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Data Extracts Definitions

Android Extracts
Last Updated: 2021-10-18

Data in extracts before the date available will be blank or say "NULL" if the field is displayed

Field Name in Definition Data Date Max Field

Extract Type Available Size
test_id A unique ID for every speedtest number 2009-08-01 11
performed based on the platform.
android_device_i Each individual device is assigned a number 2009-08-01 11
d unique ID, which is tied to all the tests
taken on the device.
android_fingerpr The device model and OS version of text 2009-08-01 100
int the user's device. Not standardized
across all manufacturers. Rather than
Android fingerprint, rely on the device
and hardware fields for accurate
information about the device
test_date Date and time of the test in UTC datetime 2009-08-01 19
(default). Previously, this data was
presented in Pacific time (default).
client_ip_addres This is the IP address from which the text 2009-08-01 15
s request to Ookla's reporting API was
generated. The last octet of the user's
external IP address is masked for
addresses that are not on your
network. Full IP addresses are
available for your customers. Devices
behind networks with carrier grade
NAT may appear to share the same
IP address.
download_kbps The result of the download portion of number 2009-08-01 11
the test, measured in kilobits per
upload_kbps The result of the upload portion of the number 2009-08-01 11
test, measured in kilobits per second.
latency The result of the latency portion of the number 2009-08-01 6
test, measured in milliseconds.
server_name The name of the server used for the text 2009-08-01 255
test. This is typically the city where
the server is located.
server_country The country where the server used text 2009-08-01 255
for the test is located.
server_country_c The two letter country code (ISO text 2009-08-01 2
ode 3166-1 alpha-2) of where the test
server is located.
server_latitude The latitude of the server used for the number 2009-08-01 10
server_longitude The longitude of the server used for number 2009-08-01 10
the test.
server_sponsor_n The name of the test server sponsor. text 2009-08-01 255
ame Combining server name and server
sponsor will create a unique name for
each server.
client_country The country where the device is text 2009-08-01 255
client_country_c The two letter country code (ISO text 2009-08-01 2
ode 3166-1 alpha-2) of where the device
was located.
client_region_na The region within a country where the text 2009-08-01 255
me test was conducted. How each
country is divided into regions varies
country to country, but this is typically
the top level region as described in
ISO-3166-2. If this field is labeled
unknown and the field location type
equals 2, we were unable to
confidently assign a region to the
record and the location is only
accurate to the country level.
client_region_co The ISO-3166-2 region code of where text 2009-08-01 3
de the test was conducted.
client_city The city where the test was text 2009-08-01 255
conducted. If this field is labeled
unknown and the location type field
equals 2, we were unable to
confidently assign a city to the record
and is only accurate to the region
client_latitude The latitude of the device conducting number 2009-08-01 10
the test. If location type equals 2, this
value is approximate.
client_longitude The longitude of the device number 2009-08-01 10
conducting the test. If location type
equals 2, this value is approximate.
miles_between Distance (in miles) between user and number 2009-08-01 9
location of server.
isp_name The name of the device's ISP, derived text 2009-08-01 255
from the IP address in the
client_ip_address field.
is_isp Indicates whether or not a user's number 2009-08-01 1
connection is an ISP. 1 = true, 0 =
false. 0 generally indicates
government, university, or corporate
network_operator The name of the network operator, as text 2011-03-01 255
_name displayed by the device. This field is
generally accurate, but is not reliable.
Custom versions of Android, including
carrier specific versions, may modify
this string, and carriers have used
different spellings and brandings on
their network names. 2020-05-28:
When Ookla can more accurately
identify the active network operator
via Android CellIdentity APIs, it will
overwrite the
network_operator_name based on
MCCMNC-to-network relations.
mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC) is a number 2015-11-01 3
three digit code specific to the country
where the network operator is
located. A list of code and countries
can be found here.
mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC). A three number 2015-11-01 3
digit identifier specific to a network
operator within a given country. When
combined with the Mobile Country
Code, each mobile network can be
uniquely identified. A fairly
comprehensive list of Mobile Network
Codes can be foundhere, but each
country regulates their MNCs
individually, so codes may appear or
change without any notice.
