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Physics 11th grade

Name: Date: January 8th 2021 11th A

- Describe how heat flow from hot to cold.
- Explain that some materials hold and release more energy than others (specific heat)
When in doubt, add a thermometer!

1. Is it possible to boil the water? Is it possible to freeze the water? (Make sure to attach the
temperature gauge so you have a guide.) What do you need to do to make these changes?
A// it is possible to boil the water as evidenced by evaporation of some of the energy particles.
I could freeze the water as evidenced by stopping all movement of energy particles in the
solution and several of them ‘falling out
2. Chill the water as much as possible- then add heat and observe. List below at least three
things you noticed (Make sure the energy symbols box is checked.)
 as the water temperature increased the individual energy particles began to agitate against
one another in the system.
 As the system began to receive more heat some of the particles began to phase shift to
gaseous form and evaporate out of the container.
 Once the solution was at maximum temperature steam was noted and there seemed to be
a 2 to 1 loss to energy particle addition rate to this system.

3. Add heat to the Iron and heat to the brick at the same time. Which one can hold more energy?
How/where do they lose their energy?
Iron can hold more heat than the brick. When touching, which is necessary to heat them at the
same time, transfers energy to another by conduction.

4. Add a heated up bit of iron to room temperature water. Describe in detail what happens below.
A// By adding heated iron to a beaker of water at room temperature, the energy exits the iron
and disperses in the beaker of water. Warmer objects attract cooler objects and vice versa.
Eventually, the water and the submerged piece of iron will reach equilibrium and the
temperature of the two elements will be the same.
5. Place the brick on top of the iron and add heat. Describe what is happening in at least three
the iron block seems to hold more energy particles than the brick regardless of which is on top
or bottom during the experiment. both the iron and brick lost their respective energy particles
through the point at which work was being done on the system. interestingly, the iron seems to
loose energy particles at a significantly slower rate than the brick after heat is removed from
6. Take the same set up from #5, an instead of heating it up, cool it down. Describe what is
happening in at least three sentences.
A// Thermal energy is transferred from the brick and the iron into the ice. This causes the
temperature to drop. Iron holds the energy the best. As the water gets cold, it starts to pull
thermal energy in from the air

7. Once the brick and the iron are cooled down, do they have the same thermal energy? Do they
have the same temperature? Does the room temperature water have more or less thermal
A// When the brick and iron are cooled down, they have the same temperature, but not the
same thermal energy. Iron holds a greater amount of thermal energy than brick


What material can hold the most heat? Which take the longest to cool down? (Is it the same order?

A// The oil takes more time to heat because of its less energy and the water takes more time to cool
down because t has a lot of energy

How does heat flow? What evidence did you experience to justify that answer?

It can flow with radiation and conduction

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