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First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah ,

writer finished writing the paper entitled “The Use of
Methaphore” right in the calculated time.

The purpose in writing the papee is to fulfill the assignment

that given by Mrs …………..

In arraging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and
obstructions but with help of many individual ,those
obstructions could paased. Writer also realized there are still
many mistake in process of writing this paper .

Because of that , the writer says thank you to all induviduals

who helps in the process of writing this paper ,hopefully Allah
replies all helps and blees you all. The writer realized tha this
paper still imperfect in arraangment and the content. Then the
write hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer
in perfecting the next paper. Last but no the least hopefully
,this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge
about chiken farm

Abstract + keyword…………1

Indroduction ……………….2

Research Questions…………2

Objective of the research……3

Research methodi………….. 3



• Abstract :

Free-range chikens are easy to raise and some

disadvantages are due to the effects of disease on the health off
free-range chiken farms affecting the environment. There is
management to breed free-range chiken at pak Salahudin Farm
, monggonao Village Mpunda District . the purpose of this
study the control management off caring for free-range chiken
,especially in the field of broiler farming, this research was
conducted for 2 days by colleting data directly to the research
locations of the owner of pak Sakahudin farm.the result showed
that Salahudin farms implemented a free-range chiken
brededing program,providing food so this research shows that
raising native chikens on pak Salahudins farm is good


Chiken feed in the form of a mixture of fish bone and

vitamins, free-range chiken ,chiken treatment ,amount of
chiken feed

Local or better know chiken with free-range chiken is

plasma native Indonesia poulyry germfahpotential and have
high adaptablility to environment so suitable for community
development small and medium punching busisness potential
can also be seen from the amount of protein demand off animal
origin from poultry by a conscious society of the importance
off animal protein with value high nutrition and safe of

• Reseacrh Questions

Every scientific research that will be carried out always

depart from problem. The formulation of the problem is
intended to confirm the problems which will be examined so as
to facililate the work and achievenment target. Formulation of
the problem in a study is needed to focus on problems so they
can be solved systematically. This way can provie a clear
picture facililate understanding of problems and achieve the
desired goals. Based on the above background and so that this
research is more directed and do not deviate from the problems
under study and the desired goals achieved, the authors make
restrictions on;
1. What are the patterns of animal feed control livestock
carried out by native chicken breeders?
2. How is the implementation of checking the eggs that will
become healthy native chicken seeds
• Objective of the Research

According to Tyrus Hillway ,researchis The objectives of this

research are as follows:
1. To describe patterns of feeding control farm animal
carried out by chiken farmers
2. To describe the implementation off how to find the best

• Research Methodi

1. Place and time of research

The location of this research was carried out in the village
of Monggonao ,Mpunda District Bima city.This location
was chosen on the considenration that there is one in the
village several good free-range chiken farms (
independent breeders).been established for a long time
and the live stock business is still relatively new time
The research started from may 30 to may 31 in
monggonao village Mpunda district Bima City

2. Data Type And Source

Type and source of data used in this study are
qualitative describes the risks faced in production
process and risks during marketing as well as
alternative to overcome them risks in the risks analysis
of free-range chicken farming in Monggonao Village
Mpunda District ,Bima City .Data is a colleting of facts
,fact obtained from result variable measurements in the
form of ext, numbers and photos

The result and discussion in this chapter are based on all

available data was successfully collected when the field
,namely Monggonao Village Mpunda District Bima city
,the data referred to in this is primary data sourced from
the answers off the informants using a direct interview
guide . as well as observstion the field then reduces and
presents the data in text form done by the author
1 . Interview
In the interview, the research went di rectly to the place od
residence information. This is indended so that research is more
free to find problems faced by the parties invited to the
interview in more detail open and asked for opiniions ,
complaints and ideas. In the interview need to listen carefully,
record and record what is informed by informants ,the
interview process must also be carried out casually or chatting
as usual but the topic of discussion regarding the reseaarchers
do, sometimes researhers also help informant job while
interviewing to create a situation that is not very tense.
2 . Observation
Researchers made obsevations of the implementation of
research activities through photos or drawing as physical
evidence of research implementation. In taking photos or
picture, researchers often use the help of a family researchers
who accompanied the researcher during the research. However,
when the researchers family is unable to accompany the
researchers, so the researchers is alone take photos or picture
related to the research that reearches are doing.
The conclusion from the result of the discussion above
regarding the analysis of free-range chicken farms in
monggonao village, Mpunda sub-district, Bima city namely
chicken farming business in the village of monggonao, Mpunda
district kota bima has four risks in the marketing process,
namely weather, disease, breeders and stress as well as there
are three risks in marketing which faced by breeders, namely
the behavior of chicken, the number of competitors and
fluctuating prices.The alternative solutions to the problem are:
1. Chicken sellers in the village of monggonao only need to
bring the chicken sold to the market in moderation when
not in season.
2. Stay on guard chicken quality.
3. Look for feed that is priced right with the farmers finances
but the quality is not too much different form feed that is
4. Stop the sales process temporarily if the prices of chicken
in the market decreasesd and resell it when the price of
chicken in the market gradually getting better.

The location of mongonao village RT: 03 RW: 01 Jln
sukun 3


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