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Application Game Balancing

in MOBA Games using

Data Analytics


Asi, Joshua E.

Biteng, Judi Lionie A.

Lapuz, Ceejay M.

Sambat, Immanuel G.

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


FEU Alabang


Thesis Adviser

Ms. Milagros V. Ortega

©2021 Immanuel Sambat,Ceejay Lapuz, Biteng Judi, and Joshua Asi.

All Rights Reserved

The author/s grant FEU Alabang permission to reproduce and distribute the contents of

this document in whole or in part.


The research project entitled “Application Game Balancing using Data Analytics”, prepared
and submitted by Ceejay Lapuz; Immanuel Sambat; Joshua Asi; and Judi Biteng, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, is
hereby approved and accepted.


Project Mentor


Course Adviser


Panel Member Panel Member


Panel Chair

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science.


Director for Computer Studies

Date: _____________

The proponents would like to give acknowledgement and appreciation to the following

people and organization who helped and assisted in the development process of this

capstone project.

The proponents would like to share their gratitude towards their project adviser, Mr.

Joferson L. Bombasi for his guidance, resources provided, and advice given to the team in

writing this capstone project and what the contents of the capstone project should contain.

Alongside their mentor, the proponents would like to express their gratitude to Ms.

Milagros Ortega for her support and guidance throughout the conceptualization of this

project. Her suggestions and contributions proved to be extremely helpful to build this


Lastly, the proponents would like to thank their family and friends who have given them

unwavering support and encouragement during those trying times.

1.1. Background of the Study 9
1.2. Theoretical Framework 12

1.3. Conceptual Framework 18
1.4. Objectives 19
1.5. Scope and Limitations 20
1.6. Significance of the Study 23
1.7. Definition of Terms 24
2.1. Type of Research
2.2. Project Design 38
2.3. Hardware and Software Specifications 43
2.4. Methods in Developing the Software Product 45
2.5. Methods in Evaluating the Software Product 46
2.6. Data Gathering Procedure 47
2.7. Respondents of the Study 48
2.8. Statistical Treatment of Data 49
Chapter 3. RESULTS
3.1. Presentation of Results 52
3.2. Interpretation of Results 62
Chapter 4. DISCUSSION 70
4.1. Summary of Findings 70
4.2. Conclusion 71
4.3. Recommendation 72


Figure 1...………………………………………………………………… Page 10

Figure 2...………………………………………………………………… Page 11

Figure 3…………………………………………………………………... Page 12

Figure 4...………………………………………………………………… Page 18

Figure 5.......……………………………………………………………… Page 37

Figure 6.......……………………………………………………………… Page 38

Figure 7.......……………………………………………………………… Page 39

Figure 8.......……………………………………………………………… Page 41

Figure 9.......……………………………………………………………… Page 45

Figure 10.......……………………………………………………………… Page 41


As live streaming of video games has become easier, electronic sports have grown

quickly and they are still increasing as tournaments grow in viewers and prizes. The

purpose of this paper is to analyze the game state of League of Legends, Dota 2, and

Mobile Legends. Moreover, it aims to create an automated system to balance their

champions and to see if it is a valid way of applying character balance in the Multiplayer

Online Battle Arena game genre. All games' primary mode consists of matches on a map

in which a team of five players competes against another team of five players. Characters

in video games often have four skills and a large number of attributes, making them

tough to compare without context. The proponents obtained character information and

profiles from websites using APIs, then compared them to how frequently a champion

wins and is played. Sirlin’s (2001) definition of multiplayer game balance was “A

multiplayer game is considered balanced if a reasonably large number of options

available to the player are viable – especially, but not limited to, during high-level play

by expert players.” and with the data from the APIs, the proponents see if these games are

balanced in terms of characters according to that definition. The criteria under the model

were functionality, usability, reliability, performance, and supportability. Overall, the

proponents believed that this project was a functional need that gaming companies can

utilize to strengthen their workflow and efficiencies. It will not only benefit their

company but also their consumers who seek better game balance.

Chapter 1

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) is a type of game which allows the player to

control a single character, competing against another set of teams. The goal of the game

is to destroy the opponent’s base. MOBA games consist of many features that make the

players excited and obsessed. (MOBA. 2010. In Balancing an

Online Game is a hard task to achieve (Keith B. 2021). Developers may need to test them

around, play the game itself which can take up a lot of time especially Multiplayer Online

Battle Arena (MOBA) games. MOBA games usually have a lot of items, skills, heroes,

and stats to look over.

In every game, the stats of an item or a character will be tracked. Each character's or

item's skill will be tallied based on how many times it was used, how much damage it

dealt, how many resources it used, and how much it influenced the game overall. It will

then be compared to other talents and how it fared in comparison to the average to see

how significant the differences are. If a particular attribute deviates from the norm and

performs better or worse than others, a report on the performance will be generated, along

with a suggestion for a balance adjustment to the attribute, which will be put on the draft

patch notes for the balance team to examine.

As a result, the goal of this project, Application Game Balancing in MOBA Games, was

to utilize Data Analytics to examine individual games and provide information on how

each champion fare. Compiling them into a database and comparing each champion to

one another, then recommending an adjustment based on the API data into ideas for play

testing and balancing decisions. This allowed the creators to focus their efforts on other

areas of the game.

1.1. Background of the Study

Recently, online gaming has become more prominent and is even more so with the

current generation. Online games or Games as a service are usually made for the long

term, they are overseen by the game developers to update and improve the game

overtime. These kinds of development are split into many departments like content

management, story development, and other groups that focus on a certain attribute of the

game. However Online games usually have problems balancing a game. Sometimes there

are items abused in the game or a character that stomps every other character that makes

the game not fun. It can be very frustrating for players to be on the other end of the stick

of the broken character that was overlooked by the balance team. Online Games with an

unhealthy balance will cause the playerbase to go down.

MOBA’s history is way back 1989 when the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis game Herzog

Zwei was released. It has been cited as a precursor to, or an early example of, the MOBA

genre (Damien M. 2020). MOBA games have been with us from the very beginning and

it is not going to die anytime soon because the eSports scene is growing strong as many

fans love the concept of the game. eSports viewership is growing between 2018 and

2019, there was a 12.3% increase year over year. In 2019, there were 245 million casual

viewers and 198 million enthusiasts, making the total audience 443 million. (Werner G.

2021). In numbers, we can see that the MOBA genre is a world success, as shown below

in Figure 1 and Figure 2.

Figure 1. Most played PC games of 2021.

