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PRINTED ISSN: 2620-6919

ONLINE ISSN: 2620-3316

Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
South Sumatera, Indonesia Page: 1-14



Fakultas Tarbiyah & Ilmu Keguruan (FTIK) IAIN Bukittinggi
Jl. Gurun Aur Kabupaten Agam Sumatera Barat, 26134, Indonesia

Submitted: 30-April-2019 Published: 28-June-2019 DOI: 10.31540/silamparibisa.v2i1.240

Accepted : 28-June-2019 URL:


The research is aimed to determine the contribution of Information Technology (IT) students‟
attitude and level of familiarity in using English loanwords in bahasa Indonesia toward their
English vocabulary mastery. The type of research was a correlational study of contribution.
The research population was the fifth-semester students of IT in the academic year
2018/2019 at IAIN Bukittinggi with the total number of population was 180 students. The
sample selection was done by using cluster random sampling technique with the total of the
sample was 45 students from 6 parallel classes. The research data were obtained from
attitude questionnaires, familiarity level questionnaires, and English vocabulary test. These
instruments were analyzed statistically by using simple and multiple regression with a
significance level was 0.05. Based on the data analysis, it was obtained the equation of Y =
4.192+0.227X1 + 0.5X2 that was indicated a positive contribution of students‟ attitude and
familiarity degree on English loanwords toward their English vocabulary mastery. Due to the
value of F change (0.00) was lower than , means that the variables of X1 and X2
contributed significantly toward the variable of Y (the students‟ English vocabulary mastery).
Then, the coefficient of determination R was 0.468 indicated variables X1 and X2 gave
contribution simultaneously as much as 46.8% toward variable Y, while as much as 63.2 %
was affected by other factors. So, the existence of English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia
gives a potential opportunity to make English is easy to be learned. Because both between
loanwords and English vocabularies have similarities in form and meaning. So, in order to
give a meaningful, positive attitude and familiarity degree of loanwords must be developed.

Keywords: loanwords, attitude, familiarity degree, and vocabulary mastery




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi sikap dan tingkat familiaritas
mahasiswa teknologi Informatika IAIN Bukittinggi dalam menggunakan kosakata
serapan bahasa Inggris y a n g a d a d i dalam Bahasa Indonesia terhadap penguasaan
kosakata bahasa Inggris mereka. Penelitian ini bertipe korelasi dalam bentuk kontribusi.

1 available at:

Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa IAIN Bukittinggi semester V tahun ajaran
2018/2019 yang berjumlah 180 orang. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan cara cluster
r andom sampling. Jumlah sampel adalah 45 mahasiswa dari 6 k e l a s paralel. Data
penelitian diperoleh dari angket sikap, angket tingkat familiaritas penggunaan kosakata
serapan Bahasa Inggris, dan tes penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris. Teknik analisis
statistik yang digunakan adalah regresi dan korelasi sederhana dan ganda melalui korelasi
Product Moment dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Dari analisa data, diperoleh garis persamaan
Y = 4.192+0.227X1 + 0.5X2, dimana menunjukkan terdapat kontribusi positif dari sikap
dan tingkat familiaritas mahasiswa pada Kosakata serapan Bahasa Inggris dalam Bahasa
Indonesia terhadap penguasaan Bahasa Inggris. Nilai F change (0.00) lebih kecil dari
 artinya X1 dan X2 berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap variable Y
(penguasaan kosakata Bahasa Inggris). Kemudian dari nilai koefisien determinasi R
sebesar 0.486, dapat dimaknai bahwa sumbangan X 1 dan X2 secara bersamaan pada
Variabel Y sebesar 48,6 % dan sisanya sebesar 63,4 % ditentukan oleh faktor lain. Ja di
keberadaan kosakata serapan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia memiliki potensi
untuk memudahkan dan meringankan beban pembelajaran kosakata Bahasa Inggris itu
sendiri. Karena kata serapan dan kosakata bahasa Inggris memiliki kemiripan atau bahkan
kesamaan pada segi ejaan dan arti. Agar memberikan manfaat, maka sikap positif dan
tingkat familiaritas terhadap kosakata Serapan Bahasa Inggris perlu

Kata kunci: kosakata serapan, sikap, tingkat familiaritas, dan penguasaan kosakata

