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The Importance of Character Education to Improve the Quality of

TADBIR : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan

Annisa Zackyah Hidayat

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Masduki Ahmad
Universitas Negeri Jakarta

character education can improve the quality of Education in Indonesia. Indonesia requires
human resources in sufficient quantity and quality as the primary support for development.
To fulfill these human resources, Education has a significant role. Character education aims
to improve the quality of implementation and educational outcomes in schools that lead to
the achievement of the formation of character and noble character of students as a whole.
Therefore, the author wants to know how to implement an effective character education in
learning to produce quality graduates. The author uses a literature study research method in
writing this article to describe this. A literature study is a type of research that answers
existing problems by reviewing the appropriate literature to solve these problems. The
literature used is in the form of books, national and international journals, and reviews of
relevant mass media. The results obtained using the literature study method show that
character education is proven to be able to improve the quality of Education, as evidenced by
the increase in the rate of human resources. Because various problems in a country will be
able to be overcome if the human resources are good. Without attention to improving the
quality of human resources, it will make all aspects of life run poorly.

Keywords: Character Education, Improving the Quality of Education

TADBIR : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan vol. X, no. X, Month Year

IAIN Curup – Bengkulu | p-ISSN 2580-3581; e-ISSN 2580-5037
2 | TADBIR : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. X, No. X, Month Year

Education is a significant field for human life. Education can encourage
the improvement of human quality by increasing cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor competencies. (Mutiah & Rifa'i Rc, 2014)that Education is a
basic need for every individual. Over time, all developments that exist in the
world are increasing rapidly and sophisticated, proving that there must be an
inculcation of character education to create moral individuals. This has been
regulated in Law no. 20 of 2003, concerning the National Education System
article 1 paragraph 1, namely, Education is a conscious and planned effort to
create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively
develop their potential, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by
themselves, society, nation. , and the state (Depdiknas, 2003). Development
of self-potential, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by himself,
society, nation and state. The development of this potential is contained in
chapter 2, article 3 of Law no. 20 of 2003,
The current education system unconsciously emphasizes the
development of academic intellectual abilities, so that character development
becomes something that is often forgotten. Ilyas, and 2016). While the
character is an essential aspect in assessing the quality of human resources. A
person with high intellectual ability may become useless or even endanger
society if his character is low. Therefore, character education should be
placed as an essential part of the national education system. Many cases are
created because of moral inequalities against individuals, especially in
Indonesia, and not infrequently also done by students who are still underage.
Currently, there are many problems encountered among students related to
various forms of juvenile delinquency, such as: brawls between students,
bullying, drinking, to having sex with the opposite sex (free sex).
Quoted(Julaiha, 2014)from the Sex Behaviors Survey in five major cities in
Indonesia, namely: Jabotabek, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Bali in
May 2011, stated that of the 663 respondents interviewed admitted that 39%
of adolescent respondents aged between 15-19 years had had sexual
intercourse, and the remaining 61% aged 20-25 years. Based on the facts
above, it is clear that many juvenile delinquencies or moral inequalities must
be immediately addressed and prevented through Education in schools and
learning in class.
(HE Mulyasa, 2016)argues that character education aims to improve
the quality of educational processes and outcomes that lead to character and
noble character education of learners in a comprehensive, integrated, and
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balanced manner, by the competency standards of graduates in each

academic unit. Through character education, learners are expected to be able
to independently improve and use their knowledge, study, and internalize,
and personalize character values and noble character so that they are
manifested in daily behavior. So it is not only intellectual development that
must be developed, but the nature of Shiva must also be developed so that the
output produced by an institution or school is intellectually and morally
qualified. (Kane et al., 2016) :
1. Customer satisfaction.
2. Identify customers.
3. Continuous improvement
The main thing that a customer pays attention to is the quality of the output
produced. This can be a significant consideration for a customer to see the
quality of an institution or school.
Therefore, based on the above phenomenon, the authors are
interested in researching how to provide Character Education to improve
education quality so that the institution's moral and intellectual values are
of quality.

