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Dr. H. Diding Nurdin, M.Pd (00080871001)
Dr. Edi Suresman, M.Ag (0024116001)
Dr. Purwanto, MT (0011117303)
Dr. Mulyana H. Abdullah, M.Pd.I (0009076507)





Diding Nurdin
Indonesia University of Education (UPI) in Bandung, Indonesia

Character education for students need to be nurtured from the start students enroll as a
new student, while a student is in school even to the students graduated from the school.
To foster an Islamic character education in schools needs the right strategy. Strategy
management implementation of character education for students in schools can be
realized through habituation, exemplary, honesty and responsibility. The four strategies
are implemented in an integrated and integral in the social system of the school. The role
of teachers and school leaders in the implementation of character education has a strong
influence on students because among them there is a process of interaction and
communication that occurs within a long period of time. The existence of students from
morning till noon even afternoon does internalize the values of characters that shape
attitudes and behavior of students. The success of the Islamic character education for
students in the school will bear the golden generation that will build the civilization of
Indonesia that is more advanced and independent.

Keyword: Implementation of management, strategy character education, student, school.

Development of a national character education into national policy direction of
development of education in Indonesia. This implies that any development of human
resources in Indonesia are built through education should be able to give birth to the
nation's development and character formation. This is in line with Law No. 17 of 2007,
read: "... the establishment of a tough character, competitive, noble and moral based on
Pancasila, which is characterized by nature and human behavior and people of Indonesia
are diverse, faithful and devoted God Almighty, virtuous, tolerance, mutual-cooperation,
patriotic spirit, dynamic developing, and science and technology-oriented. "

To realize Indonesia's human resources with character as mandated by law,

character education in the family, school and community environment must be integrated.
The life of a child in a school, family and community environment that takes place every
day cannot avoid the current conditions of value shifts and upheavals. In the face of many
shifts and distortion of values, the three educational environments are effective
environments in the process of fostering positive values for children. The school
environment is a dynamic media in instilling the values of education through the example
of teachers in schools. The family is the spearhead of education as an agent of culture
where children receive cultural values that foster their personality.1

Character education in the school environment is an important point of the task

and role of the principal and teacher and even all school residents. On the other hand,
character education can be implemented systematically in a dynamic school environment
through various learning activities that take place in schools based on the values of the
Indonesian character. Furthermore Aan Hasanah stated that character education is
everything that the teacher does, which can affect the character of students. The teacher
helps the character of students. This includes exemplary for teacher behavior, the way the
teacher speaks or conveys material, how the teacher tolerates, and various other related

Nursid Sumaatmadja, Man in the Context of Social and Environment, Bandung; Al fabeta, 2000), P.51.
Aan Hasanah, Character Education Islamic Perspective, Bandung: Insan Community, 2012), p.19

In line with the above opinion, character education is interpreted by Anne D.
Mather as follows: character education is the deliberate effort to help people understand,
care about, and act upon core ethical values. We think about the kind of character we
want for our children, it is clear that we want them to be right, care deeply about what is
right, and then do what they believe to be right, even in face of pressure from without and
templation from within.3

Thus, national character education that was built since formal education in
schools for students is an important part of the lifelong education process.

Urgency Character Education For Students

Indonesia is currently facing a severe test that must be passed, namely the
occurrence of a prolonged multidimensional crisis. When other countries (Thailand,
Malaysia, South Korea, etc.) have risen immediately after experiencing the financial
crisis that hit Asia in 1997, Indonesia until now, continues to experience a crisis, and still
looks bleak to rise from adversity economy. This multidimensional crisis is actually
rooted in the declining moral quality of the nation which is characterized by the
cultivation of corruption, conflict (inter-ethnic, religious, politician, RW, etc.) practices,
increasing crime, decreasing work ethic, and more. A culture of corruption which is a
practice of moral violations (dishonesty, irresponsibility, low discipline, low commitment
to good values), is the main cause of our country's difficulty to rise from this crisis.

The above phenomenon also appears in the current millennium era so concerned
teachers and parents in the education process of children. The occurrence of negative
behavior among students, such as juvenile delinquency, brawl, promiscuity, drug abuse
and acts of violence committed by students against this cause anxiety and worry.

