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Philippine Culture
and Society

Prepared by: Sandra Palomar-Quan

PTF, Department of Arts Management
DLS-CSB School of Design and Arts
May 2019
Course Outline
❖ Introduc7on and Course Expecta7ons
❖ Sociocultural and Historical Perspec7ves
❖ Process of Indigeniza7on
❖ Significance to programs of Economic and Social Development
❖ Cross-cultural Research
❖ Relevance to Global Development

COURSE OUTCOMES: Conduct and evaluate AcLon Research reflecLng in-

depth understanding of Philippine cultural and behavioural symptoms to
address contemporary challenges in the arts and the creaLve industries.
❖ Accessible Language and a Cross-Cultural

❖ Compelling Visuals (photographs, maps,

videos, illustra7ons, games)
* Higher educa;on study of Philippine
❖ Challenge Issues (introduces a unit)
Culture through lateral disciplines:
❖ Student Learning Objec7ves, Knowledge
- Literature (Ateneo de Manila &
Skills and Checklists (begins a lesson) Polytechnic University of the
❖ Thought-Provoking Ques7ons (ends a lesson) - Development and Socio-Cultural
Studies (U.P. Asian Centre)
❖ Integrated Methods: aUer ques7ons for - Art Studies (U.P. Diliman College of Arts
reflec7on, hands-on assignments present & Le[ers)
opportuni7es to dig deeper into course - Cultural Heritage & Arts Management
contents through mini fieldwork projects and (U.P. Manila)
encourage students to explore topics based - Asian and Ethnic Studies (University of
on their own culture or interest (ends a unit) Hawai’i at Mānoa)
Challenge Issue: You’re Filipino If…

Both are hamburgers. Both are sandwiches. But one of these is Filipino. Which one and why?
This course depicts our world as non-homogenous. However, to decipher what makes a food
item Filipino while the other is not requires iden7fying a group of people’s shared experiences.
What is the impact of a Yumburger on Philippine society, if not on culinary tradi7ons globally.
An IntegraLve Approach to the Course

Unifying themes to place the study of Philippine culture and

Society in a larger, contemporary context of—
1. GlobalizaLon. Its re-emergence following the footprints of the
discovery of the New World, European coloniza7on and the
period of decoloniza7on (19th c.)
2. Biocultural connecLon. Integra7on of cultural and physical
(natural) aspects in human a[empts to survive.
3. Systemic adaptaLon. Culture is an integrated and dynamic
system of co-existence with internal and external factors,
including environmental influences.
Point to ponder: Are Filipinos Asian, Hispanic or Pacific Islander? hXps://
Unit 1 Session 2
The Cultural Studies PerspecLve: Not Just POP

Cultural analysis must seek to iden7fy

pa[erns if it is to discover shared ideas, ideals,
and forms of communica7on…the real
challenge is to discover those significant
pa[erns which give understanding of how
social interac7on in that group works. (Hall)

Assigned Reading: Bernad, Miguel A. Philippine Culture and the Filipino IdenLty, Philippine
Studies Vol. 19. No. 4, Ateneo de Manila University, 1971. hXp://
Homework 1: IdenLfy a typically Philippine art form (new media creaLons included). List down
characterisLcs that give it Filipina/o-ness. Prepare to discuss your reasons in the next session.
Session 3
The Historical PerspecLve
History studies the past based
How De la Costa characterizes
on wriHen documents.
Philippine culture:
What does history tell us about
1. develops in open-source
our culture?
Can it tell us more than what is
2. by capacity to change
cultural borrowings.
How can we get more
3. accultura7on varies in
informa7on about our culture
breadth (posi7on) and in
and society?
depth (class).

Assigned Reading: De La Costa, Horacio. History and Philippine Culture, February 1961. A paper
read at a Symposium on Philippine Culture sponsored by UNESCO Na7onal Commission of the
Philippines and the Rizal Centennial Commission.
Reflec;on Semio7cs of the Barong
What do garments signify? Beyond IdenLficaLon.

o Sense of belonging
and security
o Know-how
o Tradi7on
o Regula7on and
o Contesta7on
o Rupture

Assigned Reading: Burns, Lucy Mae San Pablo. Your terno’s draggin’: Fashioning Filipino
American performance, Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, Vol. 21, No.2, July
2011, 199-217.
Unit 2 Session 4
IndigenizaLon of Form at Periods of Unrest

What is “Filipino” in the art

forms of ar7sts in the late 1970s
through the 1980s?
o Sense of freedom
o CraU ethic
o Syncre7sm
o Referen7ality
o Poli7cised project

Assigned Reading: Quizon, Cherubim A. Indigenism, PainLng and IdenLty: Mixing Media under
Philippine Dictatorship, Asian Studies Review September 2005, Vol. 29, pp. 287-300.
AV viewing: hXps://
Session 5
IndigenizaLon of Process at Moments of Peace

AV Viewing: The Genius of the Filipino Poor

Point to ponder: Are there similar forms of indigenised habits like the “bayad po” system in your
daily life?
Assigned Reading: E. San Juan (2013)
Unit 3 Session 6
Significance of the Study of Phil. Culture & Society

What“Filipino” structure
condi7ons community, poli7cal
and economic development?