This research is a qualitative research that is library research. The
literature study uses library data collection methods, reading and recording,
and processing various research materials used as references in compiling
this study. (Suharjito, 2014).
Using a literature study is first because this research can only be
answered by library research. Both library research is one stage in the
preliminary analysis, to understand the problem as a whole. The third is to
uncover the most superior problem to find research problems(Zed, 2008).
In connection with the above, the data collection carried out in this
study was sourced from books, indexed journals, and all electronic
documents as well as other sources of data or information by the topic of
this research to find out how to implement character education in students
to improve school quality.

According to Asmani in (Unjunan & Budiartati, 2020), Character
education is an effort that is designed and implemented systems to help
students understand the values of human behavior related to God Almighty,
4 | TADBIR : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. X, No. X, Month Year

oneself, fellow human beings, the environment, and nationality. The purpose
of character education is to shape every person into a person who has the
central values, especially judging from his behavior in everyday life, not on
his understanding, therefore. According to(Image, 2012)Character education
in schools involves all components (stakeholders), including the parts of
Education itself, namely curriculum content, learning and assessment
processes, quality of relationships, handling or management of subjects,
school management, implementation of activities, empowerment of
infrastructure, financing, and the work ethic of all citizens and the school
environment, therefore before implementing character education for students,
the school must first ensure that educators understand the concept of
character education for students. Character education programs must be
implemented according to the principles to run effectively and efficiently.
Here are the principles of character education according to:(Gunawan, 2012)
that is :
a. Character education in schools must be carried out in a sustainable
manner (continuity), meaning that the process of developing character
values is a long process from the beginning of students entering
school until they graduate from school in an academic unit.
b. Character education must be integrated through self-development and
the culture of the education unit, meaning that character education is
carried out by incorporating it in all subjects.
c. Indeed, character values are taught through processes, knowledge
(knowing), doing (doing), and finally getting used to (habit).
d. The educational process is carried out in an active and fun way. The
teacher must apply the "tut wuri handayani" principle in every
behavior shown.
In line with Gunawan's opinion, according to (Latifah et al., 2014), Character
education cannot be formed suddenly for students. It requires consistency in
delivering characteristic learning so that students know theoretically,
appreciate the value effectively until finally accurate recognition. Therefore
character education must be instilled in students as early as possible, starting
from early childhood education to tertiary Education, it's just that a different
method is needed that must be adapted to the needs of each student by the
principles of learning according to (E. (Enco) Mulyasa & Mukhlis., 2007)
namely (a) Identification of needs, (b) Identification of competencies, (c)
Preparation of learning programs.
At the first level of Education, namely early childhood education,
unique methods or methods are needed according to their needs. As Mulyasa
said, to instill character education in early childhood by giving reinforcement
Author1, Author2, Author3. : Title of your manuscript... | 5

