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School of Engineering and Architecture

Civil Engineering Department

General Civil Engineering

Module 2 Experiment No. 5 – GEOTECHENGL

Objective After this chapter, the student should be able to:

 To determine the grain size analysis of a given sample by the
used of improvised sieves.

Content This chapter focuses on

 Grain Size Analysis of a Soil Using Improvised Sieves

Related These are supplemental content necessary for this chapter

American Association of State Highway and Transportation

Officials (AASHTO M92)
 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D4223)

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Experiment No. 5 – Grain Size Analysis of a Soil Using
Improvised Sieves


A grain size analysis is performed in the laboratory for the purpose of determining the grain size
distribution of soil. In reporting the results of this test, the common practice is to express the total
weight finer than a given size as a percentage of the total weight of the soil. The most direct method
for separating the soil particles into various size fractions is by the use of sieves.

It is widely used in classification of soils. The data obtained from the grain size distribution curves is
used in the design of filters for each dams and to determine suitability of soil for road construction,
air field etc. Information obtained from grain size analysis can be used to predict soil water
movement although permeability tests are more generally used.

1. To determine the grain size analysis of a given sample by the used of improvised sieves.

 Improvised set of sieves
 weighing balance
 Spatula
 Frying pan and stove
 Mortar and pestle

Module 2
Engr. Faustino S. Castañeda Page 2 of 5
Experiment No. 5 – Grain Size Analysis of a Soil Using
Improvised Sieves
1. Dry about 1000 grams. of soil sample in an frying pan and stir frequently at a temperature not to
exceed 140 oF.
2. Allow to cool to room temperature. Check if the aggregation between particles is segregated,
if not, use a mortar and pestle but be careful that the individual particles are not broken.
3. Weigh the sample then pass in the sieves arranged from the biggest to smallest opening.
Placethe cover at top and the pan at the bottom.
Sieve Diameter Sieve Diameter
No. No.

4. Get the weight of all particles retained in each sieves. Computations for weight passing and
weightretained in each sieves shall be commutative.

Wt. Ret.
% Ret = ---------------- x 100%
Orig. Wt.

% Passing = %Arriving — % Retained

5. Plot the grain-size distribution curve in semi-log scale. Note: to obtain the grain-size curve,
the commutative percentage passing base on total sample is plotted as ordinate in natural
scale against particle diameter, D, in mm as abscissa in semi-log scale

Module 2
Engr. Faustino S. Castañeda Page 3 of 5
Experiment No. 5 – Grain Size Analysis of a Soil Using
Improvised Sieves


Wt. of Sieve Wt.

Wt. of
Sieve No. Diameter + soil ret., Retained, % Retained % Passing
Sieve, gms.
gms gms


Module 2
Engr. Faustino S. Castañeda Page 4 of 5
Experiment No. 5 – Grain Size Analysis of a Soil Using
Improvised Sieves


Lutenegger, A. J. (2019). Soils and geotechnology in construction. Boca Raton, CRC Press
Das, B. M., et al. (2018). Principles of geotechnical engineering (9th ed.). Australia: Cengage Learning.
Powell, G. (ed.) (2018). Geotechnical engineering and soil science. New York: Larsen & Keller
Carter, M. et. Al (2016). Soil properties and their correlations (2nd ed.). Chichester: John Wiley

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Engr. Faustino S. Castañeda Page 5 of 5

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