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Amity International School, Noida

Class 8, Practice Worksheet

Q1 The area of the figure is __________.

(a) 8 cm²
(b) 6 cm²
(c) 12 cm²
(d) 16 cm²
Q2 The area of the trapezium is ____________.

(a)9 cm²
(b) 6 cm²
(c) 7 cm²
(d) 24 cm²
Q3 The area of the quadrilateral is ______.

(a) 3.75 cm²

(b) 7.5 cm²
(c) 3 cm²
(d) 10 cm²

Q4 The area of the quadrilateral is ________.

(a) 10 cm²
(b) 5 cm²
(c) 20 cm²
(d) 15 cm²
Q5 The area of a trapezium is 40 cm². Its parallel sides are 12 cm
and 8 cm. The distance between the parallel sides is _________.
(a) 1 cm
(b) 2 cm
(c) 3 cm
(d) 4 cm.
Q6 The area of a trapezium is 480 cm2, the distance between two
parallel sides is 15 cm and one of the parallel side is 20 cm. The
other parallel side is _______.
(a) 20 cm
(b) 34 cm
(c) 44 cm
(d) 50 cm
Q7 The base of a parallelogram is thrice its height. If the area is
867cm2, find the base and height of the parallelogram.
Q8 The area of the trapezium is 105 cm2 and its height is 7cm. If
one of the parallel sides is longer than the other by 6cm, find the
two parallel sides.
Q9 If the area of a rhombus be 24cm2 and one of its diagonals be
4cm, find the perimeter of the rhombus.
Q10 The diagonal of a quadrilateral is 20m in length and the
perpendiculars to it from the opposite vertices are 8.5m and 11m.
find the area of the quadrilateral.

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