pre_connection_t A number representing the device's number 2013-10-01 4
ype connection type as detected before
the test begins. Please see the
connection type table for an
explanation of each type. Connection
type as detected before the test
starts: 0 = Unknown,1 = Cell, 2 =
Wi-Fi, 3 = GPRS, 4 = EDGE, 5 =
UMTS, 6 = CDMA, 7 = EVDO0, 8 =
EVDOA, 9 = OnexRTT, 10 = HSDPA,
11 = HSPA, 12 = IDEN, 13 = EHRPD,
14 = EVDOB, 15 = LTE, 16 =
HSUPA, 17 = HSPAP, 18 = GSM, 19
= TDSCDMA, 20 = IWLAN, 21 =
LTE-CA, 22 = Ethernet, 23 =
Bluetooth, 24 = NR
post_connection_ A number representing the device's number 2009-08-01 4
type connection type as detected at the
end of the test. Please see the
connection type table for an
explanation of each type. Connection
type as detected at the end of the
test: 0 = Unknown,1 = Cell, 2 = Wi-Fi,
3 = GPRS, 4 = EDGE, 5 = UMTS, 6 =
CDMA, 7 = EVDO0, 8 = EVDOA, 9 =
OnexRTT, 10 = HSDPA, 11 = HSPA,
12 = IDEN, 13 = EHRPD, 14 =
EVDOB, 15 = LTE, 16 = HSUPA, 17
= HSPAP, 18 = GSM, 19 =
TDSCDMA, 20 = IWLAN, 21 =
LTE-CA, 22 = Ethernet, 23 =
Bluetooth, 24 = NR
brand The consumer facing brand of the text 2011-03-01 255
device The codename assigned to the text 2011-03-01 255
device by the manufacturer.
hardware The device hardware name, as text 2011-03-01 255
reported by the Android kernel.
build_id The Android build ID reflects the text 2011-03-01 255
version of Android installed on the
device. The build ID typically follows a
standard convention of AAA##A, but
some device manufacturers chose to
implement their own convention.
More information about Android build
IDs can be found at
manufacturer The device manufacturer. text 2011-03-01 255
model User device's model. text 2011-03-01 255
product The internal product code of the text 2011-03-01 255
device. This is typically the same as
the device codename, but
occassionally differs.
cdma_cell_id User's CDMA cell ID; also the number 2011-03-01 10
gsm_cell_id User's GSM cell ID; also the cid. number 2011-03-01 11
location_type The method used to determine the number 2011-07-01 3
device's location. Whenever possible,
the mobile application
uses the device's location services to
determine an accurate latitude and
longitude of the device. However, in
an effort to maintain a quick and easy
user experience, if the device's
location services are either
unavailable or unable to return an
accurate location within a few
seconds, we fall back to using third
party Geo-IP location services. 1 =
GPS / device location services, 2 =
gmaps_formatted_ Full location name including city, text 2016-03-31 100
address county, region, and country, if
gmaps_name Unabbreviated location name; text 2016-03-31 100
typically the city where the test is
gmaps_type Type of locality where test is taken. text 2016-03-31 100
This is typically an incorporated city
or town political entity.
gmaps_country Country where test is taken. text 2016-03-31 100
gmaps_country_co Country code where test is taken. text 2016-03-31 2
gmaps_region Region name where test is taken. text 2016-03-31 100
This is the first-order civil entity in a
country level. Depending on the
country, these are states, provinces,
or territories, etc.
gmaps_subregion Region name where test is taken. text 2016-03-31 100
This is the second-order civil entity in
a country level. Depending on the
country, these are county-level
names. Not all countries display this
gmaps_subsubregi Region name where test is taken. text 2016-03-31 250
on This is the third-order civil entity in a
country level. Depending on the
country, these are the level under
counties. Not all countries display this
gmaps_postal_cod Postal code for the test location. The text 2016-03-31 100
e postal code is that same as what is
used to address mail within the
phone_type_a The type of phone used. 0 = None, 1 number 2012-08-01 3
= GSM, 2 = CDMA, 3 = SIP
device_software_ The software version found on the text 2012-08-01 2
version_a device.
sim_network_oper Similar to the text 2012-08-01 255
ator_name_a network_operator_name field, this is
the network operator name
associated with the sim card installed
in the device, rather than the current
network the device is registered on.
Some devices may report "null" if the
network associated with the sim is the
same as the current registered
network. For dual SIM devices, this
will show as the sim that is being
used to take the test, not necessarily
the network that the test was taken
sim_network_oper Similar to the network_operator field, text 2012-08-01 10
ator_code_a this is the network operator
associated with the sim card installed
in the device, rather than the current
network the device is registered on.
