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Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.40.Suppl.160 on 1 December 1964. Downloaded from on February 3, 2022 by guest.
Cephalothin and 6-aminopenicillanic acid were BRANDRISS, M. W., DENNY, E. L., HUBER, M. A., and
antigenic in rabbits despite their inability to STEINMAN, H. G. (1962): Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy, 626.
undergo a penicillenic acid-type rearrangement CHISHOLM, D. R., ENGLISH, A. R., and MAcLEAN, N. A.
in vitro. Both hemagglutinating- and PCA- (1961); J.Allergy, 32, 333.
reacting antibodies formed in response to injec- LEVINE, B. B. (1961): Arch. Biochem. Biophysics, 93,
tion with these antigens cross-reacted with the 50.
LEVINE, B. B., and OVARY, Z. (1961): J. exp. Med.,
benzyl-penicillin antigen. 114, 875.


Queen Mary's Hospital for Children, Carshalton

THE absence of direct toxicity is one of the cause transient hypotension but in other res-
most remarkable properties of the penicillin pects there is no interference with vital func-
molecule; that is to say, the penicillin molecule tions. The toxic level in man has never been
as we know it and as we should use it. If you established but it is known that methicillin
try hard enough, you can make it toxic by and penicillin G can be given intravenously in
altering it or abusing it, as I shall try to show doses of 20 g. per day for weeks on end, and
later. With this reservation, one can say that that ampicillin and the isoxazoles can be given

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penicillin G and the main therapeutic deriva- in doses of at least 4 g./day (80 mg. /kg.)
tives of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) at without any signs of immediate or delayed
present in use are virtually non-toxic. By this toxicity. This means that concentrations of
I mean that these drugs can be given in doses penicillin G and methicillin of 50 mg.% can
very much larger than those of any com- circulate harmlessly in the blood and tissues;
parable biologically-active substance to some in other words, that penicillin is no more toxic
animals and to man without disturbing organic than glucose or urea, and much less toxic than
function or causing any signs or symptoms many other physiological substances. When
suggestive of damage to essential tissue (Table such large doses are being given, it is best to
I). In mice, rats and dogs, penicillin G, the use the sodium salt as the potassium cation can
phenoxypenicillins, methicillin, the isoxazoles be toxic: 15 mega units of penicillin G sup-
and ampicillin are all tolerated intravenously plies 25 mEq. of K+ which may cause cardiac
in doses of 2 g./kg. or more, and in twice that dilation, especially if the heart is already
dosage subcutaneously or orally. With some damaged, as in bacterial endocarditis, which is
derivatives (e.g. ampicillin) it is difficult to the main disease requiring such high doses.
establish a toxic dose within the limits of Even the sodium cation may rise if there is
solubility. Extremely high doses (5 g./kg.) may any renal impairment and it should be
cause convulsions if given intravenously: this remembered that normal doses of methicillin
would be equivalent to about half a kilogram yield 5-10 mEq. of Na+. Some among you
by injection or a kilogram by mouth to man! may recall that, in the early days, the toxicity
At about half this dose level, the isoxazoles of successively purified batches of crude peni-
Tolerance of Various Species to Penicillins
Dose tolerated (mg./kg. Iday) parenterally
Drug Mouse Rat Guinea Pig Rabbit* Dog Man
Penicillin G 3,000 3,500 5 500 500 1,000
Methicillin 3,000 4,000 10 500 250 400
Ampicillin 5,000 5,000 100
Cloxacillin 2,000 500 10 200 80
* More sensitive to oral dosage.