Souce: Raptr/Statista

Figure 2. Tournament earnings for eSport games of 2020.
Source: archive/esportsobserver

The problems the proponents encountered pertained to the reason why they chose

MOBA games as a game genre because of the following reasons: imbalance in gameplay,

itemization, overpowered characters, and underperforming champions. These problems

can be solved if managed properly. By using data analytics, the proponents can come up

with how these champions or items perform accurately. In a multiplayer game such as a

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) it is important to have a balanced game so that

the most skilled player is the winner. Ernest Adams suggests that in the most general

sense, a balanced game is fair to the player if it is neither too easy nor too hard, and if it

makes the skill of the player the most important factor in determining his success

(Adams, 2010).

1.2. Theoretical Framework

This section contained the theoretical framework where key concepts of the study were

defined as well as proposing relations between those concepts and discussion of relevant

theories. These theories were used to limit generalizations of the subject while it specified

which key variables influenced the study. Figure 3 illustrated the concepts and theories

which surrounded the study.

Figure 3. Theoretical Framework of the study.

1.2.1 Server
A server is a computer program or device that provides a service to another computer
program and its user, also known as the client. According to Posey (n.d.). APIs which the
game developers provide are connected to their servers meaning if their server crashes,
their API crashes which in turn there will be no data to gather.

1.2.2 API
API stands for - Application Programming Interface. The most important part of this
name is “interface,” because an API essentially talks to a program for you. You still need
to know the language to communicate with the program, but without an API, you won’t
get far. (Tamara S., 2016). The website will gather data using API connections that pull

user data. The use of APIs is pivotal for the website’s functionality because it’s where the
entirety of its raw data to be collected and stored into the website.

1.2.3 Website
A set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a
single person or organization. According to Oxford Languages Dictionary (n.d.). Our
project will be built through a website.

1.2.3 Data Analytics

Data analytics is the science of analyzing raw data to make conclusions about that
information. Many of the techniques and processes of data analytics have been automated
into mechanical processes and algorithms that work over raw data for human
consumption. According to Frankenfield (2021). Data Analytics is important because the
website will suggest a course of action or strategy based on past resources of performance
through a game balancing algorithm.

1.2.4 Game Balance

Game balance is a part of game design that can be described as a mathematical-
algorithmic model of a game's numbers, game mechanics, and relations between those.
Therefore, game balancing consists in adjusting those to create the intended experiences,
usually positive ones. The proponents had devised an algorithm for balancing based on
past patches implemented by game developers.

For the process, the website automatically gathered match IDs from the APIs, extracted
important information such as what champions were picked, their pick rates, and their
win rates. Once the data was usable a balancing algorithm was used. The proposed
algorithm was discussed below.

The algorithm made slight changes to abilities and attributes of champions that were

found over performing or underperforming. Recognizing these types of champions were

based on their win rates and pick rates while stat changes were based on the most

impactful attributes which contributed to the champion’s overall viability.

1.3. Conceptual Framework

Figure 4. Conceptual Framework

The above figure showed the conceptual framework of the study. The proponents created

the input dataset by gathering information of individual champions from various sources

such as official Application Programming Interfaces(APIs) and third party user based

statistical websites. At this point, the Auto Balancing Algorithm examined each statistic

of each champion, processing them to determine which champion should undergo

balance changes. Once the determined champion pool had been collected the algorithm

automatically adjusted their stats, increasing and decreasing values as it sees fit. After

this process the app created a log of these changes for which users and developers can


1.4. Objectives

General Objective

The study's general objective was to enhance the quality and balance of MOBA games

such as League of Legends, DOTA 2, and ML. The proponents felt it will be extremely

beneficial to the gaming community since gamers will be able to enjoy and compete in a

well-balanced game. This game balancing mechanism was used extensively in

international events to ensure that MOBA games were played fairly.

Specific Objectives

The proponents had used an automatic balancing algorithm to achieve these objectives.

The proponents plan to undertake the following:

● To create a well-balanced environment in a game genre where players

compete against each other seriously.

● To categorize underperforming champions.

● To categorize over performing champions.

● To reduce the time of play testing.

● To support game developers into concentrating on their game features

other than focusing on the game balance.

1.5. Scope and Limitations of the Study

1.5.1 Scope of the Study

The website automatically analyzed the dataset to determine if champions were

overpowered or underpowered. The selected champions had undergone a balancing

algorithm. If the model had acquired 90% of the data required to run its Automatic

Balancing Algorithm, the website's feature balancing area was ready to use.The trigger

for running the auto balancing of the following games League of Legends, Dota 2 and

Mobile Legends came from the official API of the following games: LoL, DOTA 2 and

ML, from the website’s deployment, the systems automatically collected the game

version and champions current stats. The website refreshed its data every two weeks as

this is the usual time cycle of a game patch throughout all three MOBA games, then as

part of the development it continually collected data within 12 days and oversaw how the

champions did in the current patch. After the 12th day of collecting data the systems had

stopped gathering data. The reason behind the 12th day circulation was so that the Game

Developers may have a window of time to review the suggested new stats of

overpowered or underpowered champions based on the generated stats from the

algorithm of the automatic balancing algorithm. Overpowered champions automatically

proceed in the balancing algorithm so that the stats are neutralized. Whereas the

underpowered champions will also proceed in the auto balancing algorithm so that stats

will increase a little bit.

The features of this website were:

● To search for other players who are playing the game.

● To display the characteristics of a certain champion in the game.

● To display the stats of champions the game has to offer.

● To show the recommended stat optimizations for champions who

went through the algorithm, as well as explanations on why they

were nerfed/buffed.

The proponents' paper, Application Game Balancing in MOBA Games Using Data

Analytics, only considered the data and statistics of each champion, which may be

regarded as algorithmic models of each game's numbers, mechanics, and relationships

between them. As a result, the balancing algorithm only changed the champions' intended

experiences. Win rates, ban rates, and pick rates of each champion in the general

population were used as collected data to accurately determine the status of each

champion. Nuances such as certain players' skills and or a single person's success on

playing a certain champion, player side balancing were not be looked into, but win rates,

ban rates, and pick rates of each champion in the general populace were used as collected

data to accurately determine the status of each champion.

1.5.2 Limitation of the Study

This research project only targeted Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) Games.

This project did not handle other types of video game genres in the gaming industry. This

project covered the following games: League of Legends, DOTA2, and Mobile Legends

improving their gameplay by balancing their champions using Data Analytics. The

limitation of this project was for the gameplay of the following MOBA games only, the

proponents were not responsible for the known bugs of these games or their graphics.