Some devices may report null if the
network associated with the sim is the
same as the current registered
app_version_a User's Speedtest app version on text 2011-04-01 11
start_cell_id_a The starting ID of either the GSM or number 2011-09-01 10
CDMA ID. It is useful to compare this
to cdma_cell_id or gsm_cell_id to
determine if the cell id changed
during testing.
wifi_bssid_a The media access control address text 2011-09-01 50
(MAC) address of the wifi Chipset
running on the wireless access point
to which the device is connected.
wifi_secure_a A flag indicating whether or not number 2011-09-01 3
security is enabled on the wifi
network. 0 = No and 1 = Yes.
wifi_rssi_a Wifi RSSI signal strength. number 2012-08-01 11
alt_sim_network_ Mobile carrier name from alternate text 2013-10-01 255
operator_name_a SIM card when using a dual SIM
alt_sim_network_ The mobile country code (MCC) and text 2013-10-01 10
operator_code_a mobile network code (MNC) from
alternate SIM card when using a dual
SIM device.
test_method_a The communication protocol used by number 2014-08-01 3
the test. Whenever possible, the test
makes a direct TCP connection with
the testing server, which allows for
greater testing accuracy, especially at
higher speeds. In instances where the
device is unable to establish a TCP
connection with the test server on the
appropriate port, the test falls back to
using basic HTTP file transfers to
determine the device's bandwidth. 1 =
HTTP, 2 = TCP, 5 = HTTP-IPV6, 6 =
gsm_lac_a GSM Location Area Code from the number 2015-04-01 5
alt_sim_operator The long carrier name from alternate text 2015-04-01 255
_alpha_long_a SIM card when using a dual SIM
timezone_name_a Name of user's timezone at location text 2015-04-01 50
of test.
timezone_offset_ User's timezone offset relative to number 2015-04-01 9
seconds_a GMT, in seconds.
data_connection_ This connection type is recorded number 2011-07-01 5
type_a upon test completion and can be
used to match up the starting
connection type for consistency. This
is a legacy Android API, and
post_connection_type should be used
instead. 0=Mobile, 1=WiFi, 2=Mobile
MMS, 3=Mobile Supl, 4=Mobile Dun,
5=Mobile Hipri, 6=WiMax,
7=Bluetooth, 8=Unknown, 9=Ethernet
android_api_a Android OS API version of device. number 2015-04-01 3
architecture_a Architecture of the device's CPU: x86, text 2015-04-01 50
arm, etc.
signal_cell_type This field reflects the network number 2015-11-01 3
_a connection type associated with the
signal and cell information provided
by the device. The signal cell type
may differ from the connection type in
cases where voice communications
occur on a different network than data
transmission. 1 = GSM, 2 = CDMA, 3
= WCDMA, 4 = LTE
pci_a LTE Physical Cell Identity. An integer number 2015-11-01 5
to identify the physical LTE cell the
user is connected to. The value is
unique to the physical cell antennae
rather than a specific cell tower. Valid
values are 0 to 503. A value of 65535
or null indicates that the device was
unable to return a PCI value.
tac_a LTE Tracking Area Code. A 16 bit number 2015-11-01 9
integer used to facilitate handoff of a
device between cells. The Tracking
Area Identity can be determined by
prepending the MCC and MNC to the
Tracking Area Code.
base_station_id_ CDMA Base Station ID. Valid values number 2015-11-01 5
a range from 0 to 65535, with 65535
representing unknown.
station_latitude CDMA Base Station Latitude as number 2015-11-01 9
_a specified in 3GPP2 C.S0005-A v6.0.
station_longitud CDMA Base Station Longitude as number 2015-11-01 9
e_a specified in 3GPP2 C.S0005-A v6.0.
network_id_a CDMA Network Identification number 2015-11-01 5
Number. This Network ID differs from
any network operator identification
numbers and is only unique within
each system ID for a given operator.
Valid values range from 0 to 65535,
with 65535 representing unknown.
system_id_a CDMA System ID. This ID identifies number 2015-11-01 5
large subsets of an operator's
wireless network. IDs are only unique
per operator. Valid values range from
0 to 65535, with 65535 representing
cid_a GSM, WCDMA, LTE. An ID for a cell number 2015-11-01 10
within a given network. Valid GSM
IDs range from 0 to 65535 while
WCDMA and LTE allow integers up to
2147483647. In all three connection
types, the maximum valid value
represents unknown. In UMTS
networks, this number includes the
RNC number. The inclusion of the
RNC number means some work will
likely need to be done to allow this
field to join with your tower data.
lac_a GSM, WCDMA. A 16-bit integer number 2015-11-01 5
representing a cell's location within a
given operator's system. 65535
represents unknown.
psc_a GSM, WCDMA. Primary Scrambling number 2015-11-01 5
Code. Valid values range from 0 to
512 with 65535 representing
asu_level_a Arbitrary Strength Unit. This value is number 2015-11-01 3
proportional to the device's signal
strength, but the calculation for
determining the actual signal strength
varies by connection type. The valid
value range for GSM and WCDMA is
0 to 31 while CDMA and LTE have a
valid range of 0 to 97, with 99
representing unknown across all
connection types. For more
information on ASU and calculating
true signal strength, please see 3GPP
RSRP document GPP 27.007 (Ver
10.3.0) Sec 8.69.
dbm_a Cell signal strength as dBm. A small number 2015-11-01 11
percentage of devices often report
positive values for this. Please use
absolute values for this field so that
those devices are normalized with the
level_a A simplified signal strength number 2015-11-01 3
measurement, represented as 0 to 4.
