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January 21, 2022


        Hair loss and baldness cause psychological stress as it affects a person's
appearance. Despite being aware of the sequelae of hair loss in their family, many
people are still uncomfortable talking about it. If baldness is present, psychological
problems are severe after the 몭rst symptoms appear . Family therapy can help you
deal with these psychological problems if they are present .

        Basically infected skin, back and extremities indicate vitreous. The most serious
skin condition, cystic 몭brosis, is caused by a hormonal imbalance that causes hair
loss and by the production of dihydrotestosterone . Seborrheic dermatitis is a
condition in which the scalp produces and accumulates too much sebum (like a
barbecue cap), which is also a symptom of a hormonal imbalance, like an overly oily or
dry scalp. Both can cause thinning of hair

If you have a scalp disease, no matter how many masks you use, the hair loss will
not stop until you cure the disease.   
Mercury contributes to better blood circulation. 
Before going to bed, shave your hair with a specialized comb and massage  for a
few minutes.   
Bergamot oil makes sense for hair. 
Use your 몭ngertips to rub together, then wrap your head with a layer of
 You can make a mask with dairy products every week because they contain B
vitamins, which are essential for your hair.   
Modern cosmetic manufacturers offer a large selection of champagne and anti-hair
loss creams.   And try to take little advantage of styling, arti몭cial claims and various
Such measures can be taken for temporary hair loss  and must be consulted 
during pathological hair loss, to detect the cause through various tests.
 And in the most severe cases, when hair loss leads to baldness. 
  In a time when there were not so many resources, grandparents took advantage
of easy and simple means:   
Dry hair required 25 g of baby soap, 100 g of water and one egg yolk. Dissolve
liquid soap in boiling water. Add such a solution to the hot water and add the egg
yolks after  the foam has reached.  
 And for oily hair, you do the same by adding 25 g of alcohol. Apply and only wash in
the morning, as usual 5 times every month.   Cabbage and cucumber juice is a very
good remedy for oily hair.


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