The proponents planned to gather data from 30 respondents consisting of 10 gamers, 10

I.T. professionals, and 10 game developers. For the demo app, respondents were asked to

review the changes done by the automated game balancing algorithm, survey

questionnaires (Likert Scale), were provided afterwards, and adjustments were done


The study's scope was confined to champion numbers (skill damage, win/loss rates), and

the feature highlighted by the proponents in the first bullet, "To search for other players

who were playing the game," was only applicable to one video game, LOL. For better

control and accuracy, the algorithm only focused on components that impacted individual

champion stats and disregarded other factors like items, as a result of this limitation.

1.6. Significance of the Study

The following were the significance of the study according to the following respondents:

● Gamers: The resulting app that will be developed by the proponents will be able

to provide players a more fun environment through fair and consistent game

balance resulting in better competitive experience for all skill levels.

● Game Developers: The app will be able to help developers consume less time

and spend less effort in manually balancing champions and manually

understanding data.

● I.T. professionals: The app can help experts in this field further understand the

advantages of automatic game balance and may adapt it as the norm for game


● Future researchers: As of now there are no major game companies that

automates their game balance for their competitive multiplayer game. In the

future as technology progresses, developments regarding this topic may come into

fruition, as such this paper can remain relevant as a stepping stone for future


1.7. Definition of Terms

To have a better understanding of the study, the following technical terms and their

descriptions were provided below. Technical terms were related to the operation, system

or technique used in this study.

Operational Terms

● Assassin - This term pertained to the agile characters that specialize in taking

down important characters on the opposing team. They generally have a lot of

mobility to be able to get to their targets, take them out and then be able to escape.

(Teodor, et al., 2016).

● Counter – This term referred to the character that has an advantage against

another character. If A has an advantage against B, A is B’s counter. (Teodor, et

al., 2016).

● Crowd Control – Crowd control, or CC, is a term originally used in Massive

Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) to refer to the ability to

limit the amount of enemies actively fighting during an encounter. In MOBA

games it is a category of abilities to limit an enemy player’s actions such as

preventing them from using abilities or reducing their movement. (Teodor, et al.,


● DotA – Defense of the Ancients, a modification for the game Warcraft 3. DotA is

largely responsible for popularizing the MOBA genre. (Teodor, et al., 2016).

● eSport - Electronic sport is a term for multiplayer video game competitions. The

most common genres of games in eSport are real-time strategy games, fighting

games, first-person shooter games and MOBA games. (Teodor, et al., 2016).

● Fighters - are close range combatants that have a mix of offensive and defensive

abilities. They do not have as much utility or defense as a tank or as much damage

as an assassin, but they add up to become a threat in a fight over time. (Teodor, et

al., 2016).

● Game Balance - a part of game design that can be described as a mathematical-

algorithmic model of a game’s numbers, game mechanics and relations between

those. Therefore, game balancing consists in adjusting those to create the intended

experiences, usually positive ones. Players’ perception and experience are usually

the objective of game balancing. (Alexander B., et al., 2020).

● Level up – Increase the level of a property, usually a character. Example: “I

earned enough experience points to level up.” (Teodor, et al., 2016).

● Mages - are typically characterized by being fragile, by their long range and by

their magic spells that have high utility to help their team, or an area of effect to

disrupt or damage enemies. (Teodor, et al., 2016).

● Marksmen - are ranged attackers who generally sacrifice defense and utility to

deal high damage to single targets. They are typically weak in the early parts of

the match to become stronger later on. They rely on help from their team to make

up for their lack of defense, but in return they deal the most single target damage

in the team. (Teodor, et al., 2016).

● Meta/Metagame – A level of strategy outside the game itself influenced by

knowledge of what is popular or what your opponent may do. The act of

metagaming is the use of out-of game information or resources to affect one's in-

game decisions. (Teodor, et al., 2016).

● Pick – Picking a character means to choose a character for a match. Pick rate is

how often that character is chosen. (Teodor, et al., 2016).

● Supports - are characters that help their team by enabling their allies to win by

using healing or by using crowd control on the enemies. They try to create

advantages for their team by disrupting enemies and keeping their teammates

alive. (Teodor, et al., 2016).

● Tanks - are durable characters that can lock down enemies and start fights. They

are usually the ones choosing the times to fight and initiate aggression but can

also choose to protect their more fragile teammates with crowd control. (Teodor,

et al., 2016).

Technical Terms

● Data Analysis - is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling

data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions, and

supporting decision-making.(Bernadilta Calzon, 2021)

● API(Application Programming Interface) - is a software intermediary that

allows two applications to talk to each other.(Matt Wyatt, n.d.)

● Web Development - is the work involved in developing a Web site for the Internet

or an intranet. Web development can range from developing a simple single static

page of plain text to complex web applications, electronic businesses, and social

network services.

● Web Scraping- is the process of using bots to extract content and data from a


● Front-end development- is the practice of converting data to a graphical interface,

through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so that users can view and

interact with that data. (Christensson P., 2013)

● Back-end development - refers to parts of a computer application or a program's

code that allow it to operate and that cannot be accessed by a user. (Krystal

Tolani, 2021)

● Database Management - to organize, store and retrieve data from a computer.

(Michelle Knight, 2018)

Chapter 2


2.1 Related Studies

Gustavo A., et al. (2005). Automatic computer game balancing: a reinforcement

learning approach. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. (pp 1-2). The authors in

this project used Q-Learning, a popular Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm, to

address dynamic game balancing. The authors applied this approach to Knock'Em, a real-

time fighting game where two players face each other inside a bullring. They compare the

performance of two agents: a traditional reinforcement learning (playing as best as

possible), and the adaptive agent (implementing the proposed approach). According to

the authors, results indicate the effectiveness of this approach as the adaptive agent could

easily beat their opponents yet its performance level is adapted to be close to the

opponent level.

This study will be beneficial for this research because the proponents can use this

approach to present a novel technique, based on reinforcement learning (RL), to

automatically control the game level, adapting it to the human player skills in order to

guarantee a good game balance.

Vanessa V., & Gunter R., et al. (2016). Demonstrating the Feasibility of Automatic

Game Balancing. GECCO '16: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary

Computation Conference. (pp. 269-276). In this research, the authors introduced the

feasibility of automatic balancing using simulation- and deck-based objectives are

investigated for the card game top trumps. Authors apply a multi-objective evolutionary

algorithm to obtain decks that optimize objectives, e.g. win rate and average number of

tricks, developed to express the fairness and the excitement of a game. The study claims

that automatic balancing with the presented approach is feasible even for more complex

games such as real-time strategy games.

