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By: Princess Nicole E.


photo album
consisting of my
childhood pictures

This is what I treasure the most. It makes me remember the best

times of my life. These pictures keep my inner child alive. When I
look at these, it makes me want to go back in time where
happiness surrounds me. I'm glad that my mom took a lot of
pictures in my childhood, this is the most precious thing I can bring
into my adulthood.
My mom gave this to me on my
18th birthday. I treasure this
because it's the first gift she
gave me when I entered adulthood.
This necklace reminds me that my
mom is my number one constant in
life even I'm getting older.

klace from
my mom

I treasure all the letters I received.

All these letters are kept in a box.
These letters remind me that I'm
loved by the people who surround
me. Rereading all of these makes my
heart flutter.

s I rec
my personal slambook when I was in
When I was in 5th grade, slam books became a
trend so I asked my mom to buy one for me. I
asked all my elementary friends to write in my
slam book. Every time I look through again in this
slam book, I laugh because of how cringe we are
in those days. It also makes me miss them
because we already lose the bond and connection
we have back then.

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