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Food Production - Issues

Global Food Demand and Production Network

Challenges Ahead

M . POP – USAMV Iasi

Past, present, future about needs

Human population has grown very slowly for most of its existence on earth. Scientists currently
estimate that modern human beings (Homo sapiens) evolved roughly 130,000 to 160,000 years ago.
Many threats, from diseases to climate fluctuations, kept life expectancy short and death rates high in
pre-industrial society, so it took until 1804 for the human population to reach one billion.
From that point forward, however, population growth accelerated very quickly (Tab 1).

Table 1. World population milestones.

Source: United Nations Secretariat, Department of Economic and Social Affairs,

World population reached: Year Time to add 1 billion

1 billion 1804

2 billion 1927 123 years

3 billion 1960 33 years

4 billion 1974 14 years

5 billion 1987 13 years

6 billion 1999 12 years

7 billion 2011 12 years

today 7.67...7.7 billions 2019

8 billion (estimation) 2023-2024 12-13 years

Livestock raising and the consumption of animal products
make a crucial contribution to the economic and nutritional wellbeing of
millions of people around the world.

The UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) estimates that

by 2050 the demand for food will grow by 60% and that
between 2010 and 2050 production of animal proteins is expected to grow
by around 1.7% per year,
with meat production projected to rise by nearly 70%,
aquaculture by 90%
and dairy by 55%.






(education / true values -religion / moneys / spirit-soul / life quality / peace )


Quality Safety Environment Economics

• Nutrient Quality Control  Manure / Waste  Resources &
Requirements • Production
 Food Safety Raw Materials
Management  Water use and
Management & Price e.g ...
 Raw materials - Technology quality
Systems - Land …
& Ingredients - Prod.Planning
Air composition - Fuels +…
- Process control
 Availability & Microbiological / greenhouse - Crop use…
Logistics issues e.g. effect - GMO use…
- Operational
-Salmonella ++ - Carbon footprint - Alternative
 Food Research
- E.coli protein sources
additives “optimum”
mycotoxins .. Soil (pollution) / - Type and
• Progress & Land quality… acceptance
  Contaminants
Innovation from -Deforestation -Work price
 Eco/Organic/ -drugs, POPs,
Scientifical -Desertification - Demography
Bio – products  dioxine, fipronil
Research -Spoilage etc. - other..
& Customer etc
spec. demands  Climate change - - - - -