This research study will be beneficial to the proponents' study because it shows how

important it is to draw attention to the fact that the game designer’s vision of a game

can rarely be condensed into just one intended game characteristic. In competitive

games, for example, it is certainly important to consider fairness, meaning that the game

outcome depends on skill rather than luck (skill-based) and that the win rate of two

equally matched players is approx. 50% (unbiased).

Mihail M., & Riccardo P. (2018). Lessons from Testing an Evolutionary Automated

Game Balancer in Industry. IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference

(GEM). (pp. 252-259). The authors of this project have built the foundation for a simple,

yet robust, language for game balance specifications. The specification language is a

structured JSON file, making it really easy to read by both humans and software

programs, while being easy to manipulate. This language allows designers to define what

can be changed in their games, as well as what to evaluate when calculating the success

of any changes, regardless of the game. The authors included “parameter” elements of the

game that were proposed for change, “metrics” how the game communicates with the

algorithms, and “evaluators” to assess the success of a set of changes. The authors were

able to demonstrate 100% applicability in industry through a cooperation with MindArk

and their commercial product,ComPet.

This study will be beneficial to this research because the proponents will pattern the

methods used in this study. It provides insight of the developed specification language

that would allow for a flexible representation of both parameters to change and metrics

to measure success by which is helpful to the proponent on making it easier for the

developers and designers to visualize and present both the search space and the desired


2.2 Review of Related Literature

Luiz C., et al. (2016). Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment on MOBA Games.

Entertainment Computing. (pp. 2-7). The researchers address the dynamic

difficulty adjustment on MOBA games as a way to improve the players'

entertainment. Their main idea is to create a computer controlled opponent that

adapts dynamically to the players’ performance, trying to offer to the player a

better game experience.

The proponents believe that this methodology would be of great help in the

development of the game balancing system to evaluate qualitatively the efficacy of

the implemented mechanism, verifying if it can keep the game difficulty balanced

to each player, and whether or not this can really impact on the player's


Anna S., et al. (2018). Individual performance in team-based online games.

Royal Society Open Science. (pp. 4-10). The researchers stated in this paper that

the player performance in successive matches of a gaming session demonstrates

that a players’ success deteriorates over the course of the session, and this effect is

mitigated by the player’s experience. The authors studied players of a team-based

online game, League of Legends, and measured performance at the level of the

team, as the fraction of matches the player’s team won, and at the individual level,

by computing the KDA ratio of the player at the end of each match. The study

tackled individual and team performance in games, as well as performance

deterioration analysis.

The proponents will benefit from this study by leveraging on the study findings

and identifying different classes of performers. This would allow the proponent to

overcome the issues related to long-term performance and game design, by

guaranteeing a satisfactory game experience for both experienced and

inexperienced players.

Chailong H. (2018). Improved Balance in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena

Games. Bishop’s University Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. (pp. 1-2). The

author of this project explicated and focused on the Matching System Balance that

generates a general judgment for every player according to their performance in a

large number of past games. Inspired by the principle of the DOTA2 matching

and rank system and the evaluation system, the author introduces an ideal

matching system based on the Elo rating system together with an improvement

based on the hero evaluation system for a better balanced environment and more

data supply. After heroes are clustered into three types based on their features and

data, a neural network is then used to determine the weights for every piece of

data and Balance Value is then computed as a standard to measure if a certain

hero is balanced or not. Based on this, further updates can target these unbalanced


This research will be highly beneficial to the proponents as it focused solely on

MOBA development history and game mechanics. The proponents will match the

methods used in this study to determine the diversity, playability and even life of a

game, and the traditional method of determining what data needs to be modified

in the next patch consisting of data collection, cluster analysis and neural

network classification.

2.3 Type of Research

The proponents used the quantitative method for this study. Quantitative research was a

type of research that focused on quantifying the collection and analysis of data. It was

formed from a deductive approach that was meant to test a theory. In this method, an

interrelated set of variables under certain assumptions were used which aimed to specify

the relationship between those variables in terms of their numeric values.

The proponents used this method in order to investigate the numerical data that was

collected with the game balancing. The data from the APIs were tested if the numerical

values had changed using data analytics. The results of the survey done in the

development were used to check the significance of the suggestions acquired from the

automatic game balancing algorithm. The proponents used statistical modeling to further

analyze and interpret the data as well to emphasize objective measurements through

tables and charts.

In developmental research, the systematic study of designing, developing, and evaluating

instructional programs, processes, and products that must meet criteria of internal

consistency and effectiveness. The proponents used this method in order to have more

control over better results and established consistency between the data displayed on the

screen from APIs and the suggested balance changes.

2.4 Hardware and Software Specifications

The table below showed the specifications of the computers of the developers

used for the development of the project. The team consisted of four individuals

who had their own expertise. The team had a project manager who was previously

responsible for the development of the project. The team had a programmer with a

background in Javascript, PHP, SQL, HTML and CSS which were used when

creating the scripts. The team had a financial adviser who oversaw all expenses.

Lastly, the team had one from wma, who was closely familiar with game design

for promotional websites.

The hardware and software specifications required for the research were as


2.4.1 Operational Feasibility

2.4.2 Other Considerations






- DOTA 2


- ML (NO PROVIDER) -> data is scraped

2.4.3 Software Specification

The proponents had decided to use the following softwares for the game


● VSCODE (TEXT EDITOR) - VSCode is clearly a code editor.

Emacs is used by many as an operating system / UI framework /

app platform.

● XAMPP - XAMPP is an abbreviation where X stands for Cross-

Platform, A stands for Apache , M stands for MYSQL, and the Ps

stand for PHP and Perl, respectively. It is an open-source package

of web solutions that includes Apache distribution for many servers

and command-line executables along with modules such as

Apache server, MariaDB , PHP, and Perl.

● PHPMYADMIN - phpMyAdmin is a free and open source

administration tool for MySQL and MariaDB. As a portable web

application written primarily in PHP, it has become one of the most

popular MySQL administration tools, especially for web hosting


● POSTMAN - an API platform for building and using APIs..

● CHROME DEVTOOLS - The Google Chrome Developer Tools, also

known as Chrome DevTools, are web authoring and debugging

tools built right into the browser. They provide developers deeper

access into their web applications and the browser.

2.4.4 Economic Feasibility

The proponents developed a website. The expenses came from the efforts

of the group, equipment, software and publishing licenses. Excluding

house rents, food, water, and other necessities since the proponents were

ongoing students, the total cost of production depended on how much

resources the person or group required for the project. The software fees

contained the cost for the OS of the computer, and the software programs

that were used in the development of the game.

