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Group names: Saisha Vankayalapati, Imogen Valentine, Lauren Andrade, Campbell Hone

Satirical Illustrations Analysis

Pawel Kuczynski


● Box 1: Type your name

● Box 2: Type the name of the illustration and paste the actual illustration into the box
● Box 3: Individually identify the rhetorical situation (SPACE). Then, identify the specific rhetorical
choices/strategies used (CAT). Remember to support your answers with evidence from the illustration!
● Box 4: Write a clear thesis for the illustration. What choices/strategies contribute to the meaning and
purpose of the artist? Remember what you have learned about good versus better, and if necessary, use
the thesis template on slides 2-3 on canvas.

Student Name: Saisha Vankayalapti

Illustration 1:
Rhetorical S: Pawel Kuczynski was born in Szczecin Poland in 1976 he has become a
Situation: popular illustrator for his symbolism and political outlooks in his drawings.
They have become popular for their expressions of both political and social
P: Pawel Kuczynski created this art to signify how technology has become
something of an addiction. Essentially technology or a phone is something
that is fuel in our bodies whether it's good or not but it's something that
people have become accustomed to.
A: The audience that the image is targeting is generally everyone who uses
their phone or is addicted to their technology. Uts want to tell the audience
that whether they know it or not phones and technology have become an
addiction for the average person and it goes unnoticed. It urges the audience
to take a look at how the phone impacts their life and to make changes.
C: the image reverses the phones and devices we use every day and
essentially those that we can't live without. Cell phones with different social
media show our connections with others through it.
E: Thai was made because we see the use of technology every day. I assume
the author himself had many experiences with his phone and technology. He
probably saw that he and others wouldn't go a day without having their
phone with them and using it. He was likely seeing the addiction of people
with technology and made an image about it.
C: Pawel uses a darker background to show the darkness surrounding it. He
also makes it a dark blue which looks almost like the color of a hospital to
show its severity. He uses dark blue veins to show that the person is very
affected by the drugs as well as previous other puncture wounds to show that
it is something that he has done before and likely will do again. He also
presented the phone as an injection needle and melded it together to show
that they are one and the same and do a lot of these things. He also made
sure to show mostly social media apps to show the common uses of a phone
that aren't usually for work or anything really beneficial.
A: The main appeal used in the drawing was pathos because it makes you feel
as though you are looking at someone who is addicted to drugs and it makes
you feel sympathetic for them. You also make the connection between
yourself and the image in front of you making it more impactful.
T: the image uses a tone that is more sad and dark making it much more
realistic to showing the severity of the issue. It is like a warning and an
awareness on how we look at drug users and who we are not far off.

Thesis: In the satirical illustration “wallet”,Pawel Kuczynski, who political artist and
compares drug addiction with technology addiction, using dark colors, and
melding together objects in order to show how phones have become an addiction
for the regular person, Causing people who often use their phones for things like
social media to take breaks and understand technology addiction to prevent it for
Body paragraph: In the illustration, Pawel Kuczynski compares the use of a phone to something of drug
addiction so people who use their phone very often in their life will have a better understanding of the
addiction and control technology has in our lives. If we look at the illustration we see the phone drawn
as a needle. That is showing the comparison with drugs like heroin and a phone showing how the
symbolism of injecting the phone causes the same addiction as a drug. There is also the constant
poking of the needle into the body that will show how this is something that doesn't happen once but
continues to happen overtime to get a little dose of dopamine each time. Thai shows of people that like
an addiction the little happiness we get from our phone becomes an addiction and our escape from
reality but eventually, it can negatively impact us and we should steer away format.

Student Name: Campbell Hone

Illustration 2:

Rhetorical S: Pawel Kuczynski, born in Szczecin Poland in 1976, and has since grown into
Situation: a well known illustrator specializing in political art. His long list of awards are
plenty of evidence for his success, using art as his medium to express his
different opinions on current events.

P: Pawel Kuczynski created this piece of art, in order to exemplify how we

tend to be blinded by technology, limited to whatever is right in front of us
instead of being able to grasp the big picture.

A: The audience that this piece of art is targeting is anyone and everyone that
is on their phone, to either emphasize the fact that they may be on it too
much or to warn them of what their future may be. This audience is so
widespread due to how widespread technology is and it seems like just about
everyone can take something from this image.

C: This image is referencing the different electronic devices that are blinding
us in our everyday lives. From cellphones to desktop computers it expresses
the many different screens we see.

