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τθυßsßOπ lesson 3

Choose th" «,ºg._Ι ο_η!jg11:.

When the sPyrνvas caught, he denied the secret code. Ι l. Martha for at least 4ο minutes before
:., \

Α. bÝ_given
- been qiven
Θhaving Α. should have waited
- @must have
β;to havegivÝn D. have been given Β. could have ιivaited D. should have

2. She neednlt αΙΙ these clothes, We're οηΙγ staying for α 12, αΙΙ his homeιiιlork, ΡαυΙ settled dονιιη to

couple of days.
- -show οη Τν.
@ nave brought C, to bring Α. Doing @Having dorιe
Β. have to bring D, to have brought Β. Done D. After done

3, Ι don't mind vιιhen Ι do something vvrong. Ι 3. Who is that creepy person at me from the

Oein9 cι,iticized C. to be criticized the bar?

@ - -
Β. criticizing D. to criticize Α. who staring @staring
B.,that staring D. stared

4. Would γου like νιιßth the housework?

Α. to help γου C. helping γου 14, This secret can't for much longer. Sooner or
Β. me helping γου @ me to help γου νιιßΙΙ find out.
Α. keep @Ue kepτ

5. John must off by his mother; that's why he looks so Β. be keeping D. have been Κφß
Α. be told C. have told Ι 5. The two fugitives are believed ßη the foresi
D, tell Α. that they hide C, to have hid
@tιave been totd
Β. that they are hiding @ το oe ιιiaing
6. Our young children love to the funfair οη weekends.

Θ being taken C. to have taken 6. the building, Sheila saw ΡαυΙ ιναßtßηg for her.
- Ι

Β. someone to take them D. having taken

-Α. Entered C. After entered

@ οη entering D. At entering
7. She stayed at the offce because she οη the financial report.

Α. must ιηιοτκ
@ηαο to ι,ιιοτκ Ι 7. This plant _ regularly. lf γου don't take care of ßξ
Β. must have vιιorked D. should work @ must be vιιatered c. must ιiater
Β. should vιιater D. should have

8. Having ßη Athens, Nikos is ηοιγ used to the lifestyle there.

Α. brought υρ C. been gro\πn υρ 8. Nobody smoke during the lecture.

- Ι

@ Ueen brought υρ D. grouling Α. ιßγßΙΙ be |et

- @ννßΙΙ be allowed to
Β. ννßΙΙ αΙΙοι,ν to D. υιιßΙΙ be let to

9. He to do it if he didn't vvant to.

Α. mustn't have forced C. shouldn't be forced Ι 9. Μγ sister by α bee this morning.

Β. can't be forced @ shouldn't have been forced Α. had α sting c. got to Sting
Β. vιιas stinging @ got stung

Ι Ο. The girl ιιas seen the sunglasses ßη her bag without paying

for them. 2Ο. That οßΙ painting οη the wall is αη original

C. put Α. ιη,hßòh hanging
@ outtino
- @hanqing
Β. being put D. to be putting Β. hanged D. to be hanging

G Mark if the sentence is correct or if it is incorrect.

l . This room needs to be cleaninq immediately young man! cleaned

2. Mary is believed to be earning α |ot of money ßη her nevv job.

3. This Ietter may ι,ιιεΙΙ have been ι,ιlritten ßη the 1 2th century. Ι
4. What are γου taIking about? The money ιivas never given from George. tο 1
5. l'm sure that Cathy used to going out vvith that man over there. go
6. The little girl is rumoured to have been qτοι,ιιη υρ by her aunt. brought υρ Ξ
7. Don't ι,ιιοττγ! This bill needn't ραγ today. needn't be pa,id !
8, Ι haven't been able to contact James lately. Have γου seen him around?
9. He is be|ieved that he has stolen the money. to have stolen ß
Ι Ο. The castaway found himself surrounded by savages, a
Ι l. This malfunction is very easy to be repaired. to repair

Ι 2. Anybody ιπas seen near the scene of the explosion. Nobody

G Complete by supplying the αρρ

The chicken ιααs stufied cooked

ινßth ßη
mushrooms and the oven.

Rumour has ßτ τhατ τhe farmer has been struck bV lightning οη more than one occasion.

The victim must have 6g9η 5691 \,Vith α handgun.

Drinking ra\π eggs is believed to be healthy.

5. There can ηο doubt that our clients are benefitting from the weekly specials ι,ιle offer,

6. This canned meατ be very nutritious because it's full

òαη'τ of preservatives.

7, Caroιine,s offce desk is aιways òιυττeτed ιvith fiιes and binders.

8, The manufacτurers ò131η1 that this dessert is made Vvith cream and chocolate.

( ο' Using τhe vvord 9ßνeη, complete the second sentence so that it has the same meanin9 aS the first.

,,l,,, 2. People thßηκ the \ιναtετ \Þ,αs poisoned οη purpose, (thought)

'''is rL':..^L+ +^ L^.,^ ι^^^ poisoned οη purpose.
f|g vyilg1 thüuaht to have been ^^i-n^arl

s. ihe young iady is beιieved το have been suffering from α serious disease, (τhατ)
:]ßß .,]be|ieνed τhατ τhe younq lady has been Sufferinq / \Λ/αS Sufferinq from α Serious desease.