Table : List of Expenses

2.5 Schedule Feasibility

The gantt chart below showed the timeline for the propoent’s project. The

first week of development focused on the website’s front end. Week two

focused on getting champion data from the League of Legends API and

DOTA 2 API. Week 3 focused on the development of the Automatic

Game Balancing Algorithm and the testing of its output. Week 4 focused

on getting Mobile Legends data, since no API providers were found we

opted to web scrape raw data however we only managed to scrape very

minimal data. Player search and debugging were also allotted for the 4th


Figure 5. Gantt Chart

2.5.1 Project Design

Figure 6. Use Case Diagram

In the figure above, it demonstrated how the user can interact with the software’s systems

and how the user was immediately taken to the interface wherein they can perform

various functions. Admin side got to change the API key.

Figure 7. Sequence Diagram

In the diagram above, the figure showed the proponents’ plan of interaction that detailed

how operations were carried out. The user opened the website, which displayed every

individual champion’s information such as their skill damage and win rates on the current

patch/game version, untouched by any changes. The algorithm took the collected

champion data for data processing and then ran the algorithm for automatic balancing.

The new balance changes were received back to the website as results and then displayed

the value changes as its output.

Class Diagram

Figure 8. Class Diagram

The diagram above showed how the user was immediately taken to the interface, which

opened the menu, the menu had different functions. Champion list showed each

champion and their win rates, champion search allowed the user to search a specific

champion, champion details displayed the damage values of each champion’s abilities,

display showed the adjusted values from the automatic balance change interpreter.

2.6 Method in Evaluating the Software Product

In order to evaluate the usability of the Automatic Game

Balancing, the proponents had decided to use the alpha and beta

testing, as well as white box testing and black box testing.

Beta testing was releasing a beta version of the website to a

limited number of users in order for them to test the website and

give the website feedback. Along with beta testing was alpha

testing, wherein the application was tested in order to identify

the bugs.

White box testing tested the internal functions of the website by

“testing a series of predefined inputs against expected or desired

outputs so that when a specific input did not result in the

expected output, the user had encountered a bug.”. Whereas the

black-box testing was a method of software testing that

examined the functionality of an application without peering

into its internal structures or workings. This method of testing

can be applied virtually to every level of software testing.

The proponents planned to use the FURPS model, which were

requirements and criterias that would help in making the

application, along with the aforementioned testings as criteria in

order to determine if the application is acceptable. The FURPS

model was organized into five categories: Functionality,

Usability, Reliability, Performance, Supportability.

Functionality was about the functions of the website, how it

accomplished the balancing feature and showed the champion

details. Usability was about how gamers used the website, how

the website should look and feel, and if the user interface was

user-friendly enough for the users to understand it easily.

Reliability was if the website continued to run consistently

without failure. Performance was if the website was fast,

efficient, accurate at balancing, available at all times, and the

resource usage was low. Supportability was how easy it was to

test the website, how it was done, how easy it was to maintain,

how configurable the system was, and who would be able to use


Figure 9. Scrum Methodology

The figure above showed how the proponents decided to use the method Scrum

for the development of Automatic Game Balancing. Scrum methodology was an

iterative and incremental process of developing a software product, for each

iteration usually consisted of between two and four weeks sprinted with the aim to

create the most important features first and came out with a possible deliverable


The proponents believed that scrum methodology was best suited for the project

since it was rapid, adaptive, and flexible. Scrum also allowed for more productive

interactions across groups working on complex projects and due to the project's

schedule restrictions.

The framework of scrum methodology consisted of the following; The product

backlog in which the product manager/owner maintained, and essentially served

as the team’s “To-do list”. The sprint backlog on the other hand, consisted of

items such as user stories, bug fixes which were selected by the scrum team to be

implemented in the current sprint cycle. Last one was the Increment or sprint

goal, which was the probable usable end-product, the whole process was then

repeated until the desired end-product was achieved.

2.7 Data Gathering Procedure

The proponents interviewed with a number of players who were

experienced in MOBA games such as League of Legends, Dota

2, and Mobile Legends. To assist proponents in better

understanding the research's strengths and weaknesses of the

project, the proponents performed more data gathering

procedures, namely interviews and surveys. Interviews were

defined as a series of consultations that were held face to face

which assisted the respondents in answering questions that the

interviewers had asked. Surveys on the other hand were a series

of questions that aid in investigating problems, surveys were

typically conducted via distribution of questionnaires that

respondents had to answer honestly.

Following the testing of the program and the gathering of data,

the respondents were subjected to interviews and surveys.

Interviews were sessions wherein the respondents questioned

whether the project’s program was smooth and the results were

accurate, and surveys were then conducted by giving out

questionnaires to further understand the interactions between

the respondents and the project itself by pinning down the flaws

of the research project.

2.8 Respondents of the study and Sampling technique

The proponents selected players around the world in the MOBA community to be

the respondents of this study. Selection was categorized according to their level as

a gamer if they were well versed in the following games such as League of

Legends, Mobile Legends and Dota 2.

Non-probability sampling method was a sampling method which did not rely on

probability or random chance to acquire new respondents to fill out the sample

size, the proponents had picked out the respondents themselves using a variety of

methods. The type of method which the proponents had used in this research was

the purposive sampling method. Purposive sampling was most suited for our

study because this type of sampling method required respondents who were

experienced in playing a specific MOBA game that the proponents needed in

experimenting or testing out the research.

The proponents acquired 30 participants including 10 Gamers, 10 Game

Developers, and 10 I.T. Students who were also well versed or have the required

skills needed in communicating, and had experience in using it, respondents who

were trained in playing MOBA games required to test out the program and to

analyze the accuracy of the training sets as well as the program’s results.

The study also included questions in the survey to ask if the participants

were well-versed in playing MOBA games such as League of Legends, Dota 2

and Mobile Legends. If the participants were able to reach a certain rank in these

games, it means that they were qualified to answer the survey which was given to


2.9 Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical procedures were used to interpret the data gathered from the

respondents of the study.