Character education has become very important to implement, because it is in line

with the demands and challenges ahead require a strong human resources, character, and
have a strong fighting spirit to the face of increasingly competitive. For superior
civilization is built by all components of the nation that has a strong character, positive
and resilient. Character education in schools, should involve all components. Components
involved in student character education is the curriculum content, learning and

assessment, management subjects, school management, the implementation of co-
curricular activities, empowerment of infrastructure, financing and work ethos throughout
the school community and the environment.3

Urgency of character education for students that occurred between intellectual

coherence with the character formation of students in the learning process. Lickona
looked urgency character education for students are:

a. There is a clear and urgent need

b. Transmitting values is and always has been the work of civilization
c. The schools role as moral educator Becomes more vital at a time when
millions of children get little moral teaching from their parents and when
value-centered influences such as church or temple are Also absent from their
d. There is a common ethical ground even in our values-conflicted society
e. Democraties have a special need for moral education
f. There is no such thing as value free education
g. Moral quetions are among the great quetion facing both the individuals and
the human race
h. There is broad-based, growwing support for values education in the schools.4

Good character needs to be formed and nurtured in the school environment.

School age is an important period for the formation of a person's character. Experts argue
if character education can be instilled early on will be successful, otherwise doomed to
fail if it is not embedded since the child was learning in school. Because the character
education instilled early on will give birth to the next generation of good character.

Role of Parents and Teachers in Character Education

Character education is built through the planting of noble values within the family
(parents) and school environment (teacher). Parents (father and mother) as a leader and
controlling a family, certainly have hopes or desires to be achieved in the future. The
hope and desire is like an aspiration, so that parents will make every effort to achieve it.
This also applies to their children. Parents certainly have expectations of children who are
born and dibesarkannya. For example, they want the child to be a submissive, obedient
and dutiful to parents, good behavior, discipline and so on.5
Aan Hasanah, Character Education Islamic Perspective, Bandung: Insan Community, 2012), p.44.
Thomas Lickona, Educating for character: How our school can teach respect and responsibility, (New
York: Bantam, 1991), pp. 20-21
Zubaedi, Tactical Strategy Character Education (for early childhood and school), Jakarta: Rajawali Press,
2016) p.80

Children interact with the family every time. Parents are an important part of
children's character education environment. The next child of this interaction for the
formation of his personality gained experience through the morals, values, habits and
emotions that appear in the attitudes and behaviors that shape the character of the child.
The interaction that occurs within the family is the education process that has
strengthened the role of parents as responsible for the formation of character. parents are
educators first and main character for children.
According to Andi Hakim Nasoetionat al., (2001), that psychologists generally
agree that the basis for the formation of good character starts in the family. The
relationship between a child who is full of affection and warmth is the first basic
character formation.6 Meanwhile, according to Abdullah Gymnastiar that educating
children in the household must of course be accompanied by a power of good morals of
the parents. Because if it is not going to weaken or lead to disappointment and inner
conflict in children. However the child will see the attitude and behavior of parents.
Therefore, start vying to give examples of how to glorify your wife or husband, so that
day by day in the lives of children will grow pride to his parents.7

Thus, the role of parents in the education of children's character can pay attention
to the three principles that can be done, namely (1) creating educational interaction
harmonious and affectionate with his children, (2) create a harmonious relationship and
mutual respect respect between husband and wife and (3) to educate children by example,
habituation good, independence, unity, etc. in accordance with the guidance of Islam.
Character education in the family environment is passed back in a school environment.
The next interaction with the school environment. In a school environment
children interact with teachers and friends. A good school environment with a system of
values, rules, customs, school culture, order, discipline, courtesy, and good activities that
will give birth to children who are of good character. otherwise will be born children who
are loud, angry, say rude, undisciplined, lazy, and other bad behavior would give birth to
students of poor character. School environment coloring attitudes and behavior of
children in child living life in the future.
The school has a strategic role in shaping the character of students. The strategic
role of schools in educating the character of students in schools, summarized Indonesian
Heritage Foundation (IHF), Ratna Megawangi (2004) delivered nine characters that can
be embedded in the school as follows: (1) Love God and all His creation (love God, trust,