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.40.Suppl.160 on 1 December 1964. Downloaded from on February 3, 2022 by guest.
lactamn ring thiazolidine ring

I /-/\
R.CO IC(H3)2


Carboxylic side 'L-cysteine L-valine

chain I

FIG. 1.-Molecular structure of a penicillin.

cillin was almost exactly the same as that of process: even in high concentration, penicillins
sodium acetate (Florey, Chain, Heatley, Jen- have little or no effect upon the respiration of
nings, Saunders, Abraham and Florey (1949). these colls in vitro. With the exception of the
The calcium salts are always more toxic than isoxazoles, the penicillins are excreted by both
the sodium or potassium salts. In general the glomerulus and the tubules (Acred and

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terms, one might say that the toxicity of the Brown, 1963).
simpler derivatives of 6-APA is the toxicity of
the cation. (c) Metabolism
Apart from the cations, penicillins appear to Until recently, it was thought that most
be non-toxic when given systemically. What penicillins circulated in unchanged form and
are the reasons for this? I would mention the were excreted as such. It is now known that
following: a number of metabolites are formed, especially
from the phenoxy- and isoxazole-penicillins
(a) Chemical Structure (Rolinson and Batchelor, 1962; Vanderheghe,
The 6-APA molecule consists essentially of Parmenter and Evrard, 1963). One of these
two amino-acids, L-cysteine and L-valine, has been identified by Belgian workers as
twisted together biogenetically into an un- p-hydroxyphenylmethyl-penicillin, derived from
usual dipeptide (Fig. 1). The derivatives are penicililin V. The others await final iden-
all formed by the addition of side chains to tification. Some are biologically active: one of
the only reactive group, the amino-group in the the isoxazole metabolites may be more active
6-position. The are all therefore simple acyl against certain bacteria than the parent com-
dipeptides, usually lacking in surface-activity pound. None is known to be toxic but it must
or indeed in any great reactivity. They do not be remembered that the side chains at present
cause histamine-release like larger peptide in favour are relatively simple substances.
molecules and they are too small to behave as Renal clearance of the isoxazole metabolites
antigens unless linked as haptens in multi- proceeds at a slower rate. These metabolites
valent penicilloyl conjugates. are formed in the liver and it may be noted
that some investigators (Medical Letter, 1962)
have encountered a rise in serum transaminase
(b) Rapid Excretion during oxacillin therapy, which might indicate
All the penicillins are effectively cleared some disturbance of hepatic function. Ampi-
from the blood by renal and hepatic cells so cillin and methicillin are less likely to yield
quickly that, with the simpler penicillins, 70% metabolites than the other penicillins. Apart
of a given dose may be excreted in an hour. from true metabolic conversion, most penicil-
Metabolism is limited so that, no matter how lins can degrade in solution to penicillenic
great the load, very little energy is subtracted acid, before or after injection. This substance
from the hepatic and renal cells during this can readily conjugate with proteins and may

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.40.Suppl.160 on 1 December 1964. Downloaded from on February 3, 2022 by guest.
Reports of Toxicity* in the new Penicillins
Drug Toxic Signs No. of Reference
Methicillin Neutropenia 1 McElfresh & Huang (1961)
,,,, I Bullock (1961)
Oliguria-hbematuria 3 Hewitt et al. (1961)
2 Allen et al. (1962)
I Grattan i(1964)
"Pseudo-infective syndrome" 3 Vic-Dupont er al. (1963)
Oxacillin Elevated transaminase ? Medical Letter (1962)
*Excluding proved hypersensitivity.

act in this way as a sensitising antigen, in during severe allergy. Grattan (1964) has
common with other penicilloyl conjugates. recorded one similar case in a child with no
known renal abnormality. Haematuria ceased
(d) Selective Biological Activity when methicillin was stopped but reappeared
The lack of toxicity of the penicillins to twice when the drug was restarted. Vic-Dupont,
mammalian cells and tissues contrasts strangely Rapin and Hualt (1963) have described, less
with their selective toxicity, in minute doses, convincingly, "Un syndrome pseudo-infectieux"
to bacteria. From the work of Park and without renal disturbance, occurring in a simi-
Strominger (1957) we know that the toxicity to lar fashion. In two cases studied by Allen,
bacteria is due to interference with mucopep- Roberts, Evans *and Kirby (1962) hlematuria

