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Environmental Management

1.1. Does OSS (paint company) operations/ activities result in significant

atmospheric pollution? Is this monitored/ controlled? Please describe. NSS-E-7

The operations of the paint industry, in general, can pose risks generally, but with compliance
with international health standards, ISO laws, and quality management control, then the risks
are reduced during the manufacturing process

1.2. Does the company have a standalone environmental policy or environmental

management system? NSS-12 NSS-E-1

Environmental policies limit the value of pollution resulting from the manufacturing process.
Through the procedures established by the departments, the environmental pollution resulting
from the manufacturing process is controlled. We seek to implement KSA vision 2030

1.3. Does the company conduct regular audits on energy audits or audits against
recognised standards? NSS-12 NSS-E-1

Already a quarterly audit is done on energy consumption operations. The audit is based on the
standards and policies set by the company's management. The amounts of energy
consumption and the amount of payments for energy are checked

2. Energy Management & Climate Change

2.1. Please fill in the table and include any comments below the table (if
applicable). GRI 302-1 GRI 302-2 GRI 302-3 UNSDG-7 UNSDG-8 UNSDG-12

Key Performance Indicators 2019 2020 2021 Target

Total m3of space across all the

company’s facilities (branches,
offices, etc.) in each country below
Add other countries if any
Total area of directly managed
Total area of indirectly managed
Number of eligible portfolios that is

Key Performance Indicators 2019 2020 2021 Target

certified to energy STAR SASB-IF-

Direct energy consumption
Energy consumption data coverage
as a percentage of total floor area, 47%
by property facilitates (%) SASB-IF-
Direct control
Indirect control
Total Number of Light Fixtures
Total Number of Light Fixtures
Number of eligible portfolios that
has an energy rating SASB-IF-RE-
Petrol consumption from vehicles
Diesel consumption from
operations (L)
Diesel consumption from vehicles
Natural gas consumption (m3)
Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG)
consumption (m3)
Indirect energy consumption
Electricity consumption (branches,
offices, etc.) (KWh)
Energy consumption from outside
the organization (GJ)
Renewable energy consumption
(branches, offices, etc.; GJ)
Total Energy Consumption
Total energy consumption (GJ)
Energy intensity (GJ/ m2 of space)
Sulphur Dioxide (Tonnes)

Key Performance Indicators 2019 2020 2021 Target

Nitrogen Oxides (Tonnes)

Particulate Matter (PM2.5)
Volatile Organic Compounds
Ozone Depleting Substances (kg)
GHG Emissions
Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)
(tons of CO2eq)1
Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)
(tons of CO2eq)2
Total GHG emissions (sum of Scope
1, Scope 2) (tons of CO2eq)
GHG emissions intensity (tons of
CO eq/ m2 of space)


2.2. Describe how building energy management considerations are integrated into
property investment and RSI’s operational strategy. SASB-IF-RE-130a

Indeed, there is an environmental management of buildings in general. The company's

administration seeks to maintain wasted and wasted energy. There are intelligent systems that
help in the direction of buildings, such as monitoring systems and warning systems before a
fire occurs. The lighting works only during working hours and is turned off when finished.
There is complete control over energy consumption as the buildings are entirely isolated from
the factory, and therefore energy consumption can be fully controlled.

2.3. Does RSI use any renewable energy? If so, please specify the amount (in kWh
or GJ) and percentage of energy used that is generated from renewable
sources. UNSDG-7

Already there is the use of renewable energy such as hydroelectricity, wind energy, or solar
energy. Sherwin-Williams offers premium protective coating systems pre-qualified to NORSOK
M-501 and ISO 20340 approved.

Paint products produced through renewable energy can help resist corrosion, maintain
protection against aggressive subsurface soils, and provide anti-corrosion systems for
protection in corrosive environments. (protectiveemea, n.d.)
Scope 1 includes: emissions from vehicles and diesel power generators owned by RSI (if any), Air
Conditioning and Refrigeration.
Scope 2 includes: emissions from purchased electricity from the national grid and/or other

2.4. Are RSI’s energy and natural resource consumption in line with the National
Transformation Program of the KSA Vision 2030 realisation programme? NSS-

At present, in the branch located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, there are many ideas about
using renewable energy in production processes to save energy and cost and produce
sustainable products that reduce pollution. And now we are moving to the implementation
process to produce through renewable energy

2.5. Describe significant initiatives implemented to reduce energy use and increase
energy efficiency, such as process redesign, conversion and retrofitting of
equipment, changes in employee behaviour, and operational changes. For
each initiative, if possible, calculate or estimate the energy saved by the end of
the reporting period in GJ from the time the initiative was implemented. [GRI
305-2 UNSDG-7 UNSDG-8 UNSDG-12 UNSDG-13]

