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Book report english

Hello my book report is about Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. The Harry Potter
series has been written by the British author J.K. Rowling she invented the Story during a
train journey between Manchester and London her actual name is Joanna Rowling she was
born in 1965 in Bristol.

Creative assignment (tv commercial).

Harry Potter is a science fiction book and it this for kids from 9 years old. It's about a kid
named Harry Potter. First he lived by his uncle and aunt because his parents died. They
treaded him very bad from example, he had to sleep under stairs. Later he did go to wizard
school where. Here chased he professor Voldemort, because he stole the philosopher’s
stone. If you want to know more about this book and if they did succeed on getting the
philosopher’s stone out of the hands of Voldemort. You have to read the book yourself. So go
to your local bookstore or the Internet right now.

Writing assignment Interview:

The interview will be about harry (the main character).
- Me: Harry, how was your first year at Hogwarts?

Harry: Very good! Yes it was very cozy and I had a great time! I made a lot of friends and the
magic was a lot of fun to learn.

- Me: What was this year like compared to previous years at the Dursley's?

-Harry: It was a very good improvement! I wasn't ignored anymore, I made friends. I have my
own money, my own clothes. I'm treated with respect here.
- Me: So are you going to take Dursly’s back home during the summer holidays? Spells 'try

-Harry: Yes, I do! I'm going to turn him into a pig or something! Haha! No, I won't. I'll try very
discreetly to teach him his lesson. At least I'm not going to be so belittling myself anymore.
And they're going to be pretty scared of me right now, hopefully they'll leave me alone.

- Me: You're pretty well known, aren't you? How do you deal with that?
-Harry: Oh, I'm not going to walk off my shoes or anything. It's fun, but it can also work to
your disadvantage, just look at professor Snape.
- Me: Do you miss your parents?

-Harry: Miss, miss... I don't know if that's the right word. I mean, I've never known them, of
course I've heard a lot of stories about them, but I don't know them well enough to miss
them. Of course I'm very sorry that I don't have a real mother or father, because the
Dursleys aren't very good parents. So I would have had a different, nicer childhood with
parents who really love me. I'd really like them back, I mean I just grew up without my
-Me: What went through you when you saw your family in the mirror of Erised?

-Harry: I wanted to go back to that mirror! I wanted to see them again! I felt very happy but
at the same time I felt sad. I was looking at my parents! I was very nervous when I went back
the next night, because I was afraid that the mirror might not be there anymore. I loved
seeing my whole family.

- Me: What did you feel when you came face to face with Voldemort?

-Harry: I felt the pain in my scar, then stronger than ever. He was even uglier and more
terrifying than I expected.

- Me: Were you afraid when you had to fulfill those three complicated assignments to get to
the stone?

-Harry: No I was not afraid, although I did know that we had to fulfill these assignments
because otherwise we would be screwed, because Voldemort would get our hands on the

-Me: Didn't you expect Professor Quirrel to work with Voldemort and not Snape??

-Harry: No because Professor Quirrel seemed so nice. It really seemed like Snape was trying
to kill me at that Quidditch match, and snape let the troll in and that Snape had pressured
Quirrel. But none of that turned out to be true, I was very surprised, yes.

-Me: Were the answers Albus Dumbledore gave to your questions sufficient?

-Harry: Well, it was enlightening I have to say, I now understand, for example, why Snape
hates me and still tried to protect me. And why Quirrel was in so much pain when I touched
him. But he didn't want to answer just the question of why Voldemort wanted to kill me
when I was so little. He told me I'd find out over time, well I'm curious.

-Me: Are you already looking forward to the next school year?

- Harry: Yes, I do! I hope I get through a little bit at the Dursleys this summer. But I'll be able
to do that, because I've also been invited by Ron and his family so I'm going there for a few
weeks too!
-me: Well, Harry, I enjoyed interviewing you and thank you for your time!

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