Andi Hakim Nasution, religion and Aklak Education for Children and Youth, Jakarta: Logos, 2001), p.57
Abdullah Gymnastiar, 7T: Shaping Tips Personal Success, Leadership Series, Bandung: MQS Graphic
Library, 2001), p.112.

reliance, loyalty); (2) Independence and responsibility (responsibility, excellence, self-
reliance, discipline, onderliness); (3) Honesty and trustworthy, wise (trustworthiness,
reliability, honesty); (4) Respect and courtesy (respect, courtesy, obedience); (5)
Generous, helpful and gotong royong (love, compassion, caring, empathy, generousity,
moderation, cooperation); (6) Confident, creative, and hardworking (confidence,
assertiveness, creativity, determination, and anthusiasm); (7) Leadership and justice
(justice, fairness, mercy, leadership); (8) nice and humble (kindness, friendliness,
humality, modesty); and (9) of tolerance, peace and unity (tolerance, flexibility,

Furthermore Dharma Kesuma (2011) argues that character education in schools

instilled by teachers has the following objectives: (1) Strengthen and develop the values
of life that are important and necessary, so that it becomes a personality / ownership
typical learners as values are developed; (2) correcting the behavior of learners who did
not correspond with the values developed by the school; and (3) Building a harmonious
connection to family and community in educational responsibilities character played

The role of teachers in character education has a strategic position for teachers
and students to interact directly and have an impact on student behavior. Teachers act not
only as a transmitter of knowledge, further transforming the values teachers for students
who can form the characters. Professional teachers and students will bear character with
character anyway. Thus there is some type of character how to become a great teacher.
According Masnur Musleh (2011) there are a few tips on how to become a teacher
characterized as follows: (1) Love Child; (2) Bershabat with children and be an example
for children; (3) Loved the work of teachers; (4) Flexible and adaptable to the changes
never stop learning.10

Thus, the school is a very strategic place for character education, for children
from all walks of life will be educated in school. 11 Besides children spend most of their
time in school, so what obtains at the school would affect the formation of character.12

Character Education Management Implementation Strategy

One important aspect that needs to be designed in the implementation of Islamic
character education for students is learning strategy character education. Learning that

Ratna Megawangi, the Right Solution Character Education for Nation Building, Jakarta: Indonesian
Heritage Foundation, 2004), p.171.
Dharma Kesuma, Character Education: Study of Theory and Practice in the School, Bandung: Youth
Rosdakarya, 2011), p.181.
Masnur Musleh, Character Education, Multidimensional Crisis Challenge, Jakarta: Earth Literacy, 2011),
David Brooks, Frank G. Goble, The Case For Character Education: The Role of the School in Teaching
Values and Virtues (California: Studio 4, 1997), p.171.
Ratna Megawangi, Character Education: The Right Solution for Nation Building, Jakarta: Indonesian
Heritage Foundation, 2004), p.78.

takes place in the formation of student character is an interaction between educators and
students should be designed according to the intended purpose and directed effectively
and efficiently.
Students will grow into a characterless Islamic school when grown in
environments with character, so that every student can interact with teachers and friends
can develop optimally. For that we need to design the right strategy and in accordance
with the students' progress. Teachers are not only made the intellectual savvy students,
but also to make students good personality.
Clearly, the authors will examine the implementation of the strategy of character
education for students of view of education experts. Sudrajat (2012) suggests that there
are four strategies that can be done to optimize the character educationin order to develop
moral values in a school environment that includes teaching (teaching), modeling
(modeling), reinforcement (reinforcing) and habituation (habituating). Teaching is to give
knowledge is the first step that must be done in order to form the character of a person
after obtaining teaching can then be effected by example, strengthening, and habituation
in an environment of everyday life.13
In the author's view, four management implementation strategy Islamic character
education to students is as follows: First, the student character education strategy through
habituation. Second, the student's education strategy through exemplary character. Third,
the student character education strategy through honesty. And fourth, character education
strategy through responsibility. The fourth character education implementation strategy
will be discussed based on the views of experts below.
Stretegi implementation of character education through habituation stated by
Abdullah Nasih Ulwan, habituation method is a practical method or strategy in shaping
the character and personality of the child. Ramayulis stated that habituation method is a
strategy to create a habit or a certain behavior for students. Armai Arief found habituation
method is a way that can be done to familiarize the students think, behave and act in
accordance with the guidance of the teachings of Islam. In the book Islamic Religious
Teaching methodology that habituation method is done in a way that moral and spiritual
formation that require continuous exercise every day.14
Noviana Goddess, bibliotherapy Methods and Discussion Effect of Moral Dilemma Of Character
Responsibility in Student National AAK Surakarta, Manuscripts Publications, (Surakarta, Master of Science
of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2013, p. 6.
M. Syamsul Huda, Implementation Method Habituation In Islamic Education in MI Almuthmainnah Bulak
Surabaya, Thesis, (Surabaya: IAIN Sunan Ampel Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty of Islamic Education