This is generalized from each
carrier's individual scales. Roughly,
these are how the signal strengths
translate: 0 = none, 1 = poor, 2 =
moderate, 3 = good, 4 = great
timing_advance_a LTE Timing Advance measured in Ts. number 2015-11-01 11
2147483647 represents unknown.
cdma_dbm_a CDMA Signal strength value in dBm number 2015-11-01 11
cdma_ecio_a CDMA Ec/Io value in dB*10 number 2015-11-01 11
cdma_level_a CDMA signal level 0 to 4 number 2015-11-01 3
evdo_dbm_a EVDO signal strength value in dBm number 2015-11-01 11
evdo_ecio_a EVDO Ec/Io value in dB*10 number 2015-11-01 11
evdo_level_a EVDO signal level 0 to 4 number 2015-11-01 3
evdo_snr_a EVDO signal to noise ratio 0 to 8 number 2015-11-01 3
signal_string_a This is the raw string output from the text 2015-11-01 255
device when all signal strength
information is requested. While most
information is already represented in
the other columns, some devices will
report additional information when the
string method is called.
jitter_a The variance in latency over time number 2016-08-01 4
which determines the stability of the
internet connection.
ploss_sent_a The number of packages sent to host number 2016-08-01 5
server from device. To determine
packet loss percentage, take the
ploss_recv divided by ploss_sent.
100% means zero packet loss since
100% of the packets were sent and
ploss_recv_a The number of packages received by number 2016-08-01 5
the host server from device. To
determine packet loss percentage,
take the ploss_recv divided by
ploss_sent. 100% means zero packet
loss since 100% of the packets were
sent and received.
valid_imei_a This value designates the device's number 2009-08-01 1
IMEI as a valid number. 0 = False, 1 =
app_store_a App store that app was downloaded text 2014-09-01 50
from, such as the Amazon android
app store, Google Play, Yandex,
Samsung app store, etc.
is_rooted_a This indicates that the device allows number 2015-11-01 1
running applications with root level
permissions and may be running
software that could cause the device
to report false information. 0 = False,
1 = True
tr_ip_0_a This is the IP address of the first hop text 2015-11-01 15
of traceroute during a test.
tr_latency_a The time taken for the packet to be number 2015-11-01 5
received after the first hop in the
tr_ip_1_a This is the IP address of the second text 2015-11-01 15
hop of traceroute during a test.
tr_latency_1_a The time taken for the packet to be number 2015-11-01 5
received after the second hop in the
wifi_speed_mbps_ Theoretical maximum protocol speed number 2016-01-01 5
a between device and wifi router. This
field is connected to wifi test results
wifi_frequency_m The frequency the wifi router is number 2016-01-01 5
hz_a connecting with when test is taken.
This field is connected to wifi test
results only.
location_accurac The accuracy of the location data number 2016-01-01 5
y_a collected from the device expressed
in meters.
uarfcn_a The UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency number 2017-01-01 8
Channel Number (UARFCN) is a
unique number given to each radio
channel within the frequency bands
used by the UMTS UTRA. The
UARFCN can be used to calculate
the carrier frequency.
arfcn_a The Absolute Radio Frequency number 2017-01-01 8
Channel Number (ARFCN) is a
unique number given to each radio
channel in GSM. The ARFCN can be
used to calculate the exact frequency
of the radio channel. Within the
GSM900 band ARFCN 1 to 124 are
used. In the GSM1800 band ARFCN
512 to 885 are used.
bsic_a The Base Station Identity Code number 2017-01-01 3
(BSIC) is a code used in GSM to
uniquely identify a base station. The
code is needed because it is possible
that mobile stations receive the
broadcast channel of more than one
base station on the same frequency.
earfcn_a EARFCN stands for E-UTRA number 2017-01-01 8
Absolute Radio Frequency Channel
Number.In LTE, the carrier frequency
in the uplink and downlink is
designated by EARFCN, which
ranges between 0-65535. EARFCN
uniquely identify the LTE band and
carrier frequency. ... EARFCN is
independent of channel bandwidth.
