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CXC CSEC Social Studies Exam Guide

Section B: Sustainable Development and Use of Resources

(2) Regional Integration
The students should be able
1. Explain and use correctly Explanation of the following terms and
concepts and terms concepts related to regional integration:
associated with regional (a) Bilateral agreement
(b) multi-lateral agreement,
(c) common market,
(d) single market
(e) single economy
(f) economic integration
(g) independent state,
(h) underdeveloped country
(i) developing country
(j) developed country
(k) trade liberalization
(l) globalization,
(m) multi-national cooperation
(n) regionalism
(o) trading bloc,
(p) fiscal policy
(q) monetary policy
2. Describe the major Major challenges:
challenges facing the (a) small size, small national markets;
Caribbean region;
(b) lack of diversification
(c) unemployment and underemployment
(d) low levels of production and productivity
(e) differences in resource distributions;
(f) high levels of indebtedness (debt burden);
(g) high level and cost of imports;
(h) shortage of skilled workers;
(i) inadequate technology;
(j) low value of exports
(k) difficulties in accessing markets of
developed countries;
(l) shortage of capital;
(m) vulnerability to natural disasters
3. Outline the major stages in a. Stages:
the integration movement;
(i) West Indian Federation
(ii) Caribbean Free Trade Association
(iii) Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
(iv) Organization of Eastern Caribbean
States (OECS)
(v) Association of Caribbean States (ACS)
(vi) CARICOM Single market and economy
(b) Membership
(i) West Indian Federation
(iv) OECS
(v) ACS
(vi) CSME

4. State the functions of: a. Functions of OECS and CARICOM

(a) OECS Secretariat
b. Functions of Conference of Heads of
(b) CARICOM Secretariat
(3) Conference of Heads of
5. Outline the objectives of the Objectives of:
Organization of Eastern
Caribbean States (OECS),
CARICOM, CARICOM (i) functional cooperation
sINGLE Market and
(ii) integration of the economies of member
Economy (CSME); states;
(iii) harmonization of foreign policy;
b. The CARICOM Single market
(i) free movement of goods and services;
right of establishment;
(ii) free movement of capital;
(iii) free movement of skilled labour.
c. CARICOM Single economy
Harmonization of:
(i) Fiscal (tax) policies
(ii) Monetary policies (including a single
CARICOM currency)
(iii) External trade policy
(iv) Legislation (custom, companies)
(v) sectoral policies in agriculture,
manufacturing, fisheries.
d. The Regional Development Fund
6. Outline the factors that Factors that promote regional integration:
promote regional (a) Common cultural heritage;
(b) common economic and social issues;
(c) effects of globalization trade liberalization
and trading blocs;
(d) vulnerability to economic shocks and
natural disasters.
7. Describe the factors that Factors that hinder regional integration:
hinder regional integration;
(a) geography of the region
(b) absence of a common model or strategy
for development;
(c) differences in stages of growth and
(d) competition for location of industries;
(e) conflict between territorial and regional
(f) absence of a common currency;
(g) unequal distribution of resources;
(h) lack of diversification in production
(i) influence of multinational corporations.
8. Analyze the benefits of Benefits of regional integration:
regional integration;
(a) reduction in unemployment and
(b) better response to economic implications
of globalization and trade liberalization;
(c) improvement in the quality of life;
(d) reduction in the inequality of wealth
(e) free movement of goods. labour and
(f) increased market size;
(g) improved levels of international
(h) expansion of trade;
(i) increased co-operation among member

9. Examine the role of individual a. Role of citizens:

citizens, business
(i) entrepreneurship;
organizations and
government in the integration (ii) supporting regional producers;
(iii) showing solidarity and mutual support
towards regional fellow citizens;
(iv) investing in local and regional
(v)being informed.
b. Role of business organizations
(i) improving competitiveness;
(ii) increasing range and quality of goods and
(iii) providing opportunities for investment
and employment.
c. Role of government
(i) enacting enabling legislation
(ii) harmonizing policies
(iii) honouring protocols;
(iv) educating citizens about the objectives
and benefits of integration.
10.Explain the role of Areas of regional cooperation:
regional agencies in the a. The Caribbean Agricultural Research and
integration process; Development Institute (CARDI) (Agriculture);
b. West Indies Cricket Board (WICB),
Confederation of North, Central American
and Caribbean Association of Football
c. OECS sports desk (Sports);
d. Caribbean Environmental and Health
Institute (CEHI), Caribbean Epidemiology
Centre (CAREC) (health)
e. Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response
Agency (CEDERA)(emergency response)
f. Caribbean Media Company (CMC) (media)
g. University of the West Indies (UWI),
Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)
h. Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)
i. Regional Security Service (RSS) (security)

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