Indeed, the amounts of energy consumed and wasted energy are calculated. There are many
initiatives from the administration to reduce the amount of energy consumed, rationalize
consumption, and save. There are weekly meetings through which employees are educated to
educate employees and change their behavior for the better. Indeed, we save about 20% of
the amount of energy consumed every month through energy conservation operations

2.6. What policies does the company have in place to reduce energy consumption
in the admin buildings and offices? Describe any energy-saving measures
undertaken during 2021, including outcomes. NSS-12

The company as a whole follows policies to reduce the process of energy consumption:

In buildings and manufacturing places, we turn off lights and machines upon completion of
work directly, in addition to a plan to rely on renewable resources.

In offices, we turn off lights, air conditioners, and other machines upon completing the daily
work period.

2.7. Are the company’s energy and natural resource consumption in line with the
National Transformation Program of the KSA Vision 2030 realisation
programme? NSS-S-11

Through the vision of 2020 and as a company on the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
we follow a sustainable production plan through the use of renewable energy. We are
currently seeking to implement the use of renewable energy in production processes

3. Water Consumption & Management

3.1. Please fill-in the table and include any comments below the table (if
applicable). GRI 303-1 GRI 303-2 GRI 303-3 UNSDG-7 UNSDG-8 UNSDG-12

Key Performance Indicators 2019 2020 2021 Target


Total water withdrawn (m3)3

Total water discharge (m3)4
Total water storage (m3)5
Total water
Recycled wastewater (m3)
Water intensity
Total Water Saving(m3)

3.2. Please discuss any water-saving measures that were implemented during
2021. What were the outcomes? Are there any policies on water
conservation? NSS-E-1

The company's management takes many measures to maintain water consumption during the
production process. Water is consumed only during production processes and shuts down

Sum of all water drawn from surface water, groundwater, seawater, or a third party for any use
over the course of the reporting period.
Sum of effluents, used water, and unused water released to surface water, groundwater, seawater,
or a third party, for which the organization has no further use, over the course of the reporting
Sum of all water that has been withdrawn and incorporated into products, or been consumed by
humans or livestock, or is polluted to the point of being unusable by other users, and is therefore
not released back to surface water, groundwater, seawater, or a third party over the course of the
reporting period.
Water consumption includes water that has been stored during the reporting period for use or
discharge in a subsequent reporting period.

upon completion of the production process. There will be an increased saving in the amount of
water consumed through the upcoming reliance on renewable energy.

3.3. Has RSI implemented any water conservation or recycling programmes? If yes,
please provide details. UNSDG-6 UNSDG-8 NSS-S-12

There are some programs that the company is currently running, such as rationalizing
consumption during the manufacturing process. Turn off the water taps if there is a continuous
use of water. Water recycling is done by using non-potable water in manufacturing processes.
In addition to not wasting water

3.4. Describe water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to
mitigate those risks. GRI 303-2 UNSDG-8 UNSDG-12 NSS-S-12 SASB-IF-RE-140a

Because our company is in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, water is scarce in Saudi Arabia due to
the lack of rivers and the dependence of entire Saudi Arabia on desalinating the Red Sea water
and groundwater. There may be an inefficient use of water, and it can negatively affect
ecosystems and the communities in which the company or its suppliers operate. As we work in
a desert environment and high temperatures, we may face drought risks, so running costs will
increase. We seek to consume local sub-watersheds to increase water conservation.

4. Waste and Effluents

4.1. Please fill-in the table and include any comments below the table (if
applicable). GRI 306-1 GRI 302-2 GRI 302-3 UNSDG-7 UNSDG-8 UNSDG-12

Key Performance Indicators 2019 2020 2021 Target

Total waste generated (kg)
Hazardous waste disposed
Non-hazardous waste
disposed (kg)
Total Food Waste Generated
Total Food Waste Recycled
Total waste recycled (kg)

Key Performance Indicators 2019 2020 2021 Target
Hazardous waste recycled
Non-hazardous waste
recycled (kg)
Total Engine Oil (l)
Total Cooking Oil (l)
Total Used Engine Oil
Recycled %
Total Used Cooking Oil
Total paper consumption (kg)
Total paper recycled (kg)
Total IT products recycled
    Printer cartridges (number)
    Fluorescent light tubes
    Personal computers (tons)

4.2. How is hazardous waste managed at the company? Were there any identified
major spills during 2021? If so, how was it handled and what was the impact?