A. Introduction
Mastery of English vocabulary is not easy for most learners, especially for
students in Indonesia where English is learned as a foreign language. There are
various ways to learn vocabulary. In general, it is classified into two main
strains: intentional and incidental vocabulary learning (Nation, 2001: 369). Thus
still encounter a lot of problem e.g. spelling, the difference of pronunciation,
meaning and some others. In order to help and make easy the burden of the
learners in learning the foreign vocabulary i.e. English, Nation (1987: 205-209)
offers the idea about the loanwords role in the mother tongue or first
language. He describes that the existence of loanwords in the first language help
and make easy the learners‟ burden in learning vocabulary because loanwords
tend to have the similarity or even the sameness in the form, meaning and the
way to pronounce it with the vocabulary of language where they derived from.
Due to the characteristics of English loanwords, Nurweni (2013) in her
research concluded that most of English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia have the
sameness in meaning and spelling. Other research that was held by Fauzi (2014)
showed that many vocabularies in Bahasa Indonesia that are derived from English
were the same orthographically.

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

Loanwords are words from one language which are incorporated into
another. Then, in the process of adopting, words are usually adapted to fit the
sound system of the user (Richard & Schmidt, 2002:56). Loanwords as the
process of linguistic have occurred in nearly every speech community in the
world since it is the easiest and the most frequent way to fill the absence of a
word for one concept in a language or to show the prestige of the user in
In fact, several researchers have demonstrated and proved that English
loanwords in the mother tongue help learners in studying English in order to
recognize, infer, and produce English words. English derived from loanwords
gave a positive effect to increase and master the vocabulary of the language
that is learned. Yoshida (1978) in his research found that English loanwords in
Japan helped Japanese children who live in the United States in learning English
words more quickly at their nursery school because of the word similarity. Then,
Brown & Williams (1985) found that EFL students understand the word better if it
is a loanword. Meanwhile, Hara (2011) did research about the use of loanwords
for learning English vocabulary. He found that loanwords encourage and aid the
students to have English vocabulary easier. Loanwords are helpful tools because
about two-thirds of those words in the target word of the study had the same
meaning as the corresponding word in English. Although Japanese use Katakana
(Japanese alphabet, known roman script) that is different from English, the
researches about using loanwords in Japanese showed the advantages and
lightness in learning the vocabulary of the adopted language.
In Bahasa Indonesia, English Loanwords are abundant. There has been
an increasingly significant need to use them. Bahasa Indonesia has absorbed
less than 2000 words in many fields, such as in the terms of economics, science,
technology and many others. Almost level of community, from common people to
scientists, used these vocabularies (Devianty: 2016).
As the educated and academic society, the students in the university like
in IAIN Bukittinggi often use, listen and read these vocabularies. Loanwords are
often involved consciously or unconsciously when they are discussing in or out

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

the classroom, reading books, magazines, and newspapers, or watching TV and

listening to news or lectures. Almost nothing of their activities without the
presence of the English loanwords. They have been familiar with English
Loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia.
Besides, most of the students showed their attitude such as tendency and
preference for the use of English loanwords. They preferred to use English
Loanwords than Bahasa Indonesia. It was easier for them to say and express
their sorrow such as „sorry‟ than “Maaf” or used the word “Prediksi” than
“Perkiraan”. They were using and choosing those vocabularies unconsciously or
without awareness. They knew and understood that both are similar or even have
the same meaning.
Marzano (1997:3), Ellis (1999:200) and Nation (1987: 119) state that
learning a foreign language, and the successful to master their vocabularies are
influenced by several aspects i.e. attitude, knowledge, awareness, and
familiarity. Vocabulary mastery is regarded as the peak and the result of
vocabulary learning.
The existence of English loanword in Bahasa Indonesia is potential to
help, lighten and increase the English vocabulary mastery of the students in
IAIN Bukittinggi. But the successful in using this potency in order to master
English vocabulary might be obstacle by some factors, such as: a) attitude that
is indicated by their tendency, preference and likeness to use loanwords; b)
familiarity that is indicated by the frequency of contact (see, hear and use) with
English loanwords; c) knowledge that is indicated by their ability to use English
loanword in Bahasa Indonesia in their daily activities, and d) unawareness that
is indicated by their habit in choosing and using the English loanwords
Based on the previous background, this research had purposes to
determine: 1) The degree of contribution of students' attitudes on English Loan
Words in Bahasa Indonesia toward their English Vocabulary mastery; 2) The degree
of contribution of students‟ familiarity degree on English loanwords in Bahasa
Indonesian toward their English Vocabulary mastery; and 3) The degree of

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

contribution of students‟ attitude and familiarity degree on English Loan Words in

Bahasa Indonesian toward their English Vocabulary mastery.