E: More so now than ever are people blinded by the screens around, physically
as people are walking into things while their face is on the screens. But also
we tend to be mentally blocked by our screens locking ourselves in a bubble
restricting our intake of different sources. This limits us from being able to see
different points of view and does more harm than good.

C: Kuczynski uses a very dark background and then really brightens up the
phone screens so that your eyes are drawn to that part of the image. His use
of a donkey also dehumanizes the people that the donkey is representing. A
working animal in which it just lowers its head and carries the load without
any questions is what is being represented by the image. When we allow
technology to blind us we too become just a cog in the machine, silently
working for someone of higher power. I think that the use of the cell phone is
also an important decision when given the option of any of the screens we see
everyday. It's the screen we carry in our pocket with us every day that was
used in the drawing. Finally I think one of the other important decisions that
was made when creating this art was not showing the donkey’s eyes. The
screens are facing towards the donkey’s eyes not only preventing us from
seeing the donkey’s eyes, but preventing the donkey from seeing anyone

A: The main apparel used in this drawing is that of pathos, the way the
donkey is expressed as dark and sad ties into people's feelings. no one wants
to be a sad donkey like eeyore. People want to be expressive and experience
the world and so I think this image really just calls people out.

T: Kuczynski uses a donkey blinded by two cell phones to express a warning to

those who view it. Trying to encourage caution when it comes to being
blinded by screens and technology throughout our lives

Student Name: Lauren Andrade

Illustration 3:

Rhetorical S: The illustrator, Pawel Kuczynski, was born in Szczecin, Poland, in 1976 and
Situation: is a political art satirist and philosopher. He comments on cultural, social,
economic, and political issues and has won over 100 awards. He uses art to
capture the problems of modern society, and he encompasses universal
subjects of global problems and personal demons.

P: Pawel Kuczynski created this image, Bath, in order to highlight how people
only limit themselves to the knowledge that they get from their phones;
however, by doing this, they aren’t able to obtain the vast knowledge
provided by books.

A: The intended audience is people who constantly are on and use their
phones. They rely on their phones for all of the knowledge and information
they know and have. Instead of turning to books for their knowledge, they
first look up information on the Internet. The audience can be hostile as they
are very dependent on their phones, but they may be open to using other,
existing sources, such as books, for more, new information.

C: The image, posted on Facebook on August 4, 2017, is referencing the

increasingly more technological products produced, such as microchips, voice
recognition (Google Home, etc.), and self-driving cars.

E: In 2017, people started relying on more technological products due to the

technological innovations being made, leading to them relying on retrieving
all of the information they need to know from technology. Due to this, other
resources for knowledge, such as books, are being used less because
technology is faster and more accessible to people. So, Kuczynski wanted to
address these people and show them how limiting themselves to the
knowledge they get from their phone prevents them from getting the vast
knowledge from books.

C: Kuczynski uses bright colors to bring the readers’ attention to the image
and to accentuate the beauty of the book. He chose to use more dull colors for
the phone to show how there isn’t as good or as much knowledge as the
beautiful, blue ocean of book knowledge. He also compares the phone to a
small, shallow pool to show how you can’t get as much knowledge from your
phone; meanwhile, he compares the book to the ocean to show how much
information you can get when you read books. It also shows how books have
more vast expanses of knowledge as compared to your phone. Kuczynski has
the boy in the character supposedly looking towards the ocean to show how
the boy wants to have access to the ocean/knowledge that books have, but he
is stuck because he limited himself to his phone. It makes the boy seem
wistful since he hasn’t allowed himself to have access to books and the
knowledge they have. The boy is somewhat realistic so that readers can
associate themselves with the boy more, helping them to realize that they
need to access the knowledge of books in order to fully learn everything they
need to know. The phone is perpendicular to the book, maybe to show how
the phone and book are too different objects. The phone is also smaller than
the book to show how little information the phone has as compared to the
book. He uses blue and yellow not only to show how it is a beach, but also to
show how the sand (using your phone) won’t let you experience the ocean
(books) because yellow and blue are opposite colors. Kuczynski purposely
excludes the boy’s face to make the image more impactful and to make it
seem as though the boy longs for the ocean/information from books.

A: The main appeal present in the image is logos as Kuczynski is comparing

phones to kiddie pools and books to oceans, showing how phones have very
little knowledge as compared to books. He shows readers, through imagery,
how phones can limit the knowledge you can retrieve, and books can help you
gain all the knowledge you need.