Weighted Mean

This statistical tool was used to compute the weight of the responses in the

questionnaire assigned by the respondents during the actual data gathering

procedure. The formula for the weighted mean was as follows:


WM = Weighted Mean
Σ = Summation symbol
F = Frequency for each option
W = Assigned weight
N = Total Number of frequencies

The weighted mean was used to answer the question if the website was

fully-functional and if it was an effective tool to improve the gameplay of

such a player/gamer

Likert Scale

This statistical tool was an unidimensional scale that researchers used to

collect respondents' attitudes and opinions. The following Likert scale

served as the guide for interpreting the data gathered

Overall Rating Equivalent Rating

4.21-5.00 Very Satisfactory

3.41-4.20 Satisfactory

2.61-3.40 Fair

1.51-2.60 Unsatisfactory

1.00-1.50 Poor

Chapter 3


This chapter displayed the respondents, the results from the I.T. students, gamers, and

game developers who evaluated the website. In this chapter, the researchers used tables

and charts to present the results. The findings were organized based on each criterion of

the FURPS model.

A. Presentation of Respondents

Presented in this section are the 30 participants who tested

Group of Respondents Frequency

I.T. students 10

Gamers 10

Game Developers 10

All 30 respondents were selected by the proponents under purposive sampling. Purposive
sampling was a nonprobability sampling technique wherein the proponents relid on their
own judgment when choosing members of the population to participate in their surveys.

The proponents chose this sampling method so that the subjects to be used in the study
were those who can be easily classified based on their knowledge about the study.
Having 30 respondents yielded a stable result. As such, thirty (30) respondents, male and
female, in ages ranging from 18-60 were chosen. The respondents were not told of the
purpose of the study so it would not affect their viewing. They were not given basic
instructions and were expected to navigate the website independently.

B. Presentation of Results
In conducting the test for the website, the proponents used the FURPS model.
This model was a technique to validate the prioritized requirements based on the
user’s needs. The proponents considered 5 main points:
- Functionality. The capability of the application to serve its purpose
- Usability. To provide a good user experience through easy navigation and
- Reliability. Providing expected and consistent results.
- Performance. Stable and quick response to workload.
- Supportability. Meeting the intended specifications.

For the rating system, the proponents used the Likert scale with options
ranging from 1 to 5. Where 1 was the lowest and 5 was the highest score
to be used.

Overall Rating Equivalent Rating Weight

4.21-5.00 Very Satisfactory 5

3.41-4.20 Satisfactory 4

2.61-3.40 Fair 3

1.51-2.60 Unsatisfactory 2

1.00-1.50 Poor 1

The results were presented using graphs, charts, and tables. The survey questionnaire
consisted of twelve questions that covered functionality, usability, reliability,
performance, and supportability. Below were the legends to be used in the tables.

IN - Interpretation F - Fair
VS - Very Satisfactory US - Unsatisfactory
S - Satisfactory P - Poor

Functionality: The website’s capabilities and features.

Item Gamers IN I.T. IN Game IN


1. The website generates the 4.40 VS 4.80 VS 4.60 VS

champion list.

2. The website can search for other 4.40 VS 4.60 VS 4.00 S


3. The website generates suggested 4.80 VS 4.80 VS 4.30 VS

stats for champion balance.

Average 4.53 VS 4.73 VS 4.30 VS

Table 1: Grouped response for functionality items
The responses for functionality were grouped into three: responses from gamers, I.T.
students, and game developers. Each group held a weighted mean that may or may not be
the same as the other. Each group average was calculated from the summation of the item
divided by the number of items. The total average was calculated from the summation of
the group average divided by the number of groups. A value of 4.53 summed the
functionality response for gamers while the values 4.73 and 4.30 summed the responses
of I.T. students and game developers respectively.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

2 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

3 5 4 1 0 0 4.80

Total Average 4.53

Table 2: Tallied response of gamers for functionality items
The table above showed the gamers’ responses for the items under functionality. The
average value was calculated to be 4.53 which was considered very satisfactory.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 8 2 0 0 0 4.80

2 6 4 0 0 0 4.60

3 8 2 0 0 0 4.80

Total Average 4.73

Table 3: Tallied response of I.T. students for functionality items
The table above showed the I.T. students’ responses for the items under functionality.
The average value was calculated to be 4.73 which was considered very satisfactory.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 6 4 0 0 0 4.40

2 3 4 3 0 0 4.00

3 3 7 0 0 0 4.30

Total Average 4.30

The table above showed the game developers’ responses for the items under
functionality. The average value was calculated to be 4.30 which was considered very

Usability: Assessed by considering human factors, overall aesthetics, consistency, and

Item Gamers IN I.T. IN Game IN


1. The website is well-organized 4.40 VS 4.80 VS 4.20 VS

and pleasant to look at.

2. The website is easy to use (user- 4.40 VS 4.80 VS 4.40 VS


3. The website's navigation is 4.40 VS 4.80 VS 4.50 VS

simple and easily

Average 4.40 VS 4.80 VS 4.36 VS

Table 5: Grouped response for usability items
The responses for usability were grouped into three: responses from gamers, I.T.
students, and game developers. Each group held a weighted mean that may or may not be
the same as the other. Each group average was calculated from the summation of the item
divided by the number of items. The total average was calculated from the summation of
the group average divided by the number of groups. A value of 4.40 summed the
usability response for gamers while the values 4.80 and 4.36 summed the responses of
I.T. students and game developers respectively.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

2 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

3 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

Total Average 4.40

Table 6: Tallied response of gamers for usability items
The table above showed the gamers’ responses to the items under usability. The average
value was calculated to be 4.40 which was considered very satisfactory.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 8 2 0 0 0 4.80

2 8 2 0 0 0 4.80

3 8 2 0 0 0 4.80

Total Average 4.80

Table 7: Tallied response of I.T. students for usability items
The table above showed the gamers’ responses to the items under usability. The average
value was calculated to be 4.80 which was considered very satisfactory.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 4 4 2 0 0 4.20

2 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

3 5 4 0 0 0 4.50

Total Average 4.36

Table 8: Tallied response of game developers for usability items
The table above showed the gamers’ responses to the items under usability. The average
value was calculated to be 4.36 which was considered very satisfactory.

Reliability: The capability of software to maintain its level of performance under stated

Item Gamers IN I.T. IN Game IN

1. The website is enough to satisfy 4.40 VS 4.63 VS 4.40 VS

the expectation and purpose.

2. The website can handle errors or 4.40 VS 4.63 VS 4.54 VS

invalid inputs.

