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Carmen Gómez Alarcón 04-02-2021 INC1116M


Why visit. It is the capital of Scotland and it is considered as one of the most
spectacular cities of Europe. Despite its underrated fame, it is a big spot for tourists
and they get impressed by its magic landscapes and breath-taking views. You may
be thinking that Edinburgh is not that unimpressive. However, there are impressive
things such as locals’ kindness, historical monuments and picturesque areas.

When to visit. There is a lovely time of year to visit the city. It is June through August
when these months provide the sunniest and calmest ways. By the way, this is ideal
time for tourism because in August festivals fill up the calendar.

Getting around. One of the simplest ways to get around the city’s streets is walking.
On foot is the most enjoyable way to discover Edinburgh, but not the only one. Biking
or public-transport could be also great choices whether you know a bit more the

What to see and to do. Locals promote tourism. Their reasonably priced guided tours
are incredible, you will visit Edinburgh’s cathedral, Charlotte’s square and its popular
castle for almost nothing!. All these attractions are well worth a visit, I promise!
Carmen Gómez Alarcón 04-02-2021 INC1116M

ARTICLE. Changes in communication


These last decades, we have been noticing how fast our ways of chatting,
socialising, and even thinking of relationships, have changed.
We all are aware of changes, but the question is: are they being a good or bad

It’s difficult to imagine a life without electronic gadgets. How could we talk with our
friends without WhatsApp? How could we make presentations without Power Point?
How could we book flights without websites like Booking? Our lives depend on
technology, nowadays. The use of mobile phones is taking hold and will carry on
growing substantially without wanting to. However, people 30 years ago managed to
live without all this stuff, it appears the same discussion: was it better then?

Looking at communication, we are now more connected than ever. Personally, that’s
the biggest advantage in this generation. You shouldn’t worry about your cousin
living in Argentina because you could facetime him in real time and feel like
kilometres don’t divide you apart. There are more pros like cheap prices of phones
and data connections or the promotion of a more globalized world.

In the past, people could only chat by letter or by meeting friends. If they wanted to
talk to someone by phone, they had to go to a telephone booth because phones
were unaffordable. We are now more in touch with our friends, it’s easier! On the
other hand, some illnesses like depression or anxiety are on the increase due to fast
communication. We expect an instant reply from our friend and we become anxious
if we don’t receive it. That’s mainly why people believe that these changes haven’t
been good.
I reckon, Spain has improved over the last 30 years and I’d say that technology has
changed almost every part of the world. In my view, my generation has more pros in
terms of communication. Feeling closer to your friends and relatives is always good.
civil unrest
staging a coup
sworn an oath
police barracks
cripple a panzer
seize control
looks like a drill
a truce
standby alert
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