T: Kuczynski is trying to show how books have more knowledge than phones
in a light-hearted way, shown through his use of bright colors. He isn’t trying
to force his view on phones and books in relation to knowledge, so he shows
his thoughts on the issue unseriously.

Thesis: In the satirical illustration “Bath”, Pawel Kuczynski, a political art satirist and
philosopher compares ways of obtaining knowledge to the beach, uses bright
colors, and emphasizes size and placement in order to show how phones can’t
provide as much knowledge as books do, ultimately moving people who primarily
use their phones for information to expand the sources they get knowledge from
to include books as well.
Body In the illustration, Pawel Kuczynski compares knowledge to the beach and ocean
Paragraph: in order to persuade people who primarily use their phones to obtain knowledge
from books as well. Take, for example, how Kuczynski draws a book as the ocean
and the phone as a very small kiddie pool (Bath, Kuczynski). Through this
comparison, he highlights how books are similar to oceans because they contain a
larger, more vast array of knowledge than phones. He also showcases how
phones don’t allow people to fully experience the ocean because phones only
introduce the shallow parts of the knowledge that has been gathered over the
years. All of this would move the people who use their phones for information to
persuade them to use books for information and to gain knowledge because the
comparisons by Kuczynski of books to the ocean and phones to a small kiddie
pool demonstrate how books have more knowledge than phones will ever have.

Student Name: Imogen Valentine

Illustration 4:


Rhetorical S: The illustrator is Paul Kuczynski, an award-winning satirical artist and

Situation: philosopher whose art draws attention to cultural, social, economic, and political
P: The purpose is to make the viewer aware that the existence and usage of
mobile phones, while it may connect us virtually, has ultimately isolated us,
making us all “islands”.
A: The intended audience is people who frequently use smartphones who need to
be made aware of their isolating nature.
C: This was illustrated in 2015, while phones had been around for a while and
social media was on the rise.
E: Around the time this was made, people were increasingly realizing the isolating
effect that being on the internet can have. Social media connected people more
than ever, yet people reported higher loneliness rates because our phones isolate
C: Kuczynski used repetition to show how this problem affects many people, and
also to show irony because the cure to isolation is other people. They are right
there, but no one is truly reaching out to anyone.
A: The cartoon appeals to emotion by illustrating how many people feel, isolated
and lonely because of their phones.
T: This cartoon has a satirical but also sad tone, making a joke of the situation
that we have created with our phones, but also acknowledging how sad it is. The
colors are cool and the phones fade out in the background, implying that this
affects many people. The figures in the cartoon seem apathetic and despondent,
not taking action to fix their situation.


Student Name: Rishikesh Naik

Illustration 5:

Rhetorical S: The illustrator is Paul Kuczynski, an award-winning satirical artist and

Situation: philosopher whose art draws attention to cultural, social, economic, and political

P: The purpose of this art is to depict how families have been spread away from
each other due to the technology and phones that we use everyday. Even though
they are close together, they are in their own reality when connected to their

A: The audience was supposed to reach their families and show them how they
have been separated from each other even though they think they are close.

C: This was made in 2016 where families were getting more used to their devices
and they started to become more separated from each other.

E: Around this time people were becoming more distant with their families and
becoming attached or even severely addicted to their devices and unable to live
without them.

C: There is a use of a prayer during family dinner but due to the devices being on
the table, it shows that family dinner or family praying does not mean much
because of them being separated by their separate devices. The only thing truly
connecting them is the wifi.
A: The appeal of the only color in the picture being the device lights shows how
focused people can be on their devices and how distant family members are with
each other.

T: The tone is very mellow because of theblack and white but there is a single
focus of the wifi in the middle and sort of how the family is praying to the wifi due
to the extreme attachment thay have to their devices.

Thesis: In the satirical illustration “Family Dinner”, Pawel Kuczynski, a political art satirist
and philosopher depicts how new technology like wifi and devices have altered
families to the point where they are extremely distant from each other even
though they are physically close, showing how the devices are making people
addicted to the point where normal family dinner can never be the same.

Student Name:

Illustration 6:

Rhetorical S:
Situation: P:


Final Step:
Choose ONE thesis to expand on in a body paragraph. Together, use the suggestions on slides 4-6 on canvas to
analyze ONE of the choices/strategies.
● How does the particular choice/strategy contribute to the meaning and purpose of the artist?
● Slides 10-11 can help with transitions and rhetorical verbs. Please put the group illustration, thesis,
and body paragraph on the last page of the document.



Body Paragraph:

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