Average 4.40 VS 4.63 VS 4.42 VS

Table 9: Grouped response for reliability items
The responses for reliability were grouped into three: responses from gamers, I.T.
students, and game developers. Each group held a weighted mean that may or may not be
the same as the other. Each group average was calculated from the summation of the item
divided by the number of items. The total average was calculated from the summation of
the group average divided by the number of groups. A value of 4.38 summed the
reliability response for gamers while the values 4.61 and 4.42 summed the responses of
I.T. students and game developers respectively.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

2 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

Total Average 4.40

Table 10: Tallied response of gamers for reliability items
The table above showed the gamers’ responses to the items under reliability. The average
value was calculated to be 4.40 which was considered very satisfactory.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 7 3 0 0 0 4.63

2 7 3 0 0 0 4.63

Total Average 4.63

Table 11: Tallied response of I.T. students for reliability items

The table above showed the gamers’ responses to the items under reliability. The average
value was calculated to be 4.38 which was considered very satisfactory.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average
Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 4 5 1 0 0 4.40

2 5 5 0 0 0 4.54

Total Average 4.42

Table 12: Tallied response of game developers for reliability items
The table above showed the gamers’ responses to the items under reliability. The average
value was calculated to be 4.38 which was considered very satisfactory.

Performance: The ability of the application to provide stability and to respond

appropriately under a given workload.

Item Gamers IN I.T. IN Game IN


1. The website loads champion 4.40 VS 4.60 VS 4.10 VS

details quickly.

2. The website loads other players 4.40 VS 4.70 VS 4.30 VS


Average 4.40 VS 4.65 VS 4.20 VS

Table 13: Grouped response for performance items

The responses for performance were grouped into three: responses from gamers, I.T.
students, and game developers. Each group held a weighted mean that may or may not be
the same as the other. Each group average was calculated from the summation of the item
divided by the number of items. The total average was calculated from the summation of
the group average divided by the number of groups. A value of 4.40 summed the
performance response for gamers while the values 4.65 and 4.20 summed the responses
of I.T. students and game developers respectively.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average
Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

2 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

Total Average 4.40

Table 14: Tallied response of gamers for performance items
The table above showed the gamers’ responses to the items under performance. The
average value was calculated to be 4.40 which was considered very satisfactory.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 6 4 0 0 0 4.60

2 7 3 0 0 0 4.70

Total Average 4.65

Table 15: Tallied response of I.T. students for performance items
The table above showed the I.T. students’ responses to the items under performance. The
average value was calculated to be 4.65 which was considered very satisfactory.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 3 5 2 0 0 4.10

2 4 5 1 0 0 4.30

Total Average 4.20

Table 16: Tallied response of game developers for performance items
The table above showed the game developers’ responses to the items under performance.
The average value was calculated to be 4.20 which was considered very satisfactory.

Supportability: The ability to be supported, endurable, and maintainable.

Item Gamers IN I.T. IN Game IN


1. The website loads champion 4.40 VS 4.80 VS 4.50 VS

details quickly.

2. The website loads other players 4.40 VS 4.80 VS 4.50 VS


Average 4.40 VS 4.80 VS 4.50 VS

Table 17: Grouped response for supportability items
The responses for supportability were grouped into three: responses from gamers, I.T.
students, and game developers. Each group held a weighted mean that may or may not be
the same as the other. Each group average was calculated from the summation of the item
divided by the number of items. The total average was calculated from the summation of
the group average divided by the number of groups. A value of 4.40 summed the
supportability response for gamers while the values 4.65 and 4.20 summed the responses
of I.T. students and game developers respectively.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

2 5 4 1 0 0 4.40

Total Average 4.40

Table 18: Tallied response of gamers for supportability items
The table above showed the gamers’ responses to the items under supportability. The
average value was calculated to be 4.40 which was considered very satisfactory.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average
Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 8 2 0 0 0 4.80

2 8 2 0 0 0 4.80

Total Average 4.80

Table 19: Tallied response of I.T. students for supportability items
The table above showed the I.T. students’ responses to the items under supportability.
The average value was calculated to be 4.80 which was considered very satisfactory.

Item Very Satisfactory Fair(3) Unsatisfactory Poor Average

Satisfactory (4) (2) (1)

1 5 5 0 0 0 4.50

2 5 5 0 0 0 4.50

Total Average 4.50

Table 20: Tallied response of game developers for supportability items
The table above showed the I.T. students’ responses to the items under supportability.
The average value was calculated to be 4.50 which was considered very satisfactory.

C. Interpretation of Results

The proponents tallied and tabulated the results of each survey item from the respondents.
All responses were shown using pie charts to clearly show the division of all responses.

Figure b.1: Functionality Item one summary of the response

Figure b.1 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed that
(63.3%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (33.3%)
responded with a value of four (4), while (3.3%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:
Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.60 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website generated the correct list of

Figure b.2: Functionality Item two summary of the response
Figure b.2 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed that
(46.7%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (40.0%)
responded with a value of four (4), while (13.3%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:
Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.33 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website generated the correct information on
champion stats.

Figure b.3: Functionality Item three summary of the response

Figure b.3 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed that
(53.3%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (43.3%)
responded with a value of four (4), while (3.3%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:

Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.5 is considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website generated the correct information on

Figure b.4: Usability Item one summary of the response
Figure b.4 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed that
(56.7%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (33.3%)
responded with a value of four (4), while (10.0%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:
Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.46 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website was well-organized and pleasing to
the eye.

Figure b.5: Usability Item two summary of the response

Figure b.5 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed that
(60.0%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (33.3%)
responded with a value of four (4), while (6.7%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:

Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.53 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website was easy to use and user-friendly.

Figure b.6: Usability Item three summary of the response

Figure b.6 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed that
(60.0%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (36.7%)
responded with a value of four (4), while (3.3%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:
Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.53 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website was simple to navigate and easy to

Figure b.7: Reliability Item one summary of the response

Figure b.7 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed that
(60.0%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (36.7%)

responded with a value of four (4), while (3.3%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:
Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.46 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website was enough to satisfy the expectation
and purpose.

Figure b.8: Reliability Item two summary of the response

Figure b.8 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed that
(60.0%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (36.7%)
responded with a value of four (4), while (3.3%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:
Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.53 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website can handle errors or invalid inputs.

Figure b.9: Performance Item one summary of the response
Figure b.9 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed that
(50.0%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (40.0%)
responded with a value of four (4), while (10.0%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:
Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.40 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website loaded champion details quickly.

Figure b.10: Performance Item two summary of the response

Figure b.10 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed
that (53.3%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (40.0%)
responded with a value of four (4), while (6.7%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:

Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.46 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website loaded player details quickly.

Figure b.11: Supportability Item one summary of the response

Figure b.11 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed
that (60.0%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (36.7%)
responded with a value of four (4), while (3.3%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:
Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.56 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website loaded for different web browsers.