Movement strengthening character education in schools perceived to be more
striking if carried out by a series of habituation. First, to grow moral values and spiritual
through the practice of moral values in day-to-days..first real behavior of all moral values
taught to students and teachers and students practiced on a regular basis to become a habit
and eventually be offered at all. Mandatory activities undertaken by teachers and students
are praying according to their belief before and after the study, led by a student turns
under the guidance of teachers. General habituation activities can be done by the school is
to familiarize worship together according to their religion or belief either carried out in
schools and with the community.15Of the various opinions on the above it can be
concluded that the student's character can be cultivated through habituation good activity
in the school environment.
Implementation of strategic measures student character education the second is by
example. Modeling is a good example performed by a person in interacting with students
in the school environment. Exemplary teachers in everyday life at school will color the
character of students. In the character formation of students, imitation of the teacher is
very important. Therefore, one important aspect in the formation of students is their
exemplary character of the teachers at school.
Making teachers as educators character is not enough just to equip them with
theory and a set curriculum but also concerning how a teacher can be an example for its
students, so every word and behavior will be imitated student teachers. 16
From wisdom quotes from Sayyidina Ali RA that "Anyone who makes himself as
a leader of others, should he began to teach himself before teaching it to others. Let him
teach others to behaviors (exemplified by the behavior), before the speech. People who
teach himself is more entitled to be glorified and rewarded than those who just advising
others. "
The school principal as a leader in the school can act as a leader who can be
exemplified by teachers and students. Exemplary principals provide an effective
influence in the formation of character for teachers and students. The role of the school
principal who will color based on the exemplary character of teachers and students in the
school environment. If the principal run leadership with the full model, the action and the
Department Surabaya, 2013), p.15-16.
Anies Baswedan, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 Year 2015
About Growth Character Budi, Jakarta: Kemendikbud, July 13th, 2015.
Ratna Megawangi, the Right Solution Character Education Nation Building, Jakarta: Indonesian Heritage
Foundation, 2004), p.161.

command will be followed by teachers and students. Thus, exemplary principals and
teachers in schools is character education strategy for students. The process of character
formation of students desperately need the example of teachers and principals as school
Third,character education implementation strategy through honesty. Honesty is an
important foundation for the students. Honesty brings to the goodness and salvation to
every student. Messenger of Allah said "Be ye all to be honest, because honesty leads to
goodness, and goodness brought to heaven. A person who is always honest and looking
for honesty will be written by God as an honest man (shidiq). And shun lying properties,
because the lie leads to crime, and the crime brought to hell. People are always lying and
looking for lies, will be written by God a liar (kadzdzab). (Bukhari).
The word of the prophet gives the meaning of the importance of honesty in
students' personal lives. Honesty really needs to be fostered in the family environment.
However, the school environment is no less important to instill the values of honesty.
According Juprimalino (2012), an indicator of honesty that needs to be fostered among
students, among others: telling the truth (do not lie), act according to the rules (no
cheating), keeping promises spoken, willing to accept something on the basis of rights,
reject the provision that is not right , sided with the truth, to convey the message to
others, and the only words between the intentions with deeds.17