B. Research Method
The type of research is a correlational study with the type of contribution.
Correlation is the procedure in quantitative research in which the researcher
measures the degree of relationship between two or more variables by using the
statistical procedure of correlational analysis. This degree is expressed in the
form of a number that is indicated whether the two variables are related or
whether one can predict another. The strength of the relationship between
variables are expressed in terms of the correlation coefficient, and there is no
attempt to control and manipulate the variable like in experimental research
(Creswell, 2002: 337-338).
The population of this research was the fifth-semester students of
Technology Information Program in IAIN Bukittinggi, the academic year
2018/2019 that is consists of 180 students from six classes. The sample of the
research was selected by cluster random sampling and there were 45 students
(by getting 25 % of the population). The data of the research were collected
through administrating the two kinds of questionnaires i.e. the questionnaire of
attitude and familiarity degree on the use of English Loanword in Bahasa
Indonesia, and one vocabulary test to get the data of students‟ English
vocabulary mastery that was derived from English loanword in Bahasa
Indonesia. Before conducting the administrating of the questionnaire result, Those
instruments were tried out and validated by using Pearson‟s product-moment.
To get the data of students‟ attitudes, the researcher administered the five-
point Likert-type attitude scale. The scale contained the statements under the
group of three attitude components as follow:
1. Cognitive/informational component: belief, opinion, and prediction, (what
someone thinks or predicts about the object).
2. Affective component: like, proud, happy, hate and others (what someone
feels about the object).

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

3. Conative/ behavioral component: tendency or willingness to act (what

someone wants to do against the object).
The questionnaire contained positive and negative statements in the five-
point scales with the response are: “Strongly agree”, “agree” “undecided”,
“disagree” and “strongly disagree”. The data got from the questionnaire were
ordinal. To make inline about the result, the requirement was needed to do with
parametric statistical analysis. The data were converted from ordinal data to
interval one by using MSI (method of a successive interval).
To measure the students‟ familiarity degree on English loanwords in Bahasa
Indonesia, the researcher used the modification of D‟Anna‟s scale (1991:117)
research about “Toward a meaningful definition of vocabulary size.” The
questionnaire of a familiarity degree was administered in five options to respond.
Table 1. A Score of Familiarity Degree

Category Option Score

I I have never seen or heard the word in Bahasa Indonesia 1
I have seen or heard the word before but I do not know
II 2
the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia
I have either seen or heard the word before and have a
vague idea of its meaning in Bahasa Indonesia
I would be able to recognize the meaning of the word if
given the word in a multiple-choice test which included the
IV 4
correct meaning and several incorrect meanings in Bahasa
I know the meaning of the word well enough to give its
V 5
definition In Bahasa Indonesia

Moreover, to find out the data of students‟ vocabulary mastery, the

researcher used a vocabulary test that indicates the level of students‟ English
vocabulary mastery that was derived from English loanwords in Bahasa
Indonesia. The test involved three aspects of vocabulary knowledge.

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

Table 2. Scoring Rubric for Vocabulary Knowledge

Aspect of Vocabulary Indicator and Testing Format

Form Be able to restore English Loanword in Bahasa Indonesia
into a correct English spelling
Returning English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia into an
English Vocabulary
Example: Eksit  exit
Meaning Be able to write the equivalent word in Bahasa Indonesia
Writing the synonym of English Loanword in Bahasa
Indonesia Example: Eksit = keluar
Use Be able to use the word in the right context
Creating a good sentence by using the given English
vocabulary (returned from English loanwords)

The target words in this research were the loanwords under the categories:
a) they have got adaptation to fit the Indonesian spelling and sound system, and
have a synonym in Bahasa Indonesia; b) they were included in academic
vocabularies (issued by Jim Burke, 2005); and c) they were high frequency
often used, heard and seen by the students. The target words can be described in
the Venn diagram as follows:

English Loanwords Academic

having a synonym Vocabularies
in Bahasa

List of high-

Figure 1. Venn Diagram for Target Words

By having these three filters, the target words which were involved in this
research were 115.

