiling above us, pushing the spine into the opposite arc (Fig. 3.19).
We carry out 5 times in each direction. We slowly return to the starting position.
 7. Warm up the legs.

a) We sit down, straightening our legs in front of us, put one leg on the thigh of the other (Fig.
3.20). Taking the knee with our hands (Fig. 3.21), we swing the leg in the hip joint, trying to
alternately reach the floor and chest with the knee.
b) Leaving the leg on the hip, we bend over and with both hands grab the toes of the
outstretched leg, resting our forehead on the knee (Fig. 3.22). We relax and listen to the breath, we
count 7 breathing cycles (inhalation-exhalation 1 cycle).

Changing legs, we repeat a) and b) from the other leg.

c) Continuing to sit, we unite the feet with each other and bring the heels closer to the
crotch. With our hands we take the feet and pull the feet closer to the body (Fig. 3.23). We swing our
legs, trying to put our knees on the floor, you can help with your hands, pushing your knees to the
sides with your elbows.
d) Keeping the same position, bend over, trying to touch the big toes with the forehead, then
with the chin. So we “peck” the fingers, changing the tension in the spine (if you do not reach your
fingers, try to tilt, listening to the state of your spine, to the amplitude of its twisting, gently and calmly
trying to slightly increase it. Gradually flexibility will improve and your tilt will become larger. You do
not need to overexert yourself to avoid injury. Focus on your well-being)

We cross our legs in the “tailor's pose” (Fig. 3.24), bending to the right, touch the floor with our
elbows on the side of us, then touch the left. So swinging right and left, we drop the body from side
to side.
8. Relaxation.
Sitting in the “tailor's pose”, we relax the perineum zone, “melting” from below, relieve tension in
the legs, buttocks, abs, intercostal muscles.
Straighten the neck by relaxing the face and tongue.

Energy exercises.
Yin energy set.
Sitting, we come into contact with the perineal zone with the energy gushing from the
ground. As if we are sitting on a spring, a fountain that freely penetrates into the perineal area and
fills the abdominal cavity with its soft energy. The filling level grows and fills the perineal zone,
spreads in the legs, rises up, filling the abdominal cavity, lower back, all internal organs, passing to
the chest, through the diaphragm. Lungs, heart, intercostal muscles absorb Yin energy like a
sponge, softening, absorbing its life-giving force. The stream emanating from the ground very
actively fills the body and, rising to the head, begins to beat with a fountain, scattering around the
body. Part of the energy flows through the hands into the fingertips and 10 more small ones are
connected to the large fountain.
Ball game.
Directing palms towards each other, we direct 10 fountains to fill the ball held by the hands. We
carry out stretching and pressing movements, pushing and bringing palms closer to each
other. While stretching the ball, we draw out energy flows from the tips of the fingers, increasing their
outflow. By pressing, we concentrate the energy in the ball. We perform the exercise until we feel a
solid, elastic ball that obeys our movements and thoughts.
We raise this accumulated ball to the face area, immersing the face in yin energy. We feel the
impact on the nose, lips, cheeks, forehead and eyes.
We begin to stretch and compress the ball, increasing the activity of these zones.
We activate the oral cavity, gums, roots of teeth, tongue. Relaxing, we lower our hands down,
continuing to hold the ball, analyzing the interaction of the rising fountain and the falling ball.
Standing up, we keep the flow of energy from the ground through the perineal area and
intensify the rise of energy through the feet up the legs. We hold the ball in front of us, at the level of
the diaphragm, shoulders, elbows are relaxed.
Legs are wider than shoulders. We roll from foot to foot, transferring the weight of the body,
emptying one or the other. We draw in energy from the “empty” leg, passing it through the body,
through the hands, and pump it into a ball.
This is a very quick way to recover, the better the emptying of the legs, the better they rest.
We bring the ball to the nose and begin to act on the mucous membrane, it seems to dry out, as
if a current or UHF flows in the sinuses.
We gradually immerse the impact up to the larynx. Then we raise the ball to our eyes, turning
our palms towards ourselves. Opening and closing the eyelids, we act with yin energy on the
eyeballs, nourish the eyelids, eye muscles, membrane, iris.
We begin to rotate our eyes in a large circle 8 times in both directions, substituting the entire
eyeball under the energy of the ball. We pass the ball all over the body, lowering our hands down
and relaxing.
Lowering the fountain into the stomach (lower dan-tien).
Standing in the starting position, we focus on the stream that rises through the legs, body and
out of the head. Calmly, we begin to lower it, reducing the level of energy rise, freeing the head,
neck, chest. The fountain fills the abdominal cavity, rising in the center and spreading along the walls
of the abdomen, lower back and side surfaces.

Weeping Icicles Meditation


Picture: "Life".

Sitting, we take a comfortable position of the body, we relax the muscles of the face, the
shoulders flow down, the whole body floats, becomes a shapeless, melting cloud. Hands are
relaxed, palms are directed towards the ground, hands are relaxed.
We focus our attention on the tips of the fingers. We select the index fingers in our
sensations. Like two icicles in spring, they keep warm. Warmth from the surface of the skin, activity
penetrates deep into the fingers and moisture begins to ooze on the pads, it collects in a drop, the
drop grows, increases, pours and becomes heavy, breaks off the fingers, falls down. Following is
born, grows and falls another, third, worm ...
We observe the life of drops, from the moment of their inception to their fall.
We manage to trace their life from beginning to end. And so drop by drop ...
Gradually, other fingers begin to thaw and melt water also accumulates on their pads ...
All fingers, like icicles, warmed by the warm, spring sun, begin to “cry”. Each has its own rhythm
of the drop, its own expiration.
The drops flow into one another and almost merge in their fleeting lives, forming rivulets flowing
from the fingertips. We enjoy their flow ...

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