By contracting with Saber for waste disposal. There is a contract between them and us that
stipulates the payment of a sum of money in return for obtaining the waste that results from
our manufacturing processes and its disposal, which is done four or five times annually.

4.3. Has the company developed any procedures, measures, or initiatives to reduce
its paper consumption or waste production or to increase recycling? If yes,
please provide details.

First, there is no paper use in the factory, and therefore paper consumption is rationalized. As
for the internal use among employees is done through emails and telephone communications,
and if we have to do paper writing, we use the paper from both sides.

As for the external use between other companies and us, or between merchants and us, it is
done through official emails or phone calls.

The paper is used with government agencies and financial agencies only.

4.4. Describe any materials used that are recycled input materials. For example, is
any of the paper the company uses made from recycled paper? If so, please
provide the percentage of the materials used that are recycled. GRI 306-2

Old papers are used to write on the back to provide for the use of new documents, and
therefore here, it is considered a process of recycling. We can save on paper consumption by
50%. The input materials are accurately calculated before the tanks are emptied, and the
waste that occurs in the production process enters a new production cycle.

4.5. What waste streams are typically generated by RSI? Which of these streams
are recycled? NSS-E-2

The surplus or wastage from the previous production process can enter into a new production
cycle. Therefore, we can make a complete production cycle through the waste in the
production processes in the long run. As for scrap, we can sell it to generate a cash flow

4.6. Does RSI have a policy regarding waste management/recycling (including

quantitative targets) to track year on year performance? NSS-E-1

We have a policy with the Department to reduce waste to reduce production and
manufacturing costs. In the first quarter of 2020, we aim to reduce waste by 30%, in the
second quarter by 40%, and in the third quarter, we will reduce waste by 50%. By moving to
expired products, they are recycled by processing and use in the manufacturing process, and
based on that, we say by converting values from small (i.e., disposal) to financial figures and
gains (i.e., use in production processes again)

5. Biodiversity

5.1. Are there any operational sites owned, leased, or managed within protected
areas or areas with high biodiversity value outside of protected areas, or near
such areas? If so, please describe any significant direct and indirect impacts on
biodiversity. Are any of these sites protected or rehabilitated? Please provide a
list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List
species that are identified on these sites. NSS-E-5

6. Health and Safety – Employees and Contractors

6.1. Please fill-in the table and include any comments below the table (if
applicable). NSS-S-3

Key Performance Indicators 2019 2020 2021 Target

Health and Safety

Work hours (employees)
Work hours (contractors)
Employee fatalities (#)
Contractor fatalities (#)
Employee lost time injuries7 (#)
Contractor lost time injuries (#)
Employee total recordable injuries8
Contractor total recordable injuries
Employee occupational illnesses (#)
Total number of emergency
response drills conducted (#)
Safety incident investigations

Total number of occupational injuries or illnesses that render any employee to be temporarily or permanently unable to perform
his/her regular job or restricts the person’s ability to work on any day after that on which the injury or illness was received or
diagnosed. In this case, ‘any day’ includes rest days, scheduled holidays, weekend days, public holidays or days subsequent to
ceasing employment. A single event can give rise to several Lost Workday Cases (LWCs), depending on the number of people
affected. This is a recordable case.
It is the total number of fatalities, lost-time injuries, restricted work cases, or medical treatment cases for all employees.

initiated (#)
Safety incident investigations
completed (#)
Employee lost-day rate9 (%)
Contractor lost-day rate (%)
Health and Safety Training
Total hours of HSE training
provided to employees (hours)
Average hours of HSE training per
employee (hours)
Total cost of training (SAR)

6.2. Please describe any health and safety incidents that occurred during 2021 for
both employees and contractors. How were these incidents handled? Describe
the corrective action undertaken to prevent such incidents from reoccurring in
the future. NSS-S-3

We encountered some accidents or problems, and we have warned the wrongdoer or dealt
with the situation so that it does not recur.

The first incident was that one of the workers was using a forklift, which was not in its correct
position and almost hit the tank racks, and we almost lost the cost of raw materials and injured
some workers. This incident was dealt with by warning the employee.

The second incident is that the workers clean the machines while they are working, which
poses a significant danger to themselves and we have warned them and imposed some fines.

The third incident, when a forklift was used by a worker, 45 degrees from its proper place,
could destroy the entire batch. Where the value of the manufacturing losses for the 15-barrel
batch, and the cost of one barrel is 30 riyals, it is 45 riyals.