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

C. Research Results and Discussion

1. Research Results
The data of students‟ attitude, degree of familiarity on English loanwords
in Bahasa Indonesia and their English Vocabulary mastery were analyzed by
using SPSS 15. The result is shown in the following table:
Table 3. Degree of Familiarity

Familiarity Vocab.
Attitude Degree Mastery
N Valid 45 45 45
Mis sing 0 0 0
Mean 73,9111 108,0444 26,3333
Median 75,0000 109,0000 27,0000
Mode 75,00 112,00a 26,00
Std. Deviation 11,52630 15,32075 4,65637
Minimum 45,00 73,00 16,00
Maximum 93,00 132,00 34,00
Sum 3326,00 4862,00 1185,00
a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is s hown

The table 3 shows that the respondents of the research were 45

students. The mean of their attitude, familiarity degree, and vocabulary mastery
are 73,9, 108 and 26,3. By comparing with their mean ideal (Mi), the research
data showed a higher point.
There was two statistical analysis did in this research; single and multiple
regression. From the single regression analysis, it showed that the variable X1
that was the students‟ attitude on English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia
gave a contribution as much as 45,5 % toward their English vocabulary
mastery. Then, based on the distribution of frequency and tendency of data,
their attitude is generally positive on English loanwords.
Table 4. Model Summary of the First Single Regression Analysis
Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 ,673(a) ,454 ,441 3,482

Predictors: (Constant), Attitude

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

Next, the correlation score (ry) was 0.673, the determination coefficient was 0.454
and the sig. of F change was 0.00 which is lower than . These scores can
be concluded that there was a contribution of students' attitudes on English
loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia toward the students‟ vocabulary mastery. The
determination coefficient score was 0.454 or 45.4 % that indicates the percentage
of contribution between variable X1 toward variable Y. It means the attitude of the
IT students in IAIN Bukittinggi increased (more positive) on the using of English
loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia line with their vocabulary.
The second regression analysis as seen in the following table tried to
answer the second question about the contribution of a familiarity degree on
English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia toward English vocabulary mastery. It
shows that this variable gave a contribution as much as 29.9 % toward their
English vocabulary mastery.
Table 5. Model Summary of the Second Single Regression Analysis
Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 ,546(a) ,299 ,282 3,945
a Predictors: (Constant), Familiarity Degree

The correlation score was 0.546, determination coefficient was 0.299 and sig.
F change was 0.00 which was lower than . It can be concluded that there was
a contribution of students‟ familiarity degree on English loanwords in Bahasa
Indonesia toward their vocabulary mastery. The determination coefficient score was
0.299 or 29.9 % that indicated the percentage of contribution between variable X2
toward Y.
From both single regression analysis, the percentage contribution of X1
(45.5) was higher than X2 (29.9) toward Y. In the field of the research, it was
found that some of the students involved in the research had the positive
attitude on the using of English loanword, they preferred and had a tendency to
use the loanword although the students did not understand what the meaning.
They only used what they had heard and seen and they felt that they had
understood the words.

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

Based on the last analysis, the multiple regression that put X1 and X2, the
students‟ attitude and their familiarity degree on the English loanwords in Bahasa
Indonesia simultaneously. It gave the contribution to their vocabulary mastery
as much as 46,8 %.
Table 6. Model Summary of the Multiple Regression Analysis
Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 ,684(a) ,468 ,442 3,477
a Predictors: (Constant), Attitude on Elw, familiarity degree Elw

Based on the results of SPSS output in table 6, the R-value of 0.684

indicates that the variables of X1 and X2 have a strong relationship with Y. While
the value of the coefficient of determination R2 (R Square) is 0.468 or 46.8%. In
other words, X1 and X2 give the effect simultaneously to variable Y which is equal
to 46.8 % while the remaining 63.2 % is determined by other factors, beyond the
X1 and X2 to Y
From the analysis above, show that the sig. F change is 0.00 and it is
lower than . The variable X1 (students‟ attitude on the of English loanwords
in Bahasa Indonesia) and variable X2 (familiarity degree on the English
loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia) contribute significantly toward variable Y (the
students‟ English vocabulary mastery)
Then there is a strong and positive correlation which is indicated by R-
value, 0.684. meanwhile, the determination coefficient is 0.486 (48,6 %) describes
the contribution variable X1 (students‟ attitude on English loanwords in Bahasa
Indonesia) and variable X2 (familiarity degree on English loanwords in Bahasa
Indonesia) simultaneously toward the variable Y, (the student‟s vocabulary

2. Discussion
The research findings indicated that there was a contribution of variables
namely students‟ attitude on the of English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia and
students' familiarity degree on the English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia toward