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tide synthesis in the cell wall. The biochemical occurred during therapy but subsided while
routes to this synthesis, via muramic and the drug was continued.
probably teichoic acid (Baddiley, 1964), are A fall in neutrophil granulocytes in the
not needed in mammalian cells which are peripheral blood has also been noted in two or
therefore indifferent to the presence of penicil- three patients receiving normal doses of methi-
lins. As far as we know, all the therapeutic cillin, with spontaneous recovery when this
penicillins act similarly upon sensitive bacteria drug was stopped. This occurred in patients
and are therefore likely to be equally inert in who showed no signs of allergy but it should
this respect toward mammalian cells. Studies be remembered that agranulocytosis is known
with various cell lines, including human cells, to be an occasional, though extremely rare,
in tissue culture show that respiration and manifestation of hypersensitivity (Sigal, 1963).
growth proceed normally in concentrations of No other evidence of damage to the blood or
100-500 ug./ml. of the main therapeutic peni- blood-forming organs has been reported, so far
cillins. At' higher concentrations, penicillin G, as I know. A fall in granulocytes is of course
methicillin and ampicillin 'are still non-toxic part and parcel of the response of an infection
but the isoxasoles can be lethal to certain cells to methicillin. I have only once seen this fall
at 250-1000 jug./ml. take the granulocytes below the lower limit of
normal. This was in a child with a congenital
Idiosyncracy anmemia and hemoglobinopathy who subse-
I have said that mammalian cells are quently tolerated methicillin well and excreted
normally indifferent to the penicillins but there it in normal quantities.
may be some exceptions to this general rule. These few renal and neutropenic episodes
A few incidents have been recorded suggestive cannot possibly be direct toxicity. They must
of some kind of idiosyncrasy to methicillin. The be due either to idiosyncrasy or hypersensiti-
manifestations of this are variable (Table II). vity. The only derivative so far incriminated is
Hewitt, Finegold and Monzon (1962) observed methicillin and one would like to be sure that
fever, eosinophilia, oliguria and hematuria in there is no possibility of an impurity or another
three patients receiving moderately large doses toxic drug somewhere in the story.
between the 14th and 28th days of therapy. The only laboratory animal in which peni-
One of these patients was hypersensitive to cillins are directly and uniformly toxic is
penicillin G, the others were not. In any event, the guinea pig. The lethal dose varies but
renal disturbance is an extreme rarity even may be as low as 10 mg. and is higher by the

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.40.Suppl.160 on 1 December 1964. Downloaded from on February 3, 2022 by guest.
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+ .+ +
FIG. 2.-Outline of bio-chromatogram of penicillin G and ampicillin after incubation with
an amidase-forming coliform from human faeces. Liberation of 6-APA (reconverted to
benzyl penicillin by spraying with phenyl-acetyl chloride).

oral than by parenteraA routes. This peculiar Local Toxicity

toxicity seems to apply to the newer deriva- So far I have been dealing with systemic
tives as well as to penicillin G. Death usually toxicity. Any penicillin can be locally irritant
occurs in 3-5 days and the explanation may and, in that sense, toxic if too much is injected
lie in a suppression of the guinea pig's normal into sensitive sites like the subarachnoid space
gram-positive flora, with superinfection by or anterior chamber of the eye. We find that,
gram-negative organisms to which this animal in the subarachnoid space or cerebral ventricles,
is highly susceptible. Signs of shock with 2-5 mg. of any penicillin causes no reactions
generalised vaso-dilatation are present and but, if we judge by penicillin ,G, doses of 10
adrenal hiemorrhage may also be found. The mg. or more may be irritant. Pure prepara-
Syrian hamster is said to show similar suscep- tions are harmless to veins and to the lungs (as
tibility, less acutely (Schneierson and Perl- aerosols) though they may' delay coagulation
man, 1956). About 1948 there was a report from when applied topically to,'dental cavities.
France that an injection of 1 mega unit of
penicillin G diminished the sexual -activity of Indirect toxicity
bulls, (Hennaux, Dimitropolos and Cordiez This can arise in two ways:
(1948). Curiously enough, this alarming report (1) By Suppression of the Competitive Bac-
does not seem to have been confirmed or terial Flora
denied, perhaps because these days sexual During therapy, especially oral therapy, the
activity is an outmoded virtue in bulls. There gram-positive buccal flora is suppressed or
is an impression however that you cannot keep eliminated. Sensitive organisms are also sup-
a good bull down so easily, and that the report pressed int the intestine, permitting over-
is exaggerated. growth of resistant coliforms or secondary