The value of selling losses is at the value of one barrel, which is equal to 180 riyals, meaning
that there are economic losses of 2700 riyals. And the worker was punished with a fine of

6.3. Does the company have a health and safety management system? Is it ISO/
OHSAS certified? NSS-S-3

The company has an ISO system with international standards, which provides the preservation
of workers' safety and the environment. Our use of fire extinguishers located in different

Lost workdays rate for employees = (Total number of lost workdays by employees * 1000000) / Total number of hours worked by

places in the factory and the first aid box, in addition to wearing masks and gloves during work
so that workers are not injured

6.4. Does the company undertake health and safety audits? Please describe.

Indeed, there is an audit about health and safety standards to ensure the health of workers
and the environment, in addition to the presence of weekly meetings of department managers

6.5. Please explain the health and safety risks identified and the company’s process
of managing these risks. For example, the physical and environmental controls
in place such as the fire suppression systems etc.

We care that workers wear masks and gloves during work because they deal with toxic and
dangerous materials and may infect them with serious diseases such as cancer if there is

6.6. Describe any events held during 2021 related to health and safety. For
example, free health checks for employees, Cancer awareness talks/sessions,

Senior management is concerned with educating employees on dealing with risks, such as
during a fire, where they will gather. In addition to holding seminars to raise awareness about
the dangers of cancer that may affect them if they neglect health and safety standards

6.7. Are there any employee benefits related to health and safety? For example,
discounted memberships with gyms, sponsored runs/marathons, blood
donation drives, health check-ups for employees, etc.

The company gives a lot of benefits and returns to employees, such as health insurance against
work risks. In addition to the existence of a monthly reward for the ideal employee, which is
bonuses that are added to his monthly salary

6.8. Does RSI have any formal health and safety committees that help monitor,
collect feedback, and advise on occupational health and safety programs? If so,
please provide details. GRI-403-1

There are official committees that help maintain health and safety standards, which are carried
out through monthly meetings

7. Health and Safety – Customers

7.1. Please fill-in the table and include any comments below the table (if
applicable). NSS-S-10

Key Performance Indicators 2019 2020 2021 Target

Health and Safety - Customers

Number of incidents of non-
compliance with regulations,
voluntary codes, or supplier
standards, concerning health and
safety of products, services, or
handling/transport/storage of

7.2. Describe any certified management systems or international standards, codes,

certifications, procedures that the company complies with (voluntarily or
required) regarding product safety and customer health. NSS-S-10

The company is ISO certified in dealing with health and safety risks

7.3. Describe any internal controls or auditing processes or quality assurance

measures that the company conducts or manages or evaluates risks related to
customer health and product safety. NSS-S-10

We seek to ensure that the final product is not carcinogenic through internal control. We strive
to be a good packing and packaging process so that no damages or risks occur while
transporting goods. We strive to have a maximum of three racks on top of each other so that
an explosion does not occur

7.4. Describe operations or activities that have been identified as having potential
for risk of compromising product safety or customer health. NSS-S-10

We seek to avoid some activities and risks so that things do not go wrong. Poor packaging may
lose us a lot of costs in addition to environmental damage and damage to workers. Not to use
cheap materials and not internationally authorized to work with them so as not to cause
environmental problems in addition to cancerous diseases

7.5. Describe challenges your company manages to ensure customer health and
product safety? Describe initiatives or objectives that you have identified for
2021 to improve your performance or the scope of quality assurance. NSS-S-10

We face some challenges to maintain the safety of the last consumer, and that is done through
quality assurance. We strive to manufacture environmentally friendly and sustainable
products. In addition to checking the raw materials and ensuring that they conform to
international standards. In addition to manufacturing a medical product, through which the
amount of pollution is reduced, and the environment is sustainable

7.6. Describe your company’s successes and operational achievements in managing

customer health and product safety. NSS-S-10

In the beginning, obtaining the ISO certificate is an achievement made by the company
to ensure the reliability of dealing with merchants and other companies and ensure its
reputation in the market.
Maintain the presence of a first aid box and fire extinguishers, in addition to providing a
place to hide in the event of a fire
Providing masks and gloves for all workers to protect them from work risks
Internal audit to observe and apply health and safety standards

8. Health and Safety – Tenants

8.1. Please fill-in the table and include any comments below the table (if
applicable). NSS-S-10

Key Performance Indicators 2019 2020 2021 Target

Health and Safety - Tenants

Number of incidents of non-
compliance with regulations,
voluntary codes, or supplier
standards, concerning health and
safety of products, services, or
handling/transport/storage of

8.2. Describe any certified management systems or international standards, codes,

certifications, procedures that the company complies with (voluntarily or
required) regarding product safety and tenant health. NSS-S-10

Our company is ISO certified in health and safety standards. In addition to the presence of
many procedures that must be followed during the manufacturing process, such as the safety
of employees, in addition to maintaining the alkalinity ratio

8.3. Describe any internal controls or auditing processes or quality assurance

measures that the company conducts or manages or evaluates risks related to
tenant health and product safety. NSS-S-10

The quality of the products is carried out through our internal control processes, and in order
to be assured of the quality of these products, we carry out a permanent inspection process
before the product manufacturing cycle takes place.