subscription_cod Given that dual SIM devices are so number 2017-07-01 2
e_a common, we put in place a new
approach to identify which SIM was
used for the test with a very high level
of confidence. The code displayed
indicates how the
sim_network_operator_name_a was
identified with high confidence or the
reason it could not be identified with
high confidence. If 1-6 is seen, then
that is the SIM that was used during
the test. If 7-10, then we cannot yet
make a determination with high
confidence because there is not
enough information given during the
test. 1 = True, Single subscription2 =
True, Single subscription with default
data3 = True, Single registered
network matching
SubscriptionManager4 = True, Single
registered network matching Telepho
nyManager.getNetworkOperator5 =
True, Single registered network of
subtype matching the active network,
matching SubscriptionManager6 =
True, Single registered network of
subtype matching the active network,
matching TelephonyManager.getNet
workOperator 7 = False, No active
network available8 = False, Unknown
connection type9 = False, Connection
type is not mobile10 = False, Phone
is not roaming and there is not
enough info to determine subscription
NULL = Unknown; could be an
Android API older than 22 or a
version of the Speedtest application
that is older than 3.2.32
test_carrier_a The carrier sim used for the test. Tied text 2017-06-15 255
to "subscription_code_a".
test_mcc_a The mcc code associated with the number 2017-06-15 3
SIM card used for the test. Tied to
test_mnc_a The mnc code associated with the number 2017-06-15 3
SIM card used for the test. Tied to
server_selection Whether the server used in the text 2017-12-01 4
_a Speedtest was selected automatically
or manually by the user "Auto"
indicates that the server was selected
automatically "User" indicates that the
server was selected manually by the
rsrp_a Reference Signal Received Power. number 2018-02-01 4
LTE metric displaying the received
power of the reference LTE signal,
similar to the old school "signal
strength". Range: -40 to -140, where
-140 is the worst and -44 is the
highest the device will report
rsrq_a Reference Signal Received Quality number 2018-02-01 5
The received quality of the LTE
reference signal. Range: -19.5 to -3,
where -3 is best
rssnr_a Reference Signal Signal-to-Noise number 2018-02-01 3
Ratio Perhaps the most important
KPI, but it's rarely properly reported in
Android OS. It's the ratio between the
noise and signal of the LTE data
transmission. Range is -30 to +30,
where +30 is best
cqi_a CQI stands for Channel Quality number 2018-02-01 2
Indicator. As the name implies, it is an
indicator carrying the information on
how good/bad the communication
channel quality is. In LTE, there are
15 different CQI values randing from
1 to 15 and mapping between CQI
and modulcation scheme. In HSDPA,
the CQI value ranges from 0 to 30. 30
indicates the best channel quality and
0,1 indicates the poorest channel
client_ipv6_addr Speedtest user's IPV6 address. We text 2018-05-15 255
ess mask IP addresses for end users
privacy, but show enough to allow
clients to see which provider is
offering the user's internet service.
Please note that this address may not
be the connection that the Speedtest
was taken over (unless there is no
IPV4 address populated).
location_age_a Age that the location was recorded, in number 2018-05-15 11
milliseconds NULL means that the
location age wasn't captured
ookla_device_nam Mobile device common name as text 2018-10-02 100
e_a determined by Ookla based on our
research on how the device is
ookla_carrier_na Mobile operator name as determined text 2018-10-02 150
me_a by Ookla based on our research on
how the operator is marketed
download_kb_a The bytes used during a test for the number 2018-10-02 8
download portion, in kilobytes
upload_kb_a The bytes used during a test for the number 2018-10-02 8
upload portion, in kilobytes
is_airplane_mode Indicates whether the device was in number 2019-02-04 1
_a airplane mode when data was
reported. 0 = not in airplane mode, 1
= airplane mode
client_latitude_ The latitude of the device conducting number 2019-05-27 10
start the test at the beginning of the test. If
location type equals 2, this value is
client_longitude The longitude of the device number 2019-05-27 10
_start conducting the test at the beginning
of the test. If location type equals 2,
this value is approximate.
location_type_st The method used to determine the number 2019-05-27 3
art device's location at the start of the
test. Whenever possible, the mobile application uses
the device's location services to
determine an accurate latitude and
longitude of the device. However, in
an effort to maintain a quick and easy
user experience, if the device's
location services are either
unavailable or unable to return an
accurate location within a few
seconds, we fall back to using third
party Geo-IP location services. 1 =
GPS / device location services, 2 =
download_thread_ The maximum number of download number 2019-05-27 3
count_a threads used during adaptive testing,
maximum of 64 threads
download_test_du The length, in milliseconds, of the number 2019-05-27 5
ration_a speedtest based on adaptive testing,
maximum test length being 15
download_stop_re Indicates whether the speedtest was number 2019-05-27 1
ason_a able to complete before the maximum
test duration. 0 = Early stop did not
occur. Full test duration or byte limit
was hit1 = Early stop occurred
radio_a The version string for the radio text 2019-05-27 255
device_ram_a maximum system memory in number 2019-08-20 19
megabytes available to UE kernel
device_storage_a maximum capacity in megabytes of number 2019-08-20 19
UE file system, excluding any
secondary storage such as SD cards
km_between Distance (in kilometers) between user number 2019-08-20 9
and location of server.
