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If you say “YES” to the call and mission to teach in this life, reflect on how you

are going to prepare yourself in this four-year teacher education course. (20 points)
As a learner and ambitious professional, I need to identify and hand over all the
tasks, activities, and services that need to be done at the end of the lesson. Based on the
curriculum, we, students need to perform a series of learning tasks and activities to
complete each learning outcome of the module so that we can learn everything through
Preparation begins with a connection. We need each other to learn new ideas and
trends that are happening in education and the world, communicate with other educators
from different backgrounds, and learn differently to support and help each other. We need
to create an experience. This means finding ways to move away from the traditional forms
of assessment and behavior we use, experiment with new ideas and resources, and
empower learners to play a greater role in our teaching. To do. We need to understand our
students. For example, how do you want to learn? What are their learning interests? Why
do I need to know specific content or perform specific actions? We need to be less
aggressive, speak openly about the methods used in the class, and be more accustomed to
coaching and programming with students. Faced with an uncertain future in the world of
education and work means developing adaptability, resilience, and patience. The ability of
students to feel confident, comfortable and welcome in any learning environment depends
on creating an environment in which teachers support them. To enable students to reach
their full potential and participate more actively in learning, it is necessary to build and
maintain active and supportive teacher-student relationships. A place to feel safe, welcome,
support, overcome and welcome relaxation. You can learn together and in a different,
somewhat challenging way. Just as I need to understand the new vocabulary, we educators
not only understand the basic meaning of this new term, but also the steps required to
deliver content and learn more. You need to decide what it means from a point of view and
how to do this. It affects the role that students play.
First thing I know is that I didn't want to be a teacher at the time, but when I take an
NSTP course and as far I know I need to past the licensure exam to able to teach and it is
included to my preparation because I want to teach someone and I have to teach what life
is be and I want to help and shape them as they grow especially in their careers.

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