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Ants and Pigeons

One morning there was an ant who wanted to find water. The ant goes
around looking for water and finally finds a river. On the edge of the river,
ants are looking for ways to bring water to the nest. Then he tried to take
the leaves to make as a container of water. But because the river flow was
very heavy, the ant was carried away by the river currents and almost sank.

Ants ask for help to be saved. Near the river there are pigeons who see ants
in trouble. The dove picks a leaf and throws it near the ant. He intends to
help the ants through the leaves. Ants reach the leaves thrown by pigeons.
Not long after that the ants finally survived with the help of pigeons.

Ants also thank the dove. Then the dove went and perched on a tree. Soon
there was a hunter who wanted to shoot the pigeon. Seeing that, the ants
want to repay the good of the dove by thwarting the hunter’s plan. When a
hunter wants to shoot a dove, the ant immediately bites the hunter’s feet.
Then the hunting bullet finally misses and can’t hit the dove. Merpati also
immediately went away from the hunter’s place. Finally the ants and doves
survived the catastrophe that happened to him.

Moral Value:

One good will be rewarded with the other good.

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