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1. Biopsy: view of life (the removal of living tissue from the body to be view under the
2. Dermatoautoplasty: plastic repair using patient’s own skin for the skin graft.
3. Dermatoheteroplasty: plastic repair using skin from others for the skin graft.
4. Dermatoplasty: plastic repair on the skin.
5. Onychectomy: excision of a nail.
6. Rhytidectomy: excision of wrinkles.
7. Rhytidoplasty: plastic repair of wrinkles.


Define the following surgical terms.

1. Dermatoplasty: ___________________________________________________________.
2. Rhytidectomy: ____________________________________________________________.
3. Biopsy: __________________________________________________________________.
4. Dermatoautoplasty: ________________________________________________________.
5. Onychectomy: _____________________________________________________________.
6. Rhytidoplasty: _____________________________________________________________.
7. Dermatoheteroplasty: _______________________________________________________.


1. Dermatologist: physician who specializes in skin disorders.

2. Dermatology: study of the skin
3. Dermatome: instrument used to cut skin.
4. Epidermal: pertaining to upon the skin.
5. Erythroderma: red skin (abnormal redness of the skin).
6. Hypodermic: pertaining to under the skin.
7. Intradermal: pertaining to within the skin.
8. Keratogenic: originating in horny tissue.
9. Leukoderma: white skin (less color than normal)
10. Necrosis: abnormal condition of death (cells and tissue die because of disease).
11. Percutaneous: pertaining to through the skin.
12. Staphylococcus: berry-shape bacteria in grapelike clusters.
13. Streptococcus: berry-shape bacteria in twisted chains.
14. Subcutaneous: pertaining to under the skin.
15. Ungual: pertaining to the nail.
16. Xanthoderma: yellow skin (also called jaundice).


Define the following additional terms.

1. Intradermal: ___________________________________________________________.
2. Ungual: _______________________________________________________________.
3. Dermatome: ___________________________________________________________.
4. Hypodermic: ___________________________________________________________.
5. Dermatology: ___________________________________________________________.
6. Streptococcus: __________________________________________________________.
7. Subcutaneous:__________________________________________________________.
8. Staphylococcus: _________________________________________________________.
9. Keratogenic: ____________________________________________________________.
10. Dermatologist: __________________________________________________________.
11. Necrosis: _______________________________________________________________.
12. Epidermal: ______________________________________________________________.
13. Xanthoderma: ___________________________________________________________.
14. Erythroderma: ___________________________________________________________.
15. Leukoderma: ____________________________________________________________.
16. Percutaneous: ___________________________________________________________.


1. Adipose: fat
2. Albino: white
3. Allergy: hypersensitivity to a substance
4. Alopecia: baldness
5. Cicatrix: scar
6. Cytomegalovirus (CMV): a herpes type virus that usually causes disease when the
immune system is compromised.
7. Debridement: removal of contaminated or dead tissue and foreign matter from an open
8. Decubitus ulcer: bedsore; an open area of skin caused by pressure or irritation.
9. Dermabrasion: procedure to remove skin scars with abrasive paper, such as sandpaper.
10. Diaphoresis: profuse sweating.
11. Disseminate: to scatter over a considerable area.
12. Ecchymosis: escape of blood into the tissues, causing superficial discoloration; a “black
and blue” mark.
13. Edema: puffy swelling of tissue from the accumulation of fluid.
14. Emollient: agent that softens or soothes the skin.
15. Erythema: redness
16. Induration: abnormal hard spot(s).
17. Jaundice: condition characterized by a yellow tinge to the skin. (xanthoderma)
18. Keloid: overgrowth of scar tissue.
19. Leukoplakia: condition characterized by white spots or patches on mucous membrane
which may be precancerous.
20. Macule: flat, colored spot on the skin.
21. Nevus (pl. nevi): circumscribed pigmented area present at birth; mole, birthmark.
22. Pallor: paleness
23. Papule: small, solid skin elevation (pimple).
24. Petechia (pl. petechiae): pinpoint skin hemorrhages.
25. Pruritus: severe itching.
26. Purpura: disorder characterized by hemorrhages into the tissue, giving the skin purple-
red discoloration.
27. Pustule: elevation of the skin containing pus.
28. Ulcer: eroded sore on the skin or mucous membrane.
29. Verruca: circumscribe cutaneous elevation caused by a virus; wart.
30. Virus: an infectious agent.
31. Vesicle: small elevation of the epidermis containing a liquid (blister).
32. Wheal: transitory, round itchy elevation of the skin with a white center and a red
surrounding area, also called hive.


Fill in the blanks with the correct terms.

1. Another name for scar is ______________________________________.

2. Profuse sweating is called _____________________________________.
3. The term for an agent that softens or soothes the skin is
4. The medical term for wart is _________________________________.
5. ________________________________ is the name for a flat, colored skin spot.
6. A yellow skin condition is known as ________________________________.
7. The condition of white spots or patches on mucous membrane is called
8. __________________________________ are pinpoint hemorrhages of the skin.
9. An eroded sore is called a (n) _______________________________.
10. A (n) ____________________________ is an overgrowth of scar tissue.
11. Another name for paleness is _________________________________.
12. Superficial skin discoloration caused by escaping blood is referred to as
13. Another name for white ____________________________________.
14. A bedsore caused by prolonged lying down is called a(n)
15. Another name for fat _________________________________.
16. ____________________________ means scattered over a considerable area.
17. Severe itching is called _____________________________.
18. Another name for redness is _______________________________________.
19. The condition of tissue hemorrhages giving the skin a purple-red discoloration is known as
20. _______________________________ is another name for mole or birthmark.
21. The removal of dead or contaminated tissue from an open wound is called
22. The term for baldness is ______________________________________.
23. Hypersensitivity to a substance is called a (n) ___________________________________.
24. A small, solid skin elevation is called a (n) _____________________________________.
25. A transitory, round skin elevation with a white center and a red surrounding area is a (n)
26. A (n) _____________________________________ is a skin elevation containing pus.
27. A blister is also called a (n) ______________________________________.
28. __________________________________ is the name of the procedure using abrasive
material to remove scars.
29. ____________________________________ is an infectious agent.
30. An abnormal hard spot(s) is called ______________________________________.
31. __________________________________ is the swelling of tissue.
32. _________________________________________ is a herpes type virus.

Write each of the other additional terms.

1. _____________________________ 17. ______________________________

2. _____________________________ 18. _______________________________

3. _____________________________ 19. _______________________________

4. _____________________________ 20. _______________________________

5. _____________________________ 21. _______________________________

6. _____________________________ 22. _______________________________

7. _____________________________ 23. _______________________________

8. _____________________________ 24. _______________________________

9. _____________________________ 25. _______________________________

10. _____________________________ 26. _______________________________

11. _____________________________ 27. _______________________________

12. _____________________________ 28. _______________________________

13. _____________________________ 29. _______________________________

14. _____________________________ 30. _______________________________

15. ______________________________ 31._______________________________

16. ______________________________ 32. _______________________________

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