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Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

A. Define how energy flows in food chain.

B. Categorize the roles of every organism within a food chain.
C. Create their own example of food chain in correct order through activity.

II. Subject Matter

 Topic: Food Chain

 Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC): Explain how living things depend
on the environment to meet their basic needs/ S3LT-IIi-j-15
 Reference: How does the food chain work?(science for kids/children and nature
 Materials: Visual aids, Yarn, Animal head cap, Speaker, Projector

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Classroom Routine

1. Opening Prayer

Okay class, let’s all stand-up for the ( the pupils will stand-up and pray)
opening prayer.

2. Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning Sir!

Good morning classmates!
Okay, seat down class.
Thank you sir.

3. Checking of attendance

Okay class who’s absent today? None Sir.

Very good, there is no absent today.

4. Review
Class, what did we study last time? Sir, we studied yesterday about

What is photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is a process by which plant

turns water and carbon dioxide into food.
Very good!

B. Drill

The pupils will be guided by the teacher to

sing a song that is related to the topic

The Food Chain Song

The sun up above gives light to the plant,

Light to the plant 2x
Chorus: Food chain
The leaf of the tree gets
Eaten by a worm 2x ( The whole class will sing along )
The worm on the leaf
The frog on the ground
The crow on the tree
The snake on the rock
The eagle in the sky
Gets decompose, decompose
Chain cycle

C. Activity

Yarn Web Activity

( The whole class will participate in the
activity )

The pupils will form a circle. Each pupil

will be given an animal head cap that is
placed in their head.
The first animal who’s holding the ball of
yarn will be then ask to toss the thread to
the possible predator that could eat the
animal he represent while singing the
Food chain song.
Then the rest will follow until they create
a chain cycle.
For us to survive Sir.
D. Analysis

Q. Why do living things need food?

Sir, the same with the previous activity.
Yes! verry good. It’s like a chain of food consumption.

Q. What are your ideas about food

chain? In the plants
Correct! Sir other animals will be hungry, because
there will be no more prey for them to eat.
Q. Where do you think food chain starts?

Q. What do you think would happen if

one specie of organism goes extinct from

Yes! very good, so there will be an

imbalance in the ecosystem.

E. Abstraction

Food chain is a linear network of how

energy flows between living things,
including us.

The sun

Plants, trees, flowers, grass

Based from our previous activity.
What is the source of all energy into food
A goat, Worm, Cow, Rat

Can you give me an example of Sir, a Carnivore!

producers? ( tiger, lion, snake )
How about a primary consumers or

What are those that can possible consume Third consumers Sir!
the primary consumers?

Yes very good!

They are called the secondary consumers

Now if a secondary consumer gets eaten,

what are those called?

Yes a third consumers Lion, Tiger, Eagle, Crocodile, Sharks

Or a Tertiary consumers.

Tertiary consumers those who ae at the

top of the food chain or
Apex predators
Decomposed Sir!
Can you give an example

But, doesn’t mean they don’t get eaten,

does not mean they don’t contribute to the
food chain.
Because when animal dies their body is

Very good!
These decomposers are usually bacteria
and fungi that break down dead animals
into nutrients in the soil that intern help the
plant at the beginning of the food chain.
That’s the cycle of life.

F. Application
The first group will present their example
of food chain and define how energy flows
in the food chain.

Followed by the next group.

The class will be divided into two sets of

Both group will have to demonstrate
their own example of food chain cycle by
assigning each member what organism
they needs to be to form a cycle, form
producers to decomposers. And define
how energy flows in a food chain.
 This activity will be then measured by the use of rubrics method.

Criteria Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Attempted

Understanding Factual Factual Information is Information is
of the topic information is information is somewhat inaccurate
accurate mostly accurate accurate
Cooperation Accepts ideas Some members Few members Group does not
of other; able to contribute contribute work together
presentation Shows Shows some Somewhat Lacks
information, confidence informative information
Informative Present some Hard to head Body language
Entertaining Information is lacking

IV. Evaluation

Arrange the diagram in the picture. Fill in arrows and ladel which category they

Producer Primary Secondary Tertiary Decomposer

consumer consumer consumer

V. Assignment

Create a more complex and complicated type of food chain or a FOOD WEB.
The more organisms, the better. And arrow the flow of energy in every organisms
Instructor: Mrs. Jossie Yap Tirador

Prepared by: Mr. Noel Jerusalem Dela Cruz Jr.

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