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

their English vocabulary mastery either partially or simultaneously for the fifth
semester student of IT at IAIN Bukittinggi in academic year 2018/2019.
From the single regression analysis, it showed that the variable X1, the
students‟ attitude on English loanword in Bahasa Indonesia gave a contribution as
much as 45,5% toward their English vocabulary mastery. Then, based on the
distribution of frequency and tendency of data, their attitude generally is positive
toward English loanwords. In accordance with those fact, it was found that the
student who as the subject of the research had a likeness and tendency to use
English loanwords in their daily life or activities. Attitude is one of the internal
aspects which influence the successful of someone in learning, or the learners„
attitude is generally believed play a central role in language learning. Positive
attitudes to learning a language are acknowledged as influential factors in making
a decision to learn and to continue learning it (Williams and Burden, 1997:25).
The second regression analysis tried to answer the second hypothesis
about the contribution of a familiarity degree in English loanwords in Bahasa
Indonesia. It showed that this variable gave a contribution as much as 29.9 %
toward their English vocabulary mastery. By having a knowledge about the
adaptation of pronunciation and spelling of English loanwords into Bahasa
Indonesia as well as the meaning, it becomes the foundation and prior information
to increase and master their English vocabulary. Nation (2005:4) states that the
existence of loanwords in the first language can become the foundation and make
it easy to understand and master the source language, because most of them
have the similarity in pronunciation, form, and meaning. The fact shows that many
loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia have these similarities.
Based on the single regression analysis, the percentage contribution of X1
(45.5) is higher than X2 (29.9) toward Y. In the field of research, it‟s found that
some of the students who were involved in the research had the positive attitude
on using of English loanword; they prefered and had a tendency to use them
although they did not understand what the meaning. They just used what they had
heard and seen. They felt that they had understood the words.

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

In the final analysis, the multiple regression that put X1 and X2, students‟
attitude and their familiarity degree on the English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia
simultaneously. It gives the contribution to their vocabulary mastery 46,8 %. It
shows that it is better than the previous one. The combination of both aspects can
give a better result to master the English vocabulary from the loanword that exists
in Bahasa Indonesia. By encouraging the learners to have the positive attitude to
use the English loanword in Bahasa Indonesia, and then prepare them more with
the knowledge about English loanword, theoretically, it will make them master the
English vocabulary that derives from English Loanwords into Bahasa Indonesia.
The existence of English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia promises the
easiness to study the English language. Vocabulary is one of the important
elements in learning language. It can be learned easier and the burden to learn
vocabulary become lighter, because of the characteristics of English loanword in
Bahasa Indonesia. Both English and Indonesian use roman script. Then, many
of English loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia have the similarity or even the same
with the origin form in English, also in the meaning and spelling.
Related to this study, most of the students are familiar and get the English
loanwords unconsciously. They like, tend and proud to use all of those
loanwords. So, it is important to bring this into reality. Then, there are two things
that the educator needs to do: 1) they have to make the language learners aware
of the existence of the English Loanword. These words are derived from English,
and there is their synonym in Bahasa Indonesia. So that, the learners can return to
English spelling and get easiness to translate the words into Bahasa Indonesia; 2)
they have to encourage the students to have a positive attitude to use the English
loanwords. A positive attitude will strengthen the students‟ motivation to learn
more the English vocabulary from a loanword. Asuccessful learner is the one who
possesses positive attitudes towards the target language.

D. Conclusion
The result of the research indicated that the attitude of most students of the
Technology information program in IAIN Bukittinggi was positive toward the
existence of English Loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia. This atitude influenced

Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

their ability to master the English vocabulary, especially the vocabularies that
relate to loanwords, although they have got adjustment and adaptation to Bahasa
Indonesian. It was shown by the result of their test.
Next, the student who had a positive attitude also got a good mark in the
test in this research. The positive attitude was indicated b y having pride in
using them, a tendency to choose these words and easiness to return them into
the right spelling and pronunciation in English. A positive attitude leads them to
keep in using and learning English vocabulary.
Meanwhile, their habit to use and choose English loanword in their daily
activity occurs the condition of familiarity. It was indicated by the condition in
which they often use, hear and see these vocabularies. This aspect also
influenced their ability to master English vocabulary from the Loanwords. The
level or degree of familiarity on English loanword in Bahasa Indonesia influence
their mastery of English word. The students who had a high degree in this
research can return and use English vocabulary from the English Loanword in
Bahasa Indonesia correctly. On the contrary, the students who had a low degree
of familiarity, they only used, heard and saw the vocabulary, but they don‟t

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Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019
Syahrul The contribution of students’ attitude and familiarity degree

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Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2019

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