8.4. Describe operations or activities that have been identified as having potential
for risk of compromising product safety or tenant health. NSS-S-10

There are risks involved in product safety during packaging and packaging operations. The
shelves must be stacked no more than three on top of each other. Not to use any raw
materials that are not authorized to be dealt with globally so that there are no diseases that
cause harm to customers

8.5. Describe challenges your company manages to ensure tenant health and
product safety? Describe initiatives or objectives that you have identified for
2021 to improve your performance or the scope of quality assurance. NSS-S-10

We strive to deliver the products and have them packaged, packaged and stacked correctly so
that there are no problems in the process of transporting goods. Agreement on the application
of ISO standards in health and safety standards during manufacturing and handling of products

8.6. Describe your company’s successes and operational achievements in managing

tenant health and tenant safety. NSS-S-10

Proofreading during packing and stacking of products

Do not use any raw materials that are not authorized internationally
Implementation of ISO standards

9. Achievements, Awards, Highlights and Certifications

9.1. Please help us get a better understanding of the progress, achievements, and
awards covering 2021. What were the most significant milestones or projects
undertaken? Have there been significant changes in your department’s
responsibilities or scope of work?

Monthly meetings are held between department managers

There are preparations for everything new

Preparing for Saudi Vision 2030

9.2. Describe sustainability-related events held at the company covering 2021, for
example, Earth hour, plastic recycling campaigns, etc.

The company seeks to use renewable energy in its manufacturing processes

We seek to use environmentally friendly raw materials in accordance with the vision of Saudi
Arabia 2030

10. Business Challenges

10.1. Please help us get a better understanding of the business challenges

faced in 2021. Have there been significant changes in the nature of your
department’s responsibilities or scope of work?

There are many challenges that we faced in the year 2021 due to the Corona pandemic, the
lack of sales, and the health and safety management of employees

11. COVID-19 Response

11.1. Please help us get a better understanding of the challenges faced in

2020 and 2021. Were there significant changes in the nature of your
department’s responsibilities or scope of work during the pandemic?

Because of the Corona pandemic and the lack of sales, there should have been an
increased scrutiny of health and safety standards so that internal problems would not

12. Future Plans and Performance

12.1. Please list your department’s top KPIs and associated performance
targets for the upcoming year, or longer terms (2, 3, 4, 5 years; as appropriate)

The performance indicators indicate the stability of the global health situation, especially in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, the amount of sales will increase, and from here the
amount of production will increase. But provided that safety and health standards are

13. Case Studies

13.1. Please select 1-5 projects, programs or initiatives implemented by your

department in 2021 to serve as case studies in this year’s report. These should
be initiatives that you believe are representative of best practices in your
sector nationally, regionally, or internationally. For each case study, please fill
the following table (you may duplicate the table as needed):

Case Study Report Template

Case Study Title

Focused Areas Covered Improving economic performance will be through stabilizing the
global health situation
(Enhancing economic performance, Development from within by following health and safety
developing from within, empowering instructions and production standards
communities, responsible Responsible operations, including production, distribution,
operations…) supervision and auditing

Background Production challenges were the health and safety risks that we
always face
(Key drivers, challenges) Sales risk is represented in the decrease in the amount of sales
due to Corona, which led to a decrease in production capacity

Approach The Saudi Vision 2030 program, which considers the

transformation of the industry to be sustainable and
(Steps and procedures undertaken) environmentally friendly

Outcomes and Future There are restrictions on dealing with raw materials in that they
are internationally approved raw materials
(Benefits, impacts and achievements,
supportive data to demonstrate Health and safety restrictions to preserve the health of workers
and consumers
results, limitations, next steps)

Quote from Key Persons

Responsible / Beneficiary
(Please include their name, Quoting Vision 2030 from officials in the Saudi state to
designation, and picture if possible. transform our production process to be sustainable
This may come from or be used in
additional platforms such as

Please also feel free to provide pictures related to the case study (please include any high-
resolution photo files separately)


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