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.40.Suppl.160 on 1 December 1964. Downloaded from on February 3, 2022 by guest.
Allergic Reactions to Penicillins
Tissue affected Manifestations
Immediate Delayed
(0-30 minutes) (30 minutes-several days)
Skin Pruritus, urticaria Cheiropompholyx
Mucosae Conjunctivitis, pruritus Glossitis, stomatitis
Airways Asthma, laryngeal oedema
Lungs Oedema Loeffler's syndrome
Blood vessels Anaphylaxis, erythema Purpura
Blood Eosinophilia,
Marrow Neutropenia, eosinophilia
Cross-allergenicity to 8-lactam Antibiotics.
Intradermal Tests in Sensitised Individuals
Ring Side-chain No. sensitive/No. tested
6-APA nil 7/10
benzyl- 10/10
p-amino- 2/2
a-amino- 6/6
dimethoxy- 9/ 10
5-chlori-soxazole- 2/2

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ca-amino-adipyl- 3/3
7-ACA nil 0/1
benzyl- 0/4
thio-enyl 0/1
87/4 0/5
aramino-adipyl- 0/5

9olonisation by these organisms. There is attention. Superinfection by penicillinase-

usually a significant increase in penicillinase- forming staphylococci is not seen if the penicil-
forming coliforms which may also colonise the linase-resistant isoxazoles are given, though
oropharynx. Some of these organisms form coliform superinfection is at least as liable to
amidase which could theoretically de-acylate occur but is fortunately much less dangerous
penicillins G or V, or ampicillin, before absorp- except in debilitated patients and in infants.
tion (Fig. 2). The absorption and excretion of (2) Hypersensitivity
6-APA, presumably from such a cause, has This can be regarded as a form of indirect
been recorded (English, Huang and Sobin, toxicity and is undoubtedly the most serious
1960). We have looked for 6-APA in urine hazard of penicillin therapy (Table III). You
without finding any in patients receiving oral have heard the experts talking earlier today
penicillins. We have also fed cultures of so I need not dwell upon this subject except
amidase-forming coliforms along with penicil- perhaps to remind you of Bertrand Russell's
lins but again we were unable to detect free aphorism that even when the experts all agree
6-APA in the urine even when fecal cultures they may still be wrong. In this field there is
proved survival of the amidase-forming agreement now among the experts that peni-
coliforms. cillins combine with body proteins to form
The most serious consequence of suppres- penicilloyl and penicillenate conjugates which
sion of the normal flora of the mouth and are antigenic (Parker, 1963). Parker (P. 141) and
intestine is superinfection. This can be due to Levine (P. 146) have described the practical ad-
penicillinase-formiing staphylococci as well as vantage of using penicilloyl-polylysines of lower
to coliforms and Candida spp. The major forms antigenicity for detecting cutaneous sensitivity.
of this superinfection are too well-known to The precise role of these various conjugates in
necessitate further description here but the different types of human hypersensitivity is still
minor forms-stomatitis, pruritus ani, diarrhoa debatable. My own experience ileaves me in
and malabsorption of the drug-often escape no doubt that some penicilloyl proteins are