4. iverybody is convinced τhατ τhe jury ινßιι find τhe defendanτ ßηηοòeητ. (sure)
The jury
ic cι ιro tn finrl thp dpfpndant innocent,

5Φey§xpeet the police ßο take measures against crime. (expeòted)

:].. ,]τhe . ροΙßòε are exDected to take measures aqainst crime.

.. 6.,,Ιt is.kηoιlvnthat the robbers escaped ßη α stolen car. (have)

ine robbers are Κηο\Λ/η to have escaped ßη α Stolen car.

There's ηο doubt that the companies will sign the contract today. (bound)
''7.,,,'l,]:]the are bound to siqn the contract today.
:. :,:Ι:,.

8. "ßτ ιryas cιaimed τhατ τhe original paintinq had been hidden ßη the building's basement. (claimed)
ι,, ,,l,ιτhe,,ι,,,oriqinal ραΙ .
the text *!!h jh_:19Ψ9J
Ι9.η 9Ι tl"
far are vve ιtνilling to go to protect ουτ country, our friends, and our family? The nevv film, "Unthinkable" explores
froma(n) ι) philosoPhical pointofvieιv.Let'saska(n)2) hvoothetical question: PHιLoSoPHY HYPoTHESIS
γου torture someone to find out highly 3)
valuable information? Or would γου take the more VALUE
route, try to appeal to his or her sense of 5) oartiotism and get α full SENSE, ΡΑΤRΙΟΤ
without having to resort to 7) violence ? Although this film seems CONFESS, VIOLENT
about the ιπar against terrorism, it is actually α(η) 8) fascinatino account of human nature, hovv FASCINATE
σιd 9) ιßνε can be. lη this fiIm, ultimately, ηο one is Ι ο) innocent
, DEAD, 1ΝΝοòΕΝτ
true. Α terrorist has planted three nuclear bombs |η υηΚηονιιη locations ßη America
ßη cases of ιπar, is terribly
to admlt where. He has 1 ι ) devised α very cιever ριαη το keep himseιf from ταικßηg. DEVι.E
of great 1 2) Strenqth is caι|ed ßη το use αηγ means possibιe το find ουτ ιπhere τhe bombs STRoNG
and ßη his Ι 3) DurSuit for the truth, he uses unthinkable means. Although initially, αη FBl PURSUE
is t +) horrified by the tactics he employs, she almost sinks to his level, giving υρ αΙΙ of her HORRIFY
ι5) beliefs ßη the attempt to save the lives of thousands of innocent people. BELιEvE

the sentence using the ιvord given ßη α prepositional 3. Reιrrite the sentence starting vvith the ιIuords
given ιvithout changing the meaning.

The children don't feel like doing crafts. MOOD l. Νο one knows if he ιπßΙΙ live or die.
The children are not ßη the mood for doing crafts His life is ßη the balance

The thief received α three-year prison sentence. SENΤENCED 2. Μγ grandmother left me this necklace.
τhe τhief \Λ/αS Sentenced to three VearS ßη DriSon This necklace Vιιas handed doιπn to me bv mv
Ι{γ ρΙαη failed miserably. τHRoUGH 3, How could γου break your promise like that?
λ,Ιγ ρΙαη fell throuoh Ηοιπ could γου go back οη vour word like that

Υου can't say the accident ιlνas John's fault. ΡυΤ 4. Υου will eventually realise that Ι am right,

γου òαη'τ put the blame οη John for the accident Ιη the long τυη. νου ι,ιιßΙΙ realiòe that Ι am rioht

Υου seem to be very happy today. SP|RITS 5. Sue is ßΙΙ with flu.
Υου seem (to be) ßη hioh spirits todav Sue has come dovvn ιvith flιι

Have γου lost your mind? RocKER 6. There vyere hundreds of reporters ßη the lobby.
Are γου off vour rocker The lobby vιιas croιvded utith hundreds of reoorters

Ι really enjoy spending time with γου. HANG|NG 7. l can't believe γου revealed my secret!
Ι really enjov hanainq out ιπith νου I can't believe γου gave mV Secret α\Λ,αν

You're risking your life! JEOPARDY 8. Did γου and your sister fight again?
γ9μ'lg putting vour life ßη ieopardv Did γου faI| out \Λ/ith vour sister again

Υου are not alloιπed to go into this room. LιΜΙτS 9, Has Cindy written to γου lately?
This room ßò nff Ιßmßfò fo vnιι Have γου 69616 from Cindv latelv -

Did the bomb ultimately explode? OFF Ι Ο. lt's unbelievable that ηο οηε punished Jenny for stealing,
Did τhe bomb ultimatelv go off lt's unbelievable that Jenny got ανναν u/ith stealing

Complete ιuith one appropriate ιuord.

According to the schedule, the train is to arrive αηγ minute now.

They were caught producing counterfeit money and trying to pass it off as genuine.
Ι have one younger sister and one sister.
Be careful - that glass is very f raaile and could break easily if not handled properly.

Jane is constantly getting injured - she's so to accidents

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