altitude_a the altitude if available, in meters number 2019-08-20 6
above the WGS 84 reference
ellipsoid. If this location does not have
an altitude, 0 is returned.
tr_hops_a the number of hops taken on the number 2019-08-20 3
traceroute from the client to server.
loc_timezone_nam local timezone name derived from text 2019-08-20 50
e_a reverse geocoding (location)
loc_timezone_off device local timezone offset in number 2019-08-20 9
set_seconds_a seconds from GMT derived from
reverse geocoding (location)
cellbandwidth_a Cell bandwidth in kHz number 2019-12-01 6
vertical_accurac Estimated vertical (altitude) accuracy number 2019-12-01 5
y_a of this location, in meters
isp_common_name_ Common (marketing) name of the ISP text 2019-12-01 255
service_state_a Indicates the phone's service state: 0 number 2020-03-26 1
operation condition, the phone is
registered with an operator either in
home network or in roaming.1 =
is not registered with any operator,
the phone can be currently searching
a new operator to register to, or not
searching to registration at all, or
registration is denied, or radio signal
is not available.)2 =
phone is registered and locked. Only
emergency numbers are allowed.3 =
telephony is explicitly powered off.
sim_state_a indicates the state of the default SIM number 2020-03-26 2
card (or active SIM for API 26 and
above): 0 =
Signifies that the SIM is in transition
between states. For example, when
the user inputs the SIM pin under
PIN_REQUIRED state, a query for
sim status returns this state before
turning to SIM_STATE_READY.1 =
is available in the device.2 =
Locked: requires the user's SIM PIN
to unlock.3 =
Locked: requires the user's SIM PUK
to unlock.4 =
Locked: requires a network PIN to
unlock.5 = SIM_STATE_READY.
Ready.6 =
Card is NOT READY.7 =
SIM Card Error, permanently
disabled.8 =
SIM Card Error, present but faulty.9 =
SIM Card restricted, present but not
usable due to carrier restrictions.0 =
operation condition, the phone is
registered with an operator either in
home network or in roaming.1 =
is not registered with any operator,
the phone can be currently searching
a new operator to register to, or not
searching to registration at all, or
registration is denied, or radio signal
is not available.)2 =
phone is registered and locked. Only
emergency numbers are allowed.3 =
telephony is explicitly powered off.
ss_rsrp_a Synchronization Signal Reference number 2020-03-26 6
Signal Received Power (SS-RSRP) is
defined as the linear average over the
power contributions (in [W]) of the
resource elements that carry
secondary synchronization signals.
Reference: 3GPP TS 38.215.
ss_rsrq_a Synchronization Signal Reference number 2020-03-26 4
Signal Received Quality (SS-RSRQ)
is defined as the ratio of N×SS-RSRP
/ NR carrier RSSI, where N is the
number of resource blocks in the NR
carrier RSSI measurement
bandwidth. Reference: 3GPP TS
ss_sinr_a SS signal-to-noise and interference number 2020-03-26 4
ratio (SS-SINR), is defined as the
linear average over the power
contribution (in [W]) of the resource
elements carrying secondary
synchronisation signals divided by the
linear average of the noise and
interference power contribution (in
[W]). Reference: 3GPP TS 38.215.
csi_rsrp_a CSI Reference Signal Received number 2020-03-26 6
Power (CSI-RSRP), is defined as the
linear average over the power
contributions (in [W]) of the resource
elements of the antenna port(s) that
carry CSI reference signals
configured for RSRP measurements
within the considered measurement
frequency bandwidth in the
configured CSI-RS occasions.
Reference: 3GPP TS 38.215.
csi_rsrq_a CSI Reference Signal Received number 2020-03-26 4
Quality (CSI-RSRQ) is defined as the
ratio of N×CSI-RSRP to CSI-RSSI,
where N is the number of resource
blocks in the CSI-RSSI measurement
bandwidth. Reference: 3GPP TS
csi_sinr_a CSI signal-to-noise and interference number 2020-03-26 4
ratio (CSI-SINR), is defined as the
linear average over the power
contribution (in [W]) of the resource
elements carrying CSI reference
signals divided by the linear average
of the noise and interference power
contribution (in [W]). Reference:
3GPP TS 38.215.
nr_level_a An abstract level value for the overall number 2020-03-26 1
signal quality (NR). 0 = none or
unknown, 1 = poor, 2 = moderate, 3 =
good, 4 = great
nr_asu_a RSRP in ASU (NR). Asu is calculated number 2020-03-26 3
based on 3GPP RSRP. Refer to
3GPP 27.007 (Ver 10.3.0) Sec 8.69.
nr_arfcn_a New Radio Absolute Radio number 2020-03-26 7
Frequency Channel Number.