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.40.Suppl.160 on 1 December 1964. Downloaded from on February 3, 2022 by guest.
capable in minute doses of provoking an chains so far attached to 6-APA appear to
anaphylactic as well as a local response. This carry little or no added danger, but it is too
has to be borne in mind when conducting early to be certain of this, especially since
cutaneous tests with these conjugates. Also, if naphthalenes and other groups with intrinsic
the penicillenate story is correct, 6-APA toxicity of their own are being introduced,
which cannot undergo this degradation should (Hopper, Yurchenev, Gillen and Warren, 1962).
not be cross-allergenic with other penicillins, Adding naphthalene to penicillin seems to me
which it is (Stewart, 1962; De Weck, 1962) like putting moth balls into champagne-
by more than one criterion. For this and distasteful as well as poisonous, and unneces-
other reasons, it is likely that other penicilloyl sary anyway. Something should undoubtedly be
proteins and other mechanisms are also done to abolish cross-allergenicity but the
involved, alternatively or additionally, in the evidence available suggests that this calls for
induction of the hypersensitive state. We have modification of the nucleus rather than the
to accept too the fact that all the therapeutic side chain.
penicillins are cross-allergenic and that the
hypersensitive state cannot be adequately sup-
pressed by any known measures, including
adrenaline, antihistamines or steroids. There is REFERENCES
a ray of light, therapeutically as well as scien- ACRED, P., and BROWN, D. M. (1963): Brit. J.
tifically, in the fact that the cephalosporins Pharmacol., 21, 339.
with a different nucleus are not cross-allergenic ALLEN, J. D., ROBERTS, C., EVANS, J., and KIRBY,
W. M. M. (1962): New Engl. J. Med., 266, 111.
(Table IV) and one wonders therefore if the BADDILEY, J. (1964): Endeavour, 23, 33.
difficulty might be overcome by changes in the DE WECK, A. L. (1962): Int. Arch. Allergy, 22, 245.
sulphur-containing ring. ENGLISH, A. R., HUANG, H. T., and SOBIN, B. A.

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(1960): Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N.Y.), 104, 405.
If a patient is allergic to one penicillin, he FLOREY, H. W., CIHAIN, E., HEATLEY, N. G., JENNINGS,
is unlikely to tolerate others; 'but this is not M. A., SANDERS, A. G., ABRAHAM, E. P., and
to say that they all have the same degree of FLOREY, M. E. (1949): Antibiotics. London:
allergenicity (Stewart, 1962). Depot prepara- Oxford Univ. Press.
GRATrAN, W. A. (1964): J. Pediat., 64, 285.
tions, whether used locally or intramuscularly. HENNAUX, L., DIMITROPOULOS, E., and CORDIEZ, E.
are more likely to cause sensitisation than (1948): C.R. Soc. Biol. (Paris) (1948), 142, 410.
soluble preparations. Benzathine penicillin is HEWITr, W. L., FINEGOLD, S. M., and MONZOU, 0. T.
said to sensitise 2%/, of subjects in one injection (1962): Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy,
Amer. Soc. Microbiol., 765.
(Hoigne, 1962). Ampicillin, if judged from HOIGNE, R. (1962): Acta Allerg., 17, 521.
some recent reports, is prone to cause ery- HOPPER. MARGT. W., YURCHENEV, J. A., GILLEN,
thematous skin rashes but it is not proved ANNE, and WARREN, G. H. (1962): Antimicrobial
that this is always due to hypersensitivity. Agents & Chemotherapy, Amer. Soc. Microbiol-
ogy, 362.
PARKC, J. T., and STROMINGER, J. C. (1957): Science,
Conclusions 125, 99.
In the light of this evidence, one must PARKER, C. W. (1963): Amer. J. Med., 34. 747.
qualify the idea that penicillins as a class are ROLINSON, G. N., and BATCHELOR, F. R. (1962): Anti-
microbial Agents & Chemotherapy, Amer. Soc.
non-toxic. They may acquire direct toxicity Microbiology., p. 654.
from their cations and from substituents such SCHNEIERSON, S. S., and PERLMAN, E. (1956): Proc.
as benzathine or procaine if very large doses Soc. exp. Biol. (N.Y.), 91, 229.
are given. Idiosyncrasy seems to be a rarity, SIGAL, E. S. (1963): Kazan med. Zh., 1, 59.
STEWART, G. T. (1962): Lancet, i, 509.
but indirect toxicity arising from hypersensi- VANDERHAEGHE, H., PARMENTIER, G.. and EVRARD,
tivity is far from rare and is so varied in E. (1963): Nature (Lond.), 200, 891.
origin and symptomatology that it constitutes Medical Letter (1962): 4, 29 (American edition).
a constant, unpredictable hazard. The side VIC-DUPONT, RAPIN, M., HUALT, G. (1963): Presse
med., 71, 271.

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