in the form of praise and rewards in research. (Amini & Mariyati, 2021) can
improve 93.2% of children's character, especially in responsible behavior.
There is a Learning Model that can improve early childhood character
education in research (Iswantiningtyas, Veny and Wulansari, 2019) through
BCCT (Beyond Centers and Circle Time) and can also use methods such as
research conducted by (Firoh, 2015)through fairy tales with light stories and
telling fairy tales that spread kindness and replace some classic stories such
as the story of Aladin rubbing the teapot so that his request is granted
replaced with a natural aspect if you want his bid to be given you must pray
and be accompanied by effort. Instill small things in children from an early
age such as learning to be responsible through the habit of tidying up toys
that have been used, getting used to telling the truth, instilling a sense of
caring between living things, teaching children to get used to petrifying
friends or other living things, such as feeding animals, watering plants
because of the aspect of character values in early childhood according to
Conscience in(Khaironi, 2017) are (1) Honesty, (2) Discipline, (3) Tolerance
and (4) Independence.
Knowing that character education according to Kartadinata (supranoto,
2015), Education is a lifelong education, as a process towards a perfect
human being. Therefore, character education requires exemplary and touch
from an early age to adulthood. Character education must be an integrated
part of generational Education. Education is a human issue that must be
approached from human development itself. According to the explanation
regarding character education previously mentioned that we know that
character education must run continuously and have high consistency in its
application, not only instilled by early childhood, character education must be
strengthened with higher Education, there are several ways that can be
developed for character learning in high school students such as through
extracurricular activities of love for the homeland such as traditional music
but do not deny that it does not develop in developing modern music as well,
do not forget to also set religious activities doing tadarus before starting
guided learning by OSIS, developing a social care character by donating
some money to friends who are affected by disasters and emphasizing the
character of responsibility, if caught cheating and other nasty things students
will be penalized around the class while saying "sorry I got caught being
cranky, please don't follow me. " To form a nationalist character, namely to
apply discipline during the flag ceremony don't also forget to develop
religious activities to do tadarus before starting learning guided by the
Student Council, develop a social care character by donating some money to
friends who are affected by disasters and emphasizing the character of
6 | TADBIR : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. X, No. X, Month Year

responsibility, if caught cheating and other bad things students will be

penalized around class, while saying "I'm sorry I caught gasping, please don't
follow me." To form a nationalist character, namely to apply discipline
during the flag ceremony, don't forget to also develop religious activities to
do tadarus before starting learning guided by the Student Council, develop a
social care character by donating some money to friends who are affected by
disasters and emphasizing the character of responsibility, if caught cheating
and other bad things students will be penalized around class, while saying
"I'm sorry I caught gasping, please don't follow me." To form a nationalist
character, namely to apply discipline during the flag ceremony while saying,
"I'm sorry I caught function, please don't follow me." To form a nationalist
character, namely to apply discipline during the flag ceremony while saying,
"I'm sorry I caught function, please don't follow me." To form a nationalist
character, namely, to apply discipline during the flag ceremony(supranoto,
2015), is done by the school in order to maintain the quality of graduates who
can be satisfied with customers and shape the school culture.
(Sallis, 2014)explained that quality and good school must have: 1) high
moral/character values; 2) excellent exam results; 3) support from parents,
the business world, and the local community; 4) abundant resources; 5)
implementation of the latest technology; 6) strong leadership and have a
purpose (vision); 7) care and concern for students; 8) balanced and relevant
curriculum. Therefore, character education is very important to improve the
quality of Education because the character will be the main assessment that
will be seen by the outside community because good character quality can
also improve the quality of human resources that can affect the life of the
Indonesian nation in the future. The reality is that improving quality is not an
easy thing for serious and real efforts are needed from all parties, starting
from the central and local governments, school principals, teachers, students,
parents, the community, and the business and industrial world to create
quality graduates because of students. Students who study in Indonesia must
have three dimensions, namely attitudes, knowledge, and skills that must be
possessed holistically by students. This means that it does not say that
graduates are qualified if they only have aspects of knowledge and skills but
do not have a good attitude or vice versa the community as well as the
business and industry world to create quality graduates because students
studying in Indonesia must have three dimensions, namely attitudes,
knowledge, and skills that students must possess holistically. This means that
it does not say that graduates are qualified if they only have aspects of
knowledge and skills but do not have a good attitude or vice versa the
community as well as the business and industry world to create quality
Author1, Author2, Author3. : Title of your manuscript... | 7

graduates because students studying in Indonesia must have three

dimensions, namely attitudes, knowledge, and skills that students must
possess holistically. This means that it does not say that graduates are
qualified if they only have aspects of knowledge and skills but do not have a
good attitude or vice versa(Fadhil et al., 2017)

Character education is proven to be able to improve the quality of Education,
as evidenced by the increase in the quality of human resources. Because
various problems in a country will be able to be overcome if the human
resources have good quality. To create a good character, it requires
consistency of character planting as early as possible, requires patience to go
through the process of knowing,

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