Assigned Reading and Group Report on Robert Fox and the Manunggul Jar
Challenge Issue: Society in a Dessert

Who invented this?

Session 8
Filipino Traits in the Workplace

“The unspoken but cogent code of Embracing Difference

conduct poses a serious dilemma for
Filipinos, as business becomes more

Assigned Reading: Selmer & De Leon, Management and Culture in the Philippines
Assignment: Interview/research on SMEs in the crea7ve industry. Cite management problems
(past or current). Consider how elements in the Philippine values system impact organisa7on
and performance in the workplace.
AV Viewing: The Future of Metro Manila, h[ps://
Session 9-10
Cross-Cultural Approach applied to Management
Types of Interna7onal
Management research:
o Domes7c
o Replica7on
o Indigenous
o Compara7ve
o Interna7onal
o Intercultural

Assigned Reading: Cross-Cultural Management: EssenLal Concepts, Thomas & Peterson, 2017.
AV Viewing h[ps://
Session 11-12
Frameworks PromoLng Philippine Culture and Society

Group report and Assigned Reading: Socioeconomic Report 2017, PromoLng Philippine Culture
and Values
Session 13
Workshop on De Bono’s 6TH
Re-thinking elements of your fieldwork using the Six Thinking Hats
technique (sequence may change depending on the nature of your

o Step 1: Present the facts (White)

o Step 2: Generate ideas on obtaining and actualising data (Green)
o Step 3: Evaluate the merits of your data—
o List posi7ve observa7ons about your data (Yellow)
o List nega7ve observa7ons about your data (Black)
o Step 4: Examine gut feelings about the alterna7ve observa7ons
o Step 5: Analyze and summarize data with concluding statement
Relevance of the Course & Recommenda;ons

Why is this course important for Arts Management students of Benilde?

— focus on local culture and how behaviour impacts social pa[erns
develops sense of responsibility and ethical prac7ce within the industry.
— cross-cultural research recognises human diversity and manifests
apprecia7on of individual worth.
— knowing what makes Philippine culture and iden7ty a personal brand
makes a discerning and competent professional within society.

Recommenda7on for course development (topic/7tle):

— Ac7on Research Paper may be aligned with Elec7ve Course
Produc7ons or in prepara7on for AMPRACT
o Hall, Stuart. Cultural Studies 1983: A TheoreLcal History. Duke University Press, 2016.
o San Juan, Jr. E. Reflec7ons on Academic Cultural Studies and the Problem of Indigeniza7on in the Philippines,
TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 29, pp.73-94, Spring 2013.
o Socioeconomic Report 2017, Chapter 7: PromoLng Philippine Culture and Values, NEDA.
o Thomas, David C. & Peterson, Mark F. Cross-Cultural Management: EssenLal Concepts, 4th Edi7on, Sage
Publishing, 2017.

o Bernad, Miguel A. Philippine Culture and the Filipino IdenLty, Philippine Studies Vol. 19. No. 4, Ateneo de
Manila University, 1971.
o Burns, Lucy Mae San Pablo. Your terno’s draggin’: Fashioning Filipino American performance, Women &
Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, Vol. 21, No.2, July 2011, 199-217.
o De La Costa, Horacio. History and Philippine Culture, Philippine Studies Vol. 9, No. 2, April 1961, pp. 346-354.
o Fox, Robert. The Study of Filipino Society and Its Significance to Programs of Economic and Social
Development. Philippine Social Review, Vol. 7, No. 1/2, January-April, 1959, pp.2-11.
o Quizon, Cherubim A. Indigenism, PainLng and IdenLty: Mixing Media under Philippine Dictatorship, Asian
Studies Review September 2005, Vol. 29, pp. 287-300.
o Patoja-Legasto, Priscelina Ed. Philippine Studies: Have We Gone Beyond St. Louis?, University of the
Philippines Press, 2008.
o Selmer & De Leon, Management and Culture in the Philippines. Papers on Cross-Cultural Management,
Business Research Centre, Hong Kong Bap7st University, 2002.
“Take care of your thoughts because
they become your words,
Take care of your words because they
become your ac;ons,
Take care of your ac;ons because
they become your habits,
Take care of your habits because they
will become your personal brand”

~ Yemi A.D., paraphrasing the Dalai Lama

Thank you for your aIenJon.

Have a wonderful term ahead!

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