The 10 global consumption trends in 2019

The Global Consumer Trends 2019 survey . A new study by market research firm Euromonitor International reveals the main
consumer trends that emerge in 2019 and which will dictate the coming years. Overall, the research points out that intelligence to
know how to use the immense range of options and decision-making power is essential in 2019. "The big challenge is knowing how
to make sense of everything," the study says.
Consumers are searching for authenticity, differentiated products and experiences so they can express their individuality. Consumers
in developing countries are reevaluating their consumption habits, abandoning exaggerated materialism and seeking simplicity,
authenticity, and individuality.
Ethical and environmental issues are also no longer being niche demands and scanty brands to become essential points for anyone.
The anti-plastic movement of 2018 (against the straw, for example) showed that environmental concern has come to stay.
Here are 10 consumer trends in 2019:
1. Older people want to feel and act as younger - and be treated as such
In 2019, the "agnostics of age" arise, those who do not believe more than age or old age are synonymous with "getting worse". They
do not take a passive view on aging and take care of appearance and health more and more. Research shows that the generation
that was born between 1946 and 1964 is also concerned with technological innovations, new apps and new smartphones.
With aging populations around the world (in Japan, more than half of the population will be over 50 by 2025), this share of consumers
becomes essential for brands and companies, which must see growth potential in the age bracket. In fact, this population range has
more purchasing power than the younger ones.
2. Back to basics: less is more
Consumers tend, more and more, to reject the generic, mass-produced products. Preference is now given to simplified and focused
products. Consumers are also reevaluating their consumption habits, rejecting materialism and consumerism, and giving preference
to simpler, more authentic experiences. Buying food locally, from small producers, exemplifies the trend.
In the beverage market, the increase in consumption of craft products (such as craft beers) reflects the anti-massification trend. In
the beauty market, products called DIY (Do It Yourself - Do It Yourself) have also seen a boom of interest and consumption.
According to Kseniia Galenytska, senior analyst at Euromonitor: "The demand for products using natural ingredients has grown. 29%
of consumers are looking for all-natural skin products and the demand for total ingredient transparency has reached 19% of
consumers. "
3. Conscious Consumption
Consumers are increasingly aware and look for positive decisions in the way they buy and consume a product or service.
Mindfulness came to consumption. This growing share of consumers are aware of the negative impact that exaggerated and
irresponsible consumption is causing in the world. This consciousness embraces humans, animals and the environment.
Veganism and eco-friendly products gain more space with this trend among consumers around the globe. In developing countries,
consuming red meat is still seen as a sign of greater purchasing power and prosperity. But even in these countries, such as Nigeria,
Pakistan and Brazil, vegetarian diets have gained ground. Products that do not promote animal testing are also being increasingly
demanded. According to the study, "ethics became mainstream," that is, it became popular, and the concept of ethically responsible
business changed, encompassing much more topics.
4. Digitally joined
The transformation of digital media and technology, which in the last decade has evolved from "communication facilitator" to the
creation of new and multidimensional forms of interaction, will continue to create new collective experiences and shape the way in
which consumers connect and collaborate.
Entire industries are already being transformed to offer solutions and virtual options, such as the medical and law areas. The virtual
works and interactions, where it will be possible to work and collaborate in team, even at a distance, will be more and more common.
According to Mattew Hudak, analyzes Euromonitor research, the virtual reality arising in the world of video games will expand to all
professional areas. According to him, the challenge of the next generation of new technologies will be to balance the ease of use of
the consumer (user-friendly technology) with the high technical capacities of the service or product in question.
5. Everyone is a specialist: knowledge is power
In an era of high accessibility, where everything is within reach of a button, consumers know they can count on instant information to
decide their purchases. The relationship between retailer and consumer has changed. If before they were looking for certain brands
or experts they could trust to make their decisions, now very well informed consumers make decisions on their own and talk to each
other for advice and information.
In social networks, consumers do not need brands to report problems, make criticisms, or praise a product or service. The power of
information is in the hands of those who consume. In addition, only the power of "influencers" in social networks grows. In this wave,
the old maxim "the customer is always right" has become even more of an unquestionable truth.
The power of these consumers shapes e-commerce, where websites have evaluations and rankings created by buyers, who
constantly monitor prices and quality of products and services. There is no room for lack of transparency. Any error is immediately
reported and shared.
6. Self-sufficiency: the value of "being alone"
The time when the private and professional frontier disappeared (generating the workaholic problem) lagged behind, as did the time
created by social networks where people were anxious to feel that they were "losing something" by staying home ". In 2019, the
valuation of time alone, from the moment "I", came to stay. There is nothing wrong with staying at home enjoying your company,
away from e-mail, events and social networks.
Another trend shows consumers more careful about what they shared online, valuing privacy more. A lot of people realized that they
could not stay 24 hours a day "competing" in terms of experience and happiness on social networks. "Real-life" experiences have
once again been valued as escape from the constant stress of life online.

7. "Let me do it" - Consumers can take care of themselves

Consumers are cutting the "middle of the field," the midway professionals, and doing it themselves. Without consulting a
professional, people solve their own problems with versatility. And if consumers once got carried away by the hype of new products,
now they are looking for simple and effective solutions that fit what they want. With an eye, for example, in health, these new
consumers seek practical food solutions, valuing organic products.
To achieve personal happiness and health results, these consumers are willing to spend more if needed. Sarah Petersson, senior
researcher at Euromonitor, says: "Being able to 'take care of yourself' is seen as a luxury that allows people to be more versatile,
expand their possibilities. This trend reflects how people eat, drink and take care of their health. "
8. A world without plastic - Consumers more attentive to waste
The struggle for a society free from "plastic slavery" has gained momentum in recent years and will only grow in 2019, with more
attentive consumers who reject products whose plastic packaging is disposed of with only one use or those beauty products that
bring plastic microparticles that pollute the oceans. For its versatility, 63% of the packaging of products such as food, beauty
products and household products come in plastic packaging. But consumer use will be more conscious, seeking recycling, reuse and
conscious consumption.
With this trend, consumers will show themselves to spend more on products with recyclable materials and whose brands are
effectively concerned about the environment.
9. I want it now! - Fast and trouble-free solutions
Efficiency is the key word. Consumers are more busy and want services and products that are delivered quickly and in the simplest
possible way, without problems. Concerned about having more time and paying more attention to their work and personal life, these
consumers want to worry as little as possible about the practicalities of life: a purchase in the market, a new service on the cell
phone: everything needs to be done in the most gentle way possible, requiring the least possible concern.
Time is also, more and more, precious. A good portion of consumers in 2019 will tend to spend more money if the service or product
saves them time. 5G technology, big data and artificial intelligence will provide services and products that will save a lot of time from
their captive consumers.
10. Loving single life
People over 50 are getting more single and enjoying this new life. Lifetime or newly widowed or separated singles, these consumers
have more consumer power and are adopting a lifestyle unique to young singles. Over the next decade, growth in the number of
households with singles will be greater than the growth of any other type of household.
A matter of convenience and cost are essential for these consumers. They prioritize financial security and think about making
consumer decisions more than younger generations.

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