School as a social system that can effectively develop character education for
students. In line with the opinion of the Dharma Kesuma, et al, (2011) that in the context
of character education in schools has three objectives. First, to facilitate the strengthening
and development of the values of honesty to manifest in the behavior of children, either
when children are still in the process of going to school and after graduation.
Strengthening and developing the values of honesty has a meaning that education in the
school setting is not as dogmatization value to learners in order to understand and reflect
on how a value becomes important to be realized in everyday behavior. But education is
also directed to a process of habituation, with logic and reflection on the process and
impact of the habituation process conducted by the school both in the classroom and
school setting. Second, to correct the behavior of learners who do not conform with the
values developed by the school. Character education in this process has the objective to
Zubaedi, Tactical Strategy Character Education (for early childhood and school), Jakarta: Rajawali Press,
2017), p.185.

straighten out various negative behaviors into positive children. The alignment process
here pedagogically meaningful correction of behavior and not a coercive or intimidating
conditioning. Pedagogical process in correcting negative behavior of children adapted to
the development patterns of thought. Children are also given exemplary in school, home,
and do activities habituation to speak and act honestly in accordance with the level and
school level. Third, build connections in harmony and together among families and
communities in the collective responsibility to portray the character education. This
means that the process of character education in schools should be linked to the process
of education in the family. If any character education in schools based solely on the
interaction between learners and teachers in the classroom and school, then the success of
planting the character will be difficult to achieve as expected. Why is that? Mindless
strengthening honesty behavior requires a thorough process of education (holistic) rather
than a snippet of the span of time which is owned by the child. In every minute and
second child interaction with the environment will certainly have implications for the
process of influencing the behavior of children.18
Implementation strategies of management education for students whose fourth
character is through responsible. To grow responsibilities within the education system at
school with various activities spawned students who have the character of responsibility.
The character of this responsibility important cultivated in schools related to dimension
(1) responsibility to oneself, (2) the responsibility of the family, (3) responsibility to
society, (4) responsibility to the nation-state, and (5) responsibility to God as the Creator
of everything.
Responsibility towards themselves bore deep awareness to do all the things be
rights and obligations as human beings. As an individual creature has a distinctive
personality and characteristics that distinguish it from other people. As yourself have a
right and obligation to do to others or their environment in a responsible manner.
Characters responsibility starts with awareness alone to do seuatu with full confidence.
Character responsibility for students will give birth to self-awareness that every human
being has its advantages at once nor lack. Besides also will give rise to opportunities and
challenges to be faced by myself.

Dharma Kesuma, et al, Character Education Study of Theory and Practice in Schools, (Bandung: PT.
Youth Rosdakarya 2011), p.5.

Furthermore, the dimensions of responsibility terhadap family will bear awareness
on students that he was not only his own life, but having parents and siblings in the
family. His parents had to educate himself in the family with full responsibility, so he
kept himself to keep the good name of his family.
dimension responsibility to society can be cultivated on students in the school
environment. Effective school students can develop character that has self-awareness that
he could never live without a social life. Awareness of students as part of life in the
community fostered through the social system in school. There are rights and obligations
attached to the students as social beings to be implemented properly.
Dimensions responsibility towards nation-state can be fostered in the school
environment through awareness on students that he was in a state of Republic of
Indonesia to the ideology of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, norms and other
regulations that bind him as a citizen.
Dimensional character education the most fundamental and essential is that the
student self-awareness as religious beings must can account for everything that is done in
the world on the day of vengeance later (the Hereafter). Awareness and confidence in
students as creatures of God's creation with responsibility for prosperity of the earth for
the benefit and salvation of the world and the hereafter.
From the above discussion, it is clear that the implementation of character
education management Islami for students in Indonesia can be fostered through the social
system in school with regard implementation strategies to be realized effectively and
efficiently in accordance with the goal of character education that have been formulated
in the national education system.

Character education for students in schools is needed, even if the initial
foundation of character education is the family environment. School as a social system
can shape the character of students through effective and efficient strategy in accordance
with national education goals. For schools not only educate children in order to have the
intellect alone but to educate so that students have a good character. If the character
education successfully cultivated on students and soon students will become good

citizens, leaders who are honest and responsible, beneficial for himself, his family,
society, nation and country.



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