Reference: 3GPP TS 38.101-1
section NR-ARFCN and
channel raster. Reference: 3GPP TS
38.101-2 section NR-ARFCN
and channel raster.
nci_a New Radio Cell Identity. number 2020-03-26 11
nr_pci_a New Radio Physical Cell ID. number 2020-03-26 4
nr_tac_a New Radio Tracking Area Code. number 2020-03-26 5
nr_mcc_a Mobile Country Code of New Radio text 2020-03-26 3
nr_mnc_a Mobile Network Code of New Radio text 2020-03-26 3
nr_state_a New Radio state of the mobile data number 2020-03-26 1
network. Returns one of the following:
1 = RESTRICTED. The device is
camped on an LTE cell that supports
Connectivity(EN-DC) but either the
use of dual connectivity with
NR(DCNR) is restricted or NR is not
supported by the selected PLMN.2 =
NOT_RESTRICTED. The device is
camped on an LTE cell that supports
Connectivity(EN-DC) and both the
use of dual connectivity with
NR(DCNR) is not restricted and NR is
supported by the selected PLMN.3 =
CONNECTED. The device is camped
on an LTE cell that supports
Connectivity(EN-DC) and also
connected to at least one 5G cell as a
secondary serving cell.0 = NONE.
The device isn't camped on an LTE
cell or the LTE cell doesn't support
nr_frequency_ran The frequency range of 5G NR. 0 = number 2020-03-26 1
Indicates frequency range is
unknown.1 =
Indicates the frequency range is
below 1GHz.2 =
Indicates the frequency range is
between 1GHz to 3GHz.3 =
Indicates the frequency range is
between 3GHz and 6GHz.4 =
Indicates the frequency range is
above 6GHz.
is_nr_available_ "True" if NR is supported by the text 2020-03-26 5
a selected PLMN. Otherwise, "False".
Reference: 3GPP TS 36.331 v15.2.2
section 6.3.1 PLMN-InfoList-r15.
is_nr_telephony_ "True" if any of the following fields text 2020-03-26 5
sourced_a were sourced from Android's
TelephonyManager rather than
CellInfoNr: ss_rsrp, ss_rsrq, ss_sinr,
csi_rsrp, csi_rsrq, csi_sinr, nr_level,
nr_arfcn, nci, nr_pci, nr_tac, nr_mcc,
nr_mnc Otherwise, "False".
is_using_carrier "True" if carrier aggregation is in use. text 2020-03-26 5
net_speed_id_a User ISP/connection type (estimated). number 2020-03-26 1
0 = Unknown, 1 = Dialup, 2 =
Cable/DSL, 3 = Corporate and
4=Cellular. Results with a
net_speed_id of 4 are excluded from
all Fixed aggregates except for
"Mobile Broadband".
device_tac_a The device's Type Allocation Code text 2020-06-25 8
(TAC) from the active SIM slot.
chipset_name_a Ookla-maintained device chipset text 2020-06-25 255
chipset_manufact Ookla-maintained device chipset text 2020-06-25 255
urer_a manufacturer name.
cell_bandwidths_ An array (JSON string containing an text 2020-06-25 255
a array of integers) of cell bandwidths
(in kHz) for the current serving cells.
upload_test_dura The length, in milliseconds, of the number 2020-09-24 5
tion_a upload phase of the test.
client_asn_a The Autonomous System Number number 2020-09-24 10
(ASN) associated with the client's IP
server_asn_a The Autonomous System Number number 2020-09-24 10
(ASN) associated with the primary
server's IP.
wifi_mac_manufac The manufacturer name associated text 2020-09-24 255
turer_a with the MAC address of the WiFi
access point (AP) serving the device
based on IEEE Registration Authority
assignments. This may not point to
the marketed manufacturer name of
the AP and may be associated with
the manufacturer of another
component such as the AP's radio.
download_server_ The number of servers utilized during number 2020-10-01 2
count_a the download portion of the test.
wifi_is_5ghz "TRUE" if the frequency of the wifi text 2021-03-17 5
router is 5 Ghz when the test is taken.