Figure b.12: Supportability Item two summary of the response

Figure b.12 showed all the response items with values greater than zero (0). It showed
that (60.0%) of the total respondents responded with a value of five (5) and (36.7%)

responded with a value of four (4), while (3.3%) answered with a value of 3. From these
values, the weighted mean was calculated as:
Referring to the Likert Scale, the value 4.56 was considered to be very satisfactory. The
majority of the respondents agreed that the website loaded for different devices.

With all the results collected, this dictated that the respondents were satisfied with the
purpose of the study. The proponents in collaboration with the participants had
understood the uses of having a website with the functions that were provided in the

Chapter 4

A. Summary of Findings was a website developed to automatically suggest

champion balancing for MOBA games and to help players observe the current
state of each champion. The proponents conducted a survey from the FURPS
model to 30 participants.

Evaluation Summary of Each criterion

FURPS Mean Verbal Interpretation

Functionality 4.47 VS

Usability 4.51 VS

Reliability 4.49 VS

Performance 4.43 VS

Supportability 4.56 VS
Table 4.1: Evaluation Summary of all Participants

Based on the previous chapter, the results of the survey were positive on the
groups of respondents. Although the average mean for each category ranged from
4.43 to 4.56. The upper values represented a very satisfactory result based on the
Likert scale. The criteria such as functionality, usability, reliability, and
performance all got a very satisfactory remark.

General Summary of FURPS Evaluation

FURPS Verbal Interpretation

Total 4.49 VS
Table 4.2: General Summary

The overall rating for the evaluation of the website was shown
above in Table 4.2. The survey had a mean of 4.49 which came from the average rating
from Functionality, Usability, Reliability, and Performance. This rating had a verbal
interpretation of very satisfactory. This means an overall very satisfactory response from
the respondents in terms of the objectives of the project.

B. Conclusion

This chapter summarized the results to confirm the expected results in creating after conducting a survey on gamers, I.T. students, and
game developers.

The proponents believed that this project was a functional need that gaming
companies can utilize to strengthen their workflow and efficiencies. It will not
only benefit their company but also their consumers who seek better game

Developing the website was not only intended to fulfill its significance but also to
explore the capabilities of a non-manual game balancing system using past data
gathered from APIs. The automatic game balancing algorithm played a crucial
role in the processing of data that was collected from different APIs. Using the

FURPS model, the proponents were able to evaluate the effectiveness of the
website to the users. The criteria under the model were functionality, usability,
reliability, performance, and supportability. All of which got a rating of very
satisfactory (>4.20).

In terms of the project’s objectives, the proponents were able to successfully

design and develop a website that incorporated data analytics to identify
champions that were too strong and too weak from official game data using APIs.
Data analytics was used with a game balancing algorithm implemented by the
proponents to convert collected data into suggestions for game balance.

Based on the results gathered, it can be concluded that the combination of APIs,
data analytics, and user ratings greatly helped in the completion of this website.
The website functioned properly despite taking an amount of time to study and
develop an API resource-based website during development.

Overall, the proponent’s objectives were satisfied. The proponents were able to
develop a website that analyzes game data, determines strong and weak
champions, and suggests balance changes.

C. Recommendation

Based on the findings and conclusion presented, the following recommendations

are suggested:
1. The FURPS evaluation results suggest that the champion and player
details can be improved to load faster.
2. Despite receiving a good rating in supportability from the FURPS
evaluation, the proponents recommend that the website should be
extended to work with other operating systems.
3. Accuracy for the suggested balance changes may also be improved with a
stronger, smarter algorithm.
4. Lastly, compatibility with the games themselves so that the website
implements balance changes rather than suggestions.


[1]Haoyang Chen (2014) “ by enabling the elitist-preserving strategy, we

improved the performance of probabilistic incremental program evolution ”

[2]Richard Moss (2020) “ It’s one of those things that you know when you see it:
This game’s so broken, you think, that everyone’s just spamming the same
strategy all the time and there’s no point even playing anymore unless someone
fixes the balance. ”

[3]Keith Bargun (2021) “ What's the value of balancing your game, and how do
you do it? 100 Rogues developer Keith Burgun tackles the issue of game balance,
bringing to light insights that aren't entirely obvious, and showing where game
balance really counts. ”

[4]Marie Dealessandri (2020) “ In the US, one out of five people are diagnosed
with some mental health condition every year. And one in two people will be

diagnosed with a mental health issue at some point in their life. ”

[5]Andrew Hughes (2019) “ Are you looking to design a training game for your
company? Serious game development can be challenging. Beware of the
following pitfalls! ”

[6]Daniel King (2019) “ Some player-game dynamics may be viewed as an

information asymmetry. ”

[7]Austin Wood (2019) ” We've had troubled launches for as long as we've had
online games, but it feels like the conversation around launch issues hasn't really
gone anywhere. ”

[8]Mike Rose (2021) ” It was the real-time collisions and precise timing that
caused the most trouble when implementing online multiplayer, he notes. For a
turn-based game it's easy enough, but when you're talking split-second
movements and reactions, the difficulty level goes way up. ”

[9]John Dave Rossel (2021) “ The devs are still keeping their promise of releasing
an average of two champions per month. They are quite confident that the
game’s balance has been in a great spot despite their limited opportunities to
deploy large-scale balance changes. “

[10]Alexis Collado (2017) “ You have a reckless motivation to improve video

gaming skill. ”


Mockup Website





Scrum Documentation

Scrum Project



Sprint Plan

Project#1 - Chap 1

Project#2 - Chap 2

Test Scripts

White Box Testing

Black Box Testing


Dota 2 player search is now implemented and operational.

Mobile Legends player search is proven to be impossible due to the lack of API providers

to gather data for its players.

Implementation of the Auto update of API keys is no longer needed since the proponents

purchased premium API keys that do not expire.

League of Legends skills and attributes changes:

Games like League of Legends, Dota 2, and Mobile Legends have champion revamps

that are requested by the player base. The community will talk about certain changes for

any champion; it can be skills, attributes or both.

Most community recommendations are biased since people want their favorite champions

to be buffed and their disliked champions to be nerfed. This is the problem our system is

trying to solve. To reduce bias in this widely known community and to have better input

which champions should really undergo balance changes.

Notice that the changes in skills and attributes are extremely minimal around 10-40%

increase/decrease since a little change in champions in these kinds of complex games can

have a huge impact on the champion’s performance and usability.

Having our system the community can now visualize possible unbiased revamp


Community balance suggestions:


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