This field is connected to wifi test
results only.
access_point_nam Access Point Name (APN) is the text 2021-06-16 20
e_a name of a gateway between a GSM,
GPRS, 3G or 4G mobile network and
another computer network, frequently
the public Internet.
downstream_bandw Downstream bandwidth for the number 2021-06-16 8
idth_kbps_a network (in Kbps). This only refers to
the estimated first hop transport
failed_connectio The number of unsuccessful TCP number 2021-06-16 2
ns_a connections between the client and
the server. A connection may fail due
to delayed, lost, or corrupted packets
resulting in new connection attempts
to successfully complete a download
test. Multiple failed connections may
be an indicator of adverse network
wifi_channel_wid The width of the Wifi channel (in number 2021-06-16 3
th_a MHz). Note: 80 MHz + 80 MHz will be
reported as 160 MHz.
is_access_techno TRUE when the cellular data access text 2021-11-17 5
logy_nr_a network technology is NR. Useful for
indicating if the underlying cellular
connection is NR while connected to
WiFi as the active data bearer for 5G
standalone implementations.
override_network Indicates if a network type override number 2021-11-17 1
_type_a occurred.0 = no override1 = LTE with
carrier aggregation2 = LTE advanced
pro3 = NR NSA4 = NR NSA
mmWave5 = NR advanced (NR
network with data rate that is higher
than the generic 5G rate such as
mmWave, unique bands, or carrier
upstream_bandwid Upstream bandwidth for the network number 2021-11-17 8
th_kbps_a (in Kbps). This only refers to the
estimated first hop transport
gsm_additional_p A list of additional PLMN IDs text 2021-11-17 255
lmns_a supported by this cell.
tdscdma_addition A list of additional PLMN IDs text 2021-11-17 255
al_plmns_a supported by this cell.
wcdma_additional A list of additional PLMN IDs text 2021-11-17 255
_plmns_a supported by this cell.
lte_additional_p A list of additional PLMN IDs text 2021-11-17 255
lmns_a supported by this cell.
lte_bands_a An array of band numbers or empty text 2021-11-17 255
array if not available.
nr_additional_pl A list of additional PLMN IDs text 2021-11-17 255
mns_a supported by this cell.
nr_bands_a An array of band numbers or empty text 2021-11-17 255
array if not available.
gsm_rssi_a Received Signal Strength Indicator. number 2021-11-17 11
The RSSI in dBm (-113, -51) or
wcdma_ecno_a Energy per chip over the noise number 2021-11-17 11
spectral density (Ec/No) as dB. The
Ec/No of the measured cell in the
range [-24, 1] or UNAVAILABLE.
wifi_rx_link_spe The current receive link speed in number 2021-11-17 11
ed_a Mbps reported by Android.
wifi_tx_link_spe The current transmit link speed in number 2021-11-17 11
ed_a Mbps reported by Android.
wifi_max_support The maximum supported receive link number 2021-11-17 11
ed_rx_link_speed speed in Mbps reported by Android.
wifi_max_support The maximum supported transmit link number 2021-11-17 11
ed_tx_link_speed speed in Mbps reported by Android.
wifi_passpoint_f The Fully Qualified Domain Name of text 2021-11-17 255
qdn_a the network if it is a Passpoint
network.The FQDN may be null if no
network is currently connected,
currently connected network is not a
passpoint network or the caller has
insufficient permissions to access the
wifi_passpoint_p The Provider Friendly Name of the text 2021-11-17 255
rovider_name_a network if it is a Passpoint network.
The Provider Friendly Name may be
null if no network is currently
connected, currently connected
network is not a passpoint network or
the caller has insufficient permissions
to access the Provider Friendly
wifi_carrier_nam If this network is provisioned by a text 2021-11-17 255
e_a carrier, the carrier name
corresponding to the associated SIM
on the device.
wifi_standard_a The connection Wi-Fi standard number 2021-11-17 1
value.0 = unknown1 = legacy; Wi-Fi
802.11a/b/g4 = Wi-Fi 802.11n5 =
Wi-Fi 802.11ac6 = Wi-Fi 802.11ax7 =
Wi-Fi 802.11ad
wifi_is_2_4GHz_b TRUE if the chipset supports 2.4GHz text 2021-11-17 5
and_supported_a band.
wifi_is_6GHz_ban TRUE if the chipset supports 6GHz text 2021-11-17 5
d_supported_a band.
wifi_is_60GHz_ba TRUE if the chipset supports the text 2021-11-17 5
nd_supported_a 60GHz frequency band.
nat64_prefix_a The NAT64 prefix in use on the link, if text 2021-11-17 15
current_thermal_ The current thermal status of the number 2021-11-17 1
status_a device. 0 = not under thermal
throttling1 = light throttling where UX
is not impacted2 = moderate throttling
where UX is not largely impacted3 =
severe throttling where UX is largely
impacted4 = critical, platform has
done everything to reduce power5 =
emergency, key components in
platform are shutting down due to
thermal condition. Device
functionalities will be limited.6 =
shutdown needed immediately
thermal_headroom An estimate of how much thermal number 2021-11-17 3
_a headroom the device currently has
before hitting severe throttling. Values
range from 0.0 to 1.0, where 1